I have included GA tracking code in head tag of index.html of my AngularJs Application.But Google Tag manager says "Missing closing script tag"..Can anyone help me how to solve this issue and use Google Analytics in my Angularjs App..
I'm in a pickle and not too sure what I'm doing. I'm still working on a client's site. its searchable on google and I'm getting information about clicks on google search console but I'm struggling with Google tag manager and Google analytics. I tried installing the tag manager code snippet I think the issus is that I#m running a next.js project and the code snippet is inside the next/ head componant has anyone else seen this before? tia x
I am new to all of this and am trying to install the GTM tag on my WordPress website. I tried the plugin Google Tag Manager for WP and later in Google Site Kit.
In both methods, I can only see the tags through Tag Assistant when logged in WordPress. If I log off from wp-admin and access the website, I can't see the tags.
When trying to use the debug on GTM it shows the Analytics tag was fired and when using Analytics debug I can see the events are happening:
Are my tags properly installed or not?
Why I can't see it in Tag Assistant or what do I need to do?
Is it better to install directly to the code without using a plug-in?
Thank you!
Has anyone successfully integrated/implemented GTM (Google Tag Manager) into their spartacus site?
I have added the standard GTM scripts needed in the index.html but need help with pushing the pageview into the Datalayer portion that I have read online.
Any help would be appreciated
This is a topic that we're working on at this very moment.
You can track the progress here: https://github.com/SAP/spartacus/projects/110
I have add google analytics code to google tag manager and google tag manager connected to my website using script.
After this google analytics not showing active users in real time and in chrome browser google analytics shows red color tag with the error 'No HTTP response detected'.
Is, there know how to fix this.
You could try to install Google Tag Assistant https://get.google.com/tagassistant/
It might help you out
We want to use Google Tag Manager to deploy our Google Analytics code but we do not want to change over our event tracking _gaq.push('_trackEvent') over to the Google Tag Manager dataLayer method yet.
Is this something that is possible or do we need to migrate those events to Google Tag Manager at the same time?
From posts to the Google Forums it look like this is not recommended.
I believe that this is possible but I'm not certain. You could set it up on the fly and test it out in debug mode:
Add your base tag (Google Analytics page view tag) to all pages.
Select Preview > Debug and then visit the website in question
Open the console and check using your go to debugging tool. I use GA Debugger for chrome (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-analytics-debugger/jnkmfdileelhofjcijamephohjechhna?hl=en)
Try clicking a link or button that triggers an event using __gaq.push