GA Enhance Ecommerce Product List Performance - google-analytics

I'm using Enhanced Ecommerce and I want to know how good my product lists perform. Below a screenshot of the product list performance section.
You can see that I've set up three lists:
productgroep default (Standard product listing)
productgroep filtered (Product listing with filters used)
detail view (this is actually a product detail page, so no listing.)
There is also a:
(not set) product list name, this one comes by default.
Now when I click on a product in a list, it counts in the column Product List Clicks, all fine.
One can also add a product directly to the cart when the list is shown, so these are also measured and shown in the column Product Adds To Card.
Now when the product is purchased, it counts the Product Checkouts, Unique Purchases and Product Revenue in the product List (not set).
When the product is added to the cart directly from a list, I also do:
ga("ec:setAction", "click", {
"list": "productgroep default"
Why doesn't GA add these purchases to the correct product list?

When product is clicked from list page, do:
ga('ec:addProduct', {
'id': id,
'name': name,
'category': 'Apparel',
'brand': 'Nike',
'variant': 'black',
'position': 1
ga('ec:setAction', 'click', {list: listName});
ga('send', 'event', 'UX', 'click', 'Results');
When the product is added to the cart directly from a list, do:
ga('ec:addProduct', {
'id': id,
'name': name,
'category': 'Apparel',
'brand': 'Nike',
'variant': 'black',
'position': 1
ga('ec:setAction', 'click', {list: listName});
ga('send', 'event', 'UX', 'click', 'Add to Cart Catalog');
On product details page load, do :
ga('ec:addProduct', {
'id': id,
'name': name,
'category': 'Apparel',
'brand': 'Nike',
'variant': 'black'
ga('ec:setAction', 'detail');
ga('send', 'pageview');

The attribution in the enhanced eCommerce is a little trick, it makes list attribution and promotion attribution.
Relate to the list attribution, the purchase is recursively attributed to the last list viewed that contains the id of the product. So, even if you access the cart through one page, f you open another page that contains the product id before making the purchase, the attribution will change. With the promotion attribution is kind of different, the purchase is attributed to the last promotion clicked.
Make sure of the structure of the enhanced eCommerce object as well.
There's a full explanation here. This blog has a lot of information about it.


Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce removed basket items not shown in dashboard

I have a function to remove an item from my analytics data. I'm calling the below function, when my shopper deletes an item from their cart. I've followed the example in the docs.
function removeFromCart(product) {
ga('ec:addProduct', {
ga('ec:setAction', 'remove');
ga('send', 'event', 'UX', 'click', 'remove from cart');
I was expecting the Product Adds To Basket metric to decrement by 1 when this function is called, but it appears to remain the same.
Is this a wrong assumption? Is there a Product Removes From Basket column that I need to reveal in the dashboard?
You can find this information in this report in Google Analytics:

Do I always need to send full product data to Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce?

When I send the full product data to Google Analytics in the first event E1, do I still need to send compete product data in subsequent events E2, E3,... related to that product?
So, to be more concrete, let's say I send following product data to Google Analytics when the user sees the product on the page (product impression):
ga('ec:addImpression', {
'id': 'P12345', // Product ID (string).
'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt', // Product name (string).
'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts', // Product category (string).
'brand': 'Google', // Product brand (string).
'variant': 'Black', // Product variant (string).
'list': 'Search Results', // Product list (string).
'position': 1, // Product position (number).
Now what will happen if I only send product id in subsequent events related to that product:
ga('ec:addProduct', {
'id': 'P12345'
Will Google Analytics find the product data created by the impression by product ID and "join" the product data? Or those two events will be connected to two separate products and the second event will be missing all the product data (e.g. I won't be able to filter that event by product category)?
Is that behaviour documented anywhere in Google Analytics documentation?

Enhanced Ecommerce Product List Attribution

So I have read over the Product List Attribution, and can not really understand why my addToCart, checkout and purchase data is not coming through in the product list performance reports in GA.
Product Attribution
In Enhanced Ecommerce, the Product List Performance report includes
useful Product Attribution data. The report includes a "last action"
attribute which gives product level credit to the last Product List
(i.e. add to cart, checkout, or purchase) that the user interacted
with prior to the conversion event.
Product Attribution data helps you understand which Product Lists are
driving conversions and allows you to optimize your merchandising
efforts and drive sales. For example, you can now understand whether
users are purchasing a product as a result of clicking on a
merchandising block, category page, or on the search results page.
To get started with Product Attribution, make sure to specify the list
attribute on your ecommerce action data. This list field will be used
to then attribute Product Adds To Cart, Product Checkouts, Unique
Purchases, and Product Revenue in the Product List Performance report
I'm implementing this in GTM. I'm trying to track each one of my category pages performance however, I would like to track the Product List through the whole checkout process "Product Adds To Cart, Product Checkouts, Unique Purchases, and Product Revenue"
Does this mean I will have to assign the product list value for each product on checkout event & purchase events? if so how do you recommend I do this.
For example if a person views a product on category A, clicks a product and then continues through the addToCart checkout and purchase do I need to record that it was product list A that lead to the addToCart, checkout and purchase at each step???
So far i managed to get the list populated all the way up to Unique Purchases ( this column still gets dumped into "not set" for some reason )
For the add2cart i m using:
ga('ec:addProduct', {
'id': id,
'name': name,
'category': category,
'price': price,
'quantity': qty });
ga('ec:setAction', 'add', { 'list': category });
ga('send', 'event', 'UX', 'click', 'add to cart');
The same goes for the checkout procces ( my checkout is a onestep checkout in magento ) so i only load the page once and used :
for(var i = 0; i < cart.length; i++) {
var product = cart[i];
ga('ec:addProduct', {
'id': product.sku,
'category': product.category,
'price': product.price,
'quantity': product.qty
}); }
ga('ec:setAction','checkout', {'step': 1 , 'option': log});
ga('send', 'pageview');
Maybe you have an ideea for the last step :)
Hope this helps
You do have to add the list ID and position on the checkout flow, but not when adding a product to the cart or removing one.
You need the list ID and position for:
product impression or clicks
checkout steps
When you track the checkout steps, your code should look like this:
for(var i = 0; i < cart.length; i++) {
var product = cart[i];
ga('ec:addProduct', {
'id': product.sku,
'category': product.category,
'price': product.price,
'quantity': product.qty,
'list': product.category,
'position': product.positionInCategory
ga('ec:setAction','checkout', {'step': 1 , 'option': log});
ga('send', 'pageview');
This way, Google will associate the checkout step to the proper list.
Make sure you add the list ID and position also with when tracking the transaction itself, for every product in the transaction.
To store this between pages, I would suggest you cache the information:
on the backend side and store it in a caching database like Redis OR
on the frontend side, with cookies or local storate
directly on Google Analytics, through the Management API:

Enhanced Ecommerce Get Checkout Abandonment

I've implemented Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce on my site. However I cannot track checkout abandonment.
I've implemented it this way.
Every time a customer checkout an order (eg. masterpass or visa), I fire this code before redirecting to their page (if the user clicks masterpass or visa payment)
ga('ec:addProduct', { // Provide product details in an productFieldObject.
'id': 'P12345', // Product ID (string).
'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt', // Product name (string).
'category': 'Apparel', // Product category (string).
'brand': 'Google', // Product brand (string).
'variant': 'black', // Product variant (string).
'price': '29.20', // Product price (currency).
'quantity': 1 // Product quantity (number).
ga('ec:setAction','checkout', {
'step': 1,
'option': 'Visa' });
I can track sessions with checkout however my checkout abandonment is stuck at 0, even if I don't attempt to checkout.
Do you guys have any knowledge about this?
The code as it is would be incomplete, you need to fire a hit in order to send all that information either with a pageview or an event.
When in a session there is no cart activity the checkout abandonment is 0% (since no one started a checkout process)

Google Analytics. Enhanced Ecommerce. Limit for product impressions

Does anyone know something about limits for sending impressions data for enhanced ecommerce (Google Analytics)? I found strange behavior, that sending data more than about 8KB is restricted by google. I use data layer for sending ecommerce data. I have up to 100 products on page, also I use unicode to send product and category names. So, I have much data to send. And the worst, that GA don't track pageview. It just do not send collect request at all, if I try to push to much data. In documentation I didn't anything about it. Any ideas how to avoid such limit?
As for the first part of the question, the limit for a http request to the Google Analytics endpoint is 8192 bytes - this is stated in the documentation for the measurement protocol (which is the basis for Universal Analytics).
My only idea to avoid such a limit would be to send only a product id and custom attributes to make the http request smaller and try to use dimension widening to add product names etc. in the Analytics interface. However I have not tested this and am not quite sure if dimension widening can be applied to product data (UPDATE to add: At least with Enhanced Ecommerce enabled one can indeed upload product data and custom attributes for given SKUs/product names).
I am encountering this same problem. My solution thus far has been to page results.
As stated above, limiting the attributes being sent could help reduce the size.
Google's sample:
ga('ec:addImpression', { // Provide product details in an impressionFieldObject.
'id': 'P12345', // Product ID (string).
'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt', // Product name (string).
'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts', // Product category (string).
'brand': 'Google', // Product brand (string).
'variant': 'Black', // Product variant (string).
'list': 'Search Results', // Product list (string).
'position': 1, // Product position (number).
'dimension1': 'Member' // Custom dimension (string).
This could potentially be reduced to:
ga('ec:addImpression', { // Provide product details in an impressionFieldObject.
'id': 'P12345', // Product ID (string).
'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt', // Product name (string).
'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts', // Product category (string).
Thoughts, ideas?
I have the same problem.
if you only can send 10 products for impressions, add this code every 10 products:
ga('send','event','Ecommerce','Impressions','NamePage',{nonInteraction: true});
ga('ec:addImpression', { // Provide product details in an impressionFieldObject.
'id': 'P12345', // Product ID (string).
'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt', // Product name (string).
'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts', // Product category (string).
'brand': 'Google', // Product brand (string).
'variant': 'Black', // Product variant (string).
'list': 'Search Results', // Product list (string).
'position': 1, // Product position (number).
'dimension1': 'Member' // Custom dimension (string).
ga('send','event','Ecommerce','Impressions','NamePage',{nonInteraction: true});
a('ec:addImpression', { // Provide product details in an impressionFieldObject.
'id': 'P12345', // Product ID (string).
'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt', // Product name (string).
'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts', // Product category (string).
'brand': 'Google', // Product brand (string).
'variant': 'Black', // Product variant (string).
'list': 'Search Results', // Product list (string).
'position': 1, // Product position (number).
'dimension1': 'Member' // Custom dimension (string).
