Write and read from a serial port - serial-port

I am using the following python script to write AT+CSQ on serial port ttyUSB1.
But I cannot read anything.
However, when I fire AT+CSQ on minicom, I get the required results.
What may be the issue with this script?
Manual Script
root#imx6slzbha:~# python se.py
Serial is open
Serial is open in try block also
write data: AT+CSQ
read data:
read data:
read data:
read data:
Minicom console
1. ate
2. at+csq
+CSQ: 20,99
3. at+csq=?
OKSQ: (0-31,99),(99)
How can I receive these results in the following python script?
import serial, time
#initialization and open the port
#possible timeout values:
# 1. None: wait forever, block call
# 2. 0: non-blocking mode, return immediately
# 3. x, x is bigger than 0, float allowed, timeout block call
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.port = "/dev/ttyUSB1"
ser.baudrate = 115200
ser.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS #number of bits per bytes
ser.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE #set parity check: no parity
ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE #number of stop bits
ser.timeout = None #block read
#ser.timeout = 0 #non-block read
ser.timeout = 3 #timeout block read
ser.xonxoff = False #disable software flow control
ser.rtscts = False #disable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control
ser.dsrdtr = False #disable hardware (DSR/DTR) flow control
ser.writeTimeout = 2 #timeout for write
print("Serial is open")
except Exception, e:
print "error open serial port: " + str(e)
if ser.isOpen():
print("Serial is open in try block also")
ser.flushInput() #flush input buffer, discarding all its contents
ser.flushOutput()#flush output buffer, aborting current output
#and discard all that is in buffer
#write data
# ser.write("AT+CSQ=?x0D")
print("write data: AT+CSQ")
# print("write data: AT+CSQ=?x0D")
time.sleep(2) #give the serial port sometime to receive the data
numOfLines = 1
while True:
response = ser.readline()
print("read data: " + response)
numOfLines = numOfLines + 1
if (numOfLines >= 5):
except Exception, e1:
print "error communicating...: " + str(e1)
print "cannot open serial port "

You have two very fundamental flaws in your AT command handling:
if (numOfLines >= 5):
How bad are they? Nothing will ever work until you fix those, and by that I mean completely change the way you send and receive command and responses.
Sending AT commands to a modem is a communication protocol like any other protocols, where certain parts and behaviours are required and not optional. Just like you would not write a HTTP client that completely ignores the responses it gets back from the HTTP server, you must never write a program that sends AT commands to a modem and completely ignores the responses the modem sends back.
AT commands are a link layer protocol, with with a window size of 1 - one. Therefore after sending a command line, the sender MUST wait until has received a response from the modem that it is finished with processing the command line, and that kind of response is called Final result code.
If the modem uses 70ms before it responds with a final result code you have to wait at least 70ms before continuing, if it uses 4 seconds you have to wait at least 4 seconds before continuing, if it uses several minutes (and yes, there exists AT commands that can take minutes to complete) you have to wait for several minutes. If the modem has not responded in an hour, your only options are 1) continue waiting, 2) just give up or 3) disconnect, reconnect and start all over again.
This is why sleep is such a horrible approach that in the very best case is a time wasting ticking bomb. It is as useful as kicking dogs that stand in your way in order to get them to move. Yes it might actually work some times, but at some point you will be sorry for taking that approach...
And regarding numOfLines there is no way anyone in advance can know exactly how many lines a modem will respond with. What if your modem just responds with a single line with the ERROR final result code? The code will deadlock.
So this line number counting has to go completely away, and instead your code should be sending a command line and then wait for the final result code by reading and parsing the response lines from the modem.
But before diving too deep into that answer, start by reading the V.250 specification, at least all of chapter 5. This is the standard that defines the basics of AT command, and will for instance teach you the difference between a command and a command line. And how to correctly terminate a command line which you are not doing, so the modem will never start processing the commands you send.


SIM5320E - POST request with large data is slow

I have built a prototype using a raspberry and a sim5320E module. The goal is to send a large amount of data (~100Kb) through HTTP using this 3G module.
I have followed the instructions specified in section 16.5 (HTTPS) of the AT Command set for the SIM5320:
And it worked fine, except that it is slow.
From what I understand from the documentation (and seen from my tests), the data to be sent must be divided in chunks of max 4096 bytes.
Every chunk must be sent to what is called the "sending buffer" using the command AT+CHTTPSSEND.
Every now and then, we must check that the sending buffer does not have too much data in cache using the AT+CHTTPSSEND? command.
The last AT+CHTTPSSEND command commits all sending data.
My problem is that every AT+CHTTPSSEND takes around 10 seconds to complete, which means that my HTTP request will take around 250 seconds to complete.
Anybody knows what might cause this slowness?
Here is some code to illustrate the issue:
def send_chunk(self, chunk):
# Send chunk
self._send('CHTTPSSEND={}'.format(len(chunk)), wait_for=">")
# Check how much data is left in the sending buffer
# Wait for this data to be under 3Kb
data_left = 3001
while data_left > 3000:
response = self._send('CHTTPSSEND?', wait_for="+CHTTPSSEND:")
data_left = int(response.strip().split(" ")[1])
And here are the logs I get:
>> AT+CHTTPSSEND=4096 -> This commands takes ~10 seconds
<< >
>> Sending chunk of data
<< OK

replicate Arduino's serial monitor on Scilab consol

If I use the Arduino IDE's Serial monitor I can read the pair of comma separated values as below:
I want to first replicate this behavior in SciLab terminal. I used the Serial Communication Toolbox:
h = openserial(7, "9600,n,8,1") // open COM7
which returns either empty or
, 169
228, 179
228, 205
228, 209 228,
putting the disp(readserial(h)) in a while loop also doesn't help. Not only there are too many empty lines, if I stop the while loop it does not close the port (something like try-catch should be used I think). I would appreciate if you could help me know how I could get the same behavior as Arduino's serial monitor?
P.S. Next I want to plot these two values in realtime. So maybe using the csvTextScan function to split the string into two integers.
OK, after a couple of days struggling I figured this out. It turns out that SciLab doesn't have native serial communication functionality and the Toolbox developer has used TCL_EvalStr to run Tcl commands externally. I had to dig into the Tcl serial communication syntax (i.e. read, open, gets, fconfigure ... ), ask another question, get some help and then finally end up with a new function for the Toolbox which I have committed as a pull request:
function buf = readserialline(h)
tmpbuf = emptystr();
while tmpbuf == emptystr()
TCL_EvalStr("gets " + h + " ttybuf");
tmpbuf = TCL_GetVar("ttybuf");
buf = tmpbuf;
now one can get the above behavior by running:
h = openserial(7, "9600,n,8,1") // open COM7
for ii = 1:40
to read the serial port line by line and print it to the SciLab console. Now to parse the CSV data you may use:
csvTextScan(part(readserialline(h), 1:$-1), ',')
P.S.1. I have used a virtual Arduino board inside SimulIDE and used com0com to create virtual serial ports. More information here on SourceForge.
P.S.2. More discussion with Toolbox developer Aditya Sengupta here on Twitter.
P.S.3. More discussions here on Tcl Google group
P.S.4. A full demonstration plus instructions here on Reddit
P.S.5. For those who might end up here, I have decided to rewrite Aditya Sengupta's repository here with several improvements.

ESP8266 String max size 247 Bytes?

I program an ESP8266 NodeMCU with Lua script. As I was debugging the problem that strings just were cut off at the beginning and extended further. I send from ESP8266 to an Android Phone.
I looked more in testing the esp via UART Interface, following problem:
the maximum String size when I declare a string container is 247 characters. After I exceed the 247th there is an error:
stdin:1: unexpected symbol near '='
The String is obviously too long but I need to send at least 2048 bytes per String for maximum efficiency. Is it possible to extend the input limit of a string variable?
(I build a 2048 bytes Packet and 86 bytes Overhead for the HTTP Get Response)
The TCP Tx Buffer of ESP8266 is 2920 bytes.
str_resp0 = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
str_resp1 = "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
send_buf = "";
uart.on("data", "$",
t = {send_buf,data}
send_buf = table.concat(t);
if data=="quit$" then
uart.on("data") -- quit the function
end, 0)
send_buf = "";
conn:on("sent",function(conn) conn:close()
stdin:1: unexpected symbol near '='
sounds very much like a problem with your "IDE" (ESPlorer?).
Furthermore, you should send long payloads in batches. The SDK limits the packet size to some 1500 bytes which is the standard Ethernet MTU.
http://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/en/modules/net/#netsocketsend has some explanations and a nice example.
srv = net.createServer(net.TCP)
srv:listen(80, function(conn)
conn:on("receive", function(sck, req)
local response = {}
-- if you're sending back HTML over HTTP you'll want something like this instead
-- local response = {"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nServer: NodeMCU on ESP8266\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"}
response[#response + 1] = "lots of data"
response[#response + 1] = "even more data"
response[#response + 1] = "e.g. content read from a file"
-- sends and removes the first element from the 'response' table
local function send(sk)
if #response > 0
then sk:send(table.remove(response, 1))
response = nil
-- triggers the send() function again once the first chunk of data was sent
sck:on("sent", send)
Update 2016-07-18
Results of some experimenting in ESPlorer. The test uses a single initialized variable:
buffer = "A very long string with more than 250 chars..."
Hitting 'Send to ESP' (sending char-by-char over UART) will fail with an error similar to the one reported here.
Saving this into a file works fine.
Hit 'Save', will save the line to a file on your file system e.g. paul.lua
Hit 'Save to ESP', will send paul.lua to the device.
If it's not done automatically as part of 'Save to ESP' you can send dofile("paul.lua") to the device. This will make the variable buffer available in the global space.
Sending print(buffer) will print the entire string to the terminal window.
The Problem is as it seems unavoidable. Referring to the espressif forums:
"the delay added by the lower level code is 20ms it is documented!"
so the event frame could'nt get handled faster than this. The only way to tweak this might be buffering the data in microcontroller and sending it at once every 20ms or installing the so called "FreeRTOS SDK for ESP8266", whose transfer speed is only limited by uart speed.

Python socket sendall randomly fails

I have a simple script which transfers an image file from one machine to another,
does image processing and returns a result as "dice count".
The problem is that randomly the image received is partially grey. There seems no
reason as to when the transfer is incomplete and I see no other issues in the code.
The client gives no error or any indication that sendall failed or was incomplete.
Thanks guys.
server code:
def reciveImage():
#create local buffer file
fo = open("C:/foo.jpg", "wb")
print "inside reciveImage"
while True:
print "inside loop"
data = client.recv(4096)
print "data length: ", len(data)
print "data written"
if (len(data) < 4096):
print "break"
print "Image received"
And the (simplifyed) client code:
data = open("/home/nao/recordings/cameras/image1.jpg", "rb")
# prepare to send data
binary_data = data.read()
Normal server output:
Client Command: findBlob. Requesting image...
inside reciveImage
inside loop
data length: 4096
data written
#... This happens a bunch of times....
inside loop
data length: 4096
data written
inside loop
data length: 1861
data written
Image received
dice count: 0
Waiting for a connection
But randomly it will only loop a few times or less, like:
Client Command: findBlob. Requesting image...
inside reciveImage
inside loop
data length: 1448
data written
Image received
dice count: 0
Waiting for a connection
recv does not block until all data are received, it only blocks until some data are received and returns them. E.g. if the client send first 512 bytes and then a second later another 512 byte your recv will return the first 512 bytes, even if you asked for 4096. So you should only break if recv returns, that no more data are available (connection closed).

Controlling MDrive 23 with Python under Linux

MDrive 23 motor takes commands from a terminal, and I got it to work with screen program:
screen /dev/ttyUSB0
Is this is called a serial terminal? I'm unfamiliar with the details of the connection, but feel like I should be able to use PySerial to send the commands.
I tried:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 19200)
ser.isOpen() # Returns True
ser.write('ma 100000\r\n') # Does nothing...
ser.inWaiting() # Returns 0
I didn't know how to set the other init variables, like:
parity = serial.PARITY_ODD,
stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
bytesize = serial.SEVENBITS
I'm going to try guessing some values next... The documentation is lame, but it mentions MODBUS TCP and Mcode.
How do I set these and are there any syntax errors in my snippet?
I know how to send arguments to the Serial object, but I do not know what values are typical.
The other parameters to the Serial constructor are set in a similar way as port and baudrate:
ser = serial.Serial(port = '/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=19200, bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_ODD, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_TWO)
ser.flush() # wait for data to be written
Edit: It seems the default settings are 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. In addition no flow-control is used. That would be equivalent to:
ser = serial.Serial(port = '/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
As all values, except port, are set to their defaults, you may use:
ser = serial.Serial(port = '/dev/ttyUSB0')
The last thing to worry about is which (read) timeout to set. This is measured/set in seconds (float allowed) and sets how long a read() command will block before returning what has been read.
