Encrypting DB with multi user access - encryption

I am working on a project that will be sold to government entities. Because they will be storing sensitive lists of employees, they do not want us to have access to their DB.
I am not an encryption specialist, but I was thinking of encrypting the DB the app uses in such a way that we do not have access to it, but many users in their organisation (users they gave permissions to) must be able to read the data from their app.
How does that work? I read about public/private keys, symmetric/asymmetric encryption, but I'm having a hard time understanding how all of that fits in.


Firebase - GDPR+Schrems requires end-to-end encryption, but how?

I need to protect a group of user’s data, i.e. to facilitate multiple invited users to read and contribute protected data.
My understanding is that I need to implement the following design:
1 . Each user gets authenticated with Firebase Auth (OAuth2 or email/password).
2 . Each user creates a public/private key-pair (How?). The public keys can be shared in Firebase. How to store the private key? Seems natural to store it in Firebase in encrypted form (passcode protected), but how?...
2a. Either the users must manually store the passcode in e.g. a “personal password manager”. Password protect private key
2b. Or could the passcode come from e.g. the OAuth 3rd party?
3 . Encrypt/decrypt data (support user group). Multi-user-data requires an extra layer for having a common (symmetrical) key (How?), so all invited users can encrypt and decrypt data. The group manager stores this common key in Firebase to all users, using their individual public keys. Virgils story about the Creator.
So does the above requirement make sense(!), and how to get around compliance? How to document such security measures? Protecting your customer’s data might make you sleep at night, but you also need to convince the future customers that data will be safe.
I wonder why Firebase does not have a guide on all this, to safely facilitate GDPR. The topic seems such a show stopper nowadays.
All constructive input are highly appreciated!

Protecting sensitive customer data in cloud based Multi-Tenant environment

We are building a multi-tenant cloud-based web product where customer data is stored in single Database instance. There are certain portion of customer specific business data which is highly sensitive. The sensitive business data should be protected such that nobody can access it except the authorized users of the customer (neither through application not through accessing Database directly). Customer want to make sure even the platform provider(us) is not able to access specific data by any means. They want us to clearly demonstrate Data security in this context. I am looking for specific guidance in the following areas:
How to I make sure the data is protected at Database level such that even the platform provider cannot access the data.
Even if we encrypt the Data, the concern is that anyone with the decryption key can decrypt the data
What is the best way to solve this problem?
Appreciate your feedback.
"How to I make sure the data is protected at Database level such that even the platform provider cannot access the data"
-- As you are in a Multi-Tenanted environment, First of all you would have to "single tenant your databases" so one DB per customer. Then you need to modify the application to pick up the database from some form of config.
For encryption as you are in Azure you would have to use the Azure Key vault with your own keys or customer's own keys. you then configure SQL to use these keys to encrypt the data. see here and here
if you want the database to stay multi-tenanted, you would need to do the encryption at the application level. However this would need the application to know about customer keys, hence I dont think that this would be a valid solution.
"Even if we encrypt the Data, the concern is that anyone with the decryption key can decrypt the data" - yep anyone with the keys can access the data. For this you would need to set the access controls appropriately on your key vault.. so the customer can see only their keys.
In the end as you are the service provider.. the customers would have to trust you some what :)

DPAPI Key Storage and Restoration

In light of the upcoming GDPR regulations, the company I work for is looking at upgrading their encryption algorithms and encrypting significantly more data than before. As the one appointed to take care of this, I have replaced our old CAST-128 encryption (I say encryption but it was more like hashing, no salt and resulting in the same ciphertext every time) with AES-256 and written the tools to migrate the data. However, the encryption key is still hardcoded in the application, and extractable within a couple of minutes with a disassembler.
Our product is a desktop application, which most of our clients have installed in-house. Most of them are also hosting their own DBs. Since they have the entirety of the product locally, securing the key seems like a pretty difficult task.
After some research, I've decided to go with the following approach. During the installation, a random 256-bit key will be generated for every customer and used to encrypt their data with AES encryption. The key itself will then be encrypted with DPAPI in user mode, where the only user who can access the data will be a newly created locked down domain service account with limited permissions, who is unable to actually log in to the machine. The encrypted key will the be stored in an ACL-ed part of the registry. The encryption module will then impersonate that user to perform its functions.
The problem is that since the key will be randomly generated at install time, and encrypted immediately, not even we will have it. If customers happen to delete this account, reinstall the server OS, or manage to lose the key in some other manner, the data will be unrecoverable. So after all that exposition, here comes the actual question:
I am thinking of having customers back up the registry where the key is stored and assuming that even after a reinstall or user deletion, as long as the same user account is created with the same password, on the same machine, it will create the same DPAPI secrets and be able to decrypt the key. However, I do not know whether or not that is the case since I'm not sure how these secrets are generated in the first place. Can anyone confirm whether or not this is actually the case? I'm also open to suggestions for a completely different key storage approach if you can think of a better one.
I don't see the link with GDPR but let's say this is just context.
It takes more than the user account, its password and the machine. there is more Entropy added to the ciphering of data with DPAPI.
See : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms995355.aspx#windataprotection-dpapi_topic02
A small drawback to using the logon password is that all applications
running under the same user can access any protected data that they
know about. Of course, because applications must store their own
protected data, gaining access to the data could be somewhat difficult
for other applications, but certainly not impossible. To counteract
this, DPAPI allows an application to use an additional secret when
protecting data. This additional secret is then required to unprotect
the data. Technically, this "secret" should be called secondary
entropy. It is secondary because, while it doesn't strengthen the key
used to encrypt the data, it does increase the difficulty of one
application, running under the same user, to compromise another
application's encryption key. Applications should be careful about how
they use and store this entropy. If it is simply saved to a file
unprotected, then adversaries could access the entropy and use it to
unprotect an application's data. Additionally, the application can
pass in a data structure that will be used by DPAPI to prompt the
user. This "prompt structure" allows the user to specify an additional
password for this particular data. We discuss this structure further
in the Using DPAPI section.

Encrypting data in SQL Server Azure database with separate key for each user's data

I'm trying to create a service based on an Azure SQL Database backend.
The service will be multi-tenant, and would contain highly sensitive information from multiple "clients" (potentially hundreds of thousands), that must be strictly isolated from one another and secured heavily against data leaks. "by design"
Using so many individual databases would not be feasible, as there will be a lot of clients with very little information per client.
I have looked into the transparent encryption offered by Azure, but this would essentially encrypt the whole database as one, so it would in other words not protect against leaks between clients or someone else; due to development errors, or hostile attacks, and it's very critical that one "client's" information never comes into anyone else's hands.
So what I would really like to achieve, is to encrypt each client's data in the database with a different key, so that you would have to obtain the key from each client (from their "physical" location) to de-crypt any data you might manage to extract from the database for that particular client, which would be virtually impossible for anyone to do.
Is it clear what I mean?
Do you guys have any suggestions for me on how to manage this problem, or know of any third party solution that allows for this functionality? Any other advise?
You're looking at protecting/isolating the tenants "by design" in a single table, why not check out Row Level Security. You could configure it to serve up only the applicable rows to a specific tenant.
This doesn't directly address your initial question about encrypting the data with a separate key for each tenant; If you have a separate table for each tenant, then you could do this via Always Encrypted, but this would seem to have some complexity in key management, if you're trying to handle 200k keys.
AFAIK, there isn't a native SQL Server functionality to encrypt each set of rows that belongs to a tenant with a distinct key- but there may be some elegant solutions that I haven't seen yet; Of course, you could do this on the app side and store it in SQL and there would be no issues; the trick would be the same as the AE based solution above- managing a large number of keys.

User authentication when using single database per client?

My company is building an ASP.NET HR application and we have decided to create one database per client. This ensures that clients cannot accidentally view another client's data, while also allowing for easy scalability (among other benefits, already discussed here).
My question is - what is the best way to handle security and data access in such a scenario? My intent is to use a common login/account database that will direct the user to the correct server/database. This common database would also contain the application features that each user/role has access.
I was not planning to put any user information in each individual client database, but others on my team feel that the lack of security on each database is a huge hole (but they cannot articulate how duplicating the common access logic would be useful).
Am I missing something? Should we add an extra layer of security/authentication at the client database level?
One of the reasons my team felt dual user management was necessary is due to access control. All users have a default role (e.g. Admin, Minimal Access, Power User, etc.), but client admins will be able to refine permissions for users with access to their database. To me it still seems feasible for this to be in a central database, but my team doesn't agree. Thoughts?
We have a SaaS solution that uses the one DB per client model. We have a common "Security" database too. However, we store all user information in the individual client databases.
When the user logs into the system they tell us three pieces of information, username, password and client-id. The client-id is used to lookup their home database in the "security" database, and then the code connects to their home database to check their username/password. This way a client is totally self-contained within their database. Of course you need some piece of information beyond username to determine their home database. Could be our client-id approach, or could be the domain-name requested if you're using the sub-domain per client approach.
The advantage here is that you can move "client" databases around w/out having to keep them synced up with the security database. Plus you don't need to deal w/cross-db joins when you're trying to lookup user information.
Update: In response to your update... One of the advantages to each customer having their own DB is also the ability to restore a customer if they really need it. If you've split the customer's data into two databases how do you restore it? Also, again, you'll need to worry about cross-db data access if the users are defined in a DB other than the home DB.
I've always been of the opinion that security should be enforced at the application level, not the database level. With that said, I see no problem with your intended approach. Managing accounts and roles through a central database makes the application more maintainable in the long run.
You may want to look into using the ASP.NET membership provider for handling the authentication plumbing. That would work with your stated approach and you can still keep all of the authentication data in a separate database. However, I agree with Chris that keeping one DB will utlimately be more maintainable.
