Currently PayFlow Pro user, how do I upgrade to the latest? - payflowpro

I just inherited code base that uses PayFlow Pro, this product seems to be out of date and we'd like to upgrade to the latest product using PayPal SDK, what is the best way to do this? What is the best migration strategy?
Thank you.

Please find the SDK's here
If you are in US and processing your transactions via Payflow, recommendation would be to continue using PayflowSDK.


Sage Evolution website integration

A client asked us if it's possible to have the products on their website integrated with Sage Evolution so that when products are purchased online by users the stock values on Sage Evolution will be updated as well. The client would like this to be integrated with their existing WordPress site.
From what I've found so far, I don't think there's anything already available to use with WordPress except the SagePay through WooCommerce plugin. I'm not quite sure if this connects to a Sage client and updates the stock as well.
I found a Sage Evolution SDK that can be used but I doubt the client would buy with that kind of fees. There's also the SData api which I found here: Integrating with Sage Financial Software.
I'm not sure if you can use SData with Sage Evolution.
I would appreciate any help on this, thank in advance :)
As you've already noted, Sage Evolution has its own SDK and does not use the SData standard. Developers need to purchase a developer license and end-customers need to purchase a customer license.
I'd strongly recommend you don't go straight to the database as direct db writes could compromise transactional integrity and the Evolution database tends to change structurally quite frequently.
To use the SDK, you can't avoid the customer license fee but you can get a head start and avoid coding the integration by hand with Flowgear ( The Community plan is free and supports low transactional volumes. More about the connector at and
Disclosure: I work at Flowgear.

Meteor: What payment processors should I use for UK based company?

I'm wanting to take payments online. I've noticed that since the Meteor 0.9.0 update the Paypal package is now incompatible. I was intending integrating Paypal but that doesn't look possible at the moment, certainly not with that package anyway.
Does anyone know of any easy to integrate payment processors that I can use with Meteor?
Thank you
Go with
looks very promising!

What Paypal SDK should I use?

I'm working on an web application that has two types of users. Advertiser and Publisher. Both of them have credit(money) in their accounts.
I need to integrate Paypal payments so that an advertiser can add money to his balance. And also for the publisher to be able to withdraw money from his balance (money he made using the website).
I've gone through the Paypal REST and classic API's. Downloaded and browsed the .net code samples provided by Paypal themselves but I'm still having trouble deciding which SDK should I use to satisfy both scenarios with the best experience possible for the user. I'm inclined towards MassPay (in the MerchantSDK) for the withdrawals but I'm not 100% sure of this.
Any help or guidance is appreciated.
Many thanks.
The short answer is that you should use the REST SDKs if at all possible. PayPal's products are moving to that API and once everything is there, support for older SDKs will be discontinued.

Monetization issue in Developer portal

I am working on POC for monetization in Apigee developer portal
This is freeware working in cloud.
Here when I try to enable DevConnect Monetization and DevConnect Monetization Payment modules under DevConnect Mint category, I am getting error as “ Monetization feature not available. Please contact Apigee Support”.
Please check and revert back to us.
As mentioned in the comments, this feature is not available for free orgs. Possibly the use of API Products will do what you need in this regard.

How to integrate PayPal Express Checkout with ASP.NET Web Pages site ("Razor")

I have an ASP.NET Razor / Web Pages site that I need to integrate with PayPal Express Checkout. Edit: this integration requires more than just a simple PayPal-generated button, e.g., I need to dynamically set the price, item description, tax etc.
I am quite new to both Web Pages and PayPal integration so would like to ask what the preferred approach would be.
So far, I have found there are these options:
Use PayPal Helper for WebMatrix
Just read the PayPal spec and create a form with hidden fields etc.
Use some of the NuGet packages from PayPal
Inspire in some custom code like this one
No. 1 is probably some outdated code (both the release date and recent reviews suggest that), no. 2 will certainly work but I'll be on my own, I'm hoping that no. 3 would be the best answer but there are many of those NuGet packages and I haven't found any good examples yet, and 4 is an option if no other works.
Any suggestions? The goal is to have a simple form, below it my custom "Pay Now" button (preferably; could be also a PayPal-provided button) and when user clicks it, the website should redirect him to PayPal, process the payment notification / approval etc.
I realize this question is old, but if you're looking for SDKs provided by PayPal that support Express Checkout, then you have the following two options:
This SDK (formerly known as the "RestApiSdk") is built on the newer PayPal REST APIs and provides support for Express Checkout through the Payments API. All API calls use an OAuth token for security and the calls (and associated code) are a bit cleaner than its Classic counterpart. While some aspects of the REST services are still not quite up to par compared to Classic (e.g. Subscriptions), the Payments portion of the REST APIs is mostly at parity with Classic. Moving forward, this is the SDK that PayPal will be investing in and improving, so it's recommended that any new integrations use this SDK.
Recently, the .NET SDK repo on GitHub was updated with a Wiki that should hopefully make it easier to get started using the SDK. Also, a lot of work has also been put into the included samples project to help show how to use SDK with various use cases. And if there's a use case that's missing or needs better/more explanation, definitely don't hesitate to let me know on there. :)
PayPal Classic Merchant SDK
The Merchant SDK has been around for awhile and all the classes are auto-generated from PayPal's publicly-available WSDL schema files. While it provides support for every Express Checkout-related feature, using it is a bit more cumbersome than the REST-based SDK.
PayPal is no longer actively supporting the Merchant SDK and will only be providing bug fixes when necessary. For this reason, PayPal doesn't recommend using this SDK for new integrations.
If you find a feature that you enjoy using in this SDK that isn't available in the REST counterpart, please let me know here or on GitHub. One issue we've noticed for people looking to switch is the REST API does not provide payment history details for payments made via Classic calls. The PayPal SDK team is currently looking into ways this support can be added to the REST-based SDKs to make it easier for developers to make the transition.
The only option you have is to call rest api from web pages.
You can find the source code of rest api at following places.
if you just want PayPal Express Checkout the easiest way to do it is to simply create a PayPal "Buy It Now" button. You don't need to code anything.
You can find out how to do it here but the basic steps are:
Create the button inside PayPal.
Copy the button code inside PayPal.
Paste it into your website/email whatever.
Hope that helps!
