I am trying to install Bootstrap Datetimepicker on a PC which is not connected to the Internet.
I have the Bootstrap Datetimepicker nupkg files. I added the folder of the files as a Package Source. When I try to install the package, I get the error:
Unable to resolve dependencies. 'bootstrap 3.0.0' is not compatible with 'Bootstrap.v3.Datetimepicker.CSS 4.17.45 constraint: bootstrap (>= 3.3.0)'
I already copied all CSS and JS files of Bootstrap 3.3.7 to the relevant folders in my project. How do I tell Visual Studio that they have been updated?
How do I tell Visual Studio that they have been updated?
You need update the package bootstrap to 3.3.0 or later.
You want to update package Bootstrap.v3.Datetimepicker to 4.17.45, which has a Dependencies limitation: bootstrap (>=3.3.0). So you need update the package bootstrap.
I already copied all CSS and JS files of Bootstrap 3.3.7 to the relevant folders in my project
NuGet manager the packages as a whole will not modify the internal data, so even you have already copied all CSS and JS files of Bootstrap 3.3.7, nuget still manager the previous package Bootstrap 3.0.0. To resolve this issue, just update the package Bootstrap to 3.3.0 or later.
Hey I want to resize images stored in a folder using .net core 3.1. The library I am trying to use is SixLabor.ImageSharp. I tried to install its latest version using nuget package manager and it was successfully installed and later on I added namespace SixLabor.Imagesharp in my .Cs file. but I am getting an error Namespace sixlabor.imagesharp not found. how can i use image sharp in my project. I read its documentation it was mentioned that Image sharp is available in Nuget package manager but its not working for me.
Please install the Nuget Package "SixLabor.ImageSharp" in the desired project. Once done, in your Startup.cs configure it as mentioned on their getting started page https://docs.sixlabors.com/articles/imagesharp.web/gettingstarted.html
I have downloaded the popper.js NuGet package for some bootstrap features. It works.
Now I want to test and use other their feature - tooltip.js.
In the readme.md file is information about instalation of poppers.js throught NuGet but there is no info about the Tooltips.js.
There is no package in NuGet with 'Tooltip.js' name.
How shoud I install and use it in asp.net application correctly?
Does it available at all for .NET (yes I am a newbie)?
May be poppesr's js files already include the code of their tooltip framework?
ASP.NET 4.5.1 or 4.5.2
Updating Nuget package MicrosoftAspNet.Identity.EntityFramework from version 2.2.1 to version 3.0.0-rc1-final
I get the following error:
Failed to add reference. The package 'Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework' tried to add a framework reference to 'System.Runtime' which was not found in the GAC. This is possibly a bug in the package. Please contact the package
owners for assistance.
I had a similar issue with another package.
I "solved" it adding a manually reference to missed library, updating the package and then removing the reference added manually:
On your project go to References -> Add Reference... and then click on Browse...
On my installation (Windows 10), your file is located on: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Runtime\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Runtime.dll
Add, update and then remove.
I know, it is not a solution, but it will allow you continue working until get a real solution.
I had the same issue, but adding the MySQL package to my project.
The way that i solved was just very closely to the answer given by Sebastián Guerrero.
So i will be adding a manually reference to that missed library (system.runtime) and than installed the MySQL package and it works perfectly.
ATTENTION: I only unnistall the system.runtime package after installing the MySQL.
References -> Add Reference... and then click on Browse...
On my installation (Windows 10), your file is located on:
I had the same issue when running Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent on .NET framework 4.5.2
Solved the issue with the following steps:
Installed Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime latest version from Nuget.
After that, installed latest version of Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent from Nuget.
I had this problem when I opened the project after a while.
The problem was it was originally built with Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.4.0 and I was on 3.3.1.
The project strangely added two required Imports to the .csproj file, one for the 2.4.0 compiler,and a duplicate for the 3.3.1 version. I just needed to:
Right click on the project file
Unload the project
Edit the csproj file
Remove the 2.4.0 references (was also a reference in an Error element)
Close file
Right click on project, reload file.
Rebuild All
I created a new project in VisualStudio 2015 and added Bootstrap 3.3.6 via nuGet to the project and found that bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js are no where in the project (even though it is installed).
I can put this in manually to fix, but was wondering if the NuGet package for this version is buggy (would like to get it to work properly).
Does anyone have any insight as to why this is happening & what I may be missing or how to fix?
I went ahead and removed all packages requiring BootStrap prerequisite, then the last version of it. Saved the project. Rebooted VS. Then added version 3.3.6 back and, voila, the files are where they should be.
I installed Bootstrap 3 in my Meteor.js project via meteorite and did a "meteor remove" of the originally packaged bootstrap 2.3.2. But everytime I run "meteor" the old bootstrap package seems to be re-installed. Now my meteor project has 2 versions of bootstrap being loaded and its giving me conflicts...anyway to permanently remove the old bootstrap or is it dependent as part of Meteor.js
You need to manually remove all the remnants of the package.
Remove packagename from .meteor/packages file.
Remove /packages/packagename folder. Also remove packagename from /packages/.gitignore if you've got that file.
If you use meteorite, remove all traces of packagename from smart.json and force reload by running mrt install.
That should do it.
It looks like when I installed meteor-bootboxjs v3 it also installed bootstrap v2.3.x....next time I will look more closely # the package.js.....