Count number of different values of a variable in NetLogo - global-variables

I am building a simulation of the epidermal cells in NetLogo.
I have two type of cells, progenitors and post mitotic cells. The progenitors are the cells which can divide into either progenitor or post mitotic.
Each run begins with a number of 239 progenitor cells with each their own identity (from 1 to 239) which is a turtles-own. Each time a progenitor divides, the identity is given to the offspring.
I want to count the number of different identities after a certain amount of ticks. I tried it with a monitor and with a list but it did not work.
Here is a small part of the code I have made:
turtles-own [ identity]
globals [ id-count]
to setup
ask patches [sprout-postmitotic 1]
ask n-of (( 22 / 100) * count postmitotic) patches [
ask postmitotic-here [
hatch-progenitor 1
set identity id-count
set id-count id-count + 1 ]
die ]
to go
ask progenitor[
if random-float 1 < l [
hatch-postmitotic 1

If you post code for a question like this, try to produce a minimal example to support the question. Here are two approaches. (The first illustrates the use of table:counts, which gives access to more information.)
extensions [table]
turtles-own [identity]
to setup
crt 1000 [set identity random 1000]
to-report id-count-01
let _idcts table:counts [identity] of turtles
let _unique table:keys _idcts
report length _unique
to-report id-count-02
let _unique remove-duplicates [identity] of turtles
report length _unique


Plotting changes in Patch variables?

I am trying to model my agents effects on their patch landscape, ie harvesting grain over a period of time. I have a variable that patches-own penergy, I would like to plot the total penergy across the behaviorspace over time. I have an idea how to do this but I don't think I am doing it the most effective way.
To complicate matters, I have multiple grain types, ie ptype. I would like to plot these types independently.
to patch-health
if ptype = 1[
let new-penergy min(list 10 (penergy))
let diff (new-penergy - penergy)
set Wheat-health ((sum ptype1-health) + diff)
if ptype = 0 [
let new-penergy min(list 10 (penergy))
let diff (new-penergy - penergy)
set Barley-health ((sum ptype0-health) + diff)
to-report ptype1-health
if ptype = 1 [
report [penergy] of patches
to-report ptype0-health
if ptype = 0 [
report [penergy] of patches
It produces a list of each patches penergy but I added the sum pytpe0-health function to convert the list to a total penergy. The plot works but the model is bogged down and running very slow.
I want think this is easy but can't seem to figure it out. Is there a more efficient way to achieve similar results?

netlogo: Do you know how to take the X axis information where there is a turtle with the biggest ID?

I would like to take the X axis information where there is a turtle with the biggest ID with some specific conditions. And I want to count the number of turtles on the right side of the X axis information. The following is a sample program. I would like to draw a code to obtain X axis information where there is a turtle with the largest ID at the point "here?" in this sample program. Thank you for your advice.
(this link is the 3D image
count turtles with [xcor > "here?" ]
There is a lot of ambiguity in your question, but you should be able to change the following to meet your needs.
turtles-own [ID] ;if unique, you can just use `who`
to setup ;make some turtles with various xcors and IDs
crt 100 [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set ID random 1000
to-report top ;get a turtle with biggest id
report max-one-of turtles [ID]
to-report winners ;get turtles to right of top
let topx [xcor] of top
report turtles with [xcor > topx]
to test
print count winners

NetLogo: neighbors and eigenvector

I want to count the neighbors and the neighbors neighbors of a turtle to kind of find out a way to calculate the eigenvector-centrality. Since I can´t get the NW:extensions to work and my prof neither. I thought of building a method myself. Since I don´t have that much time until the first round of presentation, I try my best to just count the neighbors and the neighbors neighbors of a turtle.
I decided to have a turtles-own, which counts all neighbors and then sum all the neighbors and neighbors neighbors. But I am stuck in my head and cant get it to work.
set Neighborscount count(link-neighbors)
Anyone has any ideas?
Also a final way to get the eigenvector-centrality to work would be very much appreciated.
First, my main recommendation is to get NW working. I'd be happy to help with that.
Barring that, the below assumes you're working with undirected networks. If that's not the cast, let me know.
The problem with the method that you describe is that it will count some neighbors-of-neighbors multiple times. Instead, you can get the agent-set of neighbors-of-neighbors, and then just count it:
to-report neighbors-of-neighbors
report turtle-set [ link-neighbors ] of link-neighbors
Then, [ count neighbors-of-neighbors ] of turtle 0 will give the number of neighbors of neighbors of turtle 0.
Now, a few points:
This will include the turtle itself, since a turtle is always a link neighbor of its link neighbors. If you don't want to include the turtle itself, you can just throw an other in there: [ count other neighbors-of-neighbors ] of turtle 0.
This won't include turtles that are link neighbors of turtle 0, but are not linked to any other neighbors of turtle 0. To add those in, you might consider a procedure like this:
to-report turtles-in-link-radius [ n ]
let result turtle-set self
repeat n [
set result (turtle-set result [ link-neighbors ] of result)
report result
This can then be used, for instance, like so: [ count turtle-in-link-radius 2 ] of turtle 0 to count all turtles at most 2 hops from turtle 0. This reporter has the same behavior as nw:turtles-in-radius, though it will be significantly slower.
Now, I first noted that your idea would count some turtles multiple times. Given that you're interested in something like eigenvector-centrality, maybe this is what you want. In that case you can do this: [ sum [ count link-neighbors ] of link-neighbors ] of turtle 0 to get it without having to bother with a turtles-own. That said, if you do use a turtles-own, you can actually calculate the eigenvector centrality itself:
turtles-own [
next-ec ;; helper variable for iteratively computing eigenvector-centrality
to calculate-eigenvector-centralities
ask turtles [
set eigenvector-centrality 1
repeat 100 [ ;; the higher this number, the more accurate the value. NW uses 100
ask turtles [
set next-ec sum [ eigenvector-centrality ] of link-neighbors
let max-ec max [ next-ec ] of turtles
ask turtles [
set eigenvector-centrality next-ec / max-ec ;; normalize
Call calculate-eigenvector-centralities to calculate all turtles eigenvector centralities. The turtles' eigenvector centralities will then be stored in eigenvector-centrality. Note that this code won't work for disconnected networks: each component has to be normalized independently, which is what NW does, but there's no easy way to do that in NetLogo without using NW.

NetLogo: the meaning of TO-REPORT explained for dummies?

I have a problem to understand the role of to-report and report in NetLogo, even it seems pretty useful and I can't really find a help written in "human style" language.
In NetLogo dictionnary I can find definitions for to-report :
to-report procedure-name
to-report procedure-name [input1 ...]
Used to begin a reporter procedure.
The body of the procedure should use report to report a value for the procedure. See report.
and for report:
report value
Immediately exits from the current to-report procedure and reports value as the result of that procedure. report and to-report are always used in conjunction with each other. See to-report for a discussion of how to use them.
So, it seems to-report and report calculate some value and report it.
Thus, when I try add
to-report average [a b c]
report (a + b + c) / 2
to my code, and then use the average variable somewhere in my code p.e.:
to go
print average
I've got an error: AVERAGE expected 3 inputs. When I try to create my variables [a b c] in globals [a b c] I've got an error There is already a global variable called A.
If I define my variables [a b c] within to-report procedure:
to-report average [a b c]
set a 1
set b 2
set c 3
report (a + b + c) / 2
My error is again AVERAGE expected 3 inputs.
Thus, how can I simply test the usefulness of to-report procedure? And where to place it correctly in my code to see what it is really doing? From Urban Suite - Economic Disparity ( I see that to-report is used to calculate values related to each patch:
to-report patch-utility-for-poor
report ( ( 1 / (sddist / 100 + 0.1) ) ^ ( 1 - poor-price-priority ) ) * ( ( 1 / price ) ^ ( 1 + poor-price-priority ) )
however this reported value is not directly defined as patch variable which increase my confusion...
Thank you !
A function can take some input (usually one or more variables or values) and return some output (usually a single value). You can specify that a function returns a value using to-report in your function header and report returns the actual value.
Your error is due to the fact that you never passed in arguments to your average function
to go
print average
should be
to go
print average 5 2 3 ;;a = 5, b = 2, c =3
Inside your average function, you should not reassign values of a,b,and c.
You should use report whenever you want to return a result from a function.

Differences in turtle-per-patch fillup in even and odd scenarios?

I'm new at netlogo, and in my model, I'm trying to make it so there's one turtle per patch, so that all the patches are filled up with one turtle instead of them overlapping each other. The code for that part of the model is
to solid
set color blue
set xcor random sqrt number-of-particles - number-of-particles / 2
set ycor random sqrt number-of-particles - number-of-particles / 2
ifelse any? patches with [pcolor = black and count turtles-here = 0]
[move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black and count turtles-here = 0]]
I've been trying it out with different variables, but it works for odd "Volume" (amount of patches in each row) but not the even ones.
(even numbered one) Link 1
(odd numbered one) Link 2
how would i make it so that it works for both odd and even numbers? thanks!
This is my full setup code. Sorry that I posted them in my comments, this is my first time on stackoverflow.
to Setup-Container
cro 4
[set color black
rt 45
fd Volume * sqrt 2 / 2
rt 135
set pen-size 6
fd Volume
ask patches
[ifelse pxcor <= Volume / 2 and pxcor >= Volume / 2 * -1
and pycor <= Volume / 2 and pycor >= Volume / 2 * -1
[set pcolor black] [set pcolor black + 3]
; Creates a number of particles, which depends on the corresponding slider.
; Executes certain commands depending on the temperature slider.
to Setup-Particles
ask turtles
cro number-of-particles
ask turtles [
set shape "water"
if Temperature <= 0 ; freezing point is 0 degrees celsius.
if Temperature > 0 and Temperature < 100
if Temperature >= 100 ; boiling point is 100 degrees celsius.
There's actually a primitive that just creates a turtle on a given patch: sprout. So, ask patches [ sprout 1 ] would create one turtle on each patch.
Bryan's answer is most probably the right one, here: if your main requirement is to have one turtle per patch, sprout is the way to go.
A few more comments:
In the screenshots you've shown us, you control your "volume" and your number of particles separately, so there is aways a chance that your container will be either too big or too small for the number of particles you want. If you really want a one-to-one relationship between the size of your container and the number of particles, you should really have a single parameter for both.
sprout allows you to give commands to the newly created turtles. If you don't want them to be "rainbow colored", you can do: ask patches with [pcolor = black] [sprout 1 [set color blue]].
In your original code, you set the xcor and the ycor of your turtles... and then immediately move them. The point will be moot if you use sprout, but I wanted to point out that these two lines were unnecessary.
If you still have trouble with sprout, I'd suggest you ask a separate question and show us what you tried. We may able to help you...
