varnish nginx proxy protocol - nginx

I have this install from this guide
is there any advantage for using proxoy protocol? from
to this setup (I have varnish 5)
if so, what is the modification needed for the setup in the linode link above?

To begin with, it will not be possible to use PROXY protocol in the linked setup.
Nginx supports PROXY protocol only on the client side (i.e. when there is another proxy forwarding requests to it). It doesn't support PROXY protocol with proxy_pass, where it would make more sense for Varnish + Nginx SSL setup. Sorry about that.


Reverse proxy with http inbound, https outbound, and parent proxy

I have an application that needs to use a proxy (call it proxy1) to access some https endpoints outside of its network. The application doesn't support proxy settings, so I'd like to provide it a reverse proxy url, and I would prefer not to provide tls certs for proxy1, so I would use http for application -> proxy1.
I don't have access to the application host or forward proxy mentioned below, so I cannot configure networking there.
The endpoints the application needs are https, so proxy1 must make its outbound connections via https.
Finally, this whole setup is within a corporate network that requires a forward proxy (call it proxy2) for outbound internet, so my proxy1 needs to chain to proxy2 / use it as a parent.
I tried squid and it worked well for http only, but I couldn't get it to accept http inbound while using https outbound. Squid easily supported the parent proxy2.
I tried haproxy, but had the same result as with squid.
I tried nginx and it did what I wanted with http -> proxy -> https, but doesn't support a parent proxy. I considered setting up socat as in this answer, or using proxy_pass and proxy_set_header as in this answer, but I can't shake the feeling there's a cleaner way to achieve the requirements.
This doesn't seem like an outlandish setup, is it? Or is there a preferred approach for it? Ideally one using squid or nginx.
You can achive this without the complexity by using a port forwarder like socat. Just install it on a host to do the forwarding (or locally on the app server if you wish to) and create a listener that forwards connections through the proxy server. Then on your application host use a local name resolution overide to map the FQDN to the forwarder.
So, the final config should be the app server using a URI that points to the forwarding server (using its address if no name resolution excists), which has a socat listener that points to the the corporate proxy. No reverse proxy required.
socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,reuseaddr,fork \
Just update with your parameters.

Get real ip with Openlitespeed as webserver with a reverse proxy in front of our Openlitespeed webservers

My issue is that I can get the real IP address from the client when I am using the openlitespeed webserver with a reversed proxy in front of my openlitespeed serveres.
We have the ssl termination on the openlitespeed web serveres and NOT on the proxy server.
The proxy is only going to farward the request to the correct server nothing else. We have multiple serveres.
We are at this point only able to get the reversed proxy IP address and not the client ip address.
We have tried this with haProxy and are now trying it with nginx as reversed proxy.
I have read that it wont work with haProxy, but nginx is a bit more flexible it think.
I have set the server Use Client IP in Header to Yes on the openlitespeed servere:
My first question is:
Is this possible or dosent the openlitespeed server support this at all.
This says its built in on litespeed.
My second question is:
Do you know if this have been done successfully with haProxy, Nginx or Squid proxy?
My third question is:
Do anyone have a config that works for either haProxy, Nginx or Squid proxy.
Prefered: Nginx or haProxy
A big thanks in advance for anyone who can answer these questions.
I can confirm that is doesn't not work with ols. The litespeed team has confirmed it. Though they might add support for proxy protocol in the future. We are now syncing the ssl from the webserver to the proxy making it s secure all the way.

In a reverse proxy server + Python HTTPS Server, who should handle SSL Certificates for HTTPS connections?

Suppose I want to use a combination of NGinX (probably another since it doesn't proxy HTTP/2 requests) and Hypercorn. As both can handle SSL certificate files, I wonder who is the best suited to do this for an HTTPS request. It is important to me that Hypercorn could listen to 443 port and I'm not sure it can do that without specifying certfile and keyfile parameters.
Well, that depend what you want to do.
The simpliest solution is to configure both to use SSL.
Nginx will receive the request, decipher it, process it, send it to Hypercom on port 443 as an HTTPS Client. Hypercom will get the request as any normal HTTPS client.
If your goal is security : go with both
If your goal is just to not
have hypercom expose directly, you can configure it to not use SSL
Nginx support by default proxying request to an HTTPS upstream so that's the best solution I think. However, you might need to play with setting http-header for hypercom to correctly understand who's the client by playing with X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host and any headers that might be needed by Hypercom.

nginx server use HTTP/2 protocol version by default?

I have various nginx server and recently I note that by default response these servers responses using the HTTP/2 version of protocol.
I don't have configured the http2 parameter in nginx.conf.
Is this the right behavior?
No, that is not the default.
If you observe HTTP2 despite not configuring it in NGINX, you likely have a CDN in front of it, e.g. Cloudflare.

Atlasssian Crucible through AWS ELB with HTTPS

I've recently setup a Crucible instances in AWS connected via a HTTPS ELB. I have a nginx reverse proxy setup on the instance as well to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS.
This partially works. However Crucible itself doesn't know it's running over HTTPS so serves up mixed content, and ajax queries often break due to HTTP -> HTTPS conflicts.
I've found documentation for installing a certificate in Crucible directly...
However I'd really rather not have to do it this way. I want to have the HTTPS terminated at the ELB, to make it easier to manage centrally through AWS.
I've also found documentation for using Crucible through a reverse proxy...
However this doesn't specifically deal with HTTPS.
All I really need is a way to ensure that Crucible doesn't serve up content with hard coded internal HTTP references. It needs to either leave off the protocol, or set HTTPS for the links.
Setting up the reverse proxy configuration should help accomplish this. Under Administration >> Global Settings >> Server >> Web Server set the following:
Proxy scheme: https
Proxy host:
Proxy port: 443
And restart Crucible.
Making configuration on UI is one way. You can also change config.xml in $FISHEYE_HOME:
<web-server site-url="https://your-public-crucible-url">
<http bind=":8060" proxy-host=“your-public-crucible-url" proxy-port="443" proxy-scheme="https"/>
Make sure to shutdown FishEye/Crucible before making this change.
AFAIK, this configuration is the only way to tell internal Jetty of FishEye/Crucible to be aware of the reversed proxy in front of them.
