Let's do a quick 3-clusters classification on the iris dataset with the FactoMineR package:
model <- HCPC(iris[,1:4], nb.clust = 3)
1 2 3
50 62 38
We see that 50 observations are in cluster 1, 62 in cluster 2 and 38 in cluster 3.
Now, we want to visualize these 3 clusters in a dendrogram, with the package dendextend which enables to make pretty ones:
model$call$t$tree %>%
as.dendrogram() %>%
color_branches(k = 3, groupLabels = unique(model$data.clust$clust)) %>%
The problem is that the labels on the dendrogram don't meet the true labels of the classification. The cluster 2 should be the biggest one (62 observations according to the data), but on the dendrogram, we clearly see it is the smallest one.
I tried different thinks but nothing work for now, so if you have any idea of which input give to groupLabels = in order to match the real labels, that would be great.
Looking inside dendextend::color_branches, we can see that group labels are assigned using the command g <- dendextend::cutree(dend, k = k, h = h, order_clusters_as_data = FALSE).
This fact can be used for building a map between the cluster labels assigned by HCPC and group labels assigned by dendextend::color_branches.
model <- HCPC(iris[,1:4], nb.clust = 3)
clust.hcpc <- as.numeric(model$data.clust$clust)
clust.cutree <- dendextend:::cutree(model$call$t$tree, k=3, order_clusters_as_data = FALSE)
idx <- order(as.numeric(names(clust.cutree)))
clust.cutree <- clust.cutree[idx]
( tbl <- table(clust.hcpc, clust.cutree) )
clust.hcpc 1 2 3
1 50 0 0
2 0 0 62
3 0 36 2
This table shows that cluster labels 2 and 3 are matched with group labels 3 and 2, respectively. (Surprisingly, for two sample units this rule is not true.)
The groups levels that need to be passed to dendextend::color_branches can be found as follows:
( lbls <- apply(tbl,2,which.max) )
1 2 3
1 3 2
Here is the dendrogram:
model$call$t$tree %>%
color_branches(k=3, groupLabels =lbls) %>%
set("labels_cex", .5) %>%
I am working with a large social network that spans 5 years of data collection. My intention is to subset the data by month/year to analyze the change in various network metrics.
I want to store node attributes into the data frame such that they can be called back after subsetting. For the reproducible example, I want to subset my global network by weight (e.g. all nodes with edges >2).
Is there a way to store node attributes (i.e. Male/Female) into the nodes on the original (larger data frame) that can be recalled after filtering out various nodes (and ignored if the node is missing)? Meaning, if a node's order was changed in the df it will still be associated with the correct sex (i.e. node 1 is always a male regardless if other nodes have been removed or reordered).
I've found answers to creating node attributes for each individual sub-network but I need to generate ~50 subnetworks and being forced to label each individual networks node, in the correct order would be hours of extra work. (e.g. V(any.given.subnetwork)$Sex <- c("male","female","male","male","female","male")).
Very small reproducible example below to illustrate my code:
#Load Global Data
df <- data.frame(id=1:6,id2=c(2,3,4,5,6,1), weight= c(4,3,1,8,2,7))
#make an igraph graph from the df dataframe
df.df <- graph.data.frame(df, directed = TRUE)
#make df.df and adjacency matrix
df.mat <- as_adjacency_matrix(df.df, type = "both", names = TRUE,
sparse = FALSE, attr= "weight")
#make it an igraph object
df.mat <- graph.adjacency(df.mat, mode= "directed", weighted=TRUE, diag = FALSE)
#Applying "sex" attribute to the nodes
V(df.mat)$Sex <- c("male","female","male","male","female","male")
ggraph(df.mat, layout = "nicely") +
geom_edge_link(aes(alpha= weight)) + geom_node_point(aes(color = factor(Sex)))
#filtering out any nodes from Global "df" that have a weight less than 2
df.mat.01 <- df %>%
filter(weight > 2)
#make an igraph graph from the df.01 dataframe
df.df.01 <- graph.data.frame(df.mat.01, directed = TRUE)
#make df.df.01 and adjacency matrix
df.mat01 <- as_adjacency_matrix(df.df.01, type = "both", names = TRUE,
sparse = FALSE, attr= "weight")
#make it an igraph object
df.mat01 <- graph.adjacency(df.mat01, mode= "directed", weighted=TRUE, diag = FALSE)
ggraph(df.mat01, layout = "nicely") +
geom_edge_link(aes(alpha= weight)) + geom_node_point(aes(color = factor(Sex)))
#Error in factor(Sex) : object 'Sex' not found
The package tidygraph makes such manipulations straightforward. You can convert your graph into a tbl_graph which is easier to manipulate, and can be plotted directly with ggraph or converted back to an igraph:
df_mat <- as_tbl_graph(df.mat)
#> # A tbl_graph: 6 nodes and 6 edges
#> #
#> # A directed simple graph with 1 component
#> #
#> # Node Data: 6 x 2 (active)
#> name Sex
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 male
#> 2 2 female
#> 3 3 male
#> 4 4 male
#> 5 5 female
#> 6 6 male
#> #
#> # Edge Data: 6 x 3
#> from to weight
#> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 1 2 4
#> 2 2 3 3
#> 3 3 4 1
#> # ... with 3 more rows
For example, to filter out all edges with weight <= 2 and plot with ggraph, we can do:
df_mat %>%
activate(edges) %>%
filter(weight > 2) %>%
ggraph(layout = "nicely") +
geom_edge_link(aes(alpha= weight)) +
geom_node_point(aes(color = factor(Sex)))
I have now for days without luck scanned the internet for help on this issue. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated! (especially in a tidyverse-friendly syntax)
I have a tibble with approx. 4300 rows/obs and 320 columns. One column is my dependent variable, a continuous numeric column called "RR" (Response Ratios). My goal is to bin the RR values into 10 factor levels. Later for Machine Learning classification.
I have experimented with the cut() function with this code:
df <- era.af.Al_noNaN %>%
rationalize() %>%
drop_na(RR) %>%
mutate(RR_MyQuantile = cut(RR,
breaks = unique(quantile(RR, probs = seq.int(0,1, by = 1 / numbers_of_bins))),
include.lowest = TRUE))
But I have no luck, because my bins come out with equal n in each, however, that does not reflect the distribution of the data.. I have studied a bit here https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-feature-engineering-part-1-continuous-numeric-data-da4e47099a7b but I simply cannot achieve the same in R.
Here is the distribution of my RR data values grouped into classes *not what I want
You can try hist() to get the breaks. It's for plotting histograms but it also provides other associated data as side effect. In the example below, the plot is suppressed by plot = FALSE to expose the breaks data. Then, use that in cut(). This should give you the cutoffs, maintaining the distribution of the variable.
hist(iris$Sepal.Length, breaks = 5, plot = FALSE)
# $breaks
# [1] 4 5 6 7 8
# $counts
# [1] 32 57 49 12
# ...<omitted>
breaks <- hist(iris$Sepal.Length, breaks = 5, plot = FALSE)$breaks
dat <- iris %>%
mutate(sepal_length_group = cut(Sepal.Length, breaks = breaks))
dat %>%
# sepal_length_group n
# 1 (4,5] 32
# 2 (5,6] 57
# 3 (6,7] 49
# 4 (7,8] 12
Thank you!
I also experimented using cut() and then count(). Then I use the labels=FALSE to give labels that can be used in a new mutate for a new column with character names of the intervals groups..
numbers_of_bins = 10
df <- era.af.Al_noNaN %>%
rationalize() %>%
drop_na(RR) %>%
mutate(RR_MyQuantile = cut(RR,
breaks = unique(quantile(RR, probs = seq.int(0,1, by = 1 / numbers_of_bins))),
include.lowest = TRUE))
df %>%
group_by(RR_MyQuantile) %>%
Alright, I'm waving my white flag.
I'm trying to compute a loess regression on my dataset.
I want loess to compute a different set of points that plots as a smooth line for each group.
The problem is that the loess calculation is escaping the dplyr::group_by function, so the loess regression is calculated on the whole dataset.
Internet searching leads me to believe this is because dplyr::group_by wasn't meant to work this way.
I just can't figure out how to make this work on a per-group basis.
Here are some examples of my failed attempts.
test2 <- test %>%
group_by(CpG) %>%
dplyr::arrange(AVGMOrder) %>%
do(broom::tidy(predict(loess(Meth ~ AVGMOrder, span = .85, data=.))))
> test2
# A tibble: 136 x 2
# Groups: CpG [4]
CpG x
<chr> <dbl>
1 cg01003813 0.781
2 cg01003813 0.793
3 cg01003813 0.805
4 cg01003813 0.816
5 cg01003813 0.829
6 cg01003813 0.841
7 cg01003813 0.854
8 cg01003813 0.866
9 cg01003813 0.878
10 cg01003813 0.893
This one works, but I can't figure out how to apply the result to a column in my original dataframe. The result I want is column x. If I apply x as a column in a separate line, I run into issues because I called dplyr::arrange earlier.
test2 <- test %>%
group_by(CpG) %>%
dplyr::arrange(AVGMOrder) %>%
predict(loess(Meth ~ AVGMOrder, span = .85, data=.))
This one simply fails with the following error.
"Error: Results 1, 2, 3, 4 must be data frames, not numeric"
Also it still isn't applied as a new column with dplyr::mutate
fems <- fems %>%
group_by(CpG) %>%
dplyr::arrange(AVGMOrder) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Loess = predict(loess(Meth ~ AVGMOrder, span = .5, data=.)))
This was my fist attempt and mostly resembles what I want to do. Problem is that this one performs the loess prediction on the entire dataframe and not on each CpG group.
I am really stuck here. I read online that the purr package might help, but I'm having trouble figuring it out.
data looks like this:
> head(test)
X geneID CpG CellLine Meth AVGMOrder neworder Group SmoothMeth
1 40 XG cg25296477 iPS__HDF51IPS14_passage27_Female____165.592.1.2 0.81107210 1 1 5 0.7808767
2 94 XG cg01003813 iPS__HDF51IPS14_passage27_Female____165.592.1.2 0.97052120 1 1 5 0.7927130
3 148 XG cg13176022 iPS__HDF51IPS14_passage27_Female____165.592.1.2 0.06900448 1 1 5 0.8045080
4 202 XG cg26484667 iPS__HDF51IPS14_passage27_Female____165.592.1.2 0.84077890 1 1 5 0.8163997
5 27 XG cg25296477 iPS__HDF51IPS6_passage33_Female____157.647.1.2 0.81623880 2 2 3 0.8285259
6 81 XG cg01003813 iPS__HDF51IPS6_passage33_Female____157.647.1.2 0.95569240 2 2 3 0.8409501
[1] "cg25296477" "cg01003813" "cg13176022" "cg26484667"
So, to be clear, I want to do a loess regression on each unique CpG in my dataframe, apply the resulting "regressed y axis values" to a column matching the original y axis values (Meth).
My actual dataset has a few thousand of those CpG's, not just the four.
This is a neat Tidyverse way to make it work:
models <- fems %>%
tidyr::nest(-CpG) %>%
# Perform loess calculation on each CpG group
m = purrr::map(data, loess,
formula = Meth ~ AVGMOrder, span = .5),
# Retrieve the fitted values from each model
fitted = purrr::map(m, `[[`, "fitted")
# Apply fitted y's as a new column
results <- models %>%
dplyr::select(-m) %>%
# Plot with loess line for each group
ggplot(results, aes(x = AVGMOrder, y = Meth, group = CpG, colour = CpG)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(y = fitted))
You may have already figured this out -- but if not, here's some help.
Basically, you need to feed the predict function a data.frame (a vector may work too but I didn't try it) of the values you want to predict at.
So for your case:
fems <- fems %>%
group_by(CpG) %>%
arrange(CpG, AVGMOrder) %>%
mutate(Loess = predict(loess(Meth ~ AVGMOrder, span = .5, data=.),
data.frame(AVGMOrder = seq(min(AVGMOrder), max(AVGMOrder), 1))))
Note, loess requires a minimum number of observations to run (~4? I can't remember precisely). Also, this will take a while to run so test with a slice of your data to make sure it's working properly.
Unfortunately, the approaches described above did not work in my case. Thus, I implemented the Loess prediction into a regular function, which worked very well. In the example below, the data is contained in the df data frame while we group by df$profile and want to fit the Loess prediction into the df$daily_sum values.
# Define important variables
span_60 <- 60/365 # 60 days of a year
span_365 <- 365/365 # a whole year
# Group and order the data set
df <- as.data.frame(
df %>%
group_by(profile) %>%
arrange(profile, day) %>%
# Define the Loess function. x is the data frame that has to be passed
predict_loess <- function(x) {
# Declare that the loess column exists, but is blank
df$loess_60 <- NA
df$loess_365 <- NA
# Identify all unique profilee IDs
all_ids <- unique(x$profile)
# Iterate through the unique profilee IDs, determine the length of each vector (which should correspond to 365 days)
# and isolate the according rows that belong to the profilee ID.
for (i in all_ids) {
len_entries <- length(which(x$profile == i))
queried_rows <- result <- x[which(x$profile == i), ]
# Run the loess fit and write the result to the according column
fit_60 <- predict(loess(daily_sum ~ seq(1, len_entries), data=queried_rows, span = span_60))
fit_365 <- predict(loess(daily_sum ~ seq(1, len_entries), data=queried_rows, span = span_365))
x[which(x$profile == i), "loess_60"] <- fit_60
x[which(x$profile == i), "loess_365"] <- fit_365
# Return the initial data frame
# Run the Loess prediction and put the results into two columns - one for a short and one for a long time span
df <- predict_loess(df)
First time question asker here. I wasn't able to find an answer to this question in other posts (love stackexchange, btw).
I'm creating a rarefaction curve via the vegan package and I'm getting a very messy plot that has a very thick black bar at the bottom of the plot which is obscuring some low diversity sample lines.
Ideally, I would like to generate a plot with all of my lines (169; I could reduce this to 144) but make a composite graph, coloring by Sample Year and making different types of lines for each Pond (i.e: 2 sample years: 2016, 2017 and 3 ponds: 1,2,5). I've used phyloseq to create an object with all my data, then separated my OTU abundance table from my metadata into distinct objects (jt = OTU table and sampledata = metadata). My current code:
jt <- as.data.frame(t(j)) # transform it to make it compatible with the proceeding commands
, step = 100
, sample = 6000
, main = "Alpha Rarefaction Curve"
, cex = 0.2
, color = sampledata$PondYear)
# A very small subset of the sample metadata
Pond Year
F16.5.d.1.1.R2 5 2016
F17.1.D.6.1.R1 1 2017
F16.1.D15.1.R3 1 2016
F17.2.D00.1.R2 2 2017
enter image description here
Here is an example of how to plot a rarefaction curve with ggplot. I used data available in the phyloseq package available from bioconductor.
to install phyloseq:
other libraries needed
mothlist <- system.file("extdata", "esophagus.fn.list.gz", package = "phyloseq")
mothgroup <- system.file("extdata", "esophagus.good.groups.gz", package = "phyloseq")
mothtree <- system.file("extdata", "esophagus.tree.gz", package = "phyloseq")
cutoff <- "0.10"
esophman <- import_mothur(mothlist, mothgroup, mothtree, cutoff)
extract OTU table, transpose and convert to data frame
otu <- otu_table(esophman)
otu <- as.data.frame(t(otu))
sample_names <- rownames(otu)
out <- rarecurve(otu, step = 5, sample = 6000, label = T)
Now you have a list each element corresponds to one sample:
Clean the list up a bit:
rare <- lapply(out, function(x){
b <- as.data.frame(x)
b <- data.frame(OTU = b[,1], raw.read = rownames(b))
b$raw.read <- as.numeric(gsub("N", "", b$raw.read))
label list
names(rare) <- sample_names
convert to data frame:
rare <- map_dfr(rare, function(x){
z <- data.frame(x)
}, .id = "sample")
Lets see how it looks:
sample OTU raw.read
1 B 1.000000 1
2 B 5.977595 6
3 B 10.919090 11
4 B 15.826125 16
5 B 20.700279 21
6 B 25.543070 26
plot with ggplot2
ggplot(data = rare)+
geom_line(aes(x = raw.read, y = OTU, color = sample))+
scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::scientific_format())
vegan plot:
rarecurve(otu, step = 5, sample = 6000, label = T) #low step size because of low abundance
One can make an additional column of groupings and color according to that.
Here is an example how to add another grouping. Lets assume you have a table of the form:
groupings <- data.frame(sample = c("B", "C", "D"),
location = c("one", "one", "two"), stringsAsFactors = F)
sample location
1 B one
2 C one
3 D two
where samples are grouped according to another feature. You could use lapply or map_dfr to go over groupings$sample and label rare$location.
rare <- map_dfr(groupings$sample, function(x){ #loop over samples
z <- rare[rare$sample == x,] #subset rare according to sample
loc <- groupings$location[groupings$sample == x] #subset groupings according to sample, if more than one grouping repeat for all
z <- data.frame(z, loc) #make a new data frame with the subsets
sample OTU raw.read loc
1 B 1.000000 1 one
2 B 5.977595 6 one
3 B 10.919090 11 one
4 B 15.826125 16 one
5 B 20.700279 21 one
6 B 25.543070 26 one
Lets make a decent plot out of this
ggplot(data = rare)+
geom_line(aes(x = raw.read, y = OTU, group = sample, color = loc))+
geom_text(data = rare %>% #here we need coordinates of the labels
group_by(sample) %>% #first group by samples
summarise(max_OTU = max(OTU), #find max OTU
max_raw = max(raw.read)), #find max raw read
aes(x = max_raw, y = max_OTU, label = sample), check_overlap = T, hjust = 0)+
scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::scientific_format())+
I know this is an older question but I originally came here for the same reason and along the way found out that in a recent (2021) update vegan has made this a LOT easier.
This is an absolutely bare-bones example.
Ultimately we're going to be plotting the final result in ggplot so you'll have full customization options, and this is a tidyverse solution with dplyr.
I'm going to use the dune data within vegan and generate a column of random metadata for the site.
metadata <- data.frame("Site" = as.factor(1:20),
"Vegetation" = rep(c("Cactus", "None")))
Now we will run rarecurve, but provide the argument tidy = TRUE which will export a dataframe rather than a plot.
One thing to note here is that I have also used the step argument. The default step is 1, and this means by default you will get one row per individual per sample in your dataset, which can make the resulting dataframe huge. Step = 1 for dune gave me over 600 rows. Reducing the step too much will make your curves blocky, so it will be a balance between step and resolution for a nice plot.
Then I piped a left join right into the rarecurve call
dune_rare <- rarecurve(dune,
step = 2,
tidy = TRUE) %>%
Now it will be plottable in ggplot, with a color/colour call to whatever metadata you attached.
From here you can customize other aspects of the plot as well.
ggplot(dune_rare) +
geom_line(aes(x = Sample, y = Species, group = Site, colour = Vegetation)) +
(Sorry it says I'm not allowed to embed the image yet :( )
I am trying to plot the CDF curve for a large dataset containing about 29 million values using ggplot. The way I am computing this is like this:
mycounts = ddply(idata.frame(newdata), .(Type), transform, ecd = ecdf(Value)(Value))
plot = ggplot(mycounts, aes(x=Value, y=ecd))
This is taking ages to plot. I was wondering if there is a clean way to plot only a sample of this dataset (say, every 10th point or 50th point) without compromising on the actual result?
I am not sure about your data structure, but a simple sample call might be enough:
n <- nrow(mycounts) # number of cases in data frame
mycounts <- mycounts[sample(n, round(n/10)), ] # get an n/10 sample to the same data frame
Instead of taking every n-th point, can you quantize your data set down to a sufficient resolution before plotting it? That way, you won't have to plot resolution you don't need (or can't see).
Here's one way you can do it. (The function I've written below is generic, but the example uses names from your question.)
## A data set containing two ramps up to 100, one by 1, one by 10
tens <- data.frame(Type = factor(c(rep(10, 10), rep(1, 100))),
Value = c(1:10 * 10, 1:100))
## Given a data frame and ddply-style arguments, partition the frame
## using ddply and summarize the values in each partition with a
## quantized ecdf. The resulting data frame for each partition has
## two columns: value and value_ecdf.
dd_ecdf <- function(df, ..., .quantizer = identity, .value = value) {
value_colname <- deparse(substitute(.value))
ddply(df, ..., .fun = function(rdf) {
xs <- rdf[[value_colname]]
qxs <- sort(unique(.quantizer(xs)))
data.frame(value = qxs, value_ecdf = ecdf(xs)(qxs))
## Plot each type's ECDF (w/o quantization)
tens_cdf <- dd_ecdf(tens, .(Type), .value = Value)
qplot(value, value_ecdf, color = Type, geom = "step", data = tens_cdf)
## Plot each type's ECDF (quantizing to nearest 25)
rounder <- function(...) function(x) round_any(x, ...)
tens_cdfq <- dd_ecdf(tens, .(Type), .value = Value, .quantizer = rounder(25))
qplot(value, value_ecdf, color = Type, geom = "step", data = tens_cdfq)
While the original data set and the ecdf set had 110 rows, the quantized-ecdf set is much reduced:
> dim(tens)
[1] 110 2
> dim(tens_cdf)
[1] 110 3
> dim(tens_cdfq)
[1] 10 3
> tens_cdfq
Type value value_ecdf
1 1 0 0.00
2 1 25 0.25
3 1 50 0.50
4 1 75 0.75
5 1 100 1.00
6 10 0 0.00
7 10 25 0.20
8 10 50 0.50
9 10 75 0.70
10 10 100 1.00
I hope this helps! :-)