error:Must declare the scalar variable "#ID" & sql server2014 - & sql server 2014 : why this error appearMust declare the scalar variable"#ID" I looked on goggle and I think it has something to do with insert parameters for ID. Then again I read there could be a typo error.
As I am not going to insert ID column manually I think this is why I am having problem(s) and I don't know how to solve this problem. i cant find out what is missing or wrong could you help please
string query = "insert into LegRent(ID, Day, Date, Name, Nationality, relegon, NatID, Name2, Nationality2, relegon2, NatID2, Type, Building, Flat, UseFor, Duration, StartFrom, EndIn, RentValue, OnlyAr, YearPercent, InsuranceValue, OnlyArInsur, Addres2, Addres) values (#ID, #Day, #Date, #Name, #Nationality, #relegon, #NatID, #Name2, #Nationality2, #relegon2, #NatID2, #Type, #Building, #Flat, #UseFor, #Duration, #StartFrom, #EndIn, #RentValue, #OnlyAr, #YearPercent, #InsuranceValue, #OnlyArInsur, #Addres2, #Addres)";
string query2 = "Select ##Identity";
int ID;
string connect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Construction;Integrated Security=SSPI;";
using (OleDbConnection conn2 = new OleDbConnection(connect))
using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(query, conn2))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", idtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Day", daytxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Date", datetxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name", namedd.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Nationality", ddNati.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#relegon", ddRelgon.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NatID", NatIDtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name2", namedd2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Nationality2", ddNati2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#relegon2", ddRelgon2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NatID2", NatIDtxt2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Type", typrdd.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Building", buileddd.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Flat", flatdd.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UseFor", usetxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Duration", durationtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#StartFrom", starttxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#EndIn", endtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#RentValue", vluetxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#OnlyAr", onlytxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#InsuranceValue", insurtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#OnlyArInsur", insuronlytxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#YearPercent", percenttxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Addres2", adresstxt2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Addres", adresstxt.Text);
cmd.CommandText = query2;
ID = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
lbl_msg.Text = "تـــم الحفظ";
int rentMonths = 0;
bool isInt = int.TryParse(durationtxt.Text, out rentMonths);
if (isInt)
for (int index = 0; index < rentMonths; index++)
OleDbCommand insertRentMonths = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO [dbo].[AccRentReceipt] ([ReceiptID] ,[ContractID] ,[Name]) VALUES (#ReceiptID ,#ContractID ,#Name)", conn2);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ReceiptID", index + 1);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ContractID", ID);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name", namedd.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
lbl_msg.Text = "خطــــأ " + ex.Message;


Stored procedure with input & output parameters and 2 recordsets

I try to extract the results in c# from my stored procedure but it has 2 recordsets. the first with 1 row and the second with many rows as dates.
The code
public string penth_slqDAYS(string connectionString)
string sMonth = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
string syear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand("penthhmera_proc", connection);
SqlParameter param1;
param1 = command1.Parameters.Add("#prs_nmb_pen", SqlDbType.VarChar, 7);
param1.Value = prs_nmb_lb1.Text.Trim();
SqlParameter param2;
param2 = command1.Parameters.Add("#month_pen", SqlDbType.Int);
param2.Value = sMonth;
SqlParameter param3;
param3 = command1.Parameters.Add("#year_int", SqlDbType.Int);
param3.Value = syear;
command1.Parameters.Add("#days_out", SqlDbType.Int);
command1.Parameters["#days_out"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
command1.Parameters.Add("#message_out", SqlDbType.VarChar,50);
command1.Parameters ["#message_out"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
command1.Parameters.Add("#dateess_out", SqlDbType.Date);
command1.Parameters["#dateess_out"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
command1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
days_penthwork_tx.Text = Convert.ToString(command1.Parameters["#days_out"].Value);
message_tx.Text = Convert.ToString(command1.Parameters["#message_out"].Value);
///the above parameter contains rows with dates
Label12.Text = Label12.Text + Convert.ToString(command1.Parameters["#dateess_out"].Value);
connection.Close();//close connection
return "success";
catch (Exception e)
return e.ToString();
My SQL Server stored procedure:
the results
and the query when c# run the code
declare #p4 int
set #p4 = 3
declare #p5 varchar(50)
set #p5 = 'some text'
declare #p6 date
set #p6 = NULL
exec penthhmera_proc #prs_nmb_pen = '274484',
#month_pen = 1,
#year_int = 2021,
#days_out = #p4 output,
#message_out = #p5 output,
#dateess_out = #p6 output
select #p4, #p5, #p6
I think that with that way #p6 is always null.
Finally I want to load all the values from the second recordset to a Gridview or something like a table in order to show it in my webform.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance
ExecuteReader was the answer. thnx Charlieface.
command1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader dr = command1.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
//some code
while (dr.Read())
//some code
Console.WriteLine("No data found.");

Insert records in database in which have 3 foreign keys

I'm trying to insert a record in the table but the problem is in that table have 3 foreign keys. I'll be using dataTable for that but it gives an error 'There is no row position at 0'
There is my code:
using (var sqlConnection = new Helpers.SqlConnectionHelpers())
var connection = sqlConnection.OpenConnection();
command = new SqlCommand("CarSold_Insert", connection);
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlCommand commandTwo = new SqlCommand("SELECT CarForSaleId, UserId, SalesPersonId FROM CarSold WHERE Price = '" + txtPrice.Text + "'", connection);
DataTable table = new DataTable();
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
var carForSaleId = table.Rows[0]["CarForSaleId"].ToString();
var userId = table.Rows[0]["UserId"].ToString();
var salesPersonId = table.Rows[0]["SalesPersonId"].ToString();
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("CarForSaleId", carForSaleId);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserId", userId);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("SalesPersonId", salesPersonId);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("Price", txtPrice.Text);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("DateSold", dateSold);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("MonthlyPaymentDate", monthlyPaymentDate);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("MonthlyPaymentAmount", txtPaymentAmount.Text);
int k = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (k != 0)
lblAns.Text = "Record Not Inserted into the database";
lblAns.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
catch (Exception ex)
lblAns.Text = ex.Message;
Since Price column is float you need to write query with query parameter like this:
SqlCommand commandTwo = new SqlCommand("SELECT CarForSaleId, UserId, SalesPersonId FROM CarSold WHERE Price = #Price", connection);
commandTwo.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Price", txtPrice.Text);
The above mentioned command will give return you the carForSaleId, userId, salesPersonId which you will use in the insert command

Upload and update excel file

I have a task to upload the excel file and also check update if the same record found, I have uploaded the excel file in the database which is working fine.
Now, I have to check if the same records inserted then update otherwise insert the new records, I have two table first I am inserting the records in the temp table then after that I am checking the temp table with the original table , if records matches then update else insert, I am using nested for loop to check the records
my loop works fine and insert the top two records, but when it comes to the 3rd record then insert it multiple times and on 4th again multiple times,Kindly guide me what i am doing wrong
here is my code so far
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int id;
string contactPerson;
string designation;
string company;
string contact;
string emailaddress;
string city;
string region;
string industry;
string division;
string mobile;
string address;
string path = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName);
path = path.Replace(" ", "");
FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/uploadExcel/") + FileUpload1.FileName);
String ExcelPath = Server.MapPath("~/uploadExcel/") + FileUpload1.FileName;
OleDbConnection mycon = new OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = " + ExcelPath + "; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0; Persist Security Info = False");
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("select * from [Sheet1$]", mycon);
OleDbDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
if (dr[0].ToString() != "")
// Response.Write("<br/>"+dr[0].ToString());
id = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0].ToString());
contactPerson = dr[1].ToString();
designation = dr[2].ToString();
company = dr[3].ToString();
emailaddress = dr[4].ToString();
contact = dr[5].ToString();
mobile = dr[6].ToString();
address = dr[7].ToString();
city = dr[8].ToString();
region = dr[9].ToString();
industry = dr[10].ToString();
division = dr[11].ToString();
InsertTemp(id, contactPerson, designation, company, emailaddress, contact,
mobile, address, city, region, industry, division);
//InsertOrignal(id, contactPerson, designation, company, emailaddress, contact,
// mobile, address, city, region, industry, division);
String myconn = "Data Source=Ali-PC;Initial Catalog=MushkhoApp;Integrated Security=True";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(myconn);
DataTable dt_temp = new DataTable();
DataTable dt_orignal = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter da_temp = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Tbl_ExcelData order by id asc", conn);
SqlDataAdapter da_orignal = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Tbl_ExcelUploadData order by id asc", conn);
if (dt_orignal.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dt_temp.Rows.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dt_orignal.Rows.Count; j++)
if (dt_temp.Rows[i]["email"].ToString() == dt_orignal.Rows[j]["email"].ToString())
//Update Record if required
//insert record into orignal table
InsertOrignal(id, contactPerson, designation, company, emailaddress, contact, mobile, address, city, region, industry, division);
InsertOrignal(id, contactPerson, designation, company, emailaddress, contact, mobile, address, city, region, industry, division);
lblmessage.Text = "Data Has Been Updated Successfully";
catch (Exception ex)
private void InsertTemp(int id, String contactPerson, String designation, String company, String emailaddress,
String contact, String mobile, String address,String city,String region,String industry,
String division)
//String mycon = "Data Source=Ali-PC;Initial Catalog=MushkhoApp;Integrated Security=True";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(mycon);
string query = "insert into Tbl_ExcelData (id,contactperson,designation,company,email,contact,mobile,address,city,region,industry,division) values('" + id + "','" + contactPerson + "', '" + designation + "','" + company + "','" + emailaddress + "','" + contact + "','" + mobile + "','" + address + "','" + city + "','" + region + "','" + industry + "','" + division + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.CommandText = query;
cmd.Connection = con;
private void InsertOrignal(int id, String contactPerson, String designation, String company, String emailaddress,
String contact, String mobile, String address, String city, String region, String industry,
String division)
//String mycon = "Data Source=Ali-PC;Initial Catalog=MushkhoApp;Integrated Security=True";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(mycon);
string query = "insert into Tbl_ExcelUploadData (id,contactperson,designation,company,email,contact,mobile,address,city,region,industry,division) values('" + id + "','" + contactPerson + "', '" + designation + "','" + company + "','" + emailaddress + "','" + contact + "','" + mobile + "','" + address + "','" + city + "','" + region + "','" + industry + "','" + division + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.CommandText = query;
cmd.Connection = con;
private void DeleteRecords()
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(mycon);
string query = "Delete from Tbl_ExcelData";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.CommandText = query;
cmd.Connection = con;
If you have the Temporary table just to check if the row exists in an Original table, then it is not a good practice.
Directly check if the row exists in your original table with the Primary key id or any Unique Key and then decide whether to Insert or Update.
One way to do this,
while (dr.Read())
if (dr[0].ToString() != "")
id = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0].ToString()); //add other columns which needs to be fetched from Excel
string query = "select count(1) from Tbl_ExcelData where id=?"; //To check if the row already exsits
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(con);
cmd.CommandText = query;
cmd.Paramaters.Add(new SqlParameter(1, id));
int count = (Int32) cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if (count > 0) //which means row already exists
//Your update code goes here
InsertOrignal(id, contactPerson, designation, company, emailaddress, contact, mobile, address, city, region, industry, division);
After comments, here is a basic idea. One way you can load your excel data into DataTable and loop through it and decide for Upsert. Remember to learn about MultipleActiveResultSets
string ExcelPath = Server.MapPath("~/uploadExcel/") + FileUpload1.FileName;
string _oleDBConnectionString = string.Format("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = {0}; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0; Persist Security Info = False", ExcelPath);
string _sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=Ali-PC;Initial Catalog=MushkhoApp;Integrated Security=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=true;"; //enable MultipleActiveResultSets as you'll be opening a nested SqlConnection
string _excelQuery = "select * from [Sheet1$]";
DataTable tempDataTable = null;
using (var conn = new OleDbConnection(_oleDBConnectionString)) //This code loads your excel data into data table
using (var cmd = new OleDbCommand(_excelQuery, conn))
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
var dt = new DataTable();
dt.Load(reader); //this will load your excel data into DataTable
tempDataTable = dt;
using(var sqlConn = new SqlConnection(_sqlConnectionString)) //this code will connect to sql db and upsert based on the id from the excel
string countQuery = "select count(1) from Tbl_ExcelData where id=:id";
using(var cmd = new SqlCommand(countQuery, sqlConn))
var param = new SqlParameter("#id");
foreach (DataRow row in tempDataTable.Rows) //this will loop through the DataTable rows, the actual rows from Excel which are loaded into DataTable
var id = row["id"]; //get the id column from the excel
var contactPerson = row["contactPerson"]; //get the contactPerson column from the excel
cmd.Paramaters["#id"] = id;
int count = (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if (count) //row already exist in original table
//update the row in original table
//insert the row in original table
InsertOriginal(sqlConn, id, contactPerson);
catch(Exception ex)
function InsertOriginal(SqlConnection conn, int id, string contactPerson)
string insertQuery = "insert into Tbl_ExcelUploadData (id,contactpersonn) values('#id','#contactPerson');
using(var cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, conn))
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#id",id));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#contactPerson", contactPerson));
Also, this is not a tested code. Feel free to comment back.

Why insert statement generates 2 rows?

I dont know why, but when I do an insert statement in my project, its generate 2 indentical rows instead of makeing just one.
why is that ?
this is my code :
if (ListBox.Items.Count != 0)
string username = Session["Session"].ToString();
con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=MICROSOF-58B8A5\\SQL_SERVER_R2;Initial Catalog=Daniel;Integrated Security=True");
string knowWhichOne = "SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username='" + UserOrGuest.Text + "'";
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(knowWhichOne, con);
int userID = (Int32)comm.ExecuteScalar();
knowWhichOne = "SELECT ClassID FROM Users WHERE Username='" + UserOrGuest.Text + "'";
comm = new SqlCommand(knowWhichOne, con);
int classID = (Int32)comm.ExecuteScalar();
knowWhichOne = "SELECT SchoolID FROM Users WHERE Username='"+UserOrGuest.Text + "'";
comm = new SqlCommand(knowWhichOne, con);
int schoolID = (Int32)comm.ExecuteScalar();
if (RadioWords.Checked == true)
game = 1;
game = 2;
string arr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < ListBox.Items.Count; i++)
arr += ListBox.Items[i] +",";
string sqlqueryString = "INSERT INTO HistoryOfGames (GameID, UserID, LengthOfArray, NumberOfErrors, ClassID, SchoolID,Arrayarray) VALUES (#GameID, #UserID, #LengthOfArray, #NumberOfErrors, #ClassID, #SchoolID, #Arrayarray);" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";
SqlCommand commandquery = new SqlCommand(sqlqueryString, con);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("GameID", game);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserID", userID);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("LengthOfArray", HowMany.Text);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("NumberOfErrors", 0);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("ClassID", classID);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("SchoolID", schoolID);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("Arrayarray", arr);
int IdOfRecentHistoryGame = (int)(decimal)commandquery.ExecuteScalar();
Response.Redirect("NowPlay.aspx?ID="+ IdOfRecentHistoryGame);
You're running it twice, ExecuteNonQuery() and ExecuteScalar(). Get rid of the ExecuteNonQuery().
you do
then right after
int IdOfRecentHistoryGame = (int)(decimal)commandquery.ExecuteScalar();
you do execute it twice
and don't forget to check for sql injection in your code...
I'd check two things:
see how many times this statement is executed (try setting a breakpoint to verify that the code is only run once)
see if there are any triggers in the database that might cause an extra record to be inserted
I had the same problem,I handled it this way.not professional but it works:
Dim x As Boolean = True
If x = True Then
here goes your code to insert to database.
End If
x = False

Refuses to make ExecuteNonQuery : Incorrect syntax near '('

Im trying to insert data to my database, and it gives me an error :
Incorrect syntax near '('.
This is my code :
string username = Session["Session"].ToString();
con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=MICROSOF-58B8A5\\SQL_SERVER_R2;Initial Catalog=Daniel;Integrated Security=True");
string knowWhichOne = "SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username='" + UserOrGuest.Text + "'";
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(knowWhichOne, con);
int userID = (Int32)comm.ExecuteScalar();
knowWhichOne = "SELECT ClassID FROM Users WHERE Username='" + UserOrGuest.Text + "'";
comm = new SqlCommand(knowWhichOne, con);
int classID = (Int32)comm.ExecuteScalar();
knowWhichOne = "SELECT SchoolID FROM Users WHERE Username='"+UserOrGuest.Text + "'";
comm = new SqlCommand(knowWhichOne, con);
int schoolID = (Int32)comm.ExecuteScalar();
if (RadioWords.Checked == true)
game = 1;
game = 2;
string sqlqueryString = "INSERT INTO (GameID, UserID, LengthOfArray, NumberOfErrors, ClassID, SchoolID) VALUES (#GameID, #UserID, #LengthOfArray, #NumberOfErrors, #ClassID, #SchoolID)";
SqlCommand commandquery = new SqlCommand(sqlqueryString, con);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("GameID", game);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserID", userID);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("LengthOfArray", HowMany.Text);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("NumberOfErrors", 0);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("ClassID", classID);
commandquery.Parameters.AddWithValue("SchoolID", schoolID);
I run it in debug mode, and its accepting everything until the "ExecuteNonQuery();" line.
anybody has a clue what I did wrong?
you did this:
but should do this:
INSERT INTO tablename (GameID....
Your INSERT INTO statement is missing the name of the table into which it is supposed to insert.
The syntax of your insert into statement is incorrect as you are not specifying which table you are inserting into.
The correct syntax is
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...)
See : for more information
