Compile a .NET Core application as an EXE file using Visual Studio 2017 - .net-core

I created a .NET Core application (v1.1) in Visual Studio 2017. When I compile it, I get a DLL file produced instead of the expected EXE file for the built project. I did check the csproj file and confirmed the output type is set to exe, but no dice.
Why is Visual Studio 2017 is still producing a DLL file?
I'm sure it's a quick setting somewhere that I forgot...
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|AnyCPU'">
<ProjectReference Include="..\Core.EF.SqlServer\Core.EF.SqlServer.csproj" />

Update 2019:
.NET Core 3.0+ projects will now include an executable for the platform you build on by default. This is just a shim executable and your main logic is still inside a .dll file.
But .NET Core 3.0 also introduced single-file deployments so deploying with
dotnet publish -r win-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=True --self-contained false
will create a single .exe file containing all your dependencies. You can change --self-contained to true to also include the .NET Core Runtime as well so .NET Core does not need to be installed globally on the target machine.
.NET Core applications are supposed to be .dllfiles. OutputType set to Exe in this case means "executable" and does everything necessary to ensure that the output is runnable (entry point from Main() method, .runtimeconfig.json file). The resulting DLL file is meant to be run using:
dotnet yourapp.dll
This DLL file works across all platforms that are supported by the .NET Core runtime (Windows, Linux, and macOS). This is called a "portable" or "framework dependent" deployment.
If you want really a .exe file, consider self-contained deployments. This will create an output that contains its own copy of the .NET Core runtime and an yourapp.exe file - but it also increases the size of the published application and it needs to be updated when new versions of the runtime are released.
Also, the resulting application only works on the operating system published for.
Refer to .NET Core application deployment for more details on the deployment options and how to set them up.

In Visual Studio 2017:
Right click on your project and select Publish (In Visual Studio 2019, click on menu Build → Publish <projectName>)
Select 'Folder' and create a new profile
In tab 'Publish', click 'Configure...'
Select Deployment Mode: Self-contained, Target Runtime: win-x86 (or win-x64)
In the folder <Your project>\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\win-x86\ you will see the EXE file:

Starting with .NET Core 2.2 you can build framework-dependent executables
Although building a self-contained deployment can be a good solution, it has its own drawbacks. (See R.Titov and Martin Ullrichs' answers on SCD-s.)
Fortunately, .NET Core 2.2 supports the building of so called framework-dependent executable-s, that are essentially a wrapper binary (.exe on Windows) around the standard dll-s.
This way you have all the advantages (and disadvantages) of the standard framework-dependent deployment (again, see Martin's answer), but you have a convenient way to launch it, without having to call it through the dotnet CLI.
You can publish your app as a Framework-Dependent Executable using the following syntax:
dotnet publish -c Release -r <RID> --self-contained false
Where RID is the usual runtime identifier, e.g. win-x64 or whatever platform you wish to build for (see the catalog here).

That's how you do a self-contained publish with command-line in any OS:
dotnet publish C:\src\App\App.csproj -c release -r win-x64 -o output-win-x64
Besides, you might want to get the output decreased from typical ~60 MB for a simple Hello World app to ~30 MB by using ILLink.
Also, you might want to go further and get a single .exe file of a size at around 5 MB and use ILCompiler. See this reply.

The other answers are good, but what I find sometimes convenient is:
Not have it self-contained because the target machine is likely to have .NET Core of the correct version installed. This cuts on number of the DLL files I need to ship.
Not have to specify dotnet on the command line
For this, a bat file wrapper can be used, similar to these lines:
REM see
SET SCRIPTNAME=%~d0%~p0%~n0.dll
dotnet "%SCRIPTNAME%" %ARGS%
If your application ends up in yourapp.dll, name the bat file yourapp.bat and place it along side the DLL file. Now instead of dotnet yourapp.dll params you can call yourapp params.
Note that the context of this answer is in-house tooling, so all the developers using the utility will have a pretty standard development machine setup. If this is to be distributed to an external customer who is running who knows what on their boxes, the self-contained option is far superior.


How to pack .NET Core projects recursively without running pack on the entire solution?

I have a solution of a hundred plus .NET Core projects. Not all of them needs to be packed, but only those which are transitive dependencies of a few special projects.
However, when I run dotnet pack it attempts to pack all kinds of projects that it should not and there are errors here and there. I would like instead to run pack on the special projects only in a recursive fashion, so that only them and their transitive dependencies (project references, of course) are packed.
I figured I can implement it by scripting around the dotnet list reference command, but it does not sound right. There must be a better way to do it.
The solution must work on the command line where we have dotnet and msbuild and possibly nuget, but no VS IDE.
You can modify your project settings to generate *.nupkg file during dotnet build, without explicit dotnet pack call. And as soon as dependencies get builded automatically when "parent" project builds - you will receive nuget packages prepared for all dependencies too when you run dotnet build for "parent" project only.
For each project that should produce nuget package add this lines into csproj file:
Or, instead, you may enable checkbox "Generate NuGet package on build" from Visual Studio, in project properties ("Package" tab) - this will add same line into project file.

MSBuild publish dotnet core application

My setup is: I have a solution that had different dotnet4.6 applications (services) in it. Now we added a dotnet core project inside this solution. I can build and debug it, but this doesn't create an executable. In Visual Studio I can rightclick -> Publish... it. I created two profiles (x86 and x64) that should create nice binaries in /bin/Publish/x86 or /x64. In VS this works. The application is self-contained and works on different unprepared machines.
But now I Need to move that process to the buildserver. I messed around with dotnet publish but in the end i get stuck because other components of the solution are not clean dotnet core and so the build fails.
So I need to stick with MSBuild.
The current attempt is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" NewProject\NewProject.csproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:UsePublishProfile=true /p:PublishProfile=x64Profile.
This says it finished building successfully, but I don't see any results. Also it doesn't make any difference, if I remove all properties and just call msbuild and *.csproj. It just builds the new project in bin/Debug, as dll, not exe.
I also messed around with p:PublishProfile="NewProject\Properties\PublishProfiles\x64Profile.pubxml" and /p:PublishUrl="NewProject\bin\Publish\x64" but it doesn't change anything.
I read a few articles on SO, telling that VS doesn't just call msbuild with parameters but does internal API calls. Still, I need a solution. I need the build server to create an executable. Is there a way to trigger msbuild to create thath?
Oh man, I searched for 2-3 days now. And - as always on StackOverflow - shortly after asking I found a working answer myself.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
MSBuild command:
msbuild Project\Project.csproj -t:restore /t:Build;Publish /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x86 /p:PublishProfile=x86Profile /p:OutputPath=bin/Publish/x86 (and the same for x64)
I think it was the dotnet build/publish command that wanted me to change TargetFrameworks to TargetFramework. But for MSBuild this is wrong. And dotnet wasn't working here, as the solution is mixing dotnet core and dotnet framework. So that had to be fixed.
The <RuntimeIdentifiers>win-x86;win-x64</RuntimeIdentifiers> was needed by the command. I added it to the *.csproj because I know that I build for windows only (at the moment) and that I need both versions.
I don't really know why I needed this line <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" /> but without this publishing and using the PublishProfiles didn't work as expected.
Links that helped me to get here: (not sorted)
How to Publish Web with msbuild?
ASP.NET Core Application (.NET Framework) for Windows x64 only error in project.assets.json
Configure MSBuild output path
I too had a nightmare with inconsistencies between builds from Visual Studio IDE and the dotnet publish command, that were only fixed by doing it using msbuild.exe instead. Also, using /p:PublishProfiles=theXMLthatVSgenerates.xml never worked, so I had to break out every option into the msbuild command line.
Here's what worked for me:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\msbuild.exe" C:\Users\xxxx\Source\Repos\netcore-agent1\CoreAgent1\CoreAgent1.csproj /t:Restore;Rebuild;Publish /p:PublishSingleFile=True /p:SelfContained=True /p:PublishProtocol=FileSystem /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /p:TargetFrameworks=netcoreapp3.1 /p:PublishDir=bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\publish\win-x64 /p:RuntimeIdentifier=win-x64 /p:PublishReadyToRun=False /p:PublishTrimmed=False

dotnet publish sln having projects with multiple target frameworks fails

I have a solution with many projects. Some target frameworknetcoreapp2.1, some other target framework netstandard2.0 and one project has a double target framework
I'd want to have a artifact for win10 with a single command:
dotnet publish MySolution.sln -c Release -o "targetFolder" -r win10-x64
With this command I have this error while building the project with double target framework. Here's the errors:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.402\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.CrossTargeting.targets(31,5) error : The 'Publish' target is not supported without specifying a target framework. The current project targets multiple frameworks, please specify the framework for the published application.
The error is clear. At the end I find that dll compiled in the output directory and it seems like it is a netstandard2.0 dll because my application still works.
I don't like dirty things so, how can I solve my problem?
I would avoid to call N times the "dotnet publish" command if possible.
Don't use dotnet publish with the same output directory on a solution. Especially not with the "-r" argument.
It is dangerous because:
libraries don't have the right trimming behaviour for netstandard facade packages
libraries may have odd behaviour when publishing with "-r", especially for netstandard<2.0 dependencies. (they'd end up copying the .NET Core 1.0/1.1 implementation(!) assemblies)
you may end up with different NuGet dependencies in the output (transitive dependencies)
Copy-to-output/publish-directory items may end up overwriting each other, it may even lead to build failures
Call it individually for all application (console app, web app) projects or create an MSBuild file that publishes these applications.

Build .NET Core console application to output an EXE

For a console application project targeting .NET Core 1.0, I cannot figure out how to get an .exe to output during build. The project runs fine in debug.
I've tried publishing the project, but that does not work either. It makes sense since an EXE file would be platform-specific, but there must be a way. My searches have only turned up reference to older .NET Core versions that used project.json.
Whenever I build or publish, this is all I get:
For debugging purposes, you can use the DLL file. You can run it using dotnet ConsoleApp2.dll. If you want to generate an EXE file, you have to generate a self-contained application.
To generate a self-contained application (EXE in Windows), you must specify the target runtime (which is specific to the operating system you target).
Pre-.NET Core 2.0 only: First, add the runtime identifier of the target runtimes in the .csproj file (list of supported RIDs):
The above step is no longer required starting with .NET Core 2.0.
Then, set the desired runtime when you publish your application:
dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64
dotnet publish -c Release -r ubuntu.16.10-x64
The below still holds for .NET 6
UPDATE for .NET 5!
The below applies on/after NOV2020 when .NET 5 is officially out.
(see quick terminology section below, not just the How-to's)
How-To (CLI)
Download latest version of the .net 5 SDK. Link
Open a terminal (e.g: bash, command prompt, powershell) and in the same directory as your .csproj file enter the below command:
dotnet publish --output "{any directory}" --runtime {runtime}
--configuration {Debug|Release} -p:PublishSingleFile={true|false}
-p:PublishTrimmed={true|false} --self-contained {true|false}
dotnet publish --output "c:/temp/myapp" --runtime win-x64 --configuration Release
-p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:PublishTrimmed=true --self-contained true
How-To (GUI)
If reading pre NOV2020: Latest version of Visual Studio Preview*
If reading NOV2020+: Latest version of Visual Studio*
*In above 2 cases, the latest .net5 SDK will be automatically installed on your PC.
Right-Click on Project, and click Publish
Click Start and choose Folder target, click next and choose Folder
Enter any folder location, and click Finish
Click on Edit
Choose a Target Runtime and tick on Produce Single File and save.*
Click Publish
Open a terminal in the location you published your app, and run the .exe. Example:
A little bit of terminology
Target Runtime
See the list of RID's
Deployment Mode
Framework Dependent means a small .exe file produced but app assumed .Net 5 is installed on the host machine
Self contained means a bigger .exe file because the .exe includes the framework but then you can run .exe on any machine, no need for .Net 5 to be pre-installed. NOTE: WHEN USING SELF CONTAINED, ADDITIONAL DEPENDENCIES (.dll's) WILL BE PRODUCED, NOT JUST THE .EXE
Enable ReadyToRun compilation
TLDR: it's .Net5's equivalent of Ahead of Time Compilation (AOT). Pre-compiled to native code, app would usually boot up faster. App more performant (or not!), depending on many factors. More info here
Trim unused assemblies
When set to true, dotnet will generate a very lean and small .exe and only include what it needs. Be careful here. Example: when using reflection in your app you probably don't want to set this flag to true.
Microsoft Doc
The following will produce, in the output directory,
all the package references
the output assembly
the bootstrapping exe
But it does not contain all .NET Core runtime assemblies.
<BootStrapFiles Include="$(Temp)hostpolicy.dll;$(Temp)$(ProjectName).exe;$(Temp)hostfxr.dll;"/>
<Target Name="GenerateNetcoreExe"
Condition="'$(IsNestedBuild)' != 'true'">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(Temp)" />
Command="dotnet build $(ProjectPath) -r win-x64 /p:CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies=false;IsNestedBuild=true --output $(Temp)" >
<Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="OutputOfExec" />
I wrapped it up in a sample here:
If a .bat file is acceptable, you can create a bat file with the same name as the DLL file (and place it in the same folder), then paste in the following content:
dotnet %~n0.dll %*
Obviously, this assumes that the machine has .NET Core installed and globally available.
c:\> "path\to\batch\file" -args blah
(This answer is derived from Chet's comment.)
Here's my hacky workaround - generate a console application (.NET Framework) that reads its own name and arguments, and then calls dotnet [nameOfExe].dll [args].
Of course this assumes that .NET is installed on the target machine.
Here's the code. Feel free to copy!
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
namespace dotNetLauncher
class Program
If you make .NET Core applications, they have to be launched like .NET blah.dll args here
This is a convenience EXE file that launches .NET Core applications via name.exe
Just rename the output exe to the name of the .NET Core DLL file you wish to launch
static void Main(string[] args)
var exePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
var exeName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
var assemblyName = exeName.Substring(0, exeName.Length - 4);
StringBuilder passInArgs = new StringBuilder();
foreach(var arg in args)
bool needsSurroundingQuotes = false;
if (arg.Contains(" ") || arg.Contains("\""))
needsSurroundingQuotes = true;
if (needsSurroundingQuotes)
passInArgs.Append(" ");
string callingArgs = $"\"{exePath}{assemblyName}.dll\" {passInArgs.ToString().Trim()}";
var p = new Process
StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("dotnet", callingArgs)
UseShellExecute = false

Change .NET Core application generated exe description

I have created a .NET Core application. When I do:
dotnet publish -r win81-x64
All files needed to execution are deployed in the following folder:
There, among all the files I have a dll file with the name Example.dll and the exe file named Example.exe. Now, my problem is when I execute the exe, in the task manager the application description says:
I would like to change that to Example, for that I tried to edit my csproj to contain the following:
But it doesn't seems to have any affect in the generated exe file, only ind the dll. How can I change the exe description?
Currently this is not possible in the build process.
Unlike classic .NET projects, this .exe file isn't actually compiled but is a pre-built binary (dotnet.exe, in 2.0 apphost.exe) acquired via a NuGet package and copied/renamed to the publish output.
There is an issue on GitHub about changing the description after being launched, but at the time of writing it is not assigned to a milestone of an expected release.
There is known issue in populating assemblyino manifest into EXE file. Looks like will be supported in .net core 3.0 release.
