PHPExcel Phonenumber with / - phpexcel

Iam using the PHPExcel Version 1.8.0
There are phonenumbers like this: +44 20 / 5625650
then the script does not generate the Excel file because of the slash.
I have Linux as operating system. In windows I did not get this problem.
Can anyone help?

If you're trying to set a cell value that could be interpreted as a numeric, but want to retain its formatting as a string, then you should explicitly store the value as a string when you set the cell value by using setCellValueExplicit() as described in the PHPExcel documentation


Teradata query returns bad characters in string column but exporting to CSV from assistant console works

I am using DBI package in R to connect to teradata this way:
query <- "
SELECT sku, description
FROM sku_table
WHERE sku = '12345'
dbconn <- DBI::dbConnect(
host = teradataHostName, database = teradataDBName,
user = teradataUserName, password = teradataPassword
dbFetch(dbSendQuery(dbconn, query), -1)
It returns a result as follows:
12345 18V MAXâ×¢ Collated Drywall Screwgun
Notice the bad characters â×¢ above. This is supposed to be superscript TM for trademarked.
When I use SQL assistant to run the query, and export the query results manually to a CSV file, it works fine as in the DESCRIPTION column has correct encoding.
Any idea what is going on and how I can fix this problem? Obviously, I don't want a manual step of exporting to CSV and re-reading results back into R data frame, and into memory.
The Teradata SQL Driver for R (teradatasql package) only supports the UTF8 session character set, and does not support using the ASCII session character set with a client-side character set for encoding and decoding.
If you have stored non-LATIN characters in a CHARACTER SET LATIN column in the database, and are using a client-side character set to encode and decode those characters for the "good" case, that will not work with the teradatasql package.
On the other hand, if you used the UTF8 or UTF16 session character set to store Unicode characters into a CHARACTER SET UNICODE column in the database, then you will be able to retrieve those characters successfully using the teradatasql package.

Maximum Length of Value in R Data Frame, RODBC

I am trying to do a simple query of a DB2 database using the RODBC package in R (myQuery<-sqlQuery(channel,paste0("..."))) One of the columns is a Varchar of length 3000. The resulting data frame shows a "NA" in that column when there should be text. Exporting it to csv also only shows "NA". A query in Access shows an odd character encoding (only after clicking on the cell). Is there a maximum length of a value in a R data frame or a maximum length of a field that can be pulled using RODBC? Or is it the encoding of the field that causes the "NA" to appear?
I did an end to end test on DB2 (LUW 9.7) and R (3.2.2 Windows) and it worked fine for me.
SQL code:
create table test (foo varchar(3000));
--actual insert is 3000 chars
insert into test values ('aaaaaa .... a');
--this select worked fine in my normal SQL client
select * from test
R code:
long = sqlQuery(connection, "select * from test");
#Displays the 3000 character value.
My guess is the problem is for some other reason than simply the size of the field:
Character encoding issues. If you are seeing something funny in Access, perhaps the content of the field is something not acceptable in the character encoding R is using, so it is being discarded. (I'm not familiar with character encoding in R in particular, but it is in general a thorny issue for software development).
Overall size of the results. Maybe the problem is due to the overall length of a row rather than the length of a single field. Is the query also returning lots of other stuff? Have you tried a simple test of just this field?
Problem in another version. Maybe you are using a different version than I was, and there is indeed a problem with your version. If you think so, update your question with more information.

PHPExcel converts dot after writing in comma

I generate an Excel file with importing a csv file. In CSV has contents with following numbers
dot seperated
But if I write an Excel file than the column show me the numbers in following format
I want the dot instead of comma.
How can I make it?
PHPExcel Version 1.7.7
In PhpSpreadsheet (next generation of PhpExcel) you can avoid it's by this:
$sheet->setCellValueExplicitByColumnAndRow(__COL_INDEX__, __ROW_INDEX__, __SOME_DATA__, DataType::TYPE_STRING);
setCellValueExplicitByColumnAndRow can force turn your data into string
Check the locale settings for the version of MS Excel that you are using to view the generated file: if it's set to a locale that uses a decimal comma rather than a decimal point, then this is what you will see. Floating point numbers in PHPExcel are managed with a decimal point (PHP doesn't offer any alternative for numbers), but MS Excel has its own formatting rules based on locale.

how we can change the format of specific cell to our desired format before taking cell content phpexcel?

I should read data from more than 4 different excel file with different cell formating but same data within, so how i can change the cell format then read the data using phpexcel?
If you're storing a numeric value that's longer than a 32-bit signed integer can handle (such as 435546567567345) then treat it as a string using
If you're reading this value from an Excel worksheet, and it is actually a number value rather than a string containing a numeric value, then it is likely being treated as a float by MS Excel, so there may well be some loss of precision already (unless the file was created using a 64-bit version of MS Excel), even before PHPExcel reads it. If it is a number created using a 64-bit version of MS Excel, then you'll need a 64-bit version of PHP to read it without loss of precision.
Try reading the raw, unformatted value using getValue() and then doing a var_dump() to see what datatype it actually is; or try using getDataType() to see what the value was being stored as in the Excel file

In PhpExcel library when i am assigning values to IW4 the assigned value not generatted there

In PhpExcel library when i am assigning values to IW4 the assigned value not generatted there
We are using The code to generate the Value to cell in PHPExcel
**$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A1', 'cell value here');**
When i am using it to generate value to IW4 cell the value not getting generatted
**$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('IW4', 'cell value here');**
Please Help me to find the solution
BIFF format Excel files only allow 256 columns (up to IV), OfficeOpenXML allows more.
If you set a value in a column beyond the limit, PHPExcel only knows it's invalid at the point where you save (when it knows whether you're saving as an Excel5 or Excel2007 file), Rather than trigger an exception at that point (which would be much more frustrating if it was a long running script), it silently discards the invalid columns or rows.
This is similar behaviour to Excel itself, if you open an xlsx file in an earlier version of Excel that doesn't support as many rows and columns.
