API Status Page Response Codes - http

(This is sort of an abstract philosophical question. But I believe it has objective concrete answers.)
I'm writing an API, my API has a "status" page (like, https://status.github.com/).
If whatever logic I have in place to determine the status says everything is good my plan would be to return 200 OK, and a JSON response with more information about each service tested by my status page.
But what if my logic says the API is down? Say the database isn't responding or something.
I think I want to return 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (or 503 SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE) along with a JSON response with more details.
However, is that breaking the HTTP Status Code spec? Would that confuse end users? My status page itself is working just fine in that case. So maybe it should return 200? But that would mean anyone using it would have to dig into the body looking for a specific parameter to determine the API's status vs. just checking the HTTP Status Code. (Also if my status page itself was broken, I'm fine with the end user taking that to mean the API is down since that's a pretty bad sign...)
Thoughts? Is there official protocol on how a status page should work?

For me the page should return 200 unless has problems itself. Is true that is easier to check the status code of a response than parsing but using HTTP status codes to encode application informations breaks what people (and spiders) expect. If a spider passes for your page and sees a 500 or 503 will think your site has a page with problems, not that that page is ok and is signaling that the site is down.
Also, as you notice, it wont' be possible to distinguish between the service is down and the status page is down cases, with the last the only one that should send 500. Also, what if you show more than one service like the twitter status page ? Use 200.
Related: https://stackoverflow.com/a/943021/1536382 https://stackoverflow.com/a/34324179/1536382


unable to crawl a website using scrappy but the same website can be requested and used using scrappy shell using same settings

I am trying to crawl the website https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/105717104#/?channel=RES_NEW
but I get (410) error
INFO: Ignoring response <410 https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/105717104>: HTTP status code is not handled or not allowed
I am just trying to find the properties that have been sold using the notification on the page "This property has been removed by the agent."
I know the website has not blocked me because I am able to use the scrappy shell to get the data and also view(response) works fine too, I can directly go to the same URL using web browser so the 410 doesn't make sense I can also crawl pages from the same domain,
(ie) the pages without the notification "This property has been removed by the agent."
Any help would be much appreciated.
Seem's the when a listing has been marked as removed by and agent on Rightmove then the website will return status code 410 Gone (Which is quite weird). But to solve this, simply do something like this in your request:
def start_requests(self):
yield scrapy.Request(
'handle_httpstatus_list': [410],
Explanation: Basically, Scrapy will only handle the status code from the response is in the range 200-299, since 2XX means that it was a successful response. In your case, you got a 4XX status code which means that some error happened. By passing handle_httpstatus_list = [410] we tell Scrapy that we want it to also handle 410 responses and not only 200-299.
Here is the docs: https://docs.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/spider-middleware.html#std-reqmeta-handle_httpstatus_list

Cannot successfully make here map requests using my api key

I cannot get a success response using the example code shown in the here documentation: https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/dev_guide/topics/request-constructing.html
I created a Freemium account and generated two each of JS and REST api keys. Regardless of which key I try, I keep getting errors that seem to change with each attempt:
Sometimes a 404
Sometimes a 502
Sometimes a 504
Sometimes a 403 with a message I might understand if it happened every time:
Message: "User: anonymous is not authorized to perform: es:ESHttpGet"
Sometimes a 200 with a page not found error message from something called
Platform's Radar
Sometimes a 302 that redirects to a login for Kibana using a Live Nation account
For reference, a specific request from the documentation that I have been trying:
I am really not sure what is going on here.
On replicating the API call, it is resulting 200 every time. For reference find screenshot, please use correct APIkey

HTTP Status Code for Resource not yet available

I have a REST endpoint accepting a POST request to mark a code as redeemed. The code can only be redeemed between certain dates.
How should I respond if someone attempts to redeem the code early?
I suspect HTTP 403, Forbidden, is the right choice but then the w3c states that "the request SHOULD NOT be repeated" whereas in this case I would anticipate the request being repeated, just at a later date.
409 Conflict
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current
state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where
it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and
resubmit the request. The response body SHOULD include enough
information for the user to recognize the source of the conflict.
Ideally, the response entity would include enough information for the
user or user agent to fix the problem; however, that might not be
possible and is not required.
403 Forbidden makes more sense if they are trying to redeem a coupon that has already been redeemed, though 410 Gone seams elegant in this situation as well.
404 Not Found isn't ideal because the resource does in fact exist, however you can use it if you don't want to specify a reason with the 403 or if you want to hide the existence of the resource for security reasons.
If you are using HATEOAS, then you can also head you clients off at the pass (so to speak) by only including a redeem hypermedia control in the coupon resource (retrieved via a GET) when the coupon can be redeemed; though this won't stop overly bound clients from trying to redeem it anyway.
EDIT: Thanks to some good critiques (see below), I want to caveat this answer. It is based on Richardson & Ruby's writeup, which arguably doesn't mesh well with the httpbis writing on 403 Forbidden. (Personally, now I'm learning towards 409 as explained by Tom in a separate answer.)
403 Forbidden is the best choice. I will cite RESTful Web Services by Richardson & Ruby line by line. As you will see, 403 is a great fit:
The client's request is formed correctly, but the server doesn't want to carry it out.
This is not merely the case of insufficient credentials: that would be a 401 ("Unauthorized"). This is more like a resource that is only accessible at certain times, or from certain IP addresses.
A response of 403 implies that the client requested a resource that really exists. As with with 401 ("Unauthorized"), if the server doesn't want to give out even this information, it can lie and send a 404 ("Not Found") instead.
You wrote above: "The Code representation is available to be GETted before it goes live." So, you aren't trying to hide anything. So, stick with the 403. Check!
If the client's request is well-formed, why is this status code in the 4xx series (client-side error) instead of the 5xx series (server-side error)? Because the serve made it decision based on some aspect of the request other than its form; say, the time of day the request was made.
Check! The client's request was formed corrected, but it was inappropriate for the particular time.
We went four for four. The 403 code is a winner. No other codes match as well.
All of this said, a plain, non-specific 400 wouldn't be wrong, but would not be as specific or useful.
Another answer suggested the 409 Conflict code. Although worth considering, it isn't as good a fit. Here is why. According to Richardson & Ruby again:
Getting this [409] response response means that you tried to put the server's resources into an impossible or inconsistent state. Amazon S3 gives this response code when you try to delete a bucket that is not empty.
Claiming a promotion before it is 'active' wouldn't "put a server resource into an inconsistent state." It would break some business rules -- and result in cheating -- but it wouldn't cause a logical contradiction that I see.
So, whether you realized it at the onset of asking your question or not, 403 is a great choice. :)
Since Rest URLs should represent resources I would reply with 404 - Not Found
The resource is only available between certain dates, so on any other date it is not found.
When it says the request "SHOULD NOT be repeated", it is referring to the message that you should send to the viewer.
It has nothing to do with whether an actual request is repeated. (The user will get the same 403 message over and over again if s/he so desires.)
That said, a 404 is not appropriate for this because the resource is available - just that the code is not redeemable/forbidden to redeem. It is actually harmful because it tells the user that you probably made a mistake in your URL link or server configuration.
Of course, this assumes that on the appropriate date you return a 200 instead.

Is it acceptable to modify the text sent with the HTTP status code?

I'm implementing a 'testing mode' with my website which will forbid access to certain pages while they are undergoing construction, making them only accessible to administrators for private testing. I was planning on using the 401 status code, since the page does exist but they are not allowed to use it, and they may or may not be authenticated, yet only certain users (basically me) would still be allowed to access the page.
The thing I'm wondering is if the text after the HTTP/1.1 401 part mattered? Does it have to be Unauthorized or can it basically be whatever you want to put after it, so long as the 401 is still appropriate for the error? I wanted to send a message such as Temporarily Unavailable to indicate that the page is normally available to all visitors, but is undergoing reconstruction and is temporarily unavailable. Should I do this or not?
You may change them.
The status messages (technically called "reason phrases") are only recommendations and "MAY be changed without affecting the protocol)."
See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html#sec6.1.1
However, you SHOULD :-) still use the codes properly and give meaningful messages. Only use a 401 if your condition is what the RFC says a 401 should be.
Yes, the reason phrase can be changed. It doesn't affect the meaning of the message.
But if you need to say "temporarily unavailable", you need to make it 5xx (server) code. 503 seems right here (see RFC 2616, Section 10.5.4).
You MAY change the text (very few http clients pay any attention to it), but it is better to use the most applicable response code. Afterall, indicating the reason for failure is how the various response codes were intended to be used.
Perhaps this fits:
404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found but may be
available again in the future.[2] Subsequent requests by the client
are permissible.

Is it bad practise to serve an error 403 page for an application-level policy?

Say I have a website that allows anyone to log in through oauth or similar, but only allows certain uses to create or modify content. Should they somehow make a request for page for creating a new post, I'll do a check and redirect them if they don't have the appropriate permissions.
It is considered acceptable to redirect to the "403 Error" page in this situation? There was no actual HTTP response with a 403 status code, there was no database- or server- level query that was failed - just my business logic. Am I misappropriating the idea of HTTP status codes if I serve an error 403 page with a specific explanatory message?
You are free to do so, but I think if you want to expose an API you would use an actual 403 response because they carry meaning that will be nicely handled by the client.
If you want to display a page to the client and will be using redirect, you will lose this meaning of the "403".
Isn't it better to just redirect them to an explanation page without including the "403" code. Or better yet, redirect them to a more helpful place, like the sign up page if that is what they have to do to make a post, or back to the original page with a floating message.
We want to help the user get closer to their goals instead of confusing them with technical error codes.
There is often a lot of discussion about this very topic and it comes down to the following choices:
a 5xx? Of course not. This is not a server error.
a 400? Not really, it wasn't a malformed request.
a 401? Probably not, 401 is generally for authorization in general, not application-level permissions. If your user has already logged in but has the wrong role, and you want to let the user know, then use something else.
a 404? Perhaps, as the server can't find the resource for this particular user, but if you want to tell the user "well such a resource is available but you can't have it because you lack permissions" then go with something else.
a 403? Actually, this one makes a lot of sense. Here is the definition from the RFC
403 Forbidden The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.
In your question you mention your intention to redirect the user. If you are making a RESTFUL web service then just return the 403. If you are doing an entire web app, you can control the 403 and redirect....
