I created a Google Analytics account and copied the tracking code to the index.html page as per the following post:
Although, this seems not to be working as it is not tracking any data, not even page views.
I am using the SAP Web IDE to implement this.
What am I missing? Thank you.
Can anyone tell me how can I track number of views,likes,comments and shares in a collaboration and community site. This is not a Google site. This site was created using lumapps. It's a collaboration site, Which works similar to Google+, where you can write a blog, post and like/ share the same. I need a way of keep tracking the likes/shares/views on such posts or blogs, So that I can display the same in Google data studio.
I heard it's possible using Google tag manager. Can anyone confirm this OR let me know about anyways of achieving the same.
Thanks and Regards
You would do this by sending an event to Google Analytics and using this source in Data Studios.
Please see reference on how to send events using Google Tag Manager and custom Variables.
I am going to change old analytics code into "Universal google analytics code" it affect existing Google Analytics reporting or does it just affect Adwords? (I need to remove old code from the website or both codes are needed to present in the website )
I am new to marketing please help.
Thank you.
If you replicate your old analytics implementation using the new library it will not affect reporting. I.e. if you are only collecting pageviews, then replacing one code snippet with another is 100% safe.
If there are some custom implemented scripts you will need to rewrite them using new analytics library syntax.
If you are just tracking pageviews - GTM (Google Tag Manager) is an overkill for you.
I have created a UWP app and integrated google analytics SDK in it from the following link https://github.com/dotnet/windows-sdk-for-google-analytics. Since the help of this library does not portray a complete work flow I need a working example to set things up with analytics. I want to track product additions and checkouts. I am able to send page views and clicks to analytics as well as bundle up product details with hit requests.
Please help me to understand how to see the sent products in Google Analytics dashboard and reports.
I finally managed to get Google Analytics working with UWP. I wrapped up my data with events and prepared custom reports in Analytics dashboard on the basis of wrapped data.
I want to build own analytic platform base on google analytic (GA).
So I had a quick investigation on GA.
But I have some misunderstand below:
In the website and web apps field, google analytic give three options: gtag.js, analytic.js, AMP HTML. But I don't know what will I choose whichever. or could you help me point out the case that we will use for each option?
I tried to follow gtag.js, debug and realize that google analytic send a gif request to post data to google analytic server. I think they use this way to avoid cross-domain Ajax. But the question is how they send data to google server by Android/IOS sdk? They still used gif request or normal restful api.
If anyone know or have idea please help and sharing to me.
Thanks in advance
gtag.js (global tag) is the current version of Google tracking code - "global" because it aims to provide a unified tracking code for Analytics, Adwords, and other Google products.
With the release of the gtag libary analytics.js is now the legacy version of the Google Analytics Javascript tracker, so currently most available information refers to that. However if you are getting started with Analytics you probably should use the current version.
AMP are accelerated mobile pages, a special format with reduced markup and scripting options that is cached on and delivered from Google servers (you relinquish control over your pages in favour of faster delivery, basically). If you have to ask what this is then you are not using it, and do not need this type of tracking code.
If you use Google Analytics in a mobile website you'd use the Javascript tracker and that will indeed return a gif.
If you want to track a native App you would, these days, use Google Analytics for Firebase which comes with it's own SDK. You would implement Firebase in your App and then connect the Firebase project to a mobile property in GA.
I'm running a site that has event tracking on various adverts on the index.htm page. This tracking had been working fine but for some reason it's now stopped! The standard analytics info is still being registered (page views etc.). I'm using exactly the same code on other pages within the site and they're working without any problems. I'm pulling my hair it over this one!!
Any ideas???
Here's an example of my tracking code (from within an anchor link):
onclick="pageTracker._trackEvent('Adverts', 'Home Page', 'AXT');"
Many thanks for your interest and pointing me in the right direction Sudar :)
I've managed to get to the bottom of it and you were right - it was the Google Analytics upgrade that has caused the problems. Google have upgraded me without advising so the Event tracking stopped working.
I've grabbed the new analytics code and have changed all the event tracking code for every advert.
This site is quite useful for generating the Event tracking code: http://www.seoweather.com/google-analytics-event-tracking-code-generator/
The way you track custom variables and events changed in Universal tracking. Did you recently upgrade your tracking code to Universal tracking (analytics.js)?