Server side meteor this.userprofile - meteor

I have the following code that renders the currentUsers' documents in a collection. However I want an admin belonging to the same organization to also be able to view and edit the collection. this.user.profile.organization does not work unfortunately. So, how would I allow the object to be available to admins from belonging to the same organization. EVery document that gets created gets the organization of the currentuser.
Meteor.publish('skills', function skillsPublication() {
return Skills.find({
owner: this.userId,

When you're on the server, you can always query the user document from the MongoDB database.
Meteor.publish('skills', function skillsPublication() {
const user = Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: this.userId })
// now you can do user.profile.organization
return Skills.find({
$or: [
{ owner: this.userId },
{ organization: user.profile.organization }
] // returns a document owned by the user or owned by the user's organization
Just a note, Meteor advises against using .profile field on your users collection, because that field is always published to the client. Meteor suggests that you use top-level keys on your user document instead.
For more info, read:


Meteor.user with Additional Fields on Client

In Meteor, one can add additional fields to the root-level of the new user document like so:
// See:
Accounts.onCreateUser((options, user) =>
// Add custom field to user document...
user.customField = "custom data";
return user;
On the client, one can retrieve some data about the current user like so:
// { _id: "...", emails: [...] }
By default, the customField does not exist on the returned user. How can one retrieve that additional field via the Meteor.user() call such that we get { _id: "...", emails: [...], customField: "..." }? At present, the documentation on publishing custom data appears to suggest publishing an additional collection. This is undesired for reasons of overhead in code and traffic. Can one override the default fields for Meteor.user() calls to provide additional fields?
You have a couple of solutions that you can use to solve this.
Null Publication
Meteor.publish(null, function () {
if (this.userId !== null) {
return Meteor.users.find({ _id: this.userId }, { fields: { customField: 1 } });
} else {
return this.ready();
}, { is_auto: true });
This will give you the desired result but will also result in an additional database lookup.. While this is don't by _id and is extremely efficient, I still find this to be an unnecessary overhead.
2.Updating the fields the Meteor publishes for the user by default.
Accounts._defaultPublishFields.projection = { customField: 1, ...Accounts._defaultPublishFields.projection };
This has to be ran outside of any Meteor.startup blocks. If ran within one, this will not work. This method will not result in extra calls to your database and is my preferred method of accomplishing this.
You are actually misunderstanding the documentation. It is not suggesting to populate and publish a separate collection, just a separate publication. That's different. You can have multiple publications/subscriptions that all feed the same collection. So all you need to do is:
Meteor.publish('my-custom-user-data', function() {
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, {fields: {customField: 1}});

How to normalise user data from varying structures in Meteor?

Users in my Meteor app can create accounts 'manually' or with the accounts-facebook package.
If they create an account manually then in the database their email is stored like this:
emails: [address: '', verified: false]
But if they use the Facebook login then its stored like this:
services: {
facebook: {
email: ""
I have an user account page where I need to display the users email and allow them to change it. How can I deal with the varying structure?
I made this React component to display the users email. When I just had the default Meteor user profiles it worked, but now Ive added Facebook login it errors as props.user.emails doenst exist.
<div className="form-primary__row">
{, i) => {
return (
<input defaultValue={item.address} key={i} name="email" />
This is my method for a user to update their email. It also worked when I just had Meteors accounts but won't work with Facebook.
'user.updateEmail'({ email }) {
{ _id: Meteor.userId() },
$set: {
'emails.0.address': email,
'emails.0.verified': false,
One approach is to use Accounts.onCreated()
The function should return the user document (either the one passed in
or a newly-created object) with whatever modifications are desired.
The returned document is inserted directly into the Meteor.users
Accounts.onCreateUser(function (options, user) {
// if the account is created using the manual approach,
// simply return the user object that will be inserted into
// the Users collection.
if (! {
return user;
// if user is created using fb's API,
// manually set the emails array, then return the user object
// which will be inserted into the Users collection.
user.username =;
user.emails = [{address:}];
return user;
The above ensures that the emails array always contains the email, whichever the login method the user chooses to use.

Access meteor.user subscription in template helpers using flow router

In my meteor app with Flow router, I am using the meteor subscription for fetching user data, but data in the helpers are not updating according to the user collection updations.
In my publications code,
Meteor.publish('fetchUserData', function(usrnm) {
return Meteor.users.find({'username':usrnm}, {
fields: {
profile: true,
services: true,
emails: true,
votedPatents: true,
userType: true,
followingUsers: true,
followedByUsers: true
In my router.js file,
Subs = new SubsManager();
FlowRouter.route('/:username', {
subscriptions: function(params) {
this.register('fetchUserData', Meteor.subscribe('fetchUserData', params.username));
action: function(params) {
BlazeLayout.render('main', {center: 'profile'});
In my client code
Template.profile.onCreated(function() {
this.autorun(function() {
var handle = Subs.subscribe('fetchUserData', username);
connections: function(){
var u = Meteor.users.findOne({'username':username});
return u;
Also should note that the helper function returns undefined for users other than Meteor.user() and I had also tried How to access FlowRouter subscriptions in Meteor template helpers? , but the result is same
Your publication returns 1 user: the user with the username passed as a param, so on the client, when you subscribe to this publication, you get one user.
When you do
you're searching through a collection that only has the one user you published.
To fix this, you need:
to publish all users to the client (not ideal for security reasons, unless you take good care of filtering out users that the signed in user is allowed to see)
subscribe to the publication with the user to look up each time you need to do a lookup (run the subscribe, then findOne() -> inefficient)
use a Method that will return the user you need without exposing everyone.

meteorjs meteor-user-status mizzao package: cannot get other users

Trying to implement mizzao/meteor-user-status user status package, but only getting the status for the currently logged in user (me). Others show undefined.
Code in /server folder:
Meteor.publish('userStatus', function() {
return Meteor.users.find({
"": true
Code in /client folder:
isOnline: function(username) {
console.log(username); //gets each username, not just logged me logged in
var currentUser = Meteor.users.findOne({
username: username
console.log(; //gets undefined for other users other than me
return; //returns undefined for other users
Maybe this needs to reference "userStatus" somehow instead of Meteor.users.findOne(...), but since global object was not created, e.g. like UsersOnline = new Mongdb.Collection - I don't know how to implement this.
Getting error in Chrome debugging tool: TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined, obviously, it only gets currently logged in user.
Edit: To clarify: I get other users from a custom "profiles" collection in Mongo that I created specifically to overcome the issue of not being able to read "users" collection, due to security, I guess. So I get the list of profiles and supply the user name to this function that supposed to use mizzao package to see if they are online. Since the package reads from "users" collection, it only returns current user (me).
I would be totally OK if I could modify the package for it to write to my "profiles" collection, if someone suggests how to do that.
Another update:
I ran the count on the server, and it returns only one (me, I guess).
var cursor = Meteor.users.find({
"": true
}, {
_id: 1,
status: 1,
username: 1
// Any other fields you may need
If you have a publication like this:
Meteor.publish('userStatus', function() {
return Meteor.users.find({
"": true
it will return users that are online only. So you get undefined for users other than you, because they are not logged-in.
Try logging in as a different user at the same time (i.e. using different browser), and see whether you can now see the status of that user.
You can always change your publication to:
Meteor.publish('userStatus', function() {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {username : 1, status : 1}});
and you will get statuses for all users. But if you only need to check the "online" flag (i.e. you don't need other features of the package), it is better to only send data about the online users and consider not published user as offline.
I guess you trying to read users before subscription is ready.
Meteor.publish('userStatus', function() {
return Meteor.users.find({
"": true
}, {
_id: 1,
status: 1,
profile: 1,
username: 1
// Any other fields you may need
Client (you should return cursor, which will re-run once subscription is ready):
isOnline: function(username) {
console.log(username); //gets each username, not just logged me logged in
var cursor = Meteor.users.find({username: username});
var currentUser = cursor.fetch()[0];
if(currentUser.status &&{
console.log(; //gets undefined for other users other than me
return; //returns undefined for other users
return {};

Adding a field to the user document on new user creation (Meteor)

I'm trying to add a field, score, to users on creation.
I put this code in the server hook:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
user.score = 1;
return user;
But when I try Meteor.user() in the console, I don't see the score object.
You're following the right approach for inserting the extra key, using onCreateUser is correct.
However, by default Meteor doesn't publish all the keys in the user object. On the client you will only see _id, emails, and profile. If you want to see score on the client you can either stuff it into the profile instead of at the root of the user document (easiest):
user.profile.score = 1; // in onCreateUser
or include the score key in a user publication on the server:
return Meteor.find({ _id: this._id },{ fields: { profile: 1, emails: 1, score: 1 }});
And subscribe to it on the client:
