What is the New line in reports for dBase III? - dbase

In the generated reports I cannot go to a new line. I can add only 4 fields side by side but I want to add them in a new line.

If you are just printing to your printer (LPT1) as a device, after entering the code to switch devices from the screen to the printer just reference what line number you want to print on. Here's some code from an old program I used to print the page header, and subsequent headers as needed.
Early in your code:
SET CONSOLE OFF && so your output doesn't echo to the screen while printing.
Then call the Prt_Header() function to print the first page header. You must keep up with the line numbers as you print your detail records, and when you get to the bottom of the page use the EJECT command to kick out that page and send another call to Prt_Header().
nPage += 1
# 1, 4 SAY DATE()
# 1, 55 SAY "MyCompany INTERNATIONAL, INC."
# 1,121 SAY "Page " + STR( nPage, 4, 0)
# 2, 51 SAY "MY Report Name"
# 3, 4 SAY "Pay Group: " + cPayGroup
# 3, 58 SAY "For Period: " + cPeriodMon + "/" + cPeriodYr
# 4, 4 SAY cLines
# 5, 4 SAY "EXECUTIVE " + "(" + cParTitle + "): " + cName
# 5, 70 SAY "Member #:" + cDist
# 5,100 SAY "Sponsored: " + STR( nNoSponsored, 5, 0 )
# 6, 21 SAY cAddress
# 6,100 SAY "Qualified: " + STR( nQualified, 5, 0 )
if .not. empty( cAddress2 )
# 7, 21 SAY cAddress2
nLine_no := 8
nLine_no := 7
# nLine_no, 21 SAY TRIM(cCity) + ", "+ cState + " " + cZip + " " + =
nLine_no += 2
# nLine_no, 4 SAY "LN LEVEL I. D. NAME"
# nLine_no, 70 SAY "SALES BONUS PCT"
# nLine_no + 1, 4 SAY cLines
nLine_no += 2
nItem := 0
* EOP: Prt_Header()
But, if you're using a report generator this is not what you're looking for.


Fetching specific text from a dialog box using autoit

I want to get text from a dialog box. I am getting the title from the dialog box using winGetTitle() function.
My code in autoit is as follows:
$pId = Run("C:/foldername/Dialogbox.exe")
Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 10)
Local $sTitle = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]")
; Display the window title.
ConsoleWrite($sTitle & #CRLF)
; changing control from the class containg title to the class containing the text.
Local $hSysTray_Handle = ControlGetHandle('[Class:#32770]', '', '[Class:SysListView32;Instance:1]')
Local $sText = WinGetText("[ACTIVE]")
Local $sTextnew = ControlGetText($hSysTray_Handle, "", $sText)
ConsoleWrite($sTextnew & #CRLF)
This returns only the title and not the text in the dialog box. #32770 is the main class of dialog box and title, text are in the different classes in basic control info in autoit.
I am new to autoit and don't know how to fetch the text from dialog box. Or should I use sikuli for this?
; Start Mp3tag if not running.
If Not ProcessExists('Mp3tag.exe') Then
Run('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mp3tag\Mp3tag.exe"')
If #error Then Exit 1
; Scans working directory for Mp3 files.
WinWaitClose('Reading directory', '', 5)
; Main window.
$hWnd = WinWait('Mp3tag')
; Get item count of 1st column from the listview.
For $i1 = 1 To 5
$iCount = ControlListView($hWnd, '', 'SysListView321', 'GetItemCount')
If $iCount Then
ConsoleWrite('Found ' & $iCount & ' items.' & #CRLF)
If Not $iCount Then
MsgBox(0x40000, #ScriptName, 'Count is 0')
Exit 1
; Get text of each listview item in the 1st column.
For $i1 = 0 To $iCount -1
$sText = ControlListView($hWnd, '', 'SysListView321', 'GetText', $i1)
ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('%3d Text: %s', $i1, $sText) & #CRLF)
I do not have "C:/foldername/Dialogbox.exe" to test with.
I do have Mp3tag which has a SysListView32 control.
ControlListView() can get text etc. from a ListView control.
The parameter GetItemCount will get the count of list items
and GetText will get text from each list item.
This is test output:
Found 15 items.
0 Text: 01 - Lively Up Yourself.mp3
1 Text: 02 - Soul Rebel.mp3
2 Text: 03 - Treat Yourself Right.mp3
3 Text: 04 - Rebels Hop.mp3
4 Text: 05 - Soul Almighty.mp3
5 Text: 06 - Kaya.mp3
6 Text: 07 - Trenchtown Rock.mp3
7 Text: 08 - Soul Shakedown Party.mp3
8 Text: 09 - Natural Mystic.mp3
9 Text: 10 - Fussing And Fighting.mp3
10 Text: 11 - African Herbsman.mp3
11 Text: 12 - Keep On Moving.mp3
12 Text: 13 - Go Tell It On The Mountain.mp3
13 Text: 14 - How Many Times.mp3
14 Text: 15 - Bonus Track.mp3
The list item number is on the left
and the list item text is on the right,
following Text:.
At a guess, the code to test your Dialogbox.exe with:
$hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:#32770]", "", 10)
; Allow time for SysListView321 to fully load.
; Get the window title.
$sTitle = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]")
ConsoleWrite($sTitle & #CRLF)
; Changing control from the class containing title to the class containing the text.
$hLView = ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'SysListView321')
; Get item count of 1st column from the listview.
$iCount = ControlListView($hWnd, '', $hLView, 'GetItemCount')
; Get text of each listview item in the 1st column.
For $i1 = 0 To $iCount -1
$sText = ControlListView($hWnd, '', $hLView, 'GetText', $i1)
ConsoleWrite(StringFormat('%3d Text: %s', $i1, $sText) & #CRLF)
It could use some improvement even if it works.

How to get r to read 'date taken' of a JPG file

I could use some help performing a database correction, in regards to date and time of pictures were taken.
Essentially, the research we perform entails taking many pictures and entering the picture information into a database (we automated this with Microsoft Access). However, I performed a random check of our database and found that several dates and times of the photos were incorrect, and I am attempting to correct this via R as I was unable to correct it via Access.
What I need to do is to is write a script that reads these data, and compiles a list of the date taken information for all photos (there are several thousand). So far the best thing that I've found is
"E:/Whatcom Creek Project/Data/Seal photos/Discovery/Catalog/Phoca vitulina",
recursive = T))
However this returns a list of NA NA for all information. Also, if I manually select one image to run file.info on, it doesn't return date taken (see the picture for the data I am attempting to retrieve)
If anyone has any suggestions I am all ears. Thanks in advance!!
enter image description here
maybe still of any use?
i saw this message. I solved this a long time ago (2011) with a very basic VB6 code. The job is still working, but it is not applicable to all '.jpg files'. It depends with what camera the picture has been taken, but mostly pictures taken from a smartphone and classic camera's are returning the date the picture has been taken (not usable for whatsapp images or edited images).
The code is here below, and it is very basic code (but i hope it still can help or give idea's, and ... any new idea's are welcome too) :
'Reading of "Date Picture Taken" from .jpg file
Debug.Print ">>>>>==== Start Read of .jpg-file ===== "; Date; " ===== "; Time; " ====<<<<<"
X = 0
DatePictureTaken = ""
TimePictureTaken = ""
FOUNDdatum = False
SWdatum = False
TELdatum = 0
Foto = FOLDER & "\" & tabFileName(FotoNr)
Open Foto For Binary Access Read As #1
'get startposition of the field "date picture taken"
X = X + 1
Get #1, X, MyByte ': Debug.Print Chr(MyByte);
If Chr(MyByte) = ":" Then
SWdatum = True
Get #1, X + 3, MyByte
'Debug.Print "x+03="; Chr(MyByte)
If Chr(MyByte) <> ":" Then SWdatum = False 'Debug.Print "x+03="; Chr(MyByte)
Get #1, X + 9, MyByte
'Debug.Print "x+09="; Chr(MyByte)
If Chr(MyByte) <> ":" Then SWdatum = False 'Debug.Print "x+09="; Chr(MyByte)
Get #1, X + 12, MyByte
'Debug.Print "x+12="; Chr(MyByte)
If Chr(MyByte) <> ":" Then SWdatum = False 'Debug.Print "x+12="; Chr(MyByte)
'if a ':' is on the 3 locations (found above) then it is a date!
If SWdatum _
TELdatum = TELdatum + 1
End If
'the 3e date is the date the picture has been taken
If TELdatum = 3 _
FOUNDdatum = True
X = X - 4
Exit Do
End If
X = X + 12
End If
Loop Until EOF(1) 'Or X = 32765
If FOUNDdatum = False Then Close 1: End
BPdatum = X
EPdatum = X + 9
BPuur = X + 11
EPuur = X + 15
For X = BPdatum To EPdatum
Get #1, X, MyByte
'Debug.Print Chr(MyByte)
If Chr(MyByte) <> ":" _
' DatePictureTaken = DatePictureTaken & "/"
DatePictureTaken = DatePictureTaken & Chr(MyByte)
End If
Next X
For X = BPuur To EPuur
Get #1, X, MyByte
'Debug.Print Chr(MyByte)
If Chr(MyByte) <> ":" _
' DatePictureTaken = DatePictureTaken & "/"
TimePictureTaken = TimePictureTaken & Chr(MyByte)
End If
Next X
'Debug.Print "Date Picture Taken = "; DATUM
tbxDatum.Text = DatePictureTaken
tbxUur.Text = TimePictureTaken
Close 1
End Sub

How to know end of PDF File on Auto IT

I have an AutoIT script to open and scroll to end of PDF file by mouse action. By the number of times for scrolling is depended on the zoom percent and the number of pages. How do I determine the end of PDF file for configure the number of times for scrolling?
Below is the sample script. I fixed the number of times for scrolling is 15
Func OpenAllPDFFile($vardirectory)
If #error = 1 Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Path is invalid.", 2)
ElseIf #error = 4 Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "No report(s) found.", 2)
ElseIf #error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Fail to open report", 2)
$FileArray = _FileListToArray($vardirectory, "*.pdf",1)
$NewFileArray = SortPDFFile($FileArray)
For $i = 0 To UBound($NewFileArray)-1
ShellExecute($vardirectory & "\" & $NewFileArray[$i])
ConsoleWrite("Opening pdf file: " & $NewFileArray[$i] & #CRLF)
if WinWaitActive($NewFileArray[$i]) Then
ConsoleWrite("Pdf file " & $NewFileArray[$i] & " is opened" & #CRLF)
WinSetState($NewFileArray[$i], "", #SW_MAXIMIZE)
ControlClick($NewFileArray[$i], "", $varZoomPercent)
ControlSend($NewFileArray[$i], "", $varZoomPercent, $vPercent)
For $y = 0 To 15
If WinExists("[CLASS:AcrobatSDIWindow]") Then
MouseWheel($MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN, 12)
ConsoleWrite("Could not find pdf file: " & #CRLF)
If you really just need to go to the end of the PDF I would use Page Down like this:
Send("{PGDN down}") # hold key down
Sleep(10000) # hold it for 10 sec
Send("{PGDN up}") # stop holding it
You can increase or lower the time just by editing the sleep time(in ms).
I don't know how to scale it with the PDF size.
If you know the pagecount it would be easy. ;)
$t = $c * 200 # plan enough time for slow PCs

Why does XQuery add an extra space?

XQuery adds a space and I don't understand why. I have the following simple query :
declare option saxon:output "method=text";
for $i in 1 to 10
return concat(".", $i, " ", 100, "
", ".")
I ran it with Saxon (SaxonEE9-5-1-8J and SaxonHE9-5-1-8J):
java net.sf.saxon.Query -q:query.xq -o:result.txt
The result is the following:
.1 100
. .2 100
. .3 100
. .4 100
. .5 100
. .6 100
. .7 100
. .8 100
. .9 100
. .10 100
My question comes from the presence of an extra space between dots. The first line is OK but the folllowing lines (2 to 10) have that space and I don't understand why. What we see as spaces between digits is in fact a tabulation inserted by the character reference.
Could you enlighten me about that behavior ?
PS: I have added saxon as a tag for the question even if the question is not specific to Saxon.
I think your query returns a sequence of string values which are then by default concatenated with a space (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-xquery-serialization/#sequence-normalization where it says "For each subsequence of adjacent strings in S2, copy a single string to the new sequence equal to the values of the strings in the subsequence concatenated in order, each separated by a single space"). If you don't want that then you can use
string-join(for $i in 1 to 10
return concat(".", $i, " ", 100, "
", "."), '')
The space between the dots is basically a separator introduced between the items in the sequence that you are constructing. It would seem that Saxon's text serializer where it outputs to the console inserts that space character to allow you to make sense of the output items.
Considering your code:
declare option saxon:output "method=text";
for $i in 1 to 10
concat(".", $i, " ", 100, "
", ".")
The result of for $i in 1 to 10 return is a sequence of 10 xs:string items. From your output you can determine that the space is interspersed between each evaluation of concat(".", $i, " ", 100, "
", ".").
If you want to check that you can rewrite your query as:
for $i in 1 to 10
<x>{concat(".", $i, " ", 100, "
", ".")}</x>
And you will see your 10 distinct items with no spaces between.
If you are trying to create a single text string, as you are already controlling the line-breaks, then you could also join all of the 10 xs:string items together yourself, which would have the effect of eliminating the spaces you are seeing between the sequence items. For example:
declare option saxon:output "method=text";
for $i in 1 to 10
(".", string($i), " ", "100", "
", ".")
, "")

Python 2.7.3 Math Flaw( 40 million is less then six hundred thousand )

In my program, it thinks that 40 million is less then 600,000.
Here is the code:
(Stop it after it loops 20 times)
import re
import urllib2
x = 0
d = 1
c = 1
highestmemberid = 1
highestmembercash = 4301848
while (d==1):
x = float(x + 1)
if (x==14 or x==3 or x==11 or x==13 or x==15):
x = x + 1
print x,
url = "http://www.marapets.com/profile.php?id=" + str(x)
home = opener.open(url)
matchpoint = re.compile("<td align='left' valign=middle><B style='color:#(......);'>(.*?)</B></td>")
home = home.read()
home = home
points = re.findall(matchpoint,home)
if ("http://images.marapets.com/stuff/banned.gif" in home or "This user does not exist" in home):
print "banned/dosen't exist"
mp = points[0][1]
mp = mp.replace(" MP","")
mpcheck= mp.replace(",","")
mp = float(mpcheck)
if (mpcheck > highestmembercash):
highestmembercash = mpcheck
highestmemberid = x
print "richer"
print "Not richer!"
print mp
print "The richest player in marapets is player id #: " + str(highestmemberid) + "Who has: " + str(highestmembercash) + " MP."
if(x == 5368561):
print "The richest player in marapets is player id #: " + str(highestmemberid) + "Who has: " + str(highestmembercash) + " MP."
What the program does is grab cash amounts from the page, and then sees if this is the highest amount. It loops about 5 million times.
mpcheck is a string, you want to check that mp > highestmembercash and assign highestmembercash = mp.
