7: [unixODBC][DataDirect][ODBC 20101 driver]6015 error - odbc

For our application we have planned to use the Progress Data Direct ODBC driver for oracle. So i have downloaded the EVAL version and installed it. Our application servers are running in the Linux environment.
After installing the EVAL version i have tested the sample code provided by them. I have configured the ODBC.INI and ODBCINST.INI properly.
Tested the DSN connection successfully with the sample program provided by DataDirect Progress.
Then i started using the same for my application Lib LD path set properly ODBC , ODBCINST variables are properly set.
when i try to bring up my servers i got the below error message
7: [unixODBC][DataDirect][ODBC 20101 driver]6015
In this message i'm not getting the message description , only i got the error code which is 6015
How to get the error message for this code 6015 ?
Any help on this?

Due to the older version of driver got the error , so installed newer version and it got resolved.


How can I get past this 'SSL connect error' when using jsonlite::fromJSON in R?

I get the following error whenever I run
all_companies <- jsonlite::fromJSON("https://www.sec.gov/files/company_tickers_exchange.json")
Warning: URL 'https://www.sec.gov/files/company_tickers_exchange.json': status was 'SSL connect error'Error in open.connection(con, "rb") :
cannot open the connection to 'https://www.sec.gov/files/company_tickers_exchange.json'
Thank you in advance for any help!
What I've tried
I am trying to run this on a new work computer, it runs fine on my old work computer but the new one gives me this error.
It seems the difference causing this issue is that I am using {jsonlite} 1.8.2 on my new computer and 1.8.0 on my old computer. Deep in the definition of the fromJSON() function, the working version seems to use curl::curl() to establish a connection whereas the not-working version uses base::url().
The following example line from the help documentation runs fine on the new computer with version 1.8.2
data1 <- fromJSON("https://api.github.com/users/hadley/orgs")
I can access the JSON file I am trying to read on an internet browser.
I do not have permission to install Rtools on my computer to be able to compile an older version of {jsonlite}.

Connecting Oracle to R issue

I am trying to connect Oracle to RStudio using the "ROracle" package. I've installed the package and loaded it. I also have the "DBI" package installed and loaded.
I am using dbConnect(dbDriver("Oracledrivername"),oracle_schema,oracle_password,dbname="dbname") to connect to my oracle schema but I am getting this error:
Error in h(simpleError(msg,call)):
eror in evaluating the argument 'drv' in selecting a method for function 'dbConnect'
I then tried to narrow it down by testing dbDriver("Oracledrivername") by itself and the Error I get is:
Error: Couldn't find driver Oracledrivername
Things that I have done to attempt to fix this are:
I tested my connection to "Oracledrivername" in the ODBC data source administrator, the connection was ok.
The Rstudio I am using is 64 bit, Oracle client is a v12.1.0 64 bit, and the ODBC driver was set up on 64 bit
I have set the oracle_home location to C:\ORACLE12_64BIT\product\12.1.0\client_1

Teradata odbc driver for Mac OS sierra

I am trying to connect to Teradata on my Tableau Desktop 9.2.7.
I am on Mac OS Sierra. It shows the following error when I try to connect to Teradata database
Detailed Error Message:
[iODBC][Driver Manager]dlopen(/Library/Application Support/teradata/client/ODBC/lib/tdata.dylib, 6): Library not loaded: libtdparse.dylib Referenced from: /Library/Application Support/teradata/client/ODBC/lib/tdata.dylib Reason: image not found [iODBC][Driver Manager]Specified driver could not be loaded Unable to connect to the server "wm1". Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges to the requested database.
I have already installed the required ODBC drivers from the Teradata website. I even tried installing the previous versions of the driver. I'm not able to get past this error message. Can someone guide me towards a fix?
I’d the same problem and am on Sierra too. but it was resolved after i installed the Teradata ODBC driver v16.20 (previously was v15.00). See if it works?

Install odbc drive for drill

I followed these steps to config the odbc drive for drill:
Configuring ODBC on Linux
After that I try to test the drill connection according Testing the ODBC Connection Instruction
iODBC Demonstration program
This program shows an interactive SQL processor
Driver Manager: 03.52.0709.0909
Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): DSN=Drill;ConnectionType=ZooKeeper;ZKQuorum=,;ZKClusterID=drillbits1
Driver: (MapR Drill ODBC Driver)
SQL>select columns[0] as 'Year',columns[1] as Revenues from 'hdfs.root'.'./user/hdfs/R/DisneyFinancialTest.csv'
1: ERROR [HY000] [MapR][Drill] (1070) Drill fails to execute the query with error [30017]Communication error. End of file
It works well with the connection to sql, but it shows that the drill fails to execute. What does the issue means? Can anyone help me trouble shot this problem?
quit; is interpreted as a SQL command, which is not valid for Drill. If you want to quit isql, then just use quit.
Finally I found out what was the issue, the problem was that my odbc driver version and my drill version is not match. I uninstalled the drill odbc driver 1.2 and installed version 0.8, it works well.
I solved the problem by referencing this link.

Shiny Server cannot use RODBC to connect to DB2 but RStudio can in a Docker Container

I am working on deploying a shiny application in a Docker container onto Bluemix. I am using the rocker/shiny Docker image (https://hub.docker.com/r/rocker/shiny/) as my initial starting point. I have installed unixODBC-dev, RODBC, ibm data server driver package, the ibmdbR library for R, and all needed dependencies. My only problem is that when I try to access the shiny app from a web browser it fails to execute, the error is:
Warning in odbcDriverConnect("DSN=BLUDB", :
[RODBC] ERROR: state 01000, code 0, message [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/root/db2_cli_odbc_driver/dsdriver/odbc_cli_driver/linuxamd64/clidriver/lib/libdb2o.so' : file not found
Warning in odbcDriverConnect("DSN=BLUDB; :
ODBC connection failed
Error in idaInit(con) : con is not an open connection, please use idaConnect() to create an open connection to the data base.
Initially I had this same problem whenever I would try to use isql to connect to the database or try to connect from RStudio, I used ldd on that library file and found what was missing and that fixed making connections from the command line and RStudio, however my Shiny-Server still gives me the same error, is there anything I am missing?
I ended up solving the problem myself, turns out the libraries were not accessible by the shiny-server which was running as a service. I moved the db2 odbc drivers over to /usr/local/lib to make it accessible, I also ran the "ldd" command on the library mentioned in the error message and found that I had to install libxml2 as well. After doing that I simply changed my odbcinst.ini file at /etc to reference the new location of the db2 library and now it all works! Hopefully anyone else trying to deploy Shiny Apps that rely on connecting to a DB2 database will find this useful.
