Likely due to my inexperience in Elasticsearch (and the R library Elastic), I cannot figure out how to formulate a search query in such a way that an exact match is combined with a wildcard.
docs_create(index="test",type="x", body=list(txt="this is a test"))
count(index='test', type='x',q="'a test'",default_operator="AND")
... returns one match.
count(index='test', type='x',q="'a te*'",default_operator="AND")
... returns no match (although I hoped to get one match too).
count(index='test', type='x',q="'a te/*'",default_operator="AND")
... produces an error (Error: 400 - all shards failed).
count(index='test', type='x',q="'a te'//*",default_operator="AND")
... returns no match.
Any help is welcome! Thank you.
PS. If this is impossible using the count function, using the Search function is fine too to solve my issue (using the body parameter).
#peterk what does the query without the single quotes return?
Can you try it like this:
count(index='test', type='x', q="a te*", default_operator="AND")
One thing to note, try connect(errors = "complete") to get more verbose errors - basically the same info the elastic server gives
count(index='test', type='x',q="'a te/*'",default_operator="AND")
#> Error: 400 - all shards failed
#> ES stack trace:
#> type: query_shard_exception
#> reason: Failed to parse query ['a te/*']
#> index_uuid: xbZ5ANNBRwqxEsqPqS05Dg
#> index: test
Which suggests that that query is not valid
In general it's easier to use elastic::Search() as its more flexible - and set size parameter to 0 so you just get a count of records matched.
It's still not clear to me what is the exact part. Is it a te or a test or something else?
After a great week of sleep, I figured out how to get this done (using the match_phrase_prefix option:
docs_create(index="test",type="x", body=list(txt="this is a test"))
body <-
"query": {
"match_phrase_prefix" : {
"txt" : {
"query" : "a te",
"max_expansions" : 10
If I try this query:
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test";
it works. But if I try to give it weights it returns an error:
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test;sort=extended:#weight DESC;weights=3,1,1,1";
Fails with error:
Error in query (1430): There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source.
Data source error: searchd error: invalid deprecated unordered_weight count 4 (expe
(Error reported by MariaDB gets truncated there, but I believe it says "expecting 0")
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test;sort=extended:#weight DESC";
Fails with error:
Error in query (1430): There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source.
Data source error: searchd error: index 'sku_products': sort-by attribute '#weight'
(Again, error returned by SphinxSearch gets truncated by MariaDB)
All the documentation I find about SphinxSE tells me to query the index this way, yet it does not work, but nobody in the Internet seem to have met this error since nobody is asking about this anywhere...
Am I doing something wrong?
Well, the option weights= didn't work, but it accepted fieldweights=sku,90,partnumber,30,barcode,20,name,10.
(I.e., fieldweights=<field1_name>,<field1_weight>,...)
Results came ordered by weight even without specifying sort=extended:#weight DESC, so I dodged both errors and got what I needed.
Hope this helps anyone in the same situation.
For an automated test script, I would like to generate random UUID values at runtime, so I added some YAML that looks like this:
nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4
However, this generates an error when I try to yaml.load the value:
ConstructorError: expected a mapping node, but found scalar
in "<unicode string>", line 4, column 17:
nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4
How do I inject a UUID value via YAML tags?
I found the error message a bit intimidating at first, but after some thought, I was able to unpack it.
The parser is expecting a "mapping" node, not a scalar. So, what happens if I add a mapping?
>>> yaml.load('''---
... applicant:
... idNumbers:
... nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4 {}''')
{'applicant': {'idNumbers': {'nationalId': UUID('71e09d1d-e84e-4ea6-855d-be1a2e91b60a')}}}
Additional info:
I am running the following test inside Robot Framework:
*** Settings ***
Documentation This initializes testrun.robot
Library Process
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library Collections
Output Is A Valid XML File Against JATS format
Start Process xmllint --dtdvalid ./output/nlm/out.xml shell=True
${result}= Wait For Process timeout=45 secs
Log ${result.stdout}
Log ${result.stderr}
Run Keyword Unless '${result.stderr} == ${EMPTY}' Should Contain ${result.stderr} element xref: validity error : IDREFS attribute rid references an unknown
The variable ${result.stderr} is a string that contains the substring 'element xref: validity error : IDREFS attribute rid references an unknown'. As far as I know, I'm not dealing with any whitespace errors or quotation problems, although I could be wrong. (I've been fiddling around with that for a while now.)
Thanks for the help!
Edit: The log that Robot Framework generates tells me that the process has finished (that's how I know what result.stderr contains.)
Consider this statement:
Run Keyword Unless '${result.stderr} == ${EMPTY}' ...
The keyword will never run because you aren't comparing two variables, you are simply checking whether the string literal string '${result.stderr} == ${EMPTY}' is not empty (and it's not, because it has 28 characters).
It is the same as if you did this in python:
if len('${result.stderr} == ${EMPTY}') > 0:
You need to put the single quotes around each variable separately so that you are passing a valid expression to the if statement, rather than a string that looks like a valid expression:
Run Keyword Unless '${result.stderr}' == '${EMPTY}' ...
I have following condition in my OSB proxy.
$body/*[1]/xyzflag eq 'true' and (:some other true conditions:)
The node xyzflag is not even present under node pointed by variable $body.
The condition works as expected (gives false) most of the times. but sometime it gives true.
Anyone has faced this situation? Seems a bug to me. Can some help?
The XQuery expression you are trying is wrong.
e.g. If your XML is looks like below:
Then your expression will be like below:
Note: Please make the changes as per your requirement.
Hope this will be helpful.
Try to make it like this:
If you are checking for existence of that node <xyzflag>, I will suggest you to use fn:exists function.
This expression
$body/*[1]/xyzflag = 'true'
will return true if the node <xyzflag> is present. It is not going to bother whether the contents of the node is present or not
I have an entry level question which my book could not help with and I also confused a colleague. Can I use RDF without specifiying prefixes and how do I specificy the predicate in the SPARQL query?
I'm doing this in R's RRDF package but if I set up a store as
I get the following message
## Error: com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryParseException: Lexical error
at line 1, column 40. Encountered: " " (32), after : "sonOf"
to the query
sparql.rdf(A, "select ?son ?parent where {?son sonOf ?parent}")
Can I use sonOf in this way? Do I have to set up my own Schema first? Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Do I have to use prefixes if all my data resides on the same data source?
An RDF predicate is always a URI (technically, actually a IRI, but let's set that aside).
It can be specified as a prefixed name:
or an IRIRef, e.g:
but I don't think it can be given as a plain label like you are attempting.
If you use the prefixed name style, then the prefix must be defined and bound to a namespace, so that a valid URI can be constructed from your input.
(The formal grammar is given in the SPARQL Specification.)
In the rrdf R package, the following syntax seemed to work:
D = new.rdf(ontology = F)
add.triple(D, "ian", "w:likes", "food")
add.triple(D, "ian", "w:hates", "homework")
sparql.rdf(D, "select ?child ?object where {?child <w:likes> ?object.}")
sparql.rdf(D, "select ?child ?object where {?child <w:hates> ?object.}")
You thus need to used the <> in the SPARQL calls but not calls to add.triple(). This seems obvious now but confused a few of us at the time.
i think you're asking about "blank" prefixes... if so:
when you define your prefixes, you can just say something like:
which would then be used like:
?sub :sonOf ?obj