Arduino 101 and BLE - arduino

I'm using Arduino 101 and a HM-10 Module(BLE). I want to make an android app to send and receive data from Arduino via this Bluetooth module.
I was unable send data or receive data. I was able to connect to module.
Can you tell me a good tutorial how to do it? or to provide some useful information

I had to figure with the same problem currently on IOS, but i have found a good example Project to get startet. Look for one on the internet. Best is to look for a example that is basically a Serial Monitor/Terminal. After you have found your Example you should be able to modify it after your needs.


Pairing (security) example for Seeed XIAO nRF52840

I can't find example how to do BLE pairing with Seeed XIAO nrf52840 board. It doesn't matter to me if it will be Arduino or Circuitpython libraries. Is there something like this somewhere?
I would like to use this board for my project, but would like to ensure that anyone cannot read or change values in the BLE services.
My idea of use is that on the server side I select the device I want to pair with and on the device side I confirm the pairing manually e.g. with a button. From that point on, the server can then communicate with the unit and read or change its values.
Thank you
With Arduino you could try this example:
I am actually trying to implement this feature as well. I was trying in CircuitPython, but I could not find a suitable way. I opened an issue, as there was nothing in their documentation to help.
UPDATE 2023-01-03 - In CircuitPython BLE security is not yet implemented, see answer to the issue I opened.

Using android GPS for Arduino

I'm currently doing my project on IOT.I need a GPS for that.I would like to use my Mobile's GPS for Arduino. How can the connection can be done?
Actually, your question is a little broad. But I would give you some tips to do it.
If you want to get your Android phone GPS data you need to create two apps; one for the Android side and one for the Arduino side. The procedure can be something like this:
Read Phone's GPS data based on what you need (E.g Lat/Long or other GPS parameters).
Create a JSON based on the data, e.g:
"lat": 1.234,
"lng": 5.678,
"speed": 100,
"hdop": 1.2
Send data to Arduino board through a proper connection (I will explain this).
Get data in Arduino board from the proper connection.
Parse received data (e.g JSON) and convert it to desired variables inside your Arduino code.
Continue your work with the received GPS data.
Let me explain a little more about proper connection. There are many options to do that. A simple option is to use Android Bluetooth and based on that on the Arduino side you need a Bluetooth receiver module which there are many out there like HC-05.
There are a bunch of tutorials to get a Bluetooth module working that you can find based on your Bluetooth module like this.
Another solution for the connection is to use wifi. For the Arduino side, you can use esp8266 and directly program it. There are some variants for it like Node-MCU
which has a builtin circuit to directly program it with an Arduino IDE software.
You can also go one step forward and use the newer ESP32 module which has both wifi and Bluetooth.
The good thing about using esp modules is that there are good APIs for creating your app and. You can find more about that on similar projects like here and here.

how to communicate between openmote and arduino?

I'am working on an IOT project. The goal is to communicate between two openmotes (one is the server and one is the client). When the client receives some data, it is supposed to pass it to an arduino to activate different controllers (like a motor, some leds ...). So, I wanna send data from a openmote to an arduino. The idea is to use a bus. The openmote is the master and the arduino is the slave. Do you have any idea how to do this ? I can't find any documentation fro the open mote part. I thought about using the serial UART but i don't have any idea how to do that.
Thank you !
If anyone is looking for an answer, it is possible to activate the UART 1 on the open mote and to send data to the arduino using that bus. You have to pay attention to the speed you are using on both sides.You can refer to this file to see the functions to use:

How to send simple alerts or strings via WIFI with an Arduino and CC3000?

I'm kinda new to this forum.
I have an Arduino UNO and a CC3000 wifi shield from Adafruit.I want to send messages to a laptop or specfic IP address via wifi. Not complex messages or anything, just an alert or a flag. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm not really sure of the protocol for sending something like this, or where I would even be sending it to.
I've used a CC3000 WiFi Shield and made a temperature plotter which you can read about here.
But, I think you could configure your Arduino as a webserver (there are pre-made sketches with the examples) and figure out a way to install PHP on it for it's mailing function? You could also look at services such as Zapier and IFTTT to send emails/text message alerts to you.
For a PHP tutorial using pcduino.
This type of project I think would be better suited for a Raspberry Pi since it's already Internet ready.
I hope this will point you in a better direction.

Sending information to Arduino from Pure Data

I've just got my hands on an Arduino and have started having a little play with it.
I've followed this tutorial and managed to get that simple patch working. I've modified the PD patch a little to trigger the LED on port 9 when a bang connected to a kick drum is hit:
This works, but I've now hit a road block.
I'd like 1 bang (Kick) to trigger 1 LED on port 9 as it is at the moment, but I'd also like another bang, connected to a snare to trigger another LED on port 8.
I've absolutely no idea how to do this. I'm sure it's not too hard but I'm very inexperienced with coding.
I've given it a go at writing the code but it's not working and I'm not sure what more I need to add to PD.
Here's what I've tried to do:
But it doesn't work.
Please please can someone help me out here?
Thanking you :)
In the tutorial you reference you write a custom Arduino sketch for what you want to do in the Pd patch. The alternative method would be to upload a kind of a firmware sketch to the Ardunio which turns the Arduino in a versatile interface. Then you can set the digital ports to in, out or PWM as you like. Someone has done that for you and it's called Firmata. Firmata is included with Arduino, you'll find it in the examples. Upload the standard Firmata to your Arduino and then use the Arduino object in Pd to control it.
