Bing Translator DNS address could not be - bing-translator-api

We are using the bing translater api in one of our projects for performing translations. The end point we use to call the api is:
To be able to call the API one has to authorize using the
Sometime in the last few days this url has become unavailable because the domain name resolution fails.
Exception: System.Net.WebException
Message: The remote name could not be resolved: ''
Is anyone else affected by this and know what is going on?

The datamarket domain, and the ability to sign up via the Azure datamarket has been replaced by a regular Azure service.
Visit and sign up for the Microsoft Translator Text API to get an API key. More detailed instructions at


does "app_key" means the same as "app_code" for HERE geocoding credentials on Python?

I am trying to geocode some addresses with python
so I created a freemium account on
my code is this
here = Here(here_config.app_id, here_config.app_code, timeout=5)
I am getting the following error message:
HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
my doubt comes from the difference between the terms "app_code" on my code sample and "app_key" on my credential screen.
Is there another step I need to do in order to get a "app_code" or is my "app_key" already supposed to be it?
P.S. on that same screen Here provides me an option of getting JAVASCRIPT keys, HERE SDK FOR IOS (PREMIUM EDITION) [this option cleary has a button that says "generate app_key and app_code", however, I am not developing a cellphone app, but a python program.
What am I missing ?
App ID and App Code have been replaced. We encourage all users to switch to API Key or OAuth 2.0 (JSON Web Tokens) authentication. Please be aware that as part of adapting to the new authentication method, some endpoints have also changed.
please check the new domains here
You can either use your ApiKey or App_Id/App_Code.
for example like this-{YOUR_API_KEY}&searchtext=425+W+Randolph+Chicago

Endpoint / API Key for Microsoft Academic Knowledge

I'm trying to use the MS Academic Knowledge API. I signed up for keys here as per the docs
When I use the key I get errors as follows
Endpoint is not supported
'Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key.'
I'm not sure what is going on here and which endpoint I need to use
The following works for me:
(replace "your_key" with your labs subscription key)
Additionally, you can see the URL you need to use for each different API when you use the "try it" test site

The authentication endpoint Kerberos was not found on the configured Secure Token Service

I've encountered a challenge regarding internet-facing deployment installation for CRM using a AD FS server. After the setup is complete, users are able to access the CRM server - but when trying to run custom pages the following error message is prompted:
"The authentication endpoint Kerberos was not found on the configured Secure Token Service!"
I've found several solutions on the internet for this issue:
First I found a KB article from Microsoft providing a possible
solution, this involves updating MEX endpoints by running a provided
PowerShell script.
But this doesn't seem to be the issue.
Another solution could be to update the CRM rollup version (currently have version 14 installed, latest is version 18) - this is something that I want to avoid as it might lead to further issues.
Have anybody else encountered a similar issue, and in that case how did you solve it?
I have just spent last few days to figure this exact same error message and it turned out that it was the "Domain" attribute in crm connection string. Copied my answer to my own question at the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community forum here:
"Well, I found the culprit - it was the Domain attribute in the connection string:
For connecting from outside the domain, it does not like to have a Domain in the connection string:
Connection string format 1 (without Domain attribute): "Authentication Type=Passport;Server=;;Password=pwd" - this works both inside and outside the domain ""
Connection string format 2 (with Domain attribute): "Authentication Type=Passport;Server=;Domain=myco;;Password=pwd" - this only works inside the domain but NOT outside (exception: The authentication endpoint Kerberos was not found on the configured Secure Token Service!)

The key is in the Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredential:
If Domain is NOT specified in the connection string, when connecting from outside domain, Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.UserName is populated whereas the ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredentials.UserName is empty.
But if the Domain is specified, Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.UserName becomes null and Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredentials.UserName populated, which led to the service trying to authenticate user as a Windows AD user so of course it would fail when running app from outside Windows domain. And it explains why the same app works inside the domain even with Domain specified in the connection string.
For more detail, refer here for my original post asking for help in Dynamics CRM Forum

I have registered app_id and app_key giving me this "error"Unauthorized","error_description":"Unauthorized. Th

for HERE REST api I have registered app_id and app_key and appended them in url but it is giving me this "error"Unauthorized","error_description":"Unauthorized. The request is not from an authorized source "
Also, the FAQs page mentions the following:
How do I generate an app_id and app_code for my application?
To generate an app_id and app_code for an application, you need to
sign in then go to to select and
register for the appropriate plan.
At the final step in the registration process, an app_id and app_code
is automatically generated for your application.
Please note, it can take up to an hour for a new app_id to be whitelisted against all services.
So if you had just created your credentials when you got this error, you may want to try again.
Looking back at the error I received when I attempted to access the API, however, I got the following response:
{"details":"invalid credentials for I5zJljd5cZyOx5SyROKT","additionalData":[],"type":"PermissionError","subtype":"InvalidCredentials"}
So it may be that Jason's comment above is more appropriate but I'll leave this answer for other users who may come searching after creating new credentials.
A good way to check your credentials would be to make a valid URL call to any of the REST APIs - e.g. the Geocoder API:{YO‌​UR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} - it gives an error response for an invalid pair.
As mentioned in the answer : Need separate credentials for WSE API? - you may need to request additional access for the HERE Platform extensions here is the support. Describe ur problem and attach an snapshot where you get error at what request. (URL)

HWIOAuthBundle Google login device_id and device_name for a webapp

I am working on a Symfony2 app. I'm using FOSUserBundle to handle authentication and recently integrated it with FOSUserBundle using this tutorial: .
The problem is:
I can login using the google api on localhost and everything works fine.
However when I try to login on a real server I get:
Error: invalid_request
device_id and device_name are required for private IP: http://<server_ip>/login/check-google
Request details:
Google documents don't mention these two parameters. I tried to manually send a request with device_id being a UUID and device_name set to "notes". The response I get this time is:
Error: invalid_request
Device info can be set only for native apps.
Request details:
Now, what am I doing wrong?
Google will not accept a local (private) IP address when doing Oauth or API calls. My workaround was to add an entry in my Windows hosts file for the local IP:
then register it with Google in their dev console. That appears as a "real" domain to them, but will still resolve in your browser or code to the local IP. I'm sure a similar approach on Mac or Linux would also work.
It really looks like your using the wrong flavor of oauth. device_id is used with Devices. I would really expect you to be using the WebServer flow. You may need one of the other flows as I don't see enough detail here to judge, but they all can be found at the links.
