Where can i see the google sheet in which app makers saves the data - google-app-maker

I am building an application using google app maker with google sheets as the back end. How can I access the google sheet that saves the data I intake using the application?

App Maker doesn't actually store the data in sheets, it stores it in a custom database associated with your app. The best way to view the contents of that database right now is to create a new page in your application and drag out a table widget to it. You can set the fields to editable as well if you want to allow editing.

Just throwing it out there, but what I'm doing in one of my AppMaker apps is using a server Script to export to a sheet that I created.
Basically use the SheetsApp API to edit:
sheet = SpreadSheetApp.openById(spreadsheetFileId).insertSheet(1);
I create a new array newRow = [];
then I use a for-in loop to loop over the data in my app database and newRow.push, then use sheet.appendRow(newRow);
I then end up with a sheet that is a match to the data in my database.
Hope that helps.


Can we use external user input as filters in data studio for google analytics data source

I'm creating a report in google data studio using google analytics data source. Now i want to use the filers in the page setting as an external input. So user can input the filter string and can see the data. Somehow i need to pass the string to the data studio so the report will be generated on the basis of that filter.
I appreciate any small help, thanks.
If i were you I would make the input in Google Sheets and direct string to there.
NExt step is link the string to Google Datastudio via "Add data". Even if it is only one cell it should work. Now you can try to somehow make the filter auto select this data and there you go.

How to overwrite or clear data in a Drive Table in Google App Maker

I have loaded data from a Google Sheet into an App Maker datasource. Now I have made a change to the original sheet and want to import the new data and overwrite the old or alternatively just clear the existing data and import the new data from the sheet. I don't see a way to do either in the docs.
I use the following command to clear a drivetable when needed:
This will clear the table on the client. To delete all Records in a drive table use the following server script:
var records = app.models.ModelName.newQuery().run();

How can I querying a key value without retriving all data in Firebase?

I'm learning angularjs, firebase, angularfire by building a sample app. It's a dictionary app that any one can add a word, add several explanation to the word, add several common usage to the word, add example centences to the word. People can freely add new word via this web app. OR people can freely realtime search a word and display the content of that word. When I build the app.
I found everytime when I search a word, I have to load all the data and then check if the query string exist in the data and then display the content if exist. So, it's quite heavy if the library become very big.
How can I query a string if it exist from the server side and if exist, just download that piece of data?
Here is a very simple example that is on the firebase site (Retreiving data). I suggest you take a look at that page, there is a lot more info there about this subject. Now the example:
var ref = new Firebase("https://dinosaur-facts.firebaseio.com/dinosaurs");
ref.orderByChild([the child node to compare to]).equalTo([what you are searching]).on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
//do something with the data in snapshot

spreadsheet like asp.net and dynamic view

I want to create an application that users can select fields from database table and create a spreadsheet by those data. Is any control or sample to implement it?
Getting the schema of table varies from database to database.
No matter which database you use, it would be easy to get the list of columns and let the user select which columns to show.
To create a speardsheet you should look at these controls ASP.NET Real World Controls
These custom controls enable you to create excel like grids in asp.net. It is open source allowing you to extend them as may be needed by your project.

how to save the results of visualization table as excel

I am using visualization api for showing my fusion table on my web page.Now i want to save or download the table as excel data.I have added query capabilities to that fusion table in my web page.So querying the data will display new result everytime.So i want to save those results as excel.Help me.
I posted an an answer which should allow you to do this. Of course your web page cannot save to the users hard-drive, but you can put up a link which allow the user to save a CSV file which is Excel compatible.
