I only have R available at work and I have done this before in Python. I need to get a count of each set of incidents in a CSV file. I have done a sentiment analysis in Python, where I had a dictionary Python searched in a provided a table with the count for each phrase. I am researching how to do this in R and have only found ways to do a general word count using a predetermined frequency.
Please let me know if anyone has any resource links on how to perform this in R. Thank you :)
Here's a place to start: http://tidytextmining.com
text_df %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text)
tidy_books <- original_books %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text)
tidy_books %>%
count(word, sort = TRUE)
The package tidytext is a good solution. Another option is to use the text mining package tm:
corpus<-tm_map(corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
corpus<-tm_map(corpus, removeNumbers)
corpus<-tm_map(corpus, removeWords, stopwords('english'))
#corpus<-tm_map(corpus, stemDocument, language = "english")
corpus<-tm_map(corpus, removePunctuation)
wordfreq<-sort(rowSums(tdmatrix), decreasing = TRUE)
the code example cleans up the text by removing stop words, any numbers and punctuation. The final answer wordfreq is ready for with the wordcloud package if interested.
I'm using the R tm package for text analysis on a facebook group, and find that the removewords function isn't working for me. I tried to combine the french stopwords with my own, but they are still appearing. So I create a file named "french.txt" with my own list as in the following command:
nom_fichier <- "Analyse textuelle/french.txt"
my_stop_words <- readLines(nom_fichier, encoding="UTF-8")
Here is the data for text mining:
text <- readLines(groupe_fb_ief, encoding="UTF-8")```
docs <- Corpus(VectorSource(text))
Here are the tm_map commands:
docs <- tm_map(docs, tolower)
docs <- tm_map(docs, stripWhitespace)
docs <- tm_map(docs, removePunctuation)
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeNumbers)
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeWords, my_stop_words)
Applying that, it's still not working and I don't understand why. I even try to change to order of the commands with no result.
Do you have any idea ? Is it possible to change the french stopwords within R ? Where this list is located ?
Rather than use RemoveWords, I typically use an anti_join() to remove all stop words.
my_stop_words <- my_stop_words %>%
unnest_tokens(output = word, input = text, token = "words")
# anti_join
anti_join(docs,my_stop_words, by = "word")
That is if the the column that contains your corpus is called "word". Hope this helps.
I'm trying to make a word cloud out of a Sherlock Holmes story, the problem is the top words are ” and “.
I can't delete them as other words with the tm_map function with the removeWords property. What I've tried is this:
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeWords, c('“'))
You can use functions like removePunctuation from the tm package.
# With Punctuation
# Punctuation Removed
prideprejudice <- removePunctuation(prideprejudice)
You can also use the tidytext package. The unnest_tokens function will automatically strip punctuation. You probably also want to get rid of stop words, which you can do with something like this:
prideprej_tibble <- tibble(text=prideprejudice)
prideprej_words <- prideprej_tibble %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%
See here for more.
How to complete words after stemming in R?
x <- c("completed","complete","completion","teach","taught")
tm <- Corpus(VectorSource(x))
tm <- tm_map(tm, stemDocument)
Example for illustration purpose as the actual text corpus is much bigger.
I've searched for earlier examples which points to creating a set of synonyms, but for large corpus, how is it possible to get such as synonym dictionary? For verbs how can I complete stemmed words to current tense? Thanks
TM has a function stemCompletion()
x <- c("completed","complete","completion","teach","taught")
tm <- Corpus(VectorSource(x))
tm <- tm_map(tm, stemDocument)
dictCorpus <- tm
tm <- tm_map(tm, stemDocument)
tm <- tm_map(tm, stripWhitespace, mc.cores=cores)
tm<-tm_map(tm, stemCompletion,dictionary=dictCorpus)
As for completing verbs to the present tense, I am not sure that is possible with tm. Maybe RWeka, word2vec or qdap will have methods but I am not sure.
A quick and dirty, solution may be to set type = shortest in stemDocument generally I think current tense words will be shorter than past tense and gerunds.
I am using the library(tm) package in R to stem words in R but I am still getting different words with the same root in the document term matrix (dtm). For example, I am getting "certif" and "certifi" as different words, "categor" and "categori" as different words, "cathet" and "catheter" as different words, "character" and "characteristi" as different words, and so on. Isn't stemDocument supposed to take endings off and count them as one word? How can I fix this? This is the code I used:
docs <- Corpus(VectorSource(df$Long_Descriptor)
docs <- tm_map(docs, removePunctuation) %>%
tm_map(removeNumbers) %>%
tm_map(content_transformer(tolower), lazy = TRUE) %>%
tm_map(removeWords, stopwords("english"), lazy = TRUE) %>%
tm_map(stemDocument, language = c("english"), lazy = TRUE)
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(docs)
I am using the R package tm and I want to do some text mining. This is one document and is treated as a bag of words.
I don't understand the documentation on how to load a text file and to create the necessary objects to start using features such as....
stemDocument(x, language = map_IETF(Language(x)))
So assume that this is my doc "this is a test for R load"
How do I load the data for text processing and to create the object x?
Like #richiemorrisroe I found this poorly documented. Here's how I get my text in to use with the tm package and make the document term matrix:
library(tm) #load text mining library
setwd('F:/My Documents/My texts') #sets R's working directory to near where my files are
a <-Corpus(DirSource("/My Documents/My texts"), readerControl = list(language="lat")) #specifies the exact folder where my text file(s) is for analysis with tm.
summary(a) #check what went in
a <- tm_map(a, removeNumbers)
a <- tm_map(a, removePunctuation)
a <- tm_map(a , stripWhitespace)
a <- tm_map(a, tolower)
a <- tm_map(a, removeWords, stopwords("english")) # this stopword file is at C:\Users\[username]\Documents\R\win-library\2.13\tm\stopwords
a <- tm_map(a, stemDocument, language = "english")
adtm <-DocumentTermMatrix(a)
adtm <- removeSparseTerms(adtm, 0.75)
In this case you don't need to specify the exact file name. So long as it's the only one in the directory referred to in line 3, it will be used by the tm functions. I do it this way because I have not had any success in specifying the file name in line 3.
If anyone can suggest how to get text into the lda package I'd be most grateful. I haven't been able to work that out at all.
Can't you just use the function readPlain from the same library? Or you could just use the more common scan function.
mydoc.txt <-scan("./mydoc.txt", what = "character")
I actually found this quite tricky to begin with, so here's a more comprehensive explanation.
First, you need to set up a source for your text documents. I found that the easiest way (especially if you plan on adding more documents, is to create a directory source that will read all of your files in.
source <- DirSource("yourdirectoryname/") #input path for documents
YourCorpus <- Corpus(source, readerControl=list(reader=readPlain)) #load in documents
You can then apply the StemDocument function to your Corpus. HTH.
I believe what you wanted to do was read individual file into a corpus and then make it treat the different rows in the text file as different observations.
See if this gives you what you want:
text <- read.delim("this is a test for R load.txt", sep = "/t")
text_corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(text), readerControl = list(language = "en"))
This is assuming that the file "this is a test for R load.txt" has only one column which has the text data.
Here the "text_corpus" is the object that you are looking for.
Hope this helps.
Here's my solution for a text file with a line per observation. the latest vignette on tm (Feb 2017) gives more detail.
text <- read.delim(textFileName, header=F, sep = "\n",stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(text) <- c("MyCol")
docs <- text$MyCol
a <- VCorpus(VectorSource(docs))
The following assumes you have a directory of text files from which you want to create a bag of words.
The only change that needs to be made is replace
path = "C:\\windows\\path\\to\\text\\files\\
with your directory path.
# create a data frame listing all files to be analyzed
all_txts <- list.files(path = "C:\\windows\\path\\to\\text\\files\\", # path can be relative or absolute
pattern = ".txt$", # this pattern only selects files ending with .txt
full.names = TRUE) # gives the file path as well as name
# create a data frame with one word per line
my_corpus <- map_dfr(all_txts, ~ tibble(txt = read_file(.x)) %>% # read in each file in list
mutate(filename = basename(.x)) %>% # add the file name as a new column
unnest_tokens(word, txt)) # split each word out as a separate row
# count the total # of rows/words in your corpus
my_corpus %>%
summarize(number_rows = n())
# group and count by "filename" field and sort descending
my_corpus %>%
group_by(filename) %>%
summarize(number_rows = n()) %>%
# remove stop words
my_corpus2 <- my_corpus %>%
# repeat the count after stop words are removed
my_corpus2 %>%
group_by(filename) %>%
summarize(number_rows = n()) %>%