in my javafx application, i have an imageView for which I have created an Rotate trasition, everything works fine , but the rotation direction is in counterclockwise of watch, i want to make it in opposite direction .
this is My code :
RotateTransition rt = new RotateTransition(Duration.millis(3000), myImageView);
It seems to be undocumented, but setting a negative angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation:
In my Flutter app, I have drawn a rectangle in one coordinate system on a Google Map and I want to rotate this coordinate system around the coordinate (0,0). How this can be done is described here: Rotation matrix. I have implemented the rotation of coordinates like this in my app:
class Coordinate {
Coordinate(this.x, this.y);
double x;
double y;
void rotate(double angle) {
// angle is in degrees, convert to radians
final double angleInRadians = angle * (math.pi / 180);
final double oldX = x;
final double oldY = y;
final double newX = oldX * math.cos(angleInRadians) - oldY * math.sin(angleInRadians);
final double newY = oldX * math.sin(angleInRadians) + oldY * math.cos(angleInRadians);
x = newX;
y = newY;
Using this to rotate four corners of a rectangle works fine for some places in the world, like Australia and a place near (0,0). In this picture, you can see the rotation of the red rectangle on the top around the point (0,0) (bottom left) to the rotated red rectangle on the bottom right:
Please ignore all the markers and non-red lines. The next to images show a rectangle like the one in the picture above which I again rotate around (0,0) using the code above, but as you can see in the second image, the red rectangle is not a rectangle anymore, but a parallelogram instead.
I cannot find an explanation for this. The questions I ask myself are: Why does the code work for some places but not for others? Why does the rectangle transform to a perfect parallelogram instead of whatever other shape with the points possibly all around the world? As it is working for some locations, the problem cannot be that I have mixed up some of the coordinates or something like that, it has to do something with the calculation of the edges of the rotated rectangle. But I cannot find out what I did wrong here.
I have the following code for the laser controls which are perfectly positioned when the camera looks straight ahead after entering VR mode.
<a-entity position="0.25 1.25 -0.2" class="laser-controls">
<a-entity laser-controls="hand: right" line="color: red"></a-entity></a-entity>
The issue is: when I rotate my head (camera), I would like to let the controls follow my head rotation smoothly (I have some code which looks if the rotation is greater than 110 degrees). I don't want the controllers be part of the camera since they should keep their own independent rotation. What I like is the behaviour of the controller model in Oculus Home (Gear VR).
How can I achieve this is my custom component, let's say in my tick function, which is called every two seconds (that code works already).
How about using getAttribute() to check the rotation of the camera component and the laser control's entity? Then you could check if the difference exceeds 110 degrees or not:
let angle = laser.getAttribute('rotation');
if (camera.getAttribute('rotation').y - laser.getAttribute('rotation').y>110){
} else if(camera.getAttribute('rotation').y - laser.getAttribute('rotation').y<-110){
If You want to position Your controller near Your head You can:
1.Instead of angle.y++/-- change it to Your camera's rotation. You can also change its x/y position close to the camera ( like camera.position.x + 0.5 )
2.But the above is instant, if You want to make it smooth, You could use the animation component, when the delta degree is >110 deg, set the animation attributes to move to the camera component location/rotation, emit a beginning event, disable the rotation check, listen for the animation end event, and enable the check. a bit like this:
init: function(){
this.check = true;
let check = this.check;
check = true;
this.check = false;
Three.js 76
I start to use Orthographic camera instead Perspective - has some troubles.
I use stemkoski's shader-glow for point animation in scene: he created some sphere and then use shader for it transparancy, i just add animation to it.
function animatePoints() {
var alphas;
var count;
var time;
let j = 0;
while ( animatedPoints[j] ) {
let threeGlow = animatedPoints[j];
let finishAnimation = threeGlow.meta.state.finishAnimation;
let itFinished = 0;
let pointGlowMat = threeGlow.material;
let pointGlowGeom = threeGlow.geometry;
// ########## make glow look at camera
pointGlowMat.uniforms.viewVector.value = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors( threeGlow.position, camera.position);
alphas = pointGlowGeom.attributes.alpha;
count = alphas.count;
time = 0.001*;
if ( finishAnimation ) {
} else {
alphas.needsUpdate = true;
Main goal - to make glow look at camera. When camera was perspective i use solution with subtracts two vectors - camera position and glow position, so it look like glow looking at camera.
pointGlowMat.uniforms.viewVector.value = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors( camera.position, threeGlow.position );
But now, when i use Orthographic camera this solution doesn't work correctly.
The problem is that now the glow should look not at camera position point, it should look at plane of the camera.
I make some pic scheme for that situation:look it, it very useful
So for each new glow (it's positions of course different) i must get new red vector, to make each glow look at orto cam.
Any ideas?
What you need to do to get the red vector in your image, is project vector sub on the vector representing the direction in which the camera is looking.
I think this is what you need:
pointGlowMat.uniforms.viewVector.value = new THREE.Vector3()
.subVectors( camera.position, threeGlow.position )
.projectOnVector( camera.getWorldDirection() );
One way to make an object "look at" an orthographic camera by using this pattern:
object.quaternion.copy( camera.quaternion );
The object's view direction will be perpendicular to the camera's projection plane.
This approach is appropriate if neither the object nor the camera have a rotated parent.
three.js r.84
I have a custom chart which I scale using the following code:
final double SCALE_DELTA = 1.1;
treePane.setOnScroll(new EventHandler<ScrollEvent>()
public void handle(ScrollEvent event)
if (event.getDeltaY() == 0)
double scaleFactor = (event.getDeltaY() > 0) ? SCALE_DELTA : 1 / SCALE_DELTA;
treePane.setScaleX(treePane.getScaleX() * scaleFactor);
treePane.setScaleY(treePane.getScaleY() * scaleFactor);
I noticed that when I scroll the chart with mouse wheel I cannot zoom the chart where my mouse points. Instead of this the chart is zoomed to left or right for example.
I would like when I zoom with the mouse wheel to scale the chart where my cursor points. Is there any solution?
I haven't worked with javafx, but I will try to answer anyway. From my experience with Win32Api/GDI and XNA you should definitely be able to read mouse coordinates. Anything you display is displayed at coordinates x,y. When you want to scale and zoom to the cursor's location, you will redraw with this in mind: (assume zoom factor = z, mouseX and mouseY the mouse coordinates X and Y the new coordinates)
your cursor will have to point at the same pixel, so if the image is z times bigger now, so will the mouse coordinates be, relative to the source of the picture. To these coordinates, essentially the distance from the top and left of the image, you have to add the coordinates of the source itself, which should remain unchanged relative to the window's top-left corner. This eventually means that mouseX - X = (mouseX - x)*z, which means X = mouseX - (mouseX - x)*z
Same goes for the Y coordinate. In theory this should work perfectly, i have not tried it with code but it seems right on paper. You will notice X and Y seem to be getting smaller, essentially they might even turn out negative since by scaling and keeping the mouse on the same pixel, you push/stretch the top-left corner further up and left, possibly out of the screen.
You will probably work with the scrollbars though, same philosophy on their displacement.
Play around with the variables a bit to make them fit the drawing mode, I do not know if the libraries you are working with start from the screen's (0,0), or the window's, or the working areas, so you will have to adapt it to the rest of the code, but this is the math/geometry behind it.
My application is using Qt.
I have a class which is inheriting QGraphicsPixmapItem.
When applying transformations on these items (for instance, rotations), the origin of the item (or the pivot point) is always the top left corner.
I'd like to change this origin, so that, for instance, when setting the position of the item, this would put actually change the center of the pixmap.
Or, if I'm applying a rotation, the rotation's origin would be the center of the pixmap.
I haven't found a way to do it straight out of the box with Qt, so I thougth of reimplementing itemChange() like this :
QVariant JGraphicsPixmapItem::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange Change, const QVariant& rValue)
switch (Change)
case QGraphicsItem::ItemPositionHasChanged:
// Emulate a pivot point in the center of the image
this->translate(this->boundingRect().width() / 2,
this->boundingRect().height() / 2);
case QGraphicsItem::ItemTransformHasChanged:
return QGraphicsItem::itemChange(Change, rValue);
I thought this would work, as Qt's doc mentions that the position of an item and its transform matrix are two different concepts.
But it is not working.
Any idea ?
You're overthinking it. QGraphicsPixmapItem already has this functionality built in. See the setOffset method.
So to set the item origin at its centre, just do setOffset( -0.5 * QPointF( width(), height() ) ); every time you set the pixmap.
The Qt-documentation about rotating:
void QGraphicsItem::rotate ( qreal angle )
Rotates the current item
transformation angle degrees clockwise
around its origin. To translate around
an arbitrary point (x, y), you need to
combine translation and rotation with
// Rotate an item 45 degrees around (0, 0).
// Rotate an item 45 degrees around (x, y).
item->setTransform(QTransform().translate(x, y).rotate(45).translate(-x, -y));
You need to create a rotate function, that translate the object to the parent's (0, 0) corner do the rotation and move the object to the original location.