I'm trying to implement the checkout fuctionality (+ stripe with WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin) in a modal window, and I'm using the ajax for this. Here is my backend code to get/refresh the checkout:
add_action('wp_ajax_refresh_checkout', 'getCheckoutPageContentCallBack');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_refresh_checkout', 'getCheckoutPageContentCallBack');
function getCheckoutPageContentCallBack() {
echo do_shortcode('[woocommerce_checkout]');
if (class_exists('WooCommerce')) {
$wcurl = WooCommerce::plugin_url();
$credit_card_form_script = file_get_contents($wcurl . '/assets/js/frontend/credit-card-form.min.js');
if ($credit_card_form_script) {
echo "<script>";
echo $credit_card_form_script;
echo "</script>";
$checkout_script = file_get_contents($wcurl . '/assets/js/frontend/checkout.min.js');
if ($checkout_script) {
echo "<script>";
echo $checkout_script;
echo "</script>";
I included all the scripts that checkout page has, but still getting the error:
Please enter your card details to make a payment. Developers: Please make sure that you are including jQuery and there are no JavaScript errors on the page.
jQuery is included and there are no js errors on the page. The original checkout page works just fine. I thought the problem was that I removed the payment part from the original part by this code:
remove_action('woocommerce_checkout_order_review', 'woocommerce_checkout_payment', 20);
add_action('woocommerce_checkout_order_payment', 'woocommerce_checkout_payment', 20);
But commenting these lines gave me nothing. I edited the page, so this is not even a shop page right now (just a page with a loop).
I noticed that when making payments via the checkout page, the first request goes to the https://api.stripe.com/v1/tokens with card credentials, the next one goes to /checkout/?wc-ajax=checkout with stripe_token and so When I try to checkout from my modal, there is no request to the Stripe API, just to the checkout. Maybe there is some script I need to include every time I refresh the checkout? I can't find any info about it.
I have some code in my WordPress functions.php file to do a redirect after a successful woocommerce login. It works great, but I'm wondering how I can disable that redirect from running on the checkout page?
If a user logs into their account while on the checkout page they are getting redirected off the checkout page just before they have the chance to fill in their credit card data which isn't a great experience.
According to https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/conditional-tags/ conditional query tags like is_checkout() won't work in the functions.php file because You can only use conditional query tags after the posts_selection action hook in WordPress. And, unfortunately, apparently the functions.php file gets run before that.
What's my best option to solve this?
Here's the code I currently have running (the one I want to disable on checkout page):
function woo_login_redirect( $redirect_to ) {
$redirect_to = get_permalink(70241);
return $redirect_to;
add_filter('woocommerce_login_redirect', 'woo_login_redirect');
This is me trying to avoid the redirect if on checkout page (it doesn't work. It just redirects to post id 70241):
function woo_login_redirect( $redirect_to ) {
if (is_checkout()){
$redirect_to = '#';
} else {
$redirect_to = get_permalink(70241);
return $redirect_to;
add_filter('woocommerce_login_redirect', 'woo_login_redirect');
I'd like to customize the Woocommerce login/register page using an editor plugin which requires you to be logged into the Wordpress Dashboard. The problem is Woocommerce directs to the My Account page if the user is logged in. Is there a snippet I could temporarily run that will tell Woocommerce to load the login/register page instead of the My Account page if the user is logged in?
I found a solution thanks to a reply Oliver Vogel made to someone else asking the same question here. Thanks Oliver! This is Oliver's Post
For non-technical people like me who are trying to edit the Woocommerce Login / Register page while being logged into the Wordpress dashboard, insert this snippet into the functions.php file preferably with a nice plugin like Code Snippets. It will create a shortcode called [woo-login]. Create a new web page and add the [woo-login] shortcode to it and the Woo login page will open even when you are logged in.
add_shortcode('woo-login', 'my_login');
function my_login() {
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
echo '<div class="woocommerce">';
echo '</div>';
return ob_get_clean();
} else {
echo '<div class="woocommerce">';
echo '</div>';
return ob_get_clean();
I am working on a plugin that will be used to add a customized form of Acuity Scheduling for a specific page. I want to add the scheduling form after the menu and page title on one particular page. Here is my current code:
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'check_if_acuity_page');
function check_if_acuity_page(){
if(is_page('Schedule Page')){
add_action( 'add to acuity', 'display_acuity_scheduling_api');
function display_acuity_scheduling_api(){
echo '<div style="margin-top: 25px;">"Code to add Acuity Schedule to page"</div>';
The 'add to acuity' is a custom action hook that is currently added in the header.php file of the theme I am using. It adds the schedule at the very top of the page currently, so I can at least get it on the proper page, but it is located above the Menu and Title for the page. I am working on creating a custom layout and using PHP code to modify the page depending on what the user chooses, which is why I am not just using a simple embed code.
I am new to Wordpress Plugins and Hooks so I am not sure if I am supposed to be using an action or filter hook for this. Any help would be very appreciated.
To add code just before content which is below page title use following code:
function check_if_acuity_page(){
if(is_page('Schedule Page')){
echo '<div style="margin-top: 25px;">"Code to add Acuity Schedule to page"</div>';}
function add_code_before_content($content){
$acuity_page = check_if_acuity_page();
$content = $acuity_page.$content;
return $content;
Hope this helps.
WordPress action hooks are a means of providing a way for other developers to insert their own code in specific locations within your code, in order to change or expand the functionality of your code.
So in this case you should be using an action hook.
The concept of filters and hooks is explained in this article.
So by placing the add_action function in your template after the menu and page title you can hook onto it with a function.
In your page template after the menu and page title:
add_action( 'add to acuity', 'check_if_acuity_page');
In your functions.php:
function check_if_acuity_page() {
if(is_page('Schedule Page')) {
echo '<div style="margin-top: 25px;">"Code to add Acuity Schedule to page"</div>';
I'm having trouble clearing my cart after payment but I'm using Woocommerce.
I used codes and plugin from an older site (before the major update in the beginning of the year) and that doesn't seem to work now on the new updated site.
This is the functions.php
// check for clear-cart get param to clear the cart
add_action( 'init', 'woocommerce_clear_cart_url' );
function woocommerce_clear_cart_url() {
if ( isset( $_GET['clear-cart'] ) ) {
global $woocommerce;
In the thankyou.php that appears after succesfull payment this code is in there.
<!-- clear cart after successfull payment -->
jQuery(function($) {
var NewCart = $(response).find('#header-cart-inner');
var NewCartItems = $(response).find('.cart-items-inner');
I'm using the same theme as in the older version so the header-cart-inner and header-cart are the same.
But for some reason this doesn't work with the updated Wordpress and Woocommerce.
Does anyone know what the problem might be or have another solution for clearing the cart after succesfull payment? The thankyou page should only appear after successfull payment.
I forgot one thing
If I load the link "xxx://ihavetakenoutmydomain.org?clear-cart" on my browser the cart empties. So I guess the problem would be how to activate the link on the thankyou page without redirecting away from the thankyou page.
Best regards
In my wordpress website, i am using a gravity form to complete one online application process with about 10 to 12 pages of form filling. Once a user fills out all the process and make it to payment method page (which is the last before page), he sees display of details about payment method he has chosen in previous page.
In the previous page, i had 3 options to choose like credit card, check, and money order. Now selecting credit card, works fine and displays its details in the next page. But for the other two - check and money order, anything among these are selected, the next page displays a black details area. I need to display of details according to the selection.
This is mainly because of the Jquery issue in displaying content.
In this page, there seems to be code like the below to display the contents and to stop them from displaying.
in Plugins/gravity_forms/form_display.php
<div id='gform_page_{$form["id"]}_{$field["pageNumber"]}' class='gform_page{$custom_class}' {$style}>
<div class='gform_page_fields'>
<ul class='gform_fields {$form['labelPlacement']}'>";
and li like
$style = !empty($form) && !IS_ADMIN && RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden($form, $field, $field_values) ? "style='display:none;'" : "";
$field_id = IS_ADMIN || empty($form) ? "field_$id" : "field_" . $form["id"] . "_$id";
return "<li id='$field_id' class='$css_class' $style>" . self::get_field_content($field, $value, $force_frontend_label, $form == null ? 0 : $form["id"]) . "</li>";
when form current page came then it show that fields other fields are display :none
I need to know how these process of display:block and none works accordingly in this situation. Which file is causing these all actions?
i faced one more issue
for few id it does not show fields
so then for this i coded Themes/function-application.php
add_filter('gform_pre_render_'.$form_id, 'populate_checkbox',10);
function populate_checkbox($form)
in this ....
my code
require_once 'includes/application_form/payment.php';
<script type="text/javascript">
here i find only first alert inside worked fine .. and then jquery, alert after are all not worked..
so i need to know which file i need to modify ??
Thanks in advance..