Bound properties not working - javafx

I'm using TornadoFX 1.7.5 and I can't seem to get bound properties to work. I have the below ItemViewModels
class DynamicMenuViewModel : ItemViewModel<DynamicMenu>(DynamicMenu()) {
val title = bind { item?.title?.toProperty() }
val isBold = bind { item?.isBold?.toProperty() }
val routes = bind { item?.routes?.toProperty() }
data class DynamicMenu(var title: String = "", var isBold: Boolean = false, var routes: MutableList<MenuRouteViewModel> = mutableListOf())
class MenuRouteViewModel : ItemViewModel<MenuRoute>(MenuRoute()) {
val url = bind { item?.url?.toProperty() }
val title = bind { item?.title?.toProperty() }
val isBold = bind { item?.isBold?.toProperty() }
val showNew = bind { item?.showNew?.toProperty() }
data class MenuRoute(var url: String = "", var title: String = "", var showNew: Boolean = false, var isBold: Boolean = false)
Which are bound like this:
//routesController.dynamicMenu is an instance of DynamicMenuViewModel()
textfield(property = routesController.dynamicMenu.title) {
prefWidth = formWidth * .5
gridpaneConstraints {
columnRowIndex(0, 1)
marginLeft = 10.0
columnSpan = 2
marginBottom = 20.0
checkbox(property = routesController.dynamicMenu.isBold){
gridpaneConstraints {
columnRowIndex(2, 1)
marginLeft = 15.0
marginBottom = 20.0
Then the following functions commit the models and prints them to the screen when I click a button:
fun onClick(){
dynamicMenu.item.routes.forEach {
fun commitModel(){
dynamicMenu.item.routes.forEach {
The problem is that when I run the program and edit the textfields and checkboxes then click the button that runs onClick(), the backing item doesn't seem to be getting updated. So none of the updated values are printed to the console.
What am I doing wrong here?

The ViewModel can as you probably know only bind bidirectionally against JavaFX Properties. Your domain objects doesn't contain JavaFX properties, so you need to convert them. However, the toProperty() function you are using only operates on a value, and turns it into a Property. This property has no way of knowing about it's field owner, and hence cannot write back into the domain object.
Luckily, you can use the observable function to make your domain object properties writable as well:
val url = bind { item?.observable(MenuRoute::url) }
Since the observable function operates on a specific instance of a MenuRoute object, it now has enough information to write back into that instance when you commit() the model.
If you would consider changing the properties in your domain objects to be observable, you could write:
val url = bind(MenuRoute::url)
You can use the TornadoFX IDEA plugin inspection "Convert all properties to TornadoFX Properties" to automatically rework your properties. This would transform your MenuRoute object into:
class MenuRoute {
val isBoldProperty = SimpleBooleanProperty(false)
var isBold by isBoldProperty
val showNewProperty = SimpleBooleanProperty(false)
var showNew by showNewProperty
val urlProperty = SimpleStringProperty("")
var url by urlProperty
val titleProperty = SimpleStringProperty("")
var title by titleProperty
(You have to manually remove the data modifier on your class. Also beware that the current version of the plugin has a bug in the conversion function that would leave the old parameters - a new version will be released shortly).
If you don't want to do that for various reasons, I was just able to support that nice syntax even for mutable vars like you have, so from TornadoFX 1.7.6 you can use this syntax in your binding statements even if you don't want to change your data classes:
val url = bind(MenuRoute::url)


Async Loading of a TreeView

Hey I am very new to tornadofx struggeling with async loading of data for the treeview. I am loading categories from a rest endpoint, which I want to show in there.
It seems like there's no direct data binding to the children.
when using 'bindChildren' I can provide the observable list, but I have to convert them into Node's. which then would make the populate block kind of obsolete.
What's the recommended way of doing this? I cannot find anything about this.
// Category
interface Category<T : Category<T>> {
val id: String
val name: String
val subcategories: List<T>?
//default category:
class DefaultCategory(override val name: String) : Category<DefaultCategory> {
override val id: String = "default"
override val subcategories: List<DefaultCategory>? = null
class CategoryViewModel : ViewModel() {
val sourceProperty = SimpleListProperty<Category<*>>()
fun loadData() {
// load items for treeview into 'newItems'
sourceProperty.value = newItems
// TreeViewFactoryMethod
private fun createTreeView(
listProperty: SimpleListProperty<Category<*>>
): TreeView<Category<*>> {
return treeview {
root = TreeItem(DefaultCategory("Categories"))
isShowRoot = false
root.isExpanded = true
root.children.forEach { it.isExpanded = true }
cellFormat { text = }
populate { parent ->
when (parent) {
root -> listProperty.value
else -> parent.value.subcategories
Assuming that on a button click I call viewmodel.loadData(), I would expect the TreeView to update as soon as there's some new data. (If I would've found a way to bind)
I've never had to use bindChildren for TornadoFX before and your use of async isn't very relevant to what I think is your primary problem. So, admittedly, this question kind of confused me at first but I'm guessing you're just wondering why the list isn't appearing in your TreeView? I've made a test example with changes to make it work.
// Category
interface Category<T : Category<T>> {
val id: String
val name: String
val subcategories: List<T>?
//default category:
class DefaultCategory(override val name: String) : Category<DefaultCategory> {
override val id: String = "default"
override val subcategories: List<DefaultCategory>? = null
//Just a dummy category
class ChildCategory(override val name: String) : Category<ChildCategory> {
override val id = name
override val subcategories: List<ChildCategory>? = null
class CategoryViewModel : ViewModel() {
//filled with dummy data
val sourceProperty = SimpleListProperty<Category<*>>(listOf(
fun loadData() {
sourceProperty.asyncItems {
//items grabbed somehow
class TestView : View() {
val model: CategoryViewModel by inject()
override val root = vbox(10) {
button("Refresh Items").action {
// TreeViewFactoryMethod
private fun createTreeView(
listProperty: SimpleListProperty<Category<*>>
): TreeView<Category<*>> {
return treeview {
root = TreeItem(DefaultCategory("Categories"))
isShowRoot = false
root.isExpanded = true
root.children.forEach { it.isExpanded = true }
cellFormat { text = }
populate { parent ->
when (parent) {
root -> listProperty
else -> parent.value.subcategories
There are 2 important distinctions that are important.
1. The more relevant distinction is that inside the populate block, root -> listProperty is used instead of root.listProperty.value. This will make your list appear. The reason is that a SimpleListProperty is not a list, it holds a list. So, yes, passing in a plain list is perfectly valid (like how you passed in the value of the list property). But now that means the tree view isn't listening to your property, just the list you passed in. With that in mind, I would be considerate over the categories' subcategory lists are implemented as well.
2. Secondly, notice the use of asyncItems in the ViewModel. This will perform whatever task asynchronously, then set the items to list on success. You can even add fail or cancel blocks to it. I'd recommend using this, as long/intensive operations aren't supposed to be performed on the UI thread.

javafx binding from list property to arbitrary object property

I am trying to get a class to have a property bound to another class's list property, where the 1st property is derived from a summarizing calculation over the objects in the list. The code below is a simplified version of my production code. (The production code is doing a summary over DateTime objects -- the essential part of the code below is the binding between a list and an object property (here, it is a String for simplicity).)
I have tried various things. One approach was using addListener on the list in the Summary class below but I was running into weird bugs with the listener callback making updates on the Summary object. After doing a bunch of reading I think that a binding between the summary string and the list is more appropriate but I don't know exactly how to hook up the binding to the property?
package com.example.demo.view
import javafx.beans.Observable
import javafx.beans.binding.StringBinding
import javafx.collections.FXCollections
import tornadofx.View
import tornadofx.button
import tornadofx.label
import tornadofx.vbox
class Thing(x: Int) {
val xProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(x)
val yProperty = SimpleStringProperty("xyz")
class Collection {
private var things = FXCollections.observableList(mutableListOf<Thing>()) {
val thingsProperty = SimpleListProperty<Thing>(things)
fun addThing(thing: Thing) {
class Summary(var collection: Collection) {
val summaryBinding = object : StringBinding() {
// The real code is more practical but
// this is just a minimal example.
override fun computeValue(): String {
val sum = collection.thingsProperty.value
.map { it.xProperty.value }
.fold(0, { total, next -> total + next })
return "There are $sum things."
// How to make this property update when collection changes?
val summaryProperty = SimpleStringProperty("There are ? things.")
class MainView : View() {
val summary = Summary(Collection())
override val root = vbox {
button("Add Thing") {
Keep in mind that I made this answer based on your minimal example:
class Thing(x: Int) {
val xProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(x)
var x by xProperty
val yProperty = SimpleStringProperty("xyz")
var y by yProperty
class MainView : View() {
val things = FXCollections.observableList(mutableListOf<Thing>()) {
val thingsProperty = SimpleListProperty<Thing>(things)
val totalBinding = integerBinding(listProperty) { { it.x }.fold(0, { total, next -> total + next })
val phraseBinding = stringBinding(totalBinding) { "There are $value things." }
override val root = vbox {
button("Add Thing") {
action {
I removed your other classes because I didn't see a reason for them based on the example. If the collection class has more functionality than holding a list property in your real project, then add just add it back in. If not, then there's no reason to give a list its own class. The summary class is really just two bindings (or one if you have no need to separate the total from the phrase). I don't see the need to give them their own class either unless you plan on using them in multiple views.
I think your biggest problem is that you didn't wrap your button's action in action {}. So your code just added a Thing(5) on init and had no action set.
P.S. The var x by xProperty stuff will only work if you import tornadofx.* for that file.

Why does my filterInput receive a formatted number containing punctuation in certain cases?

I have a text field that I want to limit to integers only. See the code below.
When the view containing the field starts, and if the model is constructed with an initial default value for someInteger, the view displays the number correctly, without extra formatting. It also filters new typed input as expected.
A problem arises when refactoring the model not to have a default value. Being an integer property, it defaults to 0. When I later assign a new value to the property, the controlNewText passed contains punctuation, such as 1,234. That causes the check to fail and the newly assigned value to be filtered out of the view.
Why is the controlNewText getting formatted in the first place? Is there a way to prevent that?
textfield(model.someInteger) {
textFormatter = TextFormatter(IntegerStringConverter(), model.item.someInteger)
filterInput { it.controlNewText.isInt() }
class SomeData {
val someIntegerProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "someInteger")
var someInteger by someIntegerProperty
class SomeDataModel : ItemViewModel<SomeData>(SomeData()) {
val someInteger = bind(SomeData::someIntegerProperty)
The formatting is performed by the TextFormatter you specified. Make sure to specify one that doesn't add thousand separators. Here is a complete runnable application that configures a NumberStringConverter inside the formatter. Notice that I've removed the filterInput statement, as that's already covered by stripNonInteger.
class MainView : View("Main view") {
val model = SomeDataModel()
override val root = borderpane {
center {
form {
fieldset {
field("Some integer") {
textfield(model.someInteger) {
textFormatter = TextFormatter(NumberStringConverter("########"), model.someInteger.value)
button("Set some value").action {
model.someInteger.value = 1234
class SomeData {
val someIntegerProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "someInteger")
var someInteger by someIntegerProperty
class SomeDataModel : ItemViewModel<SomeData>(SomeData()) {
val someInteger = bind(SomeData::someIntegerProperty)

How to transform a Custom Object List by excluding particular property in Kotlin?

How to transform a List into a new List by excluding a property in T.
For instance if User data class has 10 properties, I need to transform List into a new List without one particular property in User . New List like List
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
var userList = mutableListOf<User>()
var nameList= { }
If a List to be created without property 'age'. Like
var withoutAgeList
In your first example:
var userList = mutableListOf<User>()
var nameList= { }
The question "What's the type of nameList?" has a simple answer: List<String>. So let me ask you a similar question: What's the type of withoutAgeList? The answer to that question informs the answer to your question.
Perhaps a user without the age property is a separate AgelessUser class, meaning withoutAgeList is of type List<AgelessUser>. In that case, I suggest either a constructor or a factory function that builds AgelessUser from User, and you want one of these:
val withoutAgeList = { AgelessUser(it) } // constructor
val withoutAgeList = { agelessUserOf(it) } // factory
Alternatively, maybe the age property in User is nullable and immutable, and you want to represent users without an age as a regular User where age=null. In this case, you could copy the Users and override the age field
// TODO: pass all the other fields too
val withoutAgeList = { User(, null) }
Assuming Users is a data class, we can avoid explicitly naming all fields by making use of copy():
val withoutAgeList = { it.copy(age = null) }
Maybe the age property is nullable and mutable — and you actually want to change the users in place instead of copying them. This is somewhat risky and I don't advocate doing it this way unless you really know what you're doing though.
userList.forEach { it.age = null }
// They're actually the same list!
val withoutAgeList = userList
In such a simple case you can map a list of Users into a list of strings:
val names: List<String> =
Or you can declare a DTO and map into the latter:
class UserWithoutAge(val name: String)
val usersWithoutAge: List<UserWithoutAge> = { UserWithoutAge( }
P.S. you don't have to write an explicit type
You can use the Object Oriented approach:
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
data class UserNoAge(var name: String) {
constructor(user: User) : this(
var userList = listOf(User("John", 25), User("Jane", 30))
var userNoAge: List<UserNoAge> = mutableListOf<UserNoAge>()
userNoAge ={ UserNoAge(it) }
println(userNoAge) // [UserNoAge(name=John), UserNoAge(name=Jane)]

Access Variable<int> in Custom Activity in WF4

I need to count how many times i iterate in a flowchart flow, but i need to be able to read and preferably write to the variable in a custom activity.
My current attempt is declaring the var in design view with scope of the entire Flowchart, default value 0 and incrementing using an Assign activity. But i cannot figure out how i can access the variable in a custom activity without resetting it.
My attempt to access the var is something like whats described in the answer here: Declare Variable<T> variable in a CodeActivity in windows workflow 4.0
Only i don't use a default value for the var when declaring though. Still it seems the var is not in any way related to the var i have defined in design view. I have also tried defining it in code only but then i cannot access it in for example a regular Assign activity.
So what can i do to be able to use the var as a "global" variable?
The most intuitive and perhaps correct way of doing it is to pass the variable that you're declaring on Flowchart level to inside your custom activity. Then you can do whatever you want with it's value and return it.
An example of a custom increment activity (this is how Assign activity works too):
public class IncrementActivity : CodeActivity<int>
public InArgument<int> CountVariable { get; set; }
protected override int Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
// Do whatever logic you want here
return CountVariable.Get(context) + 1;
Here it is a sample of usage using a Sequence (the same when using Flowchart):
var countVar = new Variable<int>("count");
var activity = new Sequence
Variables =
// declare counter variable at global scope
Activities =
new WriteLine { Text = new VisualBasicValue<string>(#"""Count: "" & count") },
new IncrementActivity { CountVariable = countVar, Result = countVar },
new WriteLine { Text = new VisualBasicValue<string>(#"""Count: "" & count") },
new IncrementActivity { CountVariable = countVar, Result = countVar },
new WriteLine { Text = new VisualBasicValue<string>(#"""Count: "" & count") },
new IncrementActivity { CountVariable = countVar, Result = countVar }
Count: 0
Count: 1
Count: 2
Note that is simpler through visual designer as you don't have to directly use VisualBasicValue<string> to build print string. Other than that, is exactly the same!
