How to use getReturns with the Yahoo finance API - r

I have problems with R package getReturns. I have encountered this error since 17th May:
Warning in file(file, "rt") :
cannot open URL '': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
It looks like that ichart API did not run anymore. Can anyone help me with this issue? Does someone know how to fix it? I have encountered the same issue with the quantmod R package.

I have encountered this problem as well. Yahoo! has taken down ichart and the open-source libraries that rely on it are now broken. Yahoo! also has no plans to introduce a replacement. For more information, see this post on Yahoo!'s Forums.

I switched to after Yahoo failed, several weeks ago I found good alternative with an API very similar to Yahoo Finance.
Basically, for almost all R scripts I use I just changed this:
URL <- paste0("", symbols[i])
URL <- paste0("", symbols[i])
Then add an API key and it will work in the same way as before. I saved a lot of time for my R scripts on it.

You can follow my an earlier post, which might help you.
I tried :
# Create an object containing the Pfizer ticker symbol
symbol <- "PFE"
# Use getSymbols to import the data
getSymbols(symbol, src="yahoo", auto.assign=T)
# because src='google' throws error, yahoo was used, and even that is down
When I tried other source, it worked:
# "quantmod::oanda.currencies" contains a list of currencies provided by
currency_pair <- "GBP/CAD"
# Load British Pound to Canadian Dollar exchange rate data
getSymbols(currency_pair, src="oanda")
It seems there are issues with google and yahoo while we use quantmod pkg.
I will suggest you to use 'Quandl' instead. Plz goto Quandl website, register for free and create API key, and then copy it in below:
# Install Quandl
# or from github
# Load the Quandl package
# use API for full access
# Download APPLE stock data
mydata = Quandl::Quandl.datatable("ZACKS/FC", ticker="AAPL")
For HDFC at BSE, you can use:
hdfc = Quandl("BSE/BOM500180")
for more details:


How to get the github repo url for all the packages on CRAN?

I would like to extract the github repo url for all the packages on CRAN. And I have tried to first read the link of CRAN and get the table of all the package names, which also contains the url for the description page of each package, for I want to extract the github repo url through the description page. But I can't get the completed url. Could you please help me with this? Or is there any better way to get the repo url for all packages?
This is my supplementary :
Actually, I want to filter the pkgs that do have a official github repo, like some pkgs as xfun or fddm. And I found I can extract the username and repo name from the description of pkgs on CRAN, and put them in a github formatted url. (for most of them have the same format url like :{username}/{reponame}. For example, for package xfun , it would be like :
And now, I have get some of them like : (three of them)
enter image description here
And I am wondering how could I get the url for all of them. I know use glue pkg can replace the elements in a url. and for get the url by replacing elements (username and reponame) I have tried map()
and map_dfr() function. But it returns me error : Error in parse_url(url) : length(url) == 1 is not TRUE
Here is my code :
get <- map_dfr(dat, ~{
username <- dat$user
reponame <- dat$package
pkg_url <- GET(glue::glue("{username}/{reponame}"))
Could you please help me with this? Thanks a lot ! :)
I want to suggest a different method for getting where you want.
As discussed in the comments, not all R packages have public GitHub repos.
Here is a version of some code from an answer to another question by Dirk Eddelbuettel that retrieves information from CRAN's database, including the package name and the URL field. If a package has a public GH repo, it is very likely that the authors have included that information in the URL field: there may be a few packages where the GH repo information is guessable (i.e. the GH user name is the same as (e.g.) the identifier in the maintainer's e-mail address; the GH repo name is the same as the package name), but it seems like a lot of work to do all that guessing (and accessing GitHub to see if the guess was correct) for a relatively low return.
getPackageRDS <- function() {
description <- sprintf("%s/web/packages/packages.rds",
con <- if(substring(description, 1L, 7L) == "file://") {
file(description, "rb")
} else {
url(description, "rb")
db <- readRDS(gzcon(con))
rownames(db) <- NULL
dd <-
dd2 <- subset(dd, grepl("", URL))
## clean up (multiple URLs, etc.)
dd2$URL <- sapply(strsplit(dd2$URL,"[, \n]"),
function(x) trimws(grep("", x, value=TRUE)[1]))
As of today (25 May 2021) there are 17665 packages in total on CRAN, of which 6184 have "" in the URL field. Here are the first few results:
Package URL
5 abbyyR
12 ABCoptim
16 abctools
18 abdiv
20 abess
23 ABHgenotypeR
The URL field may still not be completely clean, but this should get you most of the way there.
An alternative approach would be to use the githubinstall package, which works by downloading a data frame that has been generated by crawling GitHub looking for R packages.
dd3 <- gh_list_packages()
At present there are 34491 packages in this list, so obviously it includes a lot of stuff that's not on CRAN. You could intersect this list of packages with information from available_packages() ...

Get data from Yahoo! Finance to R

I am trying to get data from Yahoo! Finance to R
I've installed quantmod like that:
install.packages("quantmod", repos="")
But when I try this:
getQuote("QQQQ;SPY", what=yahooQF("Last Trade (Price Only)"))
I see:
Error in download.file(paste("
s=", :
cannot open URL '
In addition: Warning message:
In download.file(paste("", :
s=QQQQ+SPY&f=d1t1l1': status was 'Couldn't resolve host name'
To answer the specific question asked:
getSymbols("QQQ;SPY", from="1997-12-31", src='yahoo')
works just fine - you get two xts series, QQQ and SPY (note that QQQQ is "dead" and replaced with QQQ), with 6 columns Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Adjusted.
It looks like you only want the close? If so, you can get just that series with
If you don't like auto-assignment, you can use <- getSymbols("QQQ", auto.assign=FALSE, from="1997-12-31", src='yahoo')
to assign the downloaded data to a variable of your choice. Note that most people would probably be interested in the adjusted price instead, if so, you can select it with
Finally, indeed, as pointed out, google finance no longer provides data through its API.
getSymbols("AAPL",src="google") has been deprecated.
Error: ‘’ is defunct.
Google Finance stopped providing data in March, 2018.
You could try setting src = "yahoo" instead.
See help("Defunct") and help("quantmod-defunct")

quantmod - getQuote() - '403 Forbidden'

I found an answer to my own question (see below). Still need help.
In the same package, quantmod, there is an option called
If I use it to get Microsoft value, for example, it works all right'MSFT', environment() , src="google", from = (Sys.Date() - 1))
[1] "MSFT"
But, I can´t make it work on a currency pair;"GBPUSD", environment() , src="google", from = (Sys.Date() - 1))
Error in download.file(paste(google.URL, "q=",, "&startdate=", :
cannot open URL ',+2017&enddate=Nov+03,+2017&output=csv'
In addition: Warning message:
In download.file(paste(google.URL, "q=",, "&startdate=", :
cannot open URL ',+2017&enddate=Nov+03,+2017&output=csv': HTTP status was '400 Bad Request'
Any ideas?
Good morning,
Since the 1ts of November i´m having trouble with the function getQuote from Yahoo. Is a function inside the package "quantmod", which uses yahoo API to request the information.
The description of the function is as follows; Fetch current stock quote(s) from specified source. At present this only handles sourcing quotes from Yahoo Finance, but it will be extended to additional sources over time.
In r, i´m getting the following error; "HTTP status was '403 Forbidden'"
I´ve look on my browser and the error comes from the following error in Yahoo web page "Fetch current stock quote(s) from specified source. At present this only handles sourcing quotes from Yahoo Finance, but it will be extended to additional sources over time."
Does anybody know how to solve ir, or, any alternatives to the function getQuote()
Here is an example from RStudio
Error in download.file(paste("", :
cannot open URL ''
In addition: Warning message:
In download.file(paste("", :
cannot open URL '': HTTP status was '403 Forbidden'
seems that yahoo has discontinued this service. Anyone aware of a alternative for yahoo (I'd rather not have to webscrape yahoo for this)
I ran into the same problem... it's kludgey but as a workaround to get the end-of-day value, I have found this to work for now:
Instead of getQuote() to get the Last price (which doesn't seem to work from Yahoo anymore):
quote.last <-getQuote(underlying)$Last
I use "getSymbols" which still works-- throws it into a new data frame, and I pull out the value I want from that:
Hx<-getSymbols(underlying,from=Sys.Date()-1) # allows me to not have to retain the ticker name if I do this across many tickers
quote.last<-as.double(tail(Cl(get(Hx)),1)) # Closing price value from last row of data
rm(list=Hx) # throw away the temporary data frame with quote history
I'm sure the's a more elegant way to do it, but this is what fell out of my brain as a quick workaround that got it done... sadly that doesn't get things like the Bid and Ask that getQuote does.

Can getSymbols still work with oanda?

I want to get the data of currencies and metals. As I tried some packages, many person suggest quantmod. So I used getSymbols as the following:
Error in download.file(paste(oanda.URL,,, "exch=", currency.pair[1], :
cannot open URL ''
In addition: Warning message:
In download.file(paste(oanda.URL,,, "exch=", currency.pair[1], :
cannot open: HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
as I used:
I get the same message.
So getSymbols can still work with Oanda?
And another question is where I can find the list of the symbols that the web-service such as Yahoo, Oanda, Google supported? In fact I don't need the stock symbols, I just need the symbols for the future such as corn, gold and the currency.
Oanda changed their URL structure and file format. I fixed this over the weekend. You would need to look on the website of each respective provider in order to find what symbols they support.

GoogleVis, Geomap Plot error

When I want to create the map using the gvisGeoMap() from googleVis, I get error:
## Using the google visualization API with R
input<- read.csv("data.csv")
select<- input[which(input$Subgroup=="Total 5-14"),]
select<- input[which(input$Subgroup=="Total 5-14 yr"),]
Map<- data.frame(select$Country.or.Area, select$Value)
names(Map)<- c("Country", "Percentage")
Geo=gvisGeoMap(Map, locationvar="Country", numvar="Percentage",
options=list(height=350, dataMode='regions'))
#starting httpd help server ... done
#Error in ifelse(interactive(), getOption("browser"), "false") :
#replacement has length zero
The above is the error in the "RGui". The error message in "RStudio" is differet:
#object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
and the browser does not fire at all. The HTTP server works fine since I can simply call help pages.( for example ?googleVis will fire up the browser and give the help page). The "Geo" object in the code above is fine and contains the html code only that the plot() does not do what it is supposed to do (I can manually run the html file in the temp folder and see the results). The example above is available here.
I would appreciate your clues.
Thank you
This is the result of correspondance with the the Authors of the packages. It seems that there was a bug that prevented the plot to work properly. The released a new version. You can find the link below.
Yesterday evening I realised that with version 0.3.0 of googleVis I unfortunately introduced a bug in RStudio and R on Windows.
The bug has been fixed already and a new version (0.3.1) is available from our project site (here is the link), but not on CRAN yet.
I have put a note on my blog (here is the link) to inform others as well.
I hope this helps.
Best regards
