I am trying to find all Hamiltonian Cycles on all Bi-Connected Chordal graphs. I have been able to generate all the graphs that I need up to 14 vertices. But now I have to search all of those graphs for the Hamiltonian Graphs.
Since the problem is NP-Complete I know there isn't any other way other than to brute force it (unless there is a better algorithm out there that I am not aware of). But I know the computations may take weeks or even longer to search all of those graphs before we get anything to research on.
So the question is, would it be faster to try and compute it on my GPU? I have a 1080ti FTW in my labs computer. Would it be worth it to try and look into trying to compute it on my GPU? If so, where should I begin looking?
I'm looking for an algorithm to efficiently determine if a given graph (implemented either as an adyacency matrix or as an adyacency list — the one that makes the algorithm run faster) is bipartite or not.
I'm aware that a slight modification of BFS algorithm can suit this purpose, but I haven't been able to lower BFS's time-complexity of O(|E|+|V|).
I'd expect to find an algorithm that is a bit faster, taking advantage o the fact that a bipartite graph lacks cicles with an odd number of edges.
Does anyone know such algorithm or have any suggestion to address this problem?
I'm making a program that implements procedural content generation (PCG) to create maps in a 2d game.
I use the graph data structure as the basis. then the graph will be transformed into a map like in the example image I attached.
with graph specifications as follows:
-vertex can have more than 4 edges
-allowed the formation of cycles in the graph
any suggestions on what method I can use to transform the graph to a 2d map in a grid with space-tight results?
Uh, that is a tough one. The first problem you will encounter is whether this is even possible for the graph you use. See more below for that specific topic.
Let's say we ignore the fact that your graph could be impossible to map to a grid. I faced the same issue in my Master's Thesis a few years back. (PDF available here; 3.4 World Generation; page 25). I tried to find an algorithm, that could generate my world from a graph structure but ultimately failed. I tried placing one element after the other and implemented some backtracking in case it got stuck. But in the end you're facing a similar complexity to calculating chess moves. At some point you know you messed up, but you don't know how many steps you should go back/reverse, before trying the next one. If you try to solve this by brute force, you're not going to have a good time. And I did not come up with good heuristics to solve it in an adequate time.
My solution: I decided in the end to go with AnswerSet Programming. You're basically not solving the problem with an algorithm, but you find a (more or less) elegant logical representation of your problem and let a logic solver (program specifically made to find a valid solution to your logical problem-representation) do the work. Have a look in my thesis about the details, it was a few years ago and I didn't use one since. I remember however, that this process was not easy and it took me a few days to find a good logical representation of my problem.
Another question to ask: Could you work on the grid directly? Or maybe on a graph structure representing a grid? In the end a grid is nothing else than a graph; every cell is a node and neighbouring connections are the edges. I have quite some experience in the field and would be happy to help you, if you'd like to share what you want to achieve with your generator. I have also a vast collection of resources about procedural generation, maybe you find something helpful there, too.
More on the planarity of a graph: For your graph to be mappable to a plane, it needs to be planar, and checking so is also not trivial. The easiest way - if I'm not mistaken - is to prove the existence of a non-planar sub-graph, e.g. the K5 (the smallest non-planar a complete graph) or K3,3 (the smallest non-planar complete bipartite graph). And even if your graph is planar, it is not necessarily guaranteed that you can put it on your grid.
I have a problem in which I need to find the longest path. Given an unveighted undirected graph. Starting from a given vertex I need to visit as many vertices as possible and finish in the same one without visiting each of them more then once.
Most of the algorithms I found were for a special case (acyclic, directed etc.). An idea can be to find Hamiltonian cycle for every subset of the vertices (the subset can be generated with backtrack). But I guess there must be a far better algorithm.
As you've discovered, finding the largest cycle involves finding the Hamiltonian cycles of its subgraphs, and thus is NP-complete - unless you're working on some special class of graphs, any solution is going to be exponential in complexity.
A smart brute force approach (e.g. bitmask) is the best efficiency one can get for this type of problem.
I want to carry out Graph Clustering in a huge undirected graph with millions of edges and nodes. Graph is almost clustered with different clusters joined together only by some nodes(kind of ambiguous nodes which can relate to multiple clusters). There will be very few or almost no edges between two clusters. This problem is almost similar to finding vertex cut set of a graph, with one exception that graph needs to be partitioned into many components(their number being unknown).(Refer this picture https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7_3zLD0XdtAd3ZwMFAwWDZuU00/edit?pli=1)
Its almost like different strongly connected components sharing a couple of nodes between them and i am supposed to remove those nodes to separate those strongly connected components. Edges are weigthed but this problem is more like finding structures in a graph, so edge weigths won't be of relevance. (Another way to think about the problem would be to visualize Solid Spheres touching each other at some points with Spheres being those strongly connected components and touching points being those ambiguous nodes)
I am prototyping something, so am quiet short of time to pick up Graph Clustering Algorithms by myself and to select the best possible. Plus i need a solution that would cut nodes and not edges since different clusters share nodes and not edges in my case.
Is there any research paper, blog that addresses this or somewhat related problem? Or can anyone come up with a solution to this problem howsoever dirty.
Since millions of nodes and edges are involved, i would need a MapReduce implementation of the solution. Any inputs, links for that too?
Is there any current open source implementation in MapReduce that can i directly use?
I think this problem is analogous to Finding Communities in online social networks by removing vertices.
Your problem is not so simple. I am afraid that it is related to the clique problem, which is NP complete, so unless you quantify somehow the statement "there are almost no edges between the clusters", your problem might be still very difficult. But what I would do in your shoes, would be to try one dirty, greedy approach, namely regarding the nodes as the following kind of quasi-neural net:
Each vertex I would consider to have inputs, outputs and a sigmoid activation function which convert the input value (sum of inputs) into the output value. The output value, and I consider this important, would not be cloned and sent to all the neighbors, but rather divided evenly between the neighbors. In addition to this, I would define a logarithmic decay of activity in a neuron (self-suppression, suppressive connection to itself), defined by a decay parameter global for the net.
Now, I would start simulation with all the neurons starting from activity 0.5 (activity range is 0 to 1) with very high decay parameter, which would lead to all the neuronst quickly stabilizing in 0 state. I would then gradually decrease the decay parameter until the steady state result would yield the first clique with non-zero stable activity.
The question is what to do next. One possibility is to subtract the found clique from the graph and run the same process again until we find all the cliques. This greedy approach might succeed if your graph is indeed as well behaved (really almost clustered) as you say, but might lead to unexpected results otherwise. Another possibility is to give the found clique a unique clique smell that would be repulsive (mutual suppresion) to other cliques an rerun the algorithm until the second clique is found, give it a different clique smell repulsive to all others etc., until each node has its own assigned smell.
I think this would be as many big ideas as i have about this.
The key is, that since it is probably not possible to solve this problem in the general case (likely NP complete), you need to take use of whatever special properties your graph has. That means you need to play with parameters for a while until the algorithm solves 99% of the cases that you encounter. I don't think that it is possible to give the numerically precise answer to your question without long experimentation with the actual datasets that you encounter.
Since millions of nodes and edges are involved, i would need a MapReduce implementation of the solution. Any inputs, links for that too?
In my experience I doubt if using Map/Reduce over here would be truly advantageous. First 10^6 order of nodes isn't really that large [that too in a non hyper-connected graph, since you are considering clustering], and the over head of using Map/Reduce [unless you already have setup your hardware/software for it] for your problem will not be worth it.
Map/Reduce will work much better, where once you have solved the clustering issue, and then want to process each cluster with similar analysis. Basically when you can break your task into relatively isolated sub-tasks, which can be performed in parallel. This of course can be cascaded to several layers.
In a relatively similar situation, I personally first modelled my graph into a graph database (I used Neo4J, and would recommend it highly) and then ran my analytic and queries on it. You will be surprised as to how white board friendly this solution is, and even massively joined and connected queries will be executed near instantaneously especially at the scale of only a few million nodes. For example, you can do a filtered analysis, based on degrees of separation, followed by listing of commons.
I am working on a problem which drills down to this:
There is a connected undirected graph. I need to visit all the nodes
without visiting a node more than once. I can start and end at any
arbitrary node.
How can I go about this? Shall I apply algorithm like Floyd-Warshall to all start nodes possible or is there a better way to do?
A path that visits every node once and only once is called a Hamiltonian Path. The problem of finding a Hamiltonian Path is called Hamiltonian Path Problem.
First of all, this problem is NP-Complete. An algorithm whose run time is proportional to at most a polynomial of input size is called a polynomial algorithm. For example, most sorting algorithms require O(N logN) time, which is less than N^2, which makes it polynomial.
For NP-complete problems there is no known polynomial time algorithm. Although no one could prove it yet, most probably there is no polynomial time algorithm for NP-complete problems. It means:
the run time of any algorithm you will come up with will be proportional to an exponential function of input size. (i.e. if it solve the problem with 40 nodes in an hour, it will require 2 hours for 41 nodes, 4 hours for 42 nodes, ..) Which is very bad news.
The algorithm you will come up with will not be fundamentally much faster than one that proceeds with try and error.
If your input size is small, start with a simple backtracking algorithm. If you need to do better, a google search with terms like "hamiltonian path", "longest path" may provide an answer. Ultimately you will have to lower your expectations, (for example settle with an approximation instead of an optimal solution) if your input is large.