Google analytics does not show Event Value in real-time? - google-analytics

I sent eventValue to Google Analytics. Is there anyway to show that in Realtime ??
ga('send', 'event', [eventCategory], [eventAction], [eventLabel], [eventValue], [fieldsObject])
ref :

No. You have obviously already checked the interface, and for the API the list of available dimensions and metrics does not include the event value.


Which is the best method to set up event tracking for new account signup steps in GA4?

Currently I'm using the following analytics.js method to track different funnels/goals and these get triggered on each specific page.
ga('send', 'pageview', '/ConversionEvents/Step1_MembershipPlan');
ga('send', 'pageview', '/ConversionEvents/Step2_AccountInformation');
ga('send', 'pageview', '/ConversionEvents/Step3_PaymentInformation');
ga('send', 'pageview', '/ConversionEvents/Step4_AccountConfirmation');
ga('send', 'pageview', '/ConversionEvents/Step5_ThankYou');
However, now that I switched to gtag.js I'm seeing what the best method would be to set these up. I came up with the following 3 options.
Option 1:
gtag('event', 'sign_up', {'step_name': 'step1_membership_plan'});
Option 2:
gtag('event', 'pageview', {'step_name': 'step1_membership_plan'});
Option 3:
gtag('event', 'step1_membership_plan');
I'm leaning towards using option 3 because it would be easier to view these events in GA4 since it will be listed as a different event name and it would be easier to create funnels.
From reading online, they say it's better to use the recommended/automatic events like sign_up and pageview for this but I'm not sure if then I can set up events to track the different parameters (e.g. step_name) that I set up for each step.
Which option would be the best to go with?
Thank you!
Personally, I would not clutter my GA4 with too many distinct event names.
But that's a matter of taste: If I understand Google's limits page correctly, web properties do not currently have a limit on distinctly named events, whereas app properties are limited to 500.
Instead, I would send the following events:
sign_up, when a user has completed the registration, aka visits the thank you page.
sign_up_step_complete, when a user has completed a step in the registration process. Sending the custom dimension step_name for each step.
(That is assuming that each step is just a virtual page view and does not actually send a page_view event to Google. If it does send a page_view, you can create the sign_up_step_complete event server-side based on the URL or not create an event at all and just use the page_view.)
This way, you're using the dafault sign_up event which might show up in a default GA report while also tracking intermediate steps in a separate custom event.
Finally, I would visualize the data in a free-form exploration funnel analysis.

Getting custom variable value from Google Tag Manager into Google Analytics issue

I want to get some server side error messages in google analytics using google tag manager. I managed to push some data in my dataLayer and I'm getting this:
'eventCategory': 'errors',
'eventAction': 'starter_action',
'eventLabel': 'error-messages-label',
'original_message':'Server side error in English Version',
'translated_message':'Server side error inDutch Version'
My event is fired, see img:
and with data:
My question is how can i see in Google Analytics the value of the custom variable (from google tag manager) : errors_messagesData or from js script: error_messages_data ?
In google analytics I receive the values from eventCategory, eventAction and eventLabel. See img:
Thank you
Create 2 Data Layer Variables in GTM: error_messages_data.original_message and error_messages_data.translated_message.
And create 2 hit-level custom dimensions in GA, remember indexes.
Send these Data Layer Variables with events to GA using Custom Dimensions in tags:
Now you can add these dimensions to standard reports as a second dimension or use in custom reports.

Trigger analytics event in the past with a specified date

I'm capturing the date of a product installation when user extends a trial, and pass it to a thank you page as a parameter. Then I capture it and want to retroactively trigger event in the past.
From docs the code looks like:
ga('send', 'event', [eventCategory], [eventAction], [eventLabel], [eventValue], [fieldsObject]);
And nothing is said about ability to set any dates.
Is there a way to do it?
You can not push any events retroactively in Google Analytics.
All data is connected to the time that they were sent on.

Google Analytics hits going to account, not property

I'm sending hits to my GA Property tracking ID, but it is always going to the first property (UA-nnnnnn-1) instead of the hit going to the tracking ID for the specific property I specified (UI-nnnnnnn-3).
Is it possible to send it to a specific property within an account?
Note: I'm testing out with Real Time.
Here is code:
console.log("Set up Google Analytics: AnalyticsId =", googleAnalyticsId)
ga('create', googleAnalyticsId, 'auto', {
'storage': 'none',
'clientId': sha
ga('send', 'pageview', '/test');
The hit is going to a different ID (UA-nnnnnn-1) than specified and seen in my console.log statement (UA-nnnnnn-3).

What is the correct syntax to set a custom dimension in Google Analytics?

I'd like to send some custom dimensions back to GA with every blog post that is read on my website - author and category.
When I set up the custom dimensions in GA I got this code to use:
var dimensionValue = 'SOME_DIMENSION_VALUE';
ga('set', 'dimension2', dimensionValue);
However, in the GA docs it specifies a different syntax using "send" rather than "set".
ga('send', 'pageview', { 'dimension4': '<?=$categories?>'});
We are using universal google analytics, but this conflicting information means I'm not sure which syntax to use.
Thanks in advance
The first code block is how you set the custom dimension (CD) that can be sent with any hit: event, pageview, transaction, etc.
The second code block is how you set the CD and send it with a pageview. So it's a specific example of the first method.
Both are valid, it's just that the second example is more complete.
When sending data to CDs, don't forget to create and define them in the GA configuration as well.
