What happens in rs232 if both sender and receiver are following odd parity and bit gets swapped? - serial-port

I am studying USART, with the help of rs232 and max232 for communication.
I want to know if, in a scenario, sender and receiver are following odd parity and except the parity and start, stop bit rest bits gets swapped. So in this case how the receiver will get to know that data received by the receiver is wrong.Here,

Odd/Even parity is not particularly useful for exactly the reason you have identified - it detects only a subset of errors. In days when the number of gates that could fit on chip was far fewer, it had the advantage at least of requiring minimal logic to implement.
However even if you detect an error, what do you do about it? Normally a higher level packet based protocol is used where the packets have a more robust error check such as a CRC. In that case on an error, the receiver can request a resend of the erroneous packet.
At the word rather then packet level, it is possible to use a more sophisticated error checking mechanism bu using more bits for error checking and fewer for the data. This reduces the effective data rate further, and on a simple UART requires a software implementation. It is even possible to implement error-detection and correction at the word level, but this is seldom used for UART/USART comms.


Serial Comms baud rate, parity and stop bits. Which options to use and when?

I'm trying to pick up some serial comms for a new job I am starting. I have done some reading which has helped a lot however, a lot of the reading tells you about the specification of serial comms and what everything is, but not when is best to use particular options.
My searches for this information so far only seem to pull in the spec; perhaps as a novice I am searching for the wrong terms.
My questions then!
Baud Rate - I have read this is signal changes per second and is often mislabelled as bits per second. Is this essentially bits per second including the frame data if asynchronous, and actually bits per second if synchronous?
Parity - Even/Odd.. Is there any difference at all between the two? I'm thinking in terms of efficiency or similar. Does this only still exist for compatabilities sake?
Stop Bits - I have read so far you can have 1 or 2 stop bits. In C# there seems to be an option for 1.5 too. I can't find anything on why you would want/need more than 1.
If anyone can advise on these points, or point me to some recommended reading material I would be very grateful.
Thanks for reading.
edit: typo
You very rarely have a choice, you must make it compatible with the settings that the device uses. If you don't know then you need to look in a manual or pick up a phone. Do keep in mind that it is increasing very rare to work with a real serial port device, one that uses an UART. Most commonly you actually talk to an emulated serial port, implemented by a USB or Bluetooth device driver. The settings you use don't matter in such a case since the actual signaling is implemented by the underlying bus.
If you can configure the device then basic guidelines are:
Baudrate is directly related to the length of the cable and the amount of electrical interference that's present. You have to go slower when you get bit errors. The RS-232 spec only allows for a maximum of 50 ft at 9600 baud.
Parity ought to be used when you don't use an error-correcting protocol. It does not matter whether you pick Odd or Even. Odd people pick odd, it's their prerogative.
Stopbits is usually 1. Picking 1.5 or 2 help a bit to relieve pressure on a device whose interrupt response times are poor, detected by data loss.
Databits is almost always 8, sometimes 7 if the device only handles ASCII codes.
Handshaking is an important setting that never stop causing trouble since many programmers just overlook it. Modern computers are almost always fast enough to not need it but that's not necessarily true for devices. The most basic stay-out-of-trouble configuration is to turn DTR on when you open the port and to tell the device driver to take care of RTS/CTS handshaking. Xon/Xoff handshaking is sometimes used, depends on the device.
A good 90% of the battle is won by implementing solid error checking. It is almost always skimped on, bad idea. Very important for serial port devices since they have no error correcting capabilities themselves and very weak error detection. Always make sure that you can detect and properly report overrun, parity and framing errors. And test them by getting the settings intentionally wrong.

How does a device receiving data tell when data transmission stops?

I'm trying to understand asynchronous serial data transmission. I know that the transmitting device sends a start bit (e.g. 1) to the receiver to indicate that transmission has begun; then a stop bit (e.g. 0) afterwards to indicate that the transmission has ended.
What I don't understand: how does the receiving device know which bit is the stop bit? The stop bit is surely no different from the other bits of data. The only way I can think of is if the transmitting device stops sending bits for a significant gap, the receiving device would know that no more bits are forthcoming, and the last bit must have been a stop bit. But if that is the case, then why would a stop bit be required at all, rather than the receiving device simply waiting for a bit, and considering the transmission to be ended when the transmitting device doesn't send any more bits?
That becomes a question of protocol. start and stop bits only have meaning if the communicating devices agree on that meaning (e.g. a frame consists of a start bit, 8 data bits, and a stop bit). Similarly, how to denote when a particular communication is complete needs to be agreed between the participants (e.g. define one or more frames that denote message termination).So for a particular communication either a full frame is received and the listener keeps listening, a partial frame is received with no subsequent data transmission and the connection can be considered faulted after some duration, or a full frame is received and that frame denotes the end of the exchange.

What is the difference between using mark/space parity and parity none?

What is the purpose having created three type of parity bits that all define a state where the parity bit is precisely not used ?
"If the parity bit is present but not used, it may be referred to as mark parity (when the parity bit is always 1) or space parity (the bit is always 0)" - Wikipedia
There is a very simple and very useful reason to have mark or space parity that appears to be left out here: node address flagging.
Very low-power and/or small embedded systems sometimes utilize an industrial serial bus like RS485 or RS422. Perhaps many very tiny processors may be attached to the same bus.
These tiny devices don't want to waste power or processing time looking at every single character that comes in over the serial port. Most of the time, it's not something they're interested in.
So, you design a bus protocol that uses for example maybe 9 bits... 8 data bits and a mark/space parity bit. Each data packet contains exactly one byte or word (the node address) with the mark parity bit set. Everything else is space parity. Then, these tiny devices can simply wait around for a parity error interrupt. Once it get's the interrupt, it checks that byte. Is that my address? No, go back to sleep.
It's a very power-efficient system... and only 10% wasteful on bandwidth. In many environments, that's a very good trade-off.
So... if you've then got a PC-class system trying to TALK to these tiny devices, you need to be able to set/clear that parity bit. So, you set MARK parity when you transmit the node addresses, and SPACE parity everywhere else.
So there are five possibilities, not three: no parity, mark, space, odd and even. With no parity the extra bit is just omitted in the frame, often selected when the protocol is already checking for errors with a checksum or CRC or data corruption is not deemed likely or critical.
Nobody ever selects mark or space, that's just wasting bandwidth. Modulo some odd standard, like 9-bit data protocols that hardware vendors like to force you to buy their hardware since you have no real shot at reprogramming the UART on the fly without writing a driver.
Setting mark or space parity is useful if you're generating data to send to hardware that requires a parity bit (perhaps because it has a hard coded word length built into the electronics) but doesn't care what its value is.
RS485 requires 9 bits transmission, as described above. RS485 is widely used in industrial applications, whatever the controlled device 'size' (for instance there are many air conditioners or refrigerators offering a RS485 interface, not really 'tiny' things). RS485 allows up to 10Mbs throughput or distances up to 4000 feet. Using the parity bit to distinguish address/data bytes eases hardware implementation, each node of the network can have their own hardware to generate interrupts only if an address byte on the wire matches the node's address.
Very clear and helpful answers and remarks.
For those who find the concept perverse, relax; the term is a problem of semantics rather than information theory or engineering, the difficulty arising from the use of the word "parity".
"Mark" and "space" bits are not parity bits in those applications, and the term arises from the fact that they occupy the bit position in which a parity bit might be expected in other contexts. In reality they have nothing to do with parity, but are used for any relevant purpose where a constant bit value is needed, such as to mark the start of a byte or other signal, or as a delay,or to indicate the status of a signal as being data or address or the like.
Accordingly they sometimes are more logically called "stick (parity) bits", being stuck in "on" or "off" state. Sometimes they really are "don't cares".

Data Error Checking

I've got a bit of an odd question. A friend of mine and I thought it would be funny to make a serial port kind of communication between computers using sound. Basically, computers emit a series of beeps to send data, and listen for beeps over a microphone to receive data. In short, the world's most annoying serial port. I have all of the basics worked out. I can filter out sounds of only one frequency and I have sent data from one computer to another. Although the transmission is fairly error free, being affected only by very loud noises, some issues still exist. My question is, what are some good ways to check the data for errors and, more importantly, recover from these errors.
My serial communication is very standard once you get past the fact it uses sound waves. I use one start bit, 8 data bits, and one stop bit in every frame. I have already considered Cyclic Redundancy Checks, and I plan to factor this into my error checking, but CRCs don't account for some of the more insidious issues. For example, consider sending two bytes of data. You send the first one, and it received correctly, but just after the stop bit of the first byte, and the start bit of the next, a large book falls on the floor, which the receiver interprets to be a start bit, now the true start bit is read as part of the data and the receiver could be reading garbage data for many bytes to come. Eventually, a pause in the data could get things back on track.
That isn't the worst of it though. Bits can be dropped too, and most error checking schemes I can think of rely on receiving a certain number of bytes. What happens when the receiver keeps waiting for bytes that may not come?
So, you can see the complexity of this question. If you can direct me to any resources, or just give me a few tips, I would greatly appreciate your help.
A CRC is just a part of the solution. You can check for bad data but then you have to do something about it. The transmitter has to re-send the data, it needs to be told to do that. A protocol.
The starting point is that you split up the data into packets. A common approach is a start byte that indicates the start of the packet, followed by a packet number, followed by a length byte that indicates the length of the packet. Followed by the data bytes and the CRC. The receiver sends an ACK or NAK back to indicate success.
This solves several problems:
you don't care about a bad start bit anymore, the pause you need to recover is always there
you start a timer when you receive the first bit or byte, declare failure when the timer expires before the entire packet is received
the packet number helps you recover from bad ACK/NAK returns. The transmitter times out and resends the packet, you can detect the duplicate
RFC 916 describes such a protocol in detail. I never heard of anybody actually implementing it (other than me). Works pretty well.

What are the implications of half-duplex serial connections?

What are the implications of using a half-duplex serial connection versus a full-duplex one? What happens if both sides try sending data at the same time? Do you end up with corrupt data arriving on both ends? Does flow-control help you with this?
On the line the data will be garbled, which may or may not lead to devices receiving the garbled data. Sometimes this will be used to detect that the transmission failed due to a collision.
Normally you wouldn't use half-duplex in the same way as full-duplex to send single characters in asynchronous mode. Rather you'd use some packet protocol which determines who has the right to send at which times, and which includes some checksum (usually a CRC) to detect corruption.
Flow control doesn't help much for this. It's purpose is to ensure that the receiver is not overrun by to much data. There is software flow control which uses the ASCII characters XON and XOFF to start and stop transmission, and hardware flow control which uses the RTS (Request To Send) and CTS (Clear To Send) control lines. XON/XOFF-style software flow control won't work with half duplex.
These days you don't see half duplex with ordinary RS-232 and modems (I used it with acoustic couplers in the eighties, it was rare even then). But it is common for RS-485, which is used in industrial control with various protocols. There are also many other data transmission standards which operate in a half-duplex way, mostly when there are more than two devices attached to the same line (ancient 10base2 Ethernet, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, I2C, ...).
My God, where did you find a half-duplex line in this day and age?
Anyway, the answer is that if both ends drive the line, it gets all confused. For this reason, there are specified ASCII characters lie Clear to Send and Data Terminal Ready (CTS and DTR) that are used to make a handshake. See this tutorial for more.
Augh, I should have gone to bed. Tutorial right, me stoopid.
