How to create a project from existing source? -

I installed Visual Studio 2017 on my mac. Also i have a project that written ASP.NET core. But i couldn't find any option to create a project from existing code.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I figured out.
Basically i opened .csproj file on Visual Studio. So that created *.sln file for me.
Tip: If you want to add more projects into your solution, you can simply add after opened *.sln file.


How to update .msi installer generated through WiX in Visual Studio 2019?

thanks for trying to help. I recently started to manage an ASP.NET solution that includes a WiX installer project generated previously. I made changes to the code that I want to include in the new .MSI installer, but I can't find the way for update the installer that was created. This is the project structure:
Project structure for WiX installer
When I try to compile the entire solution, I realize the WiX project is excluded for compiling with the other projects, but I try to add it to setup properties and it doesn't work, this is the image for that:
Setup properties for solution I try to complite with installer project
Is there any way for build the setup.msi file with my last changes? Hope you all can help me. Thanks. :)

How to open a .publishproj file in Visual Studio 2017?

I just simple know that is a published project, but how to open that file as a project? Here is the story, I got a file from a contractor with all the project and the pages and I would like to check the code and run the project from Visual Studio 2017.
Sorry about my ignorance and thanks in advance.
You can't.
What you can do though is create an ASP.Net Project (e.g. .csproj) and then right-click on a folder or the root of that Project and select "Add Existing Web Site...". This adds your site to that solution.
Note that .publishproj projects ("Web Site" Projects, aka "Web Applications") are not really compiled/built. (Though they can be pre-compiled, but that's not the same thing).
Web Sites are "published" not "built". Note that publish profiles (.pubxml) files are stored in /App_Data/PublishProfiles folder and work very much the same as .csProj files. In fact MSBuild will recognize some of the same elements, such as <task> and <using>. You just have to manually add them.

Rename a Project in Visual Studio 2017

I have a Solution in Visual Studio 2017 and one of the Projects is an ASP.NET Web Forms application.
How can I rename the Project?
I changed the name in the .sln file but within the IDE it is still showing the old name. The folder name matches the required name.
In Visual Studio Enterprise 2013, right click en Solution and search in contextual menu the option "Rename", there put you new solution name solution rename
Thanks for the response.
I had already tried editing the .sln file but it made no difference.
I finally found the problem was in the applicationhost.config file. Once I edited that the new name appeared.

how can I create the solution file for already existing visual studio 2003 web project

I have one visual studio 2003 web project, I got this project form my friend, and how can I run this application in visual studio 2003.Becuse now I don't have a solution file for this application. In my system I don't have administrative access.
Create a new solution (empty) and import all the existing files you got.
You don't need to be administrator. Just create an empty solution file (1 directory level above the project is convenient).
Then use "Add existing Items" and multi-select all files you want to add. You can do this in several steps. Add references that are missing.

system.web.extentions.dll not getting published!

I use the publish option of 2.0 to create a deployable copy of my web application. Lately I've noticed that the System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll and the System.Web.Extensions.dll does not get copied when using the publish option.
Has anyone any idea why this could have happened?
Couldn't google anything definite about this too...
They're part of the framework, so they are not published.
As others have pointed out they are part of the .NET framework and installed into the GAC which is why they aren't copied in a publish. Visual Studio expects them to be installed in the same location on the deployment target.
That said you can change this, right-click on the reference go to Properties and change the Copy Local to true. This will put a copy of the assembly in the local bin of the website and copy it when you publish.
