Impossible to deploy Qt applications - qt

I am having serious troubles in trying to deploy my new application built with Qt. The program runs fine when started from Qt Creator (all builds: debug, profile, release), but it crashes when started by double clicking on the .exe. An error dialog pops up with the following message:
?defaultTypeFor#QTimer##CA?AW4TimerType#Qt##H#Z could not be located
in the dynamic link library
I am using Qt 5.8.0 and I am building the project with MSVC2015_64 bit. I am using windeployqt.exe from
to dinamically link the Qt libraries.
This problem started happening since I moved from the old connect syntax (with the macros SIGNAL and SLOT) to the new one with function pointers. I also started using QTimer::singleShot instead of QMetaObject::invokeMethod, and not surprising the error involves QTimer. However, the program works just fine from inside Qt Creator and I can't figure out where the issue is, since I am using windeployqt to get the right dlls.
Also, why my .exe is referred to as "dinamic link library" in the error message? It's an .exe!

Ok I solved the issue, but I'm still not sure what was going wrong: my Path variable was pointing to the folder of Qt version 5.7 (the only other version I have). I changed it to 5.8, rebooted and redeployed and it DIDN'T work. Then, I deleted the build folder, rebuilt and re-deployed and it DID work. So, the problem was with the build.
I don't know how this can happen. I changed back the Path to Qt 5.7 and rebooted to make some tests. The problem appeared again, but I don't understand how the Path affects the build. Despite having Qt 5.7 in the Path, in Qt Creator the Compile Output shows all the Qt stuff pointing to the 5.8 folder (qmake.exe, uic.exe, include folders, ...). There is no reference to version 5.7. Only jom.exe is not from the Qt 5.8 folder, since it is in the Qt Creator folder. Maybe it's it that loads something from Qt 5.7, by looking at the Path? Who knows......


Deploying Qt C++ Application from Visual Studio qwindows.dll error

I've been googling for a solution to this issue and although I've found many people sharing my problem none of their solutions work for me.
I wrote a C++ application using Qt framework using Visual Studio 2010. I built and ran the application in "Release" mode from Visual Studio without issue, but when I copy that exe from the Release folder to a new destination (pretend its a new PC) it fails to run providing this error:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows".
Available platform plugins are: windows.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Within the executable directory I have the following file structure:
All dll files were taken from the 5.0.0 build of Qt in the Qtbase folder where the libraries reside.
The qt.conf file is:
Without it, the launch error is the same except it says "minimal" and "offscreen" are available platforms as well.
For all other people experiencing this error it seemed to be solved by creating the platforms folder and putting in the qwindows.dll. But doing that myself doesn't change any behavior.
Is there something I've done wrong? Perhaps my method of generating the .exe in the first place is wrong?
If you are using libGLESv2.dll, then you must include libEGL.dll, too.
You can't see that in depends.exe, don't know how the Qt developers managed to hide this.
If your Qt is out of the box, then both Dlls are necessary even if you are not using OpenGL.
Also, if your Qt is out of the box, you need to include also the three ic*.dll, which contain information for Unicode handling.
You can see which DLLs are needed by looking at which ones are invoked when running Debug (F5) in Qt Creator.
The release is likely missing a library/plugin or the library is in the wrong directory and or from the wrong directory.
Qt intended answer: Use windeployqt.
Qt comes with platform console applications that will add all dependencies (including ones like qwindows.dll and libEGL.dll) into the folder of your deployed executable. This is the intended way to deploy your application, so you do not miss any libraries (which is the main issue with all of these answers). The application for windows is called windeployqt. There is likely a deployment console app for each OS.

OpenGL Widget works in creator but black when launched from .exe

I have been working on a Qt OpenGL project for a bit now for some school work. I had to re-build Qt 5.0.1 for my windows machine so I could use OpenGL proper. At the end of this project I need to turn over the files and any executables, so I figured I could take the release .exe and stick it in a .zip for use.
I followed instructions online of making sure I place any needed .dll's into the .exe's dir. For my project there are 10:
icudt49, icuin49, icuuc49, libEGL, libGLESv2, Qt5Core, Qt5Gui, Qt5OpenGL and Qt5Widgets
I took these files all from:
on my system.
Issue is the .exe will run and I get the UI and all. But the OpenGL scene is just black. I can still click objects in the scene, evidently zoom in and out and all that. I assume thats just the Qt translating the commands still. But nothing is visible. I'm unsure what the problem can be because it all works fine when launched from the creator.
EDIT: So, with all the dlls in the release folder, running the project from within creator will also have a black screen, when I remove them, it runs well. So perhaps one of the dll's is just wrong?
I looked online about publishing with Qt Creator and found not too much aid, said I should start from completely rebuilding Qt Creator staticly, but I'm sure the guide I had followed did this, however I still can't publish from the build menu, so I stuck with the above method.
I suggest, that you open every of the DDLs in your Zip file with Dependency Walker ( It should display information about dependencies from one of your QtXXX.dll files to other files. If one of the dependencies is missing, you know where to look next. You can also try to open your executable with Dependency Walker. I haven't used the program for a long time so I don't remember if opening an executable is the only way it works. Anyway, here are the reasons why you might want to use the tool:
This question might also be helpful:
At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in an implicitly dependent module
Good luck!
So the ultimate issue was the use of the correct DLLs. Using something like DependenyWalker can help you to note which DLLs may be missing, however it did nothing in my case.
I had installed Qt once, and also rebuilt, uninstalled and re-installed it. However all the libraries it was calling from as no longer in C:\Qt\Qt5.0.1\5.0.1\msvc2010\bin as expected, it was calling from the github repository where I built it C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\qt5. Once this is sorted out, it still required a framework folder and then it works as expected.
1) Copy the correct DLL files to the release folder of the build.
2) Create a folder in the same dir as the .exe named "platforms". (Note: elsewhere has said create plugins>platforms, but this will not work with newer Qt versions)
3) From the same source you got the other DLLs, copy qwindows.dll to the platforms folder you created.
4) Run the executable and enjoy.
As long as the system you're running on is capable of your OpenGL structure, it should be fine.

Debugging a version of Qt Creator and plugins all built from source

My goal is to be working on / debugging qt creator plugins and, maybe, editing / debugging qt creator source code. Towards this end I've tried a couple of things:
Downloading source for the qt sdk and qt creator, compiling each, and then making a qt creator plugin project and hooking everything together by hand. This got complicated pretty quickly (I tried to keep my plugin project outside the qt-creator/src/plugin/ folder) and doesn't really get me to a nice spot in terms of debugging.
Using an installed version of the qt creator to open the that came along with the source, adding a qt creator plugin as a sub project, and building everything from the already installed version of qt creator.
I like the second approach a lot because I have control over everything but I can rely on qt creators tools that make projects, enhance debugging, etc. There's just one small problem...
When I run my shiny new build of qt creator (with my plugin project) from inside the installed version all I get is a popup called "qtcreator_process_stub" that says "This is an internal helper of Qt Creator. Do not run it manually. Press to close this window..."
So I'm not really sure how to debug my build of qt creator from my instance of qt creator. Any ideas? Note: if I run the generated Qt I get a functioning instance of qt creator with my plugin loaded properly.
I believe this was a versioning problem. I had an older version of the ide installed and was using it to build and debug a newer version of the ide.
I was able, in the older ide, to launch and debug the new ide as an external process through the debug menu... but that was mildly annoying.
Once I installed a new version of the ide I was able to debug like normal.

Can't start QT .exe file on Windows 7

I'm getting started with Qt and have encountered the following issue: when i compile and run my application from within QtCreator it runs all right, but when i go to the debug folder and double click .exe file to launch the app a message box pops up and it says
This application has failed to start because QtDeclaratived4.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem
Please notice - it is QtDeclaratived4.dll with letter d before 4, not QtDeclarative4.dll.
After searching in Google i found an advice to find the needed dll and put it inside project folder. But unfortunately such .dll is missing on my computer. I found QtDeclarative4.dll and tried putting it inside project folder but it didn't help. Can you propose me any other solution?
The d in the name indicates the debug version of Qt, which means that you compiled your application using the debug build.
You probably have this DLL on your computer and Qt Creator knows where it is, that's why it is able to run your application. However, you don't have the path to this library configured in your PATH environment variable, that's you are not able to executable your application manually (i.e. outside Qt Creator).
To fix this issue, you have 2 choices:
Compile your application selecting the release build;
Or add the full path to QtDeclaratived4.dll to the PATH environment variable.
QtDeclarative4.dll can be found in C:\[QT_INSTALL_DIR]\bin
You should definitely have this if you used the standard Windows installer that Qt distrubutes.

Qt creator won't run app after compiling

I checked out a Qt project hosted on google code with SVN to a local folder. When I opened it on Qt Creator, it managed to compile the project, but when it tried to run the compiled program, an error message came up on the application output:
The process could not be started!
What is wrong?
I solved this problem by going to projects>run settings and manually specifying the executable. Found this solution by googling, don't know if it's the proper way to fix this.
I assume you tried to run it manually and not from the IDE by pressing Ctrl+R, and I assume that it works when you're running it from the IDE. If that's the case, the problem is that the compiled application requires the Qt libraries and the runtime loader can't find them. When deploying the app, you need to copy the Qt libraries it links against to the application folder (on Windows), or you need to copy them to the app directory and launch it via a wrapper script which adds that directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Linux.)
