Style.css link is showing the old copy of style.css - css

I have made some changes in style.css and uploaded it online. However it is not showing me required results. i.e it is still taking the old style.css codes.
I am able to view changes offline but when i give it full href link it is not showing me necessary results.

It seems like there is a cached version that you are viewing. Try clearing the cache in your browser and reloading the page. If that doesn't work then most likely the web hosting you are using is caching the stylesheet.

Open website with another browser. If css is still old, I can tell you that you have definitively not update the css file.
Another thing to do is to clear cache of your browser. It is possible you are viewing cache. Which browser are you using? Check how to clear cache.

You're probably using a cached version of your CSS. If this happens in other browsers too, then problem is in somewhere else.
You can fix this by:
clearing the cache (see or
going to your CSS path by browser (e.g. and refreshing the page.
doing force refresh (usually Ctrl+F5 or F5)


Styling not refreshing for old visitors on WordPress

I’m working on correcting a styling of an element on an WP-based eCommerce site.
The site has both SCSS and CSS files.
To make things quick, I edited the CSS via Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS.
However, when I was done and published my changes (and solved the issue), only those new to the website sees the difference.
Those who have visited the site prior to the deployment of the solution, still see the distorted number layout
I also suspected that the SCSS gets compiled every refresh but when I checked the File Manager (cPanel), only the CSS files get modified.
I’m feeling this might be a cache-related issue. I have already disabled a cache plugin (WP Rocket). However, the problem still persists.
What possible issue am I experiencing?
Edit: I did try to use Incognito and the change did reflect. However, the users of the site are non-techy people and don't know how to refresh.
The site is using GoDaddy as the host. Is it possible the issue is on that part?
Thank you

Site Hosting Issue

I'm a programmer, but in designing, I'm new and I created my first site by using HTML, CSS and Javascript and host on hostinger but after hosted, I realize that my site background color does not look good that's why I changes inside my .css file but the changes is not reflected on my site. Please tell me a solution, so that I can fix the problem.
It is possible that your browser cashed old css for your site. Try this:
Ctrl+F5 - refresh window with clearing cache
Use Incognito Window
Clear your browsing data

How do I clear an aggressive cache when I can't even find *where* it's being cached?

I have a Wordpress site, and a very strange problem. I have a page on that site that has pictures on it. I edited the HTML directly to refer to the picture files in a certain place in the directory structure on the hosted site.
I then went in, via SFTP, and deleted one photo on the site because I need to alter the original.
Browsing to the page, however, shows that photo still there. No amount of cache clearing (Google Chrome, IE, and Firefox) will resolve the issue. I also use ipconfig /flushdns repeatedly.
How can a page show a picture file that's not there? It's driving me batty! I don't even know where to begin to look to solve this problem....
Please add ?v=1.123 at the end of your url and see the problem is solve or not.

Wordpress CSS updates appear after delay

I am using an FTP client to download/edit/upload CSS files of my child theme. Typically that worked smoothly and updates were seen after refreshing the page in the browser immediately.
However, on my current fresh wordpress install, I see changes in my CSS only after a few minutes, which makes the whole process really annoying. I don't quite know what I am doing wrong.
Here are some details of my setup:
I use a child-theme which uses the twentythirteen theme as a parent.
It's definitley not a browser cache issue, since I work on chrome incognito mode with the dev-console opened (and enabled Disable cache (while DevTools is open) checkbox)
One strange thing I observer is, that, when accessing the child theme's CSS file directly in the browser it appears differently sometimes. I suspect, Wordpress is somehow accessing the CSS file and if there was a change, it caches the file and from then on returnes a minified version of the CSS. Maybe this is the root cause of the error. This is what the file actually looks like:
This is what the same file most of the times looks like when accessed via the browser directly:
This is the excerpt of the child-theme's functions.php which shows how the child-theme's style is included. Maybe I am doing something wrong here:
Hope you can help me.
My Webhoster has enabled mod_pagespeed by default. I had to turn this off via entering ModPagespeed off in my .htaccess file. Abhik also pointed to this in his comment.

Wordpress Stylesheet isn't updating on front end

I'm working on a site for a client that was built by someone else, and I'm having issues with a stylesheet not updating on the front end
The site is, and I've tried to update the stylesheet and footer files. Now the footer file updates, but the stylesheet doesn't. I've tried deleting the stylesheet from the server but it's still there somehow, even though I can't find any cached files on the server.
The other weird part is that if I go into the theme editor in the dashboard, it shows up my updated stylesheet there. I've checked the relative paths etc, I've debugged, but I can't find out why the sheet isn't updated. I've tried hard refresh, other browsers/computers, and even incongnito mode with no luck.
I've uploaded the updated css to, and if I update the CSS link in developer tools it works fine.
Can anyone see what may be going wrong here?
Please check file permission for your css file. It should be writeable
