TLS 1.2 support which java version? - tls1.2

I would like to check which minimum versions of Java is needed (including patch level) to support TLS 1.2.
Required all the documents couldn't find exact compatibility matrix. Need your help.


What's the different between platform OpenCL version and device?

Specifically, I have single platform version 2.1 with single device version 2.0 and I want to use C++14 features which supported only in OpenCL 2.1. Should I be able to? What matters when it comes to capabilities limitation: platform or device? What's even the point of platform version since it always comes down to using device anyway?
What's even the point of platform version since it always comes down to using device
Platform = version of the codebase and API etc.
Device = Capabilities of the hardware.
The sense is that a platform update may change the way you write your code USING the API, while the device capabilities may change with the hardawre chip.

How do OpenCL platforms are listed for OpenCL-2.0 devices?

I need to implement a truly working platform version filter targeted to version 1.2 for my open-source project:
I don't have 150$ to buy an OpenCL2.0 capable graphics card for now so I'm working on a pure-1.2 version system and not sure about other (new)systems.
Question: How does a list of platforms looks like when there are only opencl 2.0 capable gpus and both 1.2(max) and 2.0(max) capable gpus exist in same system?
Lets assume I'm using this
to get a list. Should I suppose it gives only single version platforms per device or,
For example, a GTX-Titan XP(opencl 2.0 capable?) can list two platforms:
OpenCL 1.2
OpenCL 2.0
separately for same device? Or it just gives 2.0 version?
What about a GTX-TitanXP and a GT-640?
OpenCL 1.2 (TitanXP + GT-640)
OpenCL 2.0 (TitanXP)
OpenCL 2.0 (TitanXP)
OpenCL 1.2 (GT-640)
which one happens?
Can this change with drivers?
What about OpenCL version 2.3 GPUs? Do they seem as 2.0 in OpenCL API or correctly give 3 as minor version?
If anyone could share his/hers experience, I appreciate.
For now, project can take 1.2 or 2.0 versions (Intel drivers I installed have an experimental version 2.1 with bugs so I filter-out with minor version checking, I'm not sure if Nvidia or Amd can do similar or opposite things in OpenCL-2.x capable cards). I can also filter for platform names "experimental"/"beta" to elliminate such platforms but I'm not sure if there are multiple versions for same GPUs.
I assume 2.0 devices have backwards compatilibity for 1.2 but do I need anything extra to enable 1.2 spec? For now I'm not doing anything extra for 1.2 devices. Maybe 2.0 needs some?
Each platform returns its own version number independently of the others. You can have a mix, for example a GPU at 1.2 and a CPU driver at 2.0.
If you make only OpenCL 1.2 API calls you can use either. If you make OpenCL 2.0 API calls you can only use 2.0 or higher platforms.
Likewise, devices within a platform can return their own version numbers, although I don't think they can be larger than their parent platform number. An example of this is an older GPU, which might only be OpenCL 1.1 even though the platform is 1.2.
Separate from this is the version of OpenCL kernel language each device supports. For backwards compatibility if you don't pass compile options you are getting OpenCL C 1.x. If you are on a 2.x device you can pass an option string when compiling your kernel to get new language features.

Check OpenCL version compatibilty correctly?

My application is OpenCL 1.1 compatiable and I want to check whether each of the device has drivers for that version. There are 2 ways for this:
clGetDeviceInfo() ->CL_DEVICE_VERSION
clGetPlatformInfo() ->CL_PLATFORM_VERSION
I have following doubts:
I do not understand why method 1 is provided as method 2 seems the
correct way to me?
Is it possible that the version given by the platform will not
match with the version given by a device from the same platform?
What is clGetDeviceInfo::CL_DRIVER_VERSION for?
From all these options which one should I use to check if a device
can run my OpenCL 1.1 code?
There are some features in OpenCL that have hardware requirements. This means that even if a particular vendor's OpenCL implementation (the platform) supports an OpenCL version, the device might not. So, it is entirely possible for the versions returned from the CL_DEVICE_VERSION and CL_PLATFORM_VERSION queries to differ.
This will probably start to happen more frequently when OpenCL 2.0 implementations start appearing, as there is plenty of hardware on the market that doesn't have the necessary support for OpenCL 2.0 features. Imagine a system that has two devices from Vendor X: a new Device A that can run OpenCL 2.0, and a much older Device B that can't. In this instance, the platform version may be OpenCL 2.0, but the device version could be OpenCL 2.0 for Device A and OpenCL 1.2 for Device B.
The CL_DRIVER_VERSION is for getting a vendor specific version number for the implementation. This number could using any version numbering system that the vendor uses to keep track of different software releases, and is completely independent from OpenCL version numbers (although some vendors may well include the OpenCL version here too).
So, in order to be sure that both the device and platform support your required OpenCL version, you should just need to check CL_DEVICE_VERSION.

NGINX with SPDY v2, v3, and v3.1?

I'm currently running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with NGINX 1.5.10 and SPDY v3.1. While implementing SPDY, I've seen web servers that are supporting multiple versions of the SPDY protocol. For an example you can see:
Obviously these are some of the biggest sites around, but I've looked for guidelines or documentation on how to support the different versions of the protocol, but there are no clear answers.
I'm not sure whether this is possible but any help or guidance as to how to achieve this would be much appreciated!
I've looked for guidelines or documentation on how to support the
different versions of the protocol, but there are no clear answers.
The answer is simple: don't, just use the latest version. Both Chrome and Firefox are aggressive about deprecating support for older versions -- e.g. expect spdy/v2 support to be removed in Q2/Q3 of 2014; IE should keep up as well.
If you want to track progress and watch out for announcements around new drafts or plans to deprecate old versions, sign up for spdy-dev mailing list.
It depends on which version of nginx you installed. The current version will install the current version of SPDY. SPDY 3.1 is in a module built for nginx.
You shouldn't have to do anything different to your code to support the different versions since this is a transport mechanism for the server.

Is there an available implementation of OpenCL supporting the fp16 extension?

I am looking for an implementation of the OpenCL language that supports the cl_khr_fp16 extension. To my knowledge, no publicly available implementation supports this at present.
I think you're right, no implementation supports this at this time.
But since cl_khr_fp16 ext is part of v1.1 (AFAIK) and v1.1 is coming very soon, you shouldn't have to wait too much.
Roadmap from AMD:
And NVIDIA already have pre-released v1.1 drivers:
