Use Web Animations API to expand div height 0 --> 'auto' - web-animations

I'm trying to get my head around the web animations standard and their polyfill, as I saw it work nicely in the Angular animations library (you set an animation end value to '*' and this becomes 100% of the div size, but that uses a special Angular Animations DSL).
I thought I would start with something simple, so all I want to do is expand a div from 0 height to 'auto'. i know there are thousands of other ways to do this, but I was trying to use web-animations-js with this code
The code below (which resembles an MDN example) causes the div to expand directly to 'auto' but after a 1 second delay, whereas I want it smoothly to expand.
let formDiv = document.querySelector("#new-present-form");
{ height: 0},
{ height: 'auto'}
], {
easing: 'ease-in-out',
duration: 1000,
fill: 'forwards' // ensures menu stays open at end of animation
By contrast this
height: [0, '100%'],
easing: 'ease-in-out'
}, {
duration: 1000,
fill: 'forwards' // ensures menu stays open at end of animation
causes the div to expand immediately, but again with no smooth transition.
This does give a smooth transition, but requires a carefully chosen value to replace '300px' and is precisely what I want to avoid.
{ "height": '0px', offset: 0},
{ "height": '300px', offset: 1}
], {
duration: 1000,
iterations: 1,
fill: 'forwards' // ensure form stays open at end of animation

Unfortunately, it is not directly possible to do this with Web Animations or CSS animations/transitions yet. That is because CSS does not have a means to represent an intermediate state between an 'auto' length and a fixed length. The proposal to fix this involves allowing 'auto' inside calc(), e.g. calc(auto + 36px). You can follow the progress of this development on the CSS Transitions Github issue.
In the interim, many people have been able to work around this by animating max-height instead. For example, if you expect your 'auto' height to be somewhere between 300px and 600px, then you could leave height as 'auto', and animate max-height from '0' to '700px'. It's not perfect, but for a short animation it's often close enough.
Alternatively, one could set the height to auto, get the used value of the height using getComputedStyle, and, supposing it returned 375px, create an animation from, height: '0' to height: '375px'. If you do not specify a fill on the animation then when it completes, the computed value of the height will switch from height: 375px to height: auto (which should make no visual difference but mean that the element's height responds to future changes in the content size).
Regarding the error about partial keyframes, that is a short-term issue where both Firefox and Chrome have not shipped support for omitting the first or last keyframe. Both Firefox and Chrome have implemented this feature and it should ship this year, however, it still won't fix this issue until auto is permitted in calc().
Update 22 May with (completely untested) code samples as requested:
// Option 1: Use max-height
{ maxHeight: ['0', '700px'] },
{ easing: 'ease-in-out', duration: 1000 }
// Option 2: Use used height
// (Beware, flushes layout initially so will probably not be very performant.) = 'auto';
const finalHeight = getComputedStyle(formDiv).height; = '0';
{ height: ['0', finalHeight] },
{ easing: 'ease-in-out', duration: 1000 }
Of course if you don't actually have anything below the div you might be able to
get away with a transform animation which will definitely be the most
// Option 3: Use scale-y transform = '50% 0%';
{ transform: ['scaleY(0)', 'scaleY(1)'] },
{ easing: 'ease-in-out', duration: 1000 }

If height is not mandatory you can try giving padding to the div.
#keyframes example {
to{padding: 50px;}
Vote up if it was help full.


Nextjs x Framer Motion inertial scrolling with page transition

I've been working on an inertial scrolling implementation within Nextjs using Framer Motion but running into a bit of trouble when animation page transitions using animate presence. I'm hooking into the page scroll progress via useScroll and animating the Y transform with spring physics. The issue, however, is when resetting the window scroll position when navigating between pages. After the component has unmounted, I call window.scrollTo(0,0) via the AnimatePresence onExitComplete callback, but because I'm transforming the page position via spring physics, the scroll reset doesn't complete immediately. So when new pages are mounted, the page transform to reset the scroll is still running.
Additionally, I've included scroll={false} in my Next Link components to prevent the default scroll to top functionality so I can handle this manually via the AnimatePresence component as mentioned above. But this doesn't seem to be working.
There's a bit of code involved so I created a minimal reproduction repo here.
I also notice that passing scrollY to the y property of the variant object prevents the unwanted scrolling behavior on page transition. But passing something like scrollY - 128 breaks the behavior:
const variants = {
hidden: { opacity: 0, x: 0, y: 64 },
enter: { opacity: 1, x: 0, y: 0 },
exit: { opacity: 0, x: 0, y: scrollY },
y value in exit variant wasn't being updated to match latest scrollY value. Solution:
useEffect(() => {
return scrollY.onChange((latest) => {
variants.exit.y = -scrollY.current - 128;

How to show fixed elements inside a web-animation-api transformed parent

I have a parent div transformed with the web-animations-api.
This makes the containing block, of any child fixed elements the parent rather than the viewport (as expected).
The parent transforms to translate3d(0, 0, 0) ... so just removing the animation/transform on complete would be perfect.
I cant find a simple* way to do this through the web-animations-api, is there one?
Previously this was done via CSS, or inlined styles & hence easy to remove on complete.
I have tried ..
amination.cancel(), inside animation.finished, but rapidly applying another animation to the
same el, breaks ... looks like fill mode flips from 'forward' to 'none'
adding an additional transform on animation.finished. This seems to work but messy.
{ transform: 'unset' },
{ transform: 'unset' },],
duration: 0,
fill: 'forwards'

Framer Motion text gets distorted when animating with shared layouts

I am in a Next.js enviornment and have wrapped my _app.js with .
Inside a page I have a basic routing set up to jump from page 1 to page 2.
On each page I have a motion h1 which looks like. So there are two components with matching ID's.
const stats = {
visible: {
opacity: 1,
hidden: {
opacity: 1,
exit: {
opacity: 0,
y: 50,
className="text-3xl text-gray-800 font-bold"
When I navigate pages the elements animate from their counter parts previous position.. but the text gets all distorted when animating.
How do I fix the distorted text?
You can try giving the value of "position" to your layout prop, instead of true.
As referred in the framer motion documentation
If layout is set to "position", the size of the component will change instantly and only its position will animate.
Since you are animating only position and opacity, it could solve your issue.

Zero width or height versus visible property in QML

Does setting an component's width or height to zero has the same effect as setting its visible property to false?
An example use-case:
I have an item, which slides into the window. The sliding happens by animating its height from 0 to x and when I dismiss this item from x to 0. Don't want to go in depth why I am not animating the position of the item instead. When the item has 0 height, should I set its visible property to false or it doesn't make any difference?
Not really, unless you clip. And it is better to avoid clipping as much as possible.
An Item with zero size will still have its children visible.
Whereas setting visible to false will hide the entire object tree.
In your particular case it seems like it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't cause you to have unwanted visible leftovers. You certainly do not want to have a binding such as visible: height as that would needlessly execute on every step of the animation.
Just to be on the safe side, you can install handlers on the animation to toggle visibility:
// in the animation
onStarted: if (!item.height) item.visible = true // show if start at 0
onStopped: if (!item.height) item.visible = false // hide if end at 0
This will avoid the continuous reevaluations you'd get if you bind visibility to height directly, but will still ensure visibility on before your object begins expanding and off after it has finished contracting.
As dtech already pointed out, the dimensions of the root node of a component do not automatically represent the dimensions of the underlying object tree. As an example take this:
Item {
id: root
Text {
id: txt
text: 'some text produces implicit width'
In this example the text of txt will be shown, though the dimensions of root are width: 0; height: 0.
As dtech already mentioned, you might set clip to true, but this is not advisable, as then it would be passed to the renderer, which renders the Item and its tree and finally applies clipping to it - in a seperate batch.
If you have something like that:
Item {
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: 'red'
The renderer would do nothing extra when rendering, as it could be processed in the same batch as the rest. However as a developer it is hard to tell, whether something is visible when the size is set to 0 or not. Therefore it is adivsable to always set visible properly.
We might simply set
visible: width > 0 && height > 0 && opacity > 0
which works fine, as long as we don't animate on any of those properties or change them frequently. At least for animations we might have good knowledge, when the any of those properties might become 0 and use this information to reduce the amount of evaluations.
The nice thing about QML is, that the logical expression is evaluated from the left to the right, which means in our last example:
If width === 0 and height changes, it wont trigger reevaluation
If height === 0 and width changes, each change triggers reevaluation.
This means, we need to put the most stable condition first. This might be our information about when any of those values might change. I propose, using the animation.running property, to prevent reevaluation of the binding, while the animation is running.
Let's take a more complete example: Upon click, this Rectangle will shrink from width: 800 to width: 0 - which shall set it invisible.
Or three additional properties binding1, binding2, binding3 are bound to expressions, that we might use to set visible. When ever a particular part of the binding is reeavluated, we log this.
Rectangle {
id: rect
color: 'red'
width: 800
height: 600
NumberAnimation {
id: ani1
target: rect
property: 'width'
from: 800
to: 0
duration: 3000
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: ani1.running = true
property bool binding1: {console.log("1", !rect.width); return !rect.width}
property bool binding2: {!ani1.running && (function() { console.log("2", !rect.width); return !rect.width })()}
property bool binding3: {(function() { console.log("3", !rect.width); return !rect.width })() && !ani1.running}
// equivalent, stripped of the logging:
// property bool binding1: !rect.width
// property bool binding2: !ani1.running && !rect.width
// property bool binding3: !rect.width && !ani1.running
As we can see, binding1 is constantly reevaluated, when ever the width changes. This is not desirable.
We can see, that binding2 is only evaluated once at creation, and whenever ani stops running.
In binding3 we have it the other way around and we first evaluate the width, and then whether the ani is running. This means, we have a reevaluation whenever the width is changing.
We could also use the signal handlers ani.onStarted and ani.onStopped and explicitly set the visiblity then, but that would not be declarative and QML encourages you to always strive to stay declarativ.

CSS3 height transition on DOM removal?

Please check the following fiddle:
When you click the div, the p's get deleted, and I expect that the div's height will be animted, but no animation happens. How can I achieve an animation with CSS3 only?
The issue is that there is no opportunity for the transition to occur. What I mean by this is that when elements are removed, they are immediately taken out of the document flow, resizing the parent if needed without a transition.
As a fix for this, you could animate the height of the paragraphs instead (or a similar means)
$('div').click(function() {
var $thisDiv = $(this);
$thisDiv.find('p').css({'height':'0px','margin':'0px'}); // Change p height
// Remove after transition
setTimeout(function() { $thisDiv.find('p').remove(); }, 1000);
