ASP.NET Core Angular Template: app.module.client vs. app.module.server -

Microsoft provides a fantastic template for developing Angular (not AngularJS) in ASP.NET Core as outlined in their article "Building Single Page Applications on ASP.NET Core with JavaScriptServices".
While it's very straightforward, there is one portion of the template that caught me off guard: instead of there simply being an app.module.ts file, there are both an app.module.client.ts and an app.module.server.ts.
I failed to find anything that explains this on the web. Does anyone have any idea why there are these two separate files for the app module, what their specific uses are, how to use them, etc.?
If it helps at all, here is what the full template looks like:
I should note that ClientApp/app/models and ClientApp/app/services are two folders I added for my own purposes; they are not part of the template. Also, app.module.shared.ts is actually very straight-forward and just prevents having to write some code twice, so don't worry about it.
Here is what the two files look like:

Let me start by prefacing that I'm not 100% on the accuracy of this statement, but since nobody else seems to have answered, I'll give it a shot.
Microsoft SPA with Angular 2 utilized Angular Universal to do the AOT rendering. It has now been upgraded to use Angular 4, which doesn't use Angular Universal. My thought is that it instead broke up the app.module.ts into a client and server file to help with AOT rendering.
The app.module.shared.ts file is actually just a global constant that is used by app.module.client.ts and app.module.server.ts. Because it all gets rendered into a couple js files during publication, it doesn't really matter that they split up the app.module file.


Styling .NET Core Angular Template (VS) with bootstrap

I have started a new .NET Core template with Angular (with Microsoft identity) and I have started with the UI.
So here I see that the .net core identity uses bootstrap default, and it is not possible to reach that. The solution around that is to create a CSS-folder in "wwwroot", that will be read after the default bootstrap. Even though I would have like to create my own bootstrap theme, I can live with this.
But now I see that the angular lives with a different "theme". Even though it uses many of the same classes I have to define each class in my angular app also in the "styles.scss".
So many classes will be pretty similar (especially if I use NGbootstrap).
So I tried to import "wwwroot/css/site.css" into my styles.scss, so I didn't need to write it twice, that did of course not work.
Is there any way to use the same CSS document in both places, or is that something I should avoid?

How to add INSPINIA bootstrap to Ember application

New user to 3rd party bootstrap templates for Ember and need help.
I purchased the INSPINIA admin template from The download comes with multiple pre-created projects with INSPINIA built in (e.g., Angular, Rails, etc.) but not for Ember. I reached out to the creator to see if they could include a project for Ember and they said no.
So, I am curious, does anyone know how to add INSPINIA to an Ember web application? Is it as simple as ember install bootstrap and then copy the *.css file? Note: the INSPINIA template comes with way more files than just a *.css, and I am using ASP.NET CORE 2.2 for the web API.
Any help is appreciated.
When I did the same thing a few years ago, I bought the theme just for the themed css. I used their less and integrated that into my existing ember build. Nowadays I'd use the scss but it's unimportant.
What is important is understanding that bootstrap js components will not simply work in the context of your ember application. If you want callbacks, events, binding, etc to exist in the context of ember (ie within ember's runloop and lifecycle), you will need to wrap each individual component. Luckily, ember-boostrap does exactly that for you. This addon provides the easiest way for you to pull in your bootstrap scss. This addon also does not use bootstrap's js, but rather is a full implementation of the bootstrap component's in a way that is ember-aware.
ember-bootstrap deliberately excludes bootstrap.js
because the jQuery and Ember ways of control flow and animation
sometimes don't play well together, causing unpredictable results.
This is the main motivation behind ember-bootstrap. It is possible to
import bootstrap.js from bower_components or the vendor folder. This
is NOT recommended or supported, and you will be on your own. You have
been warned!
Once you've gotten the scss preprocessing properly set up in your ember-cli-build.js file, you should be able to use their markup more or less directly. You will need to have some understanding, though, of when you're encountering bootstrap markup (stuff with data classes that will be handled by bootstrap's js). In moments like that, you simply use ember-bootstrap components instead

problem with import bootstrap theme to ruby on rails app

I can't seem to import this bootstrap theme to my rails application.
I am trying to import this template for two days but no luck. It could be easy, but I don´t know what I´m doing wrong :(
I receive this error:
Undefined variable: "$border-color".
Undefined mixin ....
So I have got a problem with variables and mixins at the first time. I tried another template and it works, so I really don´t know what to try next.
Any hint or idea about how to solve this problem would be really appreciated.
Porting a template into your Rails application is not hard if you break it down into several imprortant steps:
Import styles. From what I can see, your template is using sass along with plain css style files. You can pick one of those and copy the files into your /app/assets/stylesheets folder and importing them in your application.sass. The Undefined variable: "$border-color". points you towards missing variables.scss, which contains all the color variables for your template.
See if your template is using any third-party libraries or frameworks. In this particular example, there is a list of them in the repo's "Built With" section of the readme. Go through every single one of them and find gem versions of those libraries and add them to your Gemfile.
Copy non third-party Javascript files into your app/assets/javascripts. Require them in along with third-party modules. Be sure to keep non third-party code below other modules to preserve functionality of code that relies on those modules.
Trim HTML templates into views. Figure out what part of your layout should be preserved for every page and put it into your layout view, break down the rest into controller-specific views.
There can be a lot of problems, but in general, just try to analyze the errors being thrown and solve them one by one.

Using Angular 2 components on existing ASP.NET web pages

I am trying to move the front-end part of a website to Angular 2.
Currently I have really big ASP.NET 4.5 website.
I would like to create a separated Angular 2 project as it will be growing with time (and hopefully replace the
For now I would like to create this project in Visual Studio (2015) and use some angular components or modules in the actual ASP.NET website.
Does the angular AppModule as to be in the ASP website?
I made some research but could not find answers or examples.
Am I gonna be able to do this relying on npm and system.js ? I saw that a lot of people are using gulp for copying file.
Is there a "right" way of doing this?
Any help would be highly appreciated
This question is not specific to Visual Studio, but yes, you can certainly accomplish this.
As you have suggested you can and should maintain the Angular application as a separate project.
The only additions that you need to make to your .aspx page are
including SystemJS and its configuration via script tags in that page or in its Master Page (You can also do this dynamically for CMS pages and using all sorts of other strategies). For example
<script src="loction-of-systemjs.js"></script>
<script src="loction-of-systemjs.config.js"></script>
Adding a markup tag with the selector corresponding to the app's root element, say 'my-embeddedable-widget', to your .aspx markup. For example
Importing your application via SystemJS.import from a script tag embedded in the page containing the component selector above. For example
.catch (function(e) {
}); // not using .bind or => here since aspx tends to imply older browser support
Note that this presupposes two things
that the 'my-embeddedable-widget' is set up in your SystemJS configuration. For example
packages: {
'my-embeddedable-widget': {
main: 'main.ts' // just an example, could be main.js or anything really
If it is not you can add the config entry above as appropriate for your app (strongly recommended) or just import it directly from the path to the app's entry point such as e.g. my-embeddedable-widget/main.ts or my-embeddedable-widget/main.js.
That the entry point of your widget declares all of its platform level dependencies, such as zone.js and likely various polyfills. For example
import 'zone.js';
import 'core-js';
// ...
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '#angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
// ....
This means that SystemJS will automatically load them when your widget is requested. While you could bring them in via separate script tags as we do with the loader itself, making them explicit dependencies of our widget by using ES Modules improves maintainability and allows us to defer loading them until they are required. Furthermore it helps further decouple the widget from the .aspx page. However, if other JavaScript on the page requires these polyfills, you may need to adjust this approach (especially with respect to zone.js because it monkey patches window.Promise)

Bundling resources via bundle.config vs BundleConfig.cs in ASP.NET 4.5 WebForms

Regarding ASP.NET 4.5's new System.Web.Optimization / Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization:
Can anyone explain the difference in the use of bundling resources using the BundleConfig.cs class file as opposed to the bundle.config xml file?
I've seen some articles showing bundling both js and css in BundleConfig.cs, while others showing bundling js in BundleConfig.cs and css in bundle.config.
I guess I don't understand #1) why you wouldn't just do them both one particular way for simplicity - and #2) why anyone would prefer to hard-code resources like that in a class file? It seems like a much more dynamic approach to just put them in an xml file that can be changed on-the-fly if necessary.
It seems like more articles actually lean toward using BundleConfig.cs than anything else. Is there some particular pro or con that encourages this?
Also, if there is any real documentation on System.Web.Optimization, I would love to know the location (because I sure can't find it).
As far as I can tell, the accepted answer doesn't actually answer the question at all. It discusses the benefits of the bundling framework, but not how using the BundleConfig.cs is different than using the bundle.config file.
A lot of it comes down to whether you prefer working in code or in markup, but each does have some pros that are specific to that method.
For the bundle.config, there's really only a single benefit, but it is a big one. By using it, you can manage bundles without having to touch code at all. This means that you can make changes without recompiling, making quick deployments easier. Also, it means that your front-end developer, who is going to be most familiar with the files that should be bundled, can define the bundles without having to work with any back-end code.
However, there are quite a few limitations on what you can specify in the Bundle.config. For instance, you can't specify any custom transformations to be applied to individual items or bundles. The only bundle properties that you're able to set are the Path, CdnPath, and CdnFallbackExpression. You can't set the Orderer or EnableFileExtensionReplacements properties. You don't have a way to include a directory including all subdirectories (like you can with the IncludeDirectory method). Basically, there's a LOT of functionality that is only available through the back-end code. Granted, a lot of this you could set by using back-end code to retrieve a bundle that was defined in the bundle.config, and then manipulating. But if you're going to do that, you might as well create the bundle in the back-end, also.
My personal philosophy is to use bundle.config unless I need to do something with the bundle that's not possible that way. However, I do agree that having them all in one place is ideal. If I decide I need to use the class, then I'll use that for all of my bundles of that type (I do sometimes put my JS bundles in the class and my CSS bundles in the .config file, though). I'm sure some completely reasonable people would disagree with that process, though.
this documentation explains it all better than I ever could
One of the nicest things is this:
The bundling framework follows several common conventions such as:
Selecting “.min” file for release when “FileX.min.js” and “FileX.js”
Selecting the non “.min” version for debug. Ignoring “-vsdoc”
files (such as jquery-1.7.1-vsdoc.js), which are used only by
Can anyone explain the difference in the use of bundling resources
using the BundleConfig.cs class file as opposed to the bundle.config
xml file?
The difference is that you would have to read, parse and load the content of the bundle.config at runtime. Hence, using BundleConfig.cs class file could be simpler.
1) why you wouldn't just do them both one particular way for simplicity
Totally agree.
2) why anyone would prefer to hard-code resources like that in a class file?
Simply put: easy to understand.
It seems like a much more dynamic approach to just put them in an xml
file that can be changed on-the-fly if necessary.
Yes, but you have to write more code to detect when changes happen and then add/remove/replace existing setup. If done poorly, it could lead to UI issues at runtime.
Also, if there is any real documentation on System.Web.Optimization, I
would love to know the location (because I sure can't find it).
Already answered above, but I would repeat:
