How to Dict.get a case insensitive key? - dictionary

I'd like to grab the Total-Records key of a response.headers HTTP response.
Problem is that in some browser it is as returned by the server Total-Records but in some other, it is in lower case.
I'd like to get the value of the Total-Records header regardless of its case.
How would you do that?

Yet another alternative is to use the find function from elm-community/dict-extra to provide a custom comparison operator:
import Dict.Extra
caseInsensitiveGet : String -> Dict String v -> Maybe v
caseInsensitiveGet key =
lowerKey = String.toLower key
Dict.Extra.find (\k _ -> String.toLower k == lowerKey)
>> Tuple.second

In the absence of a general-purpose case-insensitive dictionary, you can hack together a manual lookup:
caseInsensitiveGet : String -> Dict String v -> Maybe v
caseInsensitiveGet key dict =
lowerKey = String.toLower key
Dict.toList dict
|> List.filterMap (\(k, v) ->
if String.toLower k == lowerKey then
Just v
|> List.head
Note that this will perform worse the larger the dictionary is. In this form it is possible to have multiple variations of the same text with different cases, so it isn't perfect, but if you're just looking for a header, it should suffice.

I think the least costly way - in general - is simply to do the two look ups and see what you get. For example,
case (Dict.get "Total-Records" response.headers, Dict.get "total-Records" response.headers) of
(Just s, _) ->
(_, Just s) ->
_ ->
<handle error case>
Alternatively you could replace the above with if then else.

In this situation I think I might go (uses elm-community/list-extra):
getFirstCaseInsensitive : String -> Dict String v -> Maybe v
getFirstCaseInsensitive key dict =
key_ =
String.toLower key
|> Dict.toList
|> List.Extra.find
((==) key_ << String.toLower << Tuple.first)
|> Tuple.second

Thank you all for your answers, I ended up using Dict.Extra.mapKeys:
import Dict.Extra
headers =
Dict.Extra.mapKeys String.toLower response.headers


Functional composition of Optionals

I have 2 Optionals (or Maybe objects) that I would like to combine so that I get the following results:
|| first operand
second ++-------------+-------------
operand || empty | optional(x)
empty || empty | optional(x)
optional(y) || optional(y) |optional(x+y)
In other words, a non-empty Optional always replaces/overwrites an empty one, and two non-empty Optionals are combined according to some + function.
Initially, I assumed that the standard monadic flatMap method would do the trick, but (at least in Java) Optional.flatMap always returns an empty optional when the original Optional was already empty (and I'm not sure if any other implementation would comply with the Monad Laws).
Then, as both operands are wrapped in the same monadic type, I figured that this might be a good job for an Applicative Functor. I tried a couple different functional libraries, but I couldn't implement the desired behavior with any of the zip/ap methods that I tried.
What I'm trying to do seems to me a fairly common operation that one might do with Optionals, and I realize that I could just write my own operator with the desired behavior. Still, I am wondering if there is a standard function/method in functional programming to achieve this common operation?
Update: I removed the java tag, as I'm curious how other languages handle this situation
In a functional language, you'd do this with pattern matching, such as (Haskell):
combine :: Maybe t -> Maybe t -> (t -> t -> t) -> Maybe t
combine (Some x) (Some y) f = Some (f x y)
combine (Some x) _ _ = (Some x)
combine _ (Some y) _ = (Some y)
combine None None _ = None
There are other ways to write it, but you are basically pattern matching on the cases. Note that this still involves "unpacking" the optionals, but because its built into the language, it is less obvious.
In Haskell you can do this by wrapping any semigroup in a Maybe. Specifically, if you want to add numbers together:
Prelude> import Data.Semigroup
Prelude Data.Semigroup> Just (Sum 1) <> Just (Sum 2)
Just (Sum {getSum = 3})
Prelude Data.Semigroup> Nothing <> Just (Sum 2)
Just (Sum {getSum = 2})
Prelude Data.Semigroup> Just (Sum 1) <> Nothing
Just (Sum {getSum = 1})
Prelude Data.Semigroup> Nothing <> Nothing
The above linked article contains more explanations, and also some C# examples.
It's not possible to combine optional objects without "unpacking" them.
I don't know the specifics of your case. For me, creating such a logic just in order to fuse the two optionals is an overkill.
But nevertheless, there's a possible solution with streams.
I assume that you're not going to pass optional objects as arguments (because such practice is discouraged). Therefore, there are two dummy methods returning Optional<T>.
Method combine() expects a BinaryOperator<T> as an argument and creates a stream by concatenating singleton-streams produced from each of the optional objects returned by getX() and getY().
The flavor of reduce(BinaryOperator) will produce an optional result.
public static <T> Optional<T> getX(Class<T> t) {
return // something
public static <T> Optional<T> getY(Class<T> t) {
return // something
public static <T> Optional<T> combine(BinaryOperator<T> combiner,
Class<T> t) {
return Stream.concat(getX(t).stream(), getY(t).stream())
If we generalize the problem to "how to combine N optional objects" then it can be solved like this:
public static <T> Optional<T> combine(BinaryOperator<T> combiner,
Supplier<Optional<T>>... suppliers) {
.map(Supplier::get) // fetching Optional<T>
.filter(Optional::isPresent) // filtering optionals that contain results to avoid NoSuchElementException while invoking `get()`
.map(Optional::get) // "unpacking" optionals
Here's one way: -> -> x + y).orElse(x)).or(() -> b)
Ideone Demo
OptionalInt x = ...
OptionalInt y = ...
OptionalInt sum = IntStream.concat(,
(opt, z) -> OptionalInt.of(z + opt.orElse(0)));
Since java 9 you can turn an Optional into a Stream.
With concat you get a Stream of 0, 1 or 2 elements.
Reduce it to an empty when 0 elements,and for more add it to the previous OptionalInt, defaulting to 0.
Not very straight (.sum()) because of the need for an empty().
You can implement your function in Java by combining flatMap and map:
optA.flatMap(a -> -> a + b));
More general example:
public static void main(String[] args) {
test(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
test(Optional.of(3), Optional.empty());
test(Optional.empty(), Optional.of(4));
test(Optional.of(3), Optional.of(4));
static void test(Optional<Integer> optX, Optional<Integer> optY) {
final Optional<Integer> optSum = apply(Integer::sum, optX, optY);
System.out.println(optX + " + " + optY + " = " + optSum);
static <A, B, C> Optional<C> apply(BiFunction<A, B, C> fAB, Optional<A> optA, Optional<B> optB) {
return optA.flatMap(a -> -> fAB.apply(a, b)));
Since flatMap and map are standard functions for Optional/Maybe (and monad types generally), this approach should work in any other language (though most FP languages will have a more concise solution). E.g. in Haskell:
combine ma mb = do a <- ma ; b <- mb ; return (a + b)
In F#, i would call this logic reduce.
The function must be of type 'a -> 'a -> 'a as it only can combine thinks of equal type.
Like other reduce operations, like on list, you always need at least one value, otherwise it fails.
With a option and two of them, you just need to cover four cases. In F# it will be written this way.
(* Signature: ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> option<'a> -> option<'a> -> option<'a> *)
let reduce fn x y =
match x,y with
| Some x, Some y -> Some (fn x y)
| Some x, None -> Some x
| None , Some y -> Some y
| None , None -> None
printfn "%A" (reduce (+) (Some 3) (Some 7)) // Some 10
printfn "%A" (reduce (+) (None) (Some 7)) // Some 7
printfn "%A" (reduce (+) (Some 3) (None)) // Some 3
printfn "%A" (reduce (+) (None) (None)) // None
In another lets say Pseudo-like C# language, it would look like.
Option<A> Reduce(Action<A,A,A> fn, Option<A> x, Option<A> y) {
if ( x.isSome ) {
if ( y.isSome ) {
return Option.Some(fn(x.Value, y.Value));
else {
return x;
else {
if ( y.isSome ) {
return y;
else {
return Option.None;

How to use memoize over sequence

let memoize (sequence: seq<'a>) =
let cache = Dictionary()
seq {for i in sequence ->
match cache.TryGetValue i with
| true, v -> printf "cached"
| false,_ -> cache.Add(i ,i)
I will call my memoize function inside this function :
let isCached (input:seq<'a>) : seq<'a> = memoize input
If the given sequence item is cached it should print cached otherwise it will continue to add sequence value to cache.
Right now I have problems with types.
When I try to call my function like this :
let seq1 = seq { 1 .. 10 }
isCached seq1
It throws an error
"The type int does not match the type unit"
I want my function to work generic even though I return printfn. Is it possible to achieve that? And while adding value to the cache is it appropriate to give the same value to tuple?
| false,_ -> cache.Add(i ,i)
I think the problem is that your memoize function does not actually return the item from the source sequence as a next element of the returned sequence. Your version only adds items to the cache, but then it returns unit. You can fix that by writing:
let memoize (sequence: seq<'a>) =
let cache = Dictionary()
seq {for i in sequence do
match cache.TryGetValue i with
| true, v -> printf "cached"
| false,_ -> cache.Add(i ,i)
yield i }
I used explicit yield rather than -> because I think that makes the code more readable. With this change, the code runs as expected for me.
Tomas P beat me to the punch, but I'll post this up anyway just in case it helps.
I'm not too sure what you are trying to achieve here, but I'll say a few things that I think might help.
Firstly, the type error. Your isCached function is defined as taking a seq of type 'a, and returning a seq of type 'a. As written in your question, right now it takes a seq of type 'a, and returns a sequence of type unit. If you try modifying the output specification to seq<'b> (or actually just omitting it altogether and letting type inference do it), you should overcome the type error. This probably still won't do what you want, since you aren't actually returning the cache from that function (you can just add cache as the final line to return it). Thus, try something like:
let memoize (sequence: seq<'a>) =
let cache = Dictionary()
for i in sequence do
match cache.TryGetValue i with
| true, v -> printf "cached"
| false,_ -> cache.Add(i ,i)
let isCached (input:seq<'a>) : seq<'b> = memoize input
All this being said, if you are expecting to iterate over the same sequence a lot, it might be best just to use the library function Seq.cache.
Finally, with regards to using the value as the key in the dictionary... There's nothing stopping you from doing that, but it's really fairly pointless. If you already have a value, then you shouldn't need to look it up in the dictionary. If you are just trying to memoize the sequence, then use the index of the given element as the key. Or use the specific input as the key and the output from that input as the value.

Railway oriented programming with Async operations

Previously asked similar question but somehow I'm not finding my way out, attempting again with another example.
The code as a starting point (a bit trimmed) is available at
(it has some issue recognizing Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Result type, not sure why)
Essentially all operations have to be pipelined with the previous function feeding the result to the next one. The operations have to be async and they should return error to the caller in case an exception occurred.
The requirement is to give the caller either result or fault. All functions return a Tuple populated with either Success type Article or Failure with type Error object having descriptive code and message returned from the server.
Will appreciate a working example around my code both for the callee and the caller in an answer.
Callee Code
type Article = {
name: string
type Error = {
code: string
message: string
let create (article: Article) : Result<Article, Error> =
let request = WebRequest.Create("") :?> HttpWebRequest
request.Method <- "GET"
use response = request.GetResponse() :?> HttpWebResponse
use reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()))
Ok ((new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Article>)).ReadObject(memoryStream) :?> Article)
| :? WebException as e ->
use reader = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream())
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()))
Error ((new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Error>)).ReadObject(memoryStream) :?> Error)
Rest of the chained methods - Same signature and similar bodies. You can actually reuse the body of create for update, upload, and publish to be able to test and compile code.
let update (article: Article) : Result<Article, Error>
// body (same as create, method <- PUT)
let upload (article: Article) : Result<Article, Error>
// body (same as create, method <- PUT)
let publish (article: Article) : Result<Article, Error>
// body (same as create, method < POST)
Caller Code
let chain = create >> Result.bind update >> Result.bind upload >> Result.bind publish
match chain(schemaObject) with
| Ok article -> Debug.WriteLine(
| Error error -> Debug.WriteLine(error.code + ":" + error.message)
Based on the answer and matching it with Scott's implementation (, to help in comparison and in better understanding.
let bind2 (switchFunction : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>) =
fun (asyncTwoTrackInput : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) -> async {
let! twoTrackInput = asyncTwoTrackInput
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok s -> return! switchFunction s
| Error err -> return Error err
Edit 2 Based on F# implementation of bind
let bind3 (binder : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>) (asyncResult : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) = async {
let! result = asyncResult
match result with
| Error e -> return Error e
| Ok x -> return! binder x
Take a look at the Suave source code, and specifically the WebPart.bind function. In Suave, a WebPart is a function that takes a context (a "context" is the current request and the response so far) and returns a result of type Async<context option>. The semantics of chaining these together are that if the async returns None, the next step is skipped; if it returns Some value, the next step is called with value as the input. This is pretty much the same semantics as the Result type, so you could almost copy the Suave code and adjust it for Result instead of Option. E.g., something like this:
module AsyncResult
let bind (f : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>) (a : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> = async {
let! r = a
match r with
| Ok value ->
let next : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> = f value
return! next
| Error err -> return (Error err)
let compose (f : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'e>>) (g : 'b -> Async<Result<'c, 'e>>) : 'a -> Async<Result<'c, 'e>> =
fun x -> bind g (f x)
let (>>=) a f = bind f a
let (>=>) f g = compose f g
Now you can write your chain as follows:
let chain = create >=> update >=> upload >=> publish
let result = chain(schemaObject) |> Async.RunSynchronously
match result with
| Ok article -> Debug.WriteLine(
| Error error -> Debug.WriteLine(error.code + ":" + error.message)
Caution: I haven't been able to verify this code by running it in F# Interactive, since I don't have any examples of your create/update/etc. functions. It should work, in principle — the types all fit together like Lego building blocks, which is how you can tell that F# code is probably correct — but if I've made a typo that the compiler would have caught, I don't yet know about it. Let me know if that works for you.
Update: In a comment, you asked whether you need to have both the >>= and >=> operators defined, and mentioned that you didn't see them used in the chain code. I defined both because they serve different purposes, just like the |> and >> operators serve different purposes. >>= is like |>: it passes a value into a function. While >=> is like >>: it takes two functions and combines them. If you would write the following in a non-AsyncResult context:
let chain = step1 >> step2 >> step3
Then that translates to:
let asyncResultChain = step1AR >=> step2AR >=> step3AR
Where I'm using the "AR" suffix to indicate versions of those functions that return an Async<Result<whatever>> type. On the other hand, if you had written that in a pass-the-data-through-the-pipeline style:
let result = input |> step1 |> step2 |> step3
Then that would translate to:
let asyncResult = input >>= step1AR >>= step2AR >>= step3AR
So that's why you need both the bind and compose functions, and the operators that correspond to them: so that you can have the equivalent of either the |> or the >> operators for your AsyncResult values.
BTW, the operator "names" that I picked (>>= and >=>), I did not pick randomly. These are the standard operators that are used all over the place for the "bind" and "compose" operations on values like Async, or Result, or AsyncResult. So if you're defining your own, stick with the "standard" operator names and other people reading your code won't be confused.
Update 2: Here's how to read those type signatures:
'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>
This is a function that takes type A, and returns an Async wrapped around a Result. The Result has type B as its success case, and type C as its failure case.
Async<Result<'a, 'c>>
This is a value, not a function. It's an Async wrapped around a Result where type A is the success case, and type C is the failure case.
So the bind function takes two parameters:
a function from A to an async of (either B or C)).
a value that's an async of (either A or C)).
And it returns:
a value that's an async of (either B or C).
Looking at those type signatures, you can already start to get an idea of what the bind function will do. It will take that value that's either A or C, and "unwrap" it. If it's C, it will produce an "either B or C" value that's C (and the function won't need to be called). If it's A, then in order to convert it to an "either B or C" value, it will call the f function (which takes an A).
All this happens within an async context, which adds an extra layer of complexity to the types. It might be easier to grasp all this if you look at the basic version of Result.bind, with no async involved:
let bind (f : 'a -> Result<'b, 'c>) (a : Result<'a, 'c>) =
match a with
| Ok val -> f val
| Error err -> Error err
In this snippet, the type of val is 'a, and the type of err is 'c.
Final update: There was one comment from the chat session that I thought was worth preserving in the answer (since people almost never follow chat links). Developer11 asked,
... if I were to ask you what Result.bind in my example code maps to your approach, can we rewrite it as create >> AsyncResult.bind update? It worked though. Just wondering i liked the short form and as you said they have a standard meaning? (in haskell community?)
My reply was:
Yes. If the >=> operator is properly written, then f >=> g will always be equivalent to f >> bind g. In fact, that's precisely the definition of the compose function, though that might not be immediately obvious to you because compose is written as fun x -> bind g (f x) rather than as f >> bind g. But those two ways of writing the compose function would be exactly equivalent. It would probably be very instructive for you to sit down with a piece of paper and draw out the function "shapes" (inputs & outputs) of both ways of writing compose.
Why do you want to use Railway Oriented Programming here? If you just want to run a sequence of operations and return information about the first exception that occurs, then F# already provides a language support for this using exceptions. You do not need Railway Oriented Programming for this. Just define your Error as an exception:
exception Error of code:string * message:string
Modify the code to throw the exception (also note that your create function takes article but does not use it, so I deleted that):
let create () = async {
let ds = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Error>)
let request = WebRequest.Create("") :?> HttpWebRequest
request.Method <- "GET"
use response = request.GetResponse() :?> HttpWebResponse
use reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()))
return ds.ReadObject(memoryStream) :?> Article
| :? WebException as e ->
use reader = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream())
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()))
return raise (Error (ds.ReadObject(memoryStream) :?> Error)) }
And then you can compose functions just by sequencing them in async block using let! and add exception handling:
let main () = async {
let! created = create ()
let! updated = update created
let! uploaded = upload updated
with Error(code, message) ->
Debug.WriteLine(code + ":" + message) }
If you wanted more sophisticated exception handling, then Railway Oriented Programming might be useful and there is certainly a way of integrating it with async, but if you just want to do what you described in your question, then you can do that much more easily with just standard F#.

Simple example of recursive run through string characters in Erlang

I can't get how I can go through all characters in a string, can you please share a simple example?
I have a string, like
"function(){var a = 10; var b = 5; return a + b;}".
Now I want to "cycle" through the string character by character and do something depending on its value.
Here is my code which doesn't work, while running as lexme("some string here").:
lexme(S) ->
lexme(S, 1).
lexme([H | T], _) ->
io:fwrite("~p~n", [H]),
In order to make lexme/2 recursive, it must call itself.
Try this:
lexme([H | T], _) ->
io:fwrite("~p~n", [H]),
lexme(T, 1).
I'm not sure what you intend to do with the second parameter. You're ignoring it, so why is it there?
You'll also want a function head that deals with the empty list so that the recursion can terminate, so the full definition would be something like this:
lexme([], _) ->
lexme([H | T], _) ->
io:fwrite("~p~n", [H]),
lexme(T, 1).
See for more information.

How to convert a string to integer list in ocaml?

I need to pass two list as command line arguments in ocaml.
I used the following code to access it in the program.
let list1=Sys.argv.(1);;
let list2=Sys.argv.(2);;
I need to have the list1 and list2 as list of integers.
I am getting the error
This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type
int list
while processing.
How can I convert that arguments to a list of integers.
The arguments are passed in this format [1;2;3;4] [1;5;6;7]
Sys.argv.(n) will always be a string. You need to parse the string into a list of integers. You could try something like this:
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.01.0
# #load "str.cma";;
# int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp "[^0-9]+") "[1;5;6;7]");;
- : int list = [1; 5; 6; 7]
Of course this doesn't check the input for correct form. It just pulls out sequences of digits by brute force. To do better you need to do some real lexical analysis and simple parsing.
(Maybe this is obvious, but you could also test your function in the toplevel (the OCaml read-eval-print loop). The toplevel will handle the work of making a list from what you type in.)
As Sys.argv is a string array, you need to write your own transcription function.
I guess the simplest way to do this is to use the Genlex module provided by the standard library.
let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer ["["; ";"; "]"; ]
let list_of_string s =
let open Genlex in
let open Stream in
let stream = lexer (of_string s) in
let fail () = failwith "Malformed string" in
let rec aux acc =
match next stream with
| Int i ->
( match next stream with
| Kwd ";" -> aux (i::acc)
| Kwd "]" -> i::acc
| _ -> fail () )
| Kwd "]" -> acc
| _ -> fail ()
match next stream with
| Kwd "[" -> List.rev (aux [])
| _ -> fail ()
with Stream.Failure -> fail ()
let list1 = list_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
let list2 = list_of_string Sys.argv.(2)
Depending on the OCaml flavor you want to use, some other library may look more interesting. If you like yacc, Menhir may solve your problem in a few lines of code.
