How to decript AES having part of the message? (with key) - encryption

How can we decrypt message (if possible) having part of original message, part of encoded text, IV and key? Assume, we have only one block.
IV = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
original text =
__ __ __ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
encripted text = XX YY ZZ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
(we don't know __ bytes, but we know key)
Additionally, known byte count from original and encriptrd texts will always be 16
All previous blocks (encrypted) are known. Initial chaining mode is CBC, but we can decode all previous blocks with given key and IV. This would be the last one.
This is why we can assume, that we have only one block and chaining is ECB.

In order to decrypt a portion of CBC mode encrypted data the prior encrypted block is needed. See CBC mode.
On encryption it is the previous block's encrypted data that is xor'ed with the plain text. In the case of the first block it is the IV that is xor'ed with the data.


How could I determine this checksum pattern?

Let's assume that I have 512-byte packets plus a 16-bit CRC at the end. I would like to determine what the CRC parameters are.
It's a Fujitsu chip, where I'm writing the the flash with a programmer, the programmer calculates the CRC for me, and I read out the CRC with an oscilloscope. I have the ability to check every possible combination.
My test messages are 512 zeros except for one byte that I set to the values 0 to 17 in decimal. The one byte is one of the first four or last two in the packet. Here are the resulting CRCs in hexadecimal, where the rows are the value of the byte, and the columns are which byte is set:
00 01 02 03 510 511
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
01 0x8108 0x0100 0x3020 0xC6B0 0xF1F0 0x8108
02 0x8318 0x0200 0x6040 0x0C68 0x62E8 0x8318
03 0x0210 0x0300 0x5060 0xCAD8 0x9318 0x0210
04 0x8738 0x0400 0xC080 0x18D0 0xC5D0 0x8738
05 0x0630 0x0500 0xF0A0 0xDE60 0x3420 0x0630
06 0x0420 0x0600 0xA0C0 0x14B8 0xA738 0x0420
07 0x8528 0x0700 0x90E0 0xD208 0x56C8 0x8528
08 0x8F78 0x0800 0x0008 0x31A0 0x0AA8 0x8F78
09 0x0E70 0x0900 0x3028 0xF710 0xFB58 0x0E70
10 0x0C60 0x0A00 0x6048 0x3DC8 0x6840 0x0C60
11 0x8D68 0x0B00 0x5068 0xFB78 0x99B0 0x8D68
12 0x0840 0x0C00 0xC088 0x2970 0xCF78 0x0840
13 0x8948 0x0D00 0xF0A8 0xEFC0 0x3E88 0x8948
14 0x8B58 0x0E00 0xA0C8 0x2518 0xAD90 0x8B58
15 0x0A50 0x0F00 0x90E8 0xE3A8 0x5C60 0x0A50
16 0x9FF8 0x1000 0x0010 0x6340 0x1550 0x9FF8
17 0x1EF0 0x1100 0x3030 0xA5F0 0xE4A0 0x1EF0
As you can see the first and last bytes give the same value. I tried several variations of CRC-16, but without much luck. The closet one was CRC-16 with polynomial 0x1021 and initial value 0.
The fact that every single CRC ends in 0 or 8 strongly suggests that it is not a 16-bit CRC, but rather a 13-bit CRC. Indeed, all of the sequences check against a 13-bit CRC with polynomial 0x1021 not reflected, initial value zero, and final exclusive-or zero.
We can't be sure about the initial value and final exclusive-or unless you can provide at least one packet with a length other than 512. With only examples of a single length, there are 8,191 other combinations of initial values and final exclusive-ors that would produce the exact same CRCs.

q{} removing spaces in a raku map

This Raku expression converts color codes from RGB to HEX:
raku -e 'my #array = (0, 255, 0), { #^a «+» (25.5, -25.5, 0) } ... ( * ~~ (255, 0, 0 ) );
say "#" ~ *.fmt: "%02X"'
(#00 FF 00 #19 E5 00 #33 CC 00 #4C B2 00 #66 99 00 #7F 7F 00 #99 66 00 #B2 4C 00 #CC 33 00 #E5 19 00 #FF 00 00)
Adding q{} to the expression removes spaces:
raku -e 'my #array = (0, 255, 0), { #^a «+» (25.5, -25.5, 0) } ... ( * ~~ (255, 0, 0 ) );
say "#" ~ *.fmt: "%02X", q{}'
(#00FF00 #19E500 #33CC00 #4CB200 #669900 #7F7F00 #996600 #B24C00 #CC3300 #E51900 #FF0000)
I have not been able to figure out why adding 'q{}' to the expression removes spaces. I would aprreciate any hint on this issue. Thanks.
Per the doc for .fmt applied to a List, the routine's signature is:
method fmt($format = '%s', $separator = ' ' --> Str:D)
▲▲▲ - default separator
So, by default, each three element List like (0, 255, 0) will turn into three formatted elements separated by a space when you don't specify the separator, but unseparated when you specify a null string as the specifier.
q{} is a string (using the Q lang) that specifies a null string (ie it's the same as '').
Hence the result you're seeing.

Is there Zlib for R ? raw inflate function - how to decompress hexadecimal values

I need to decompress hex values and convert those to string.
Actual problem is that i'm not able to figure out how to decompress hex values
Hex do not contain any headers,
If i copy hex codes to CyberChef i'm able to decompress those and have original string
In CyberChef only Raw Inflate operation is needed
So i'm hoping help how to do raw inflate in R
I have tried memDecompress using all options without success (i.e gzip etc)
Here is a sample from hex:
e3 0e 71 0d 0e f1 54 c8 cb 2f 52 30 02 00
which i'm able to convert using CyberChef to string
".TESTI nor 2"
RLdata<- sqlQuery(connection, ..... AS Varbinary(max) AS NOTEShort ......
> RLdata$NOTEshort[4268]
[1] e3 0e 71 0d 0e f1 54 c8 cb 2f 52 30 02 00
> unlist(RLdata$NOTEshort[4268])
[1] e3 0e 71 0d 0e f1 54 c8 cb 2f 52 30 02 00
> memDecompress(unlist(RLdata$NOTEshort[4268]),type = "gzip", asChar = TRUE)
Error in memDecompress(unlist(RLdata$NOTEshort[4268]), type = "gzip", :
internal error -3 in memDecompress(2)
> memDecompress(unlist(RLdata$NOTEshort[4268]),type = "unknown", asChar = TRUE)
[1] "ã\016q\r\016ñTÈË/R0\002"
Warning message:
In memDecompress(unlist(RLdata$NOTEshort[4268]), type = "unknown", :
unknown compression, assuming none
If you convert it into Base64 and then decode it back to Hex I think it decompresses to original, but may have been changed by a bug fix. It used to do this a couple of years back but I haven't used CyberChef in a while, sorry
Had to do this using python3. Zlib.decompress() did the trick.
Link to python solution
Read Dynamics NAV Table Metadata with SQL

ISO8583 message decoding

I am just beginner to ISO 8583 messaging format.
So, i already search information about that at WIKI and Code Project
So as i understand about that is..
this message we can divide 3 parts ...
1.MTI (Message Type Indicator)
1.2.Message Class
1.3.Message Function
1.4.Message Origin
Indicate which data elements are present.
The essence of the whole ISO message, contain information about the transaction such as ...
transaction type,
and so on.
So, After i reading these two web references, I want to make divide my ISO messaging log as MTI, bitmap, and Data Element.
For example.
(0800 2020000000800000 000000 000001 3239313130303031)
MTI: 0800 (1987 version, Network Management Message, Request, Acquirer)
Bitmap: 20 20 00 00 00 80 00 00 (eg. 20 = 0010 0000 ,so position 3 is on)
DataElement:(by seeing Bitmap , we can defined data element as follow)
field 03:000000 (Processing Code)
field 11:000001 (Systems trace audit number)
field 41:3239313130303031 (Card acceptor terminal idenfication)
But my problem is, I already have ISO 8583 messaging log from my ATM Machine.
This actual output messaging log is not very clear like this upper example.
So I cannot divide this message to MTI, Bitmap and Data element like upper example.
Here are my Example of data
00 14 5e 47 2e d8 00 1a d4 0c 32 0f 08 00 45 00
00 7b b2 ec 40 00 80 06 e5 29 ac 11 05 37 ac 11
05 0d 1a 78 1a 78 bf 1c 66 c8 8f 11 b5 a9 50 18
3f b6 c8 f6 00 00 00 51 31 31 1c 30 30 32 1c 1c
1c 31 3b 1c 3b 35 32 36 34 30 32 31 37 30 33 32
36 34 30 32 34 3d 31 34 30 35 32 32 31 31 30 30
What you have there as a sample is just the representation of the transaction info as it's transmitted over the wire. This is effectively the way all data transmission looks like at the transport layer, regardless of application.
Depending on the terminal management application/switch you're using (Postilion and Base24 are good examples), there should be a translation of that hex payload into ASCII text somewhere in your logs.
For the sample you have, you should first convert it to binary and then convert the binary result to ASCII. Using those steps, I can tell you the Institution Identifier Number (or Bank Identifier Number) in that sample is 526402. The snippet you've posted contains the Track 2 data, which also has the PAN in it. I'm not posting that here for obvious reasons (I'm not even going to apply the masking to it)
The hexadecimal dump for sure is not ISO 8583 dialect message. There are lot Field Separators with Hex code 0x1C.
The bytes at the beginning of your example looks like several layers of different packets. I do not pretend to correct decryption, but it might be Mobile IP packet inside IP packet inside TCP packet.
The last, most important part for your investigations - is the part of NDC Message - the Network message protocol from NCR for ATMs.
TCP - RFC 793
00 14 5e 47 2e d8 00 1a d4 0c 32 0f 08 00 45 00
00 7b b2 ec __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
source_port: "0014" # // 20
destination_port: "5E47" # // 24135
sequence: "2ED8001A" # // 785907738
acknowledgment: "D40C320F" # // 3557569039
offset: "00" # [xxxx____]
bits: "00" # Control Bits
window: "4500" # // 17664
crc: "007B"
urgency: "B2EC" # // 45804
IP - RFC 791
__ __ __ __ __ __ 40 00 80 06 e5 29 ac 11 05 37 ac 11
05 0d 1a 78 1a 78 bf 1c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
version: "4"
IHL: "0" # Internet Header Length (in DWORDs)
type: # Type of Service
precedence: "00"
# 000_____ - Routine
delay: "00"
# ___0____ - Normal Delay
throughput: "00"
# ____0___ - Normal Throughput
relibility: "00"
# _____0__ - Normal Relibility
size: "8006" # // 32774
identifier: "E529"
flags: "AC11"
# _0______________ - May Fragment
# __1_____________ - More Fragments
offset: "0C11" # [___xxxxxxxxxxxxx] // 3089
ttl: "05" # // 5
protocol: "37" # // 55 - MOBILE
crc: "AC11"
source_ip: "050D1A78" # //
destination_ip: "1A78BF1C" # //
Mobile IP (?) - RFC 3344
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 66 c8 8f 11 b5 a9 50 18
3f b6 c8 f6 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
protocol: "66" # // 102 - PNNI
code: "C8" # // 200
crc: "8F11"
destination_ip: "B5A95018" # Home address //
source_ip: "3FB6C8F6" # Original sender //
Plus not identified part or already header from NDC message:
__ __ __ __ 00 00 00 51 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
NDC Transaction Request Message (beginning)
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 31 31 1c 30 30 32 1c 1c
1c 31 3b 1c 3b 35 32 36 34 30 32 31 37 30 33 32
36 34 30 32 34 3d 31 34 30 35 32 32 31 31 30 30
a: "" # Protocol Header // skipped
b: "1" # Message Class
c: "1" # Message Sub-Class
FS: 0x1c
d: "002" # Logical Unit Number (LUNO)
FS: 0x1c
FS: 0x1c
e: // empty ?
FS: 0x1c
f: "1" # Top of Receipt Transaction Flag
g: ";" # Message Co-Ordination Number // 0x3b
FS: 0x1c
h: ";526402******4024=1405221100" # Track 2 Data // masked and expired
The rest part of NDC message in the next network packet / fragment.
#user3223324 I agree with #kolossus on many of his points including someones personal info appears in your trace. I can only hope it is a true test card.
This looks like a packet sniffer trace such as from Wireshark and not trace off of the terminal. Most ATM manufacturers have a trace mechanism right on the terminal itself that can be activated to capture Terminal to Host message and vice-versa but on newer machines requires escalated privilege or something in the possession of the field technician to activate with masking disabled. The host systems all also have a trace functionality that will at least turn it to text usually also accompanied by the hex for comparison. I believe Wireshark also has some basic HEX to Text conversion tools built into it.
The other problem I see you possibly encountering is that you are trying to decode something that you think is ISO-8583 but it is not. I know there are ISO-8583 ATMs out there, but they are few and far between as I believe most still run IFX, NDC, 911/912 or one of the other vendor specific formats or an emulation of them. Those are much shorter payload messages and there is little to no commonality between them and / or ISO-8583.
On variants of ISO-8583, there are many many variants that share the same primary, secondary, and some tertiary bitmaps. The specification itself allows for a lot of flexibility and customization and definition within certain criteria for many of the bitmaps, and then even the standard ones can have unique differences in the values they contain.
Most I see today are still a variant of ISO-8583-87 (Deluxe's is baseline of many) or a hybrid primarily supporting 01xx, 02xx, 04xx, and 08xx messages. I wouldn't get hung up on the first position too much as other than internally within applications (i.e. Postilion & Base24) it is almost always 0. Some are all text, some BCD with packed bitmaps, some text bitmaps with packed numerics.
The other thing you are going to have to account for is data element ByteMaps and now TLV as well.
So long answer, but we would need to know the format you are trying to parse or at least the make of the ATM.
To reverse a hex dump to a message can be very error prone.
ISO8583 protocol implementation varies based on the data it carries and the format of the individual fields. The field data can be BCD, ASCII etc and it may be fixed data or variable data that has a length indicator preceding the data to enable parsing.
If I look at your message closely, I see a lot of 0x1C's in it. These are generally field separators and it leads me to believe the message is a raw atm message in the atms specification and is not a traditional ISO8583 message.

UDP packet does not arrive

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. If not, i will remove it...
Anyway, i have made driver for enc28j60 for LPC1788 and I'm trying to send UDP message to it from iOS. Sending fails.
Communication starts by iOS sending the ARP request. On LPC i make response and send it to iOS MAC address. I have read RFC for ARP and created packet by the specification, but for some reason i dont see the response in network sniffer.
That would for sure indicate that my response routine does not work, if there was not this case when i send udp message from OSX (nc -u port) that comes correctly to LPC.
The difference that i observed is that OSX sends the request which is 42bytes long and gets 60bytes long response with last 18bytes of 0's (padding bytes), and iOS sends the 60byte long request with last 4bytes as 90 eb 58 96.
I tried to respond with all padding zeros, and with copying those 4 bytes, but neither approach worked.
OSX ARP(req, res) and UDP package is visible in sniffer.
iOS ARP req is visible in sniffer and nothing else.
Any idea ?
IOS code:
CFSocketRef sock = CFSocketCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, 0, NULL, NULL);
if ( sock == NULL) {
NSLog(#"CfSocketCreate Failed");
struct sockaddr_in remoteAddress;
memset(&remoteAddress, 0, sizeof(remoteAddress));
remoteAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
remoteAddress.sin_len = sizeof(remoteAddress);
remoteAddress.sin_port = htons(1200);
remoteAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
char data[] = "test";
NSData *message_data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&data length:4];
NSData* remoteAddressData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddress length:sizeof(remoteAddress)];
CFSocketError er = CFSocketSendData(sock, (__bridge CFDataRef)(remoteAddressData), (__bridge CFDataRef)message_data, 0);
LPC code:
void make_arp_response (uint8_t *buffer)
uint16_t pos = sizeof (ethernet.source)+sizeof (ethernet.dest);
uint8_t type[2];
type[0] = ARP_TYPE>>8;
type[1] = (uint8_t)ARP_TYPE;
memcpy (buffer+pos, &type, sizeof (ethernet.type)); pos = sizeof(ethernet); //set ethernet type
arp.hwType = ((0x01)<<8);
memcpy (buffer+pos, &arp.hwType, sizeof (arp.hwType)); pos += sizeof(arp.hwType);
arp.protocol[0] = 0x08;
arp.protocol[1] = 0x00;
memcpy (buffer+pos, &arp.protocol, sizeof (arp.protocol)); pos += sizeof(arp.protocol);
memcpy (buffer+pos, &arp.macLen, sizeof (arp.macLen)); pos += sizeof(arp.macLen);
memcpy (buffer+pos, &arp.ipLen, sizeof (arp.ipLen)); pos += sizeof(arp.ipLen);
arp.opCode = (0x02) << 8;
memcpy (buffer+pos, &arp.opCode, sizeof (arp.opCode)); pos += sizeof(arp.opCode);
memcpy (buffer+pos, &macaddr, sizeof (arp.sourceMac)); pos += sizeof(arp.sourceMac);
memcpy (buffer+pos, &arp.destIP, sizeof (arp.sourceIp)); pos += sizeof(arp.sourceIp);
memcpy (buffer+pos, &arp.sourceMac, sizeof (arp.destMac)); pos += sizeof(arp.destMac);
memcpy (buffer+pos, &arp.sourceIp, sizeof (arp.destIP));
enc28j60_PacketSend(sizeof (ethernet)+sizeof (arp),buf);
It seems that this is not just an iOS problem, but problem with Wifi clients. I have tried to send UDP from windows laptop over wifi and it also sends the ARP request but response and UDP packet got lost somehow. It seems that my ruter have some problems with my LPC :)
I have also tried to connect Arduino to the same enc28j60 board instead of LPC, and UDP communication works.
Library for arduino is found somewhere on the NET. ARP response in arduino code looks the same to me.
Arp request:
ff ff ff ff ff ff 85 29 fb 0d c2 71 08 06 00 01
08 00 06 04 00 01 85 29 fb 0d c2 71 c0 a8 05 28
00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 a8 05 08 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 a9 c3
Arp response:
85 29 fb 0d c2 71 7b c3 53 a6 9c 55 08 06 00 01
08 00 06 04 00 02 7b c3 53 a6 9c 55 c0 a8 05 08
85 29 fb 0d c2 71 c0 a8 05 28
This response is dumped from LPC just after sending it on wire. I didnt saw it in sniffer.
