ReportViewerForMvc event on report load - iframe

I am loading a report in an iframe using ReportViewerForMvc. Currently, I have a spinner so that the user will know the report is loading. However, the spinner stops spinning when the iframe is placed on the page...not when the content of the report is finished rendering. I have found people using isLoading with $find but I am pretty sure that is just for asp and I need my to be in .Net
What is the simplest way to have spinner continue to spin until the report is loaded in the iframe?
Currently, I have a shared view for all reports that I am hoping to add some javascript to:
#using ReportViewerForMvc;
<div id="reportViewer">#Html.ReportViewer(Model.ReportViewer as Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportViewer)</div>

iframe onload does not work to stop spinner here.You would need cookies and client side script to accomplish that.
The server code will set the value in the cookie .Once the report is rendered the value will be read on the client side(cshtml) and spinner can be stopped.
Read this article.Here you can replace the blocker with the spinner.
//This should be called on the event when you are loading the report
//In your case you will route the url to controller or invoke the link
//for the report
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#create_pdf_form').submit(function () {
//This is where you will place the spinner
function blockUIForDownload() {
var token = new Date().getTime();
//use the current timestamp as the token value
fileDownloadCheckTimer = window.setInterval(function () {
var cookieValue = $.cookie('fileDownloadToken');
if (cookieValue == token)
}, 1000);
//This will read the token generated from the server side controller or
//aspx.cs or ashx handler
function finishDownload() {
// $.removeCookie('fileDownloadToken'); //clears this cookie value
//$.cookie('fileDownloadToken', null);
setCookie("fileDownloadToken", '2')
//On the server side set the token , it could be controller or ashx handler
var response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
response.AppendCookie(new HttpCookie("fileDownloadToken",
downloadTokenValue); //downloadTokenValue will have been provided in the
form submit via the hidden input field
//Lastly don't forget to add these source js files.
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.blockUI.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.cookie.js"></script>


How can i upload a file to server ( web form) with ajax?

My project is an online mock toefl test. In speaking section I want to upload a recorded file (audio) to server. for recording im not using flash and its only js.
I searched and find something useful but the server is php. and i cant turn the codes to (web form). please help me out.
In php i used this code in js :
function uploadAudio(mp3Data){
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(event){
var fd = new FormData();
var mp3Name = encodeURIComponent('audio_recording_' + new Date().getTime() + '.mp3');
console.log("mp3name = " + mp3Name);
fd.append('fname', mp3Name);
type: 'POST',
url: 'upload.php',
data: fd,
processData: false,
contentType: false
}).done(function(data) {
log.innerHTML += "\n" + data;
and this code in upload.php:
$res = mkdir("recordings",0777);
// pull the raw binary data from the POST array
$data = substr($_POST['data'], strpos($_POST['data'], ",") + 1);
// decode it
$decodedData = base64_decode($data);
// print out the raw data,
//echo ($decodedData);
$filename = urldecode($_POST['fname']);
// write the data out to the file
$fp = fopen('recordings/'.$filename, 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $decodedData);
How can i do this in, tanks.
You can use jQuery File Uploader on an aspx page. Your client can simply communicate withe an ashx handler at the server side.
One method, and perhaps the most simple solution, is to just use the <asp:FileUpload> control, and hide it from view. Then again, although this works well if you want the user to choose the files they're uploading, it might not be the best solution if you want to implement some kind of HTML5 drag'n'drop solution, etc.
Coincidentally, I spent pretty much all of last week studying how to upload files via javascript to ASP.NET web forms. I developed a drag and drop interface that uses HTML5, and also developed a fail-over method with which the user could choose and upload their files via the <asp:FileUpload> control.
Due to the feature being low-priority, we only fully developed the <asp:FileUpload> control, but I'm happy to share that feature with you here:
We're going to create an ASP file upload control, and hide certain parts of it. The rest of it, we can add styles to (or do whatever in javascript and CSS) to make it look fancy and customized. The CONTINUE BUTTON
<!-- Allow user to upload the file via the fallbackuploader -->
<div id="fallbackUploader" class="uploader-item-fallbackuploader uploader-item fallbackuploader step-container">
<div class="fallbackuploader-item-uploadcontrols fallbackuploader-item uploadcontrols">
<!-- Uploader Label (note: this serves as the visible "choose files" button too) -->
<label id="uploader_choose_files_button" class="uploadcontrols-item uploadcontrols-item-label button animated" for="mainContent_subContent_fbu_fileuploader">
Choose Files
<!-- Choose Files button (**NOTE: you'll want to make this control invisible. Try not to set the display to none, as that may cause ASP to omit rendering it -->
<asp:FileUpload ID="fbu_fileuploader" CssClass="uploadcontrols-item-aspfileloader uploadcontrols-item aspfileloader" runat="server" />
<!-- Continue button (NOTE: this button triggers the event that on the server side that will actually handle the file upload -->
<asp:Button ID="fbu_fileuploaderButton" runat="server" Text="Continue" ClientIDMode="Static"
CssClass="uploadcontrols-item-button-upload uploadcontrols-item-button uploadcontrols-item button-upload button continue-button hidden disabled animated" />
<!-- Cancel button -->
<div id="chooseFilesCancelButton" class="uploadcontrols-item-uploadcontrols-item-button
uploadcontrols-item cancel-button hidden disabled button animated">
Go Back
// Organizational container for the file uploader controls.
var aspUploadControlsContainer = $('.fallbackuploader-item-uploadcontrols');
// ASP control that chooses and loads the file.
var aspFileLoader_ele = aspUploadControlsContainer.children('.uploadcontrols-item-aspfileloader'),
// element that represents the "choose files" button.
aspUploaderChooseFilesLabel = aspUploadControlsContainer.find('.uploadcontrols-item-label'),
// ASP button that loads the file
aspFileLoaderButton_ele = aspUploadControlsContainer.children('.uploadcontrols-item-button'),
// the element created by the actual ASP "<asp:FileUpload>" control tag.
aspFileUploadControl_ele = aspUploadControlsContainer.find('input.uploadcontrols-item-aspfileloader'),
// the message/alert container
messagebox_ele = $('.uploader-item-messagebox');
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Bind the 'click' and 'change' events to the file uploader
// ------------------------------------------------------------
function bindAspUploadControlEvents() {
aspFileLoader_ele.on('change', function () { // add the on-change event for the file uploader.
console.log('File changed ...');
if (!aspUploaderChooseFilesLabel.hasClass('upload-disabled')) {
console.log('Choose-files label not disabled ...');
fileSelected(); // perform the file-selected actions.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Validate the selected file name and adjust the uploader.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
function fileSelected() {
console.log('File selected...');
var f = aspFileLoader_ele.val() || '';
f = f.replace('C:\\fakepath\\', '') || ''; // get the file name <-- ASP.NET masks the path as C:\\fakepath\\ for security purposes...we'll just take that part out.
var xlRegex = /.(xlsx|xls)$/i; // set the regex to test for accepted file extensions.
if (f.length && !(f.match(xlRegex))) {
// --------------------------- FAILED - show a message -----------------------------------------------------------------
console.log('File-name invalid. Displaying error message ...');
convertCFlabelToButton(); // <-- converting the label to a button and visa versa is probably a round-about way of doing what we wanted, but we were doing some other stuff with it that kind of made it a necessary evil :)
deactivateChooseFilesCancelButton(); // if nothing selected, disable and hide cancel button <-- these functions just do some fluffy stuff that you probably won't need.
deactivateUploaderContinueButton(function () { // if nothing selected, disable and hide continue button <-- these functions just do some fluffy stuff that you probably won't need.
messagebox_ele.text("You've selected a file with an invalid file name. Please make sure the file extension ends with \".xlsx\".").show(); // show the error message.
} else if (f.length && f.match(xlRegex)) {
// --------------------------- PASSED -----------------------------------------------------------------
console.log('File-name validated. Hiding messages...');
messagebox_ele.text('').hide(); // reset and hide any messages
console.log('Messages hidden.');
convertCFbuttonToLabel(f, function () { // this converts the button to a label with the given file name as its text
activateUploaderContinueButton(function () { // show and enable the choose-files continue-button
activateChooseFilesCancelButton() // show and enable the choose-files cancel-button
} else {
// --------------------------- FAILED - hide message -----------------------------------------------------------------
console.log('No file detected. Returning to default state ...');
messagebox_ele.text('').hide(); // hide any messages
// reset the label to defaults
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now we just need to add the VB.NET (or C#) to handle the click-event for the continue button.
Protected Sub fbu_fileuploaderButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles fbu_fileuploaderButton.Click
If fbu_fileuploader.HasFile Then
Dim FileName As String = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetRandomFileName())
Dim Extension As String = Path.GetExtension(fbu_fileuploader.PostedFile.FileName)
Dim FolderPath As String = ResolveUrl("~/" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FolderPath"))
Dim FilePath As String = Server.MapPath(FolderPath + FileName)
GetExcelSheets(FilePath, fbu_fileuploader.PostedFile.FileName, FileName, Extension, "Yes")
End If
End Sub
Other Caveats
We did a couple things in the above code that I did not explain, such as the "FolderPath" application setting (we used this in CODE-BEHIND section to determine where the file should be saved). If you've never used application settings in the web.config, it's very simple. For the sake of the above example, we would add the following snippet between our <configuration> tags:
<add key="FolderPath" value="uploads/"/>
I can then access the value of this appSetting using
ResolveUrl("~/" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FolderPath"))
ResolveUrl(String.Format("~/{0}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FolderPath")))
Also, I stopped with the function to "getExcelSheets" because that's more specific to my application, and probably beyond the scope of this tutorial.
Additional Resources
I have a good habit of methodically saving useful bookmarks. Here is what I have from my "File Uploader" section... - File Upload with ASP.NET
Reading files in Javascript using File APIs
Stack Overflow - jQuery Ajax File Upload to ASP.NET web service with
JSON response
Drag and Drop Asynchronous File Upload <-- DEFINITELY THE MOST
I solved my problem. thank you guys. I used web services. in svc file i wrote these codes:
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class Service
public void upload(string data)
byte[] base64EncodedBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(data);
string strFileDestination = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath + "somefile.mp3";
File.WriteAllBytes(strFileDestination, base64EncodedBytes);
in js file i wrote this:
function uploadAudio(mp3Data) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (event) {
Service.upload(, helloWorldCallback, onFail);
function helloWorldCallback(result) {
function onFail(e) {

how to save data into database without redirecting to other page in spring MVC

I am using Spring MVC. In my jsp page i have table which inline editable and with every table i have attached one button during edit (when you want to edit then just click on edit button in the dropdown, immediately that row will become editable and edit button will be visible beside that row) so when i will click it, immediately it should save the data of that row to database.
I can do that by providing a link (using tag) with button so when i will click this link, it will match with #RequestMapping in the Controller and from there i will save the data of whole table into database. Now again i have to come back to my previous page so again it will load whole page from database which is very costly.
Can some help me so that only that row id should go to controller and from there it should save into database and i don't have to reload the page again.
You should send your request via Ajax. The page will never reload, and you can choose to reload only a page segment. The easiest way is to use jQuery, bind a method to your links, something like
var link = $(this);
url: link.attr("href"),
dataType: "text",
success: function(text) {
// show success message to the user
error: function(xhr) {
// show error message to the user
// prevent links default action
return false;
The controller method can return a String, e.g.
#RequestMapping(value="/save", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody String saveToDB() {
// save to DB
return "success";

Rapid ajax requests to servlet causing performance issues

I'm new to programming with servlets and ajax. I have client side code that I use to track mouse actions over an image. I need to send the coordinates during a drag to the servlet for processing. I use ajax for this. I have the code working but there seems to be a lag in processing the requests in the servlet. Specifically with dragging.
Client Side Code:
// detect mousedown
var leftClick = false; // if user clicked the left mouse button
var rightClick = false; // if user clicked the right mouse button
var interaction={type:"",action:"",lClick:"",rClick:"",x:"null",y:""};
//if the client left clicks
//if the client left clicks
// detect dragging
// detect mouseup
rightClick = false;
leftClick = false;
function sendAjax(message)
url: "myServlet",
type: "POST",
data: message,
success: function (data) {
In Servlet: Simply printing the requests to test the performance
if (request.getParameter("type") != null) {
if (request.getParameter("type").equals("interaction")) {
sendMouseActions(request.getParameter("action"), request.getParameter("lClick"), request.getParameter("rClick"), request.getParameter("x"), request.getParameter("y"));
My biggest issue is that on a drag, because I have to send each coordinate, when I view my output, it continues to print out that I'm dragging even after I stopped the drag operation. This lag continues for sometime. Any advice?
Of course that will have bad performance. You should handle mouse movement stuff in javascript on the client side. For drag and drop send servlet only begin and final end position. Ajax requests are asynchronous, so you'll end up getting the coordinates out of order anyway if you you send a request each time onmousemove is fired. That's probably why its telling you that you are still dragging after you stopped; requests are getting out of order.

catch close browser with onunload function using master page in ASP.NET

I have a website with master page. I want to catch a user trying to close the browser/tab. When I try using onunload in the body tag, it fires not only when I try closing the browser, but also when I navigate to another page.
Any idea how to only catch the event of closing the browser?
You can't distinguish closing the browser from navigating to another page. In both cases the current page is unloaded.
update: maybe you can handle some cases with some jquery, i.e. whenever a link is clicked, set some flag to be able to distinguish it from closing the window or entering a new URL:
<body onunload="checkForClose()">
var _isNavigation = false;
$(document).ready(function () {
// whenever a link is clicked set _isNavigation to true
$('a').click(function () {
_isNavigation = true;
function checkForClose() {
// show an alert if _isNavigation is not set
if (!_isNavigation) alert("closing the browser (maybe)");
</script> mvc JavaScript in View User Controls rendered through regular browser request and AJAX request

I have this code in some of my ASCX files:
<%=Html.ActionLink(Resources.Localize.Routes_WidgetsEdit, "Edit", "Widget",
new { contentType = Model.ContentType, widgetSlug = Model.Slug, modal=true},
rel = "shadowbox;height=600;width=700",
title = Resources.Localize.Routes_WidgetsEdit,
#class = "editWidget"
Take note of that rel="shadowbox..." there. This is to wire up ShadowBox Lightbox clone for this ActionLink.
This works fine when user requests a page containing this User Control thru normal browser request. But I also render/build those View User controls trough AJAX requests. For instance, I would make request to /Widget/RenderToString/... using jQuery .ajax() method and it would return HTML code for that control. This works fine and it renders the code fine. I would then insert (append) the result to a DIV in a page from where the AJAX request was made. This also works fine and the returned HTML gets appended. The only problem is - ShadowBox is not wired up. Even though the code for it gets rendered.
It seems it requires page reload (F5) every time to wire ShadowBox up. Since I am doing AJAX GET and instant append to get rid of having to make a server roundtrip, I would also want ShadowBox to wire up without doing refresh.
Can someone help me with that? Thank you
Yes, I have this in my Site.Master head:
<script src="<%=Url.Content("~/Scripts/shadowbox-build-3.0rc1/shadowbox.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// insert functions calls here that provide some default behaviour
language: "en",
players: ["img", "html", "iframe"],
onClose: function() { location.reload(true) }
How do I init the Shadowbox again after AJAX call?
There are many shadowbox plugins... which one are you using? (I can't give you exact code without it.) In any case I imagine you have something in your $(document).ready(function () { ... }); that tells shadowbox plungin to bind itself. You need to call that again after the AJAX call.
Just found the solution here
// call this after adding the new HTML to the page
// set up all anchor elements with a "editWidget" class to work with Shadowbox
Shadowbox.setup("a.editWidget", {});
