I have a requirement to run a unix script multiple times for different dates. Script should be executed first for 2017-01-01, then for 2017-02-01 and so on. We are checking the data on a monthly basis. Can someone help me with this please. Thanks.
You can use a for loop for iteration, in general. You can generate a sequence of months with {01..12} or seq -w 1 12, as below:
for date in 2017-{01..12}-01; do
echo Processing data for $date
# Use $date in some way
for month in $(seq -w 1 12); do
echo Processing data for $date
# use $date in some way
The first will work in Bash, zsh, and many other shells, but I don’t think is guaranteed to work for any of them; the second should work for any sh-like shell.
I have a Unix ksh script that has been in daily use for years (kicked off at night by the crontab). Recently one function in the script is behaving erratically as never happened before. I tried various ways to find out why, but have no success.
The function validates an input string, which is supposed to be a string of 10 numeric characters. The function checks if the string length is 10, and whether it contains any non-numeric characters:
#! /bin/ksh
# The function:
is_valid_id () {
# Takes one argument, which is the ID being tested.
if [[ $(print ${#1}) -ne 10 ]] || print "$1" | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -q [^0-9] ; then
return 1
return 0
cat $input_file | while read line ; do
id=$(print $line | awk -F: '{print $5}')
# Calling the function:
is_valid_id $id
if [[ $stat -eq 1 ]] ; then
print "The ID $id is invalid. Request rejected.\n" >> $ERRLOG
The problem with the function is that, every night, out of scores or hundreds of requests, it finds the IDs in several requests as invalid. I visually inspected the input data and found that all the "invalid" IDs are actually strings of 10 numeric characters as should be. This error seems to be random, because it happens with only some of the requests. However, while the rejected requests persistently come back, it is consistently the same IDs that are picked out as invalid day after day.
I did the following:
The Unix machine has been running for almost a year, therefore might need to be refreshed. The system admin to reboot the machine at my request. But the problem persists after the reboot.
I manually ran exactly the same two tests in the function, at command prompt, and the IDs that have been found invalid at night are all valid.
I know the same commands may behave differently invoked manually or in a script. To see how the function behaves in script, the above code excerpt is the small script I ran to reproduce the problem. And indeed, some (though not all) of the IDs found to be invalid at night are also found invalid by the small trouble-shooting script.
I then modified that troubleshooting script to run the two tests one at a time, and found it is the /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -q [^0-9] test that erroneously finds some of the ID as containing non-numeric character(s). Well, the IDs are all numeric characters, at least visually.
I checked if there is any problem with the xpg4 grep command file (ls -l /usr/xpg4/bin/grep), to see if it is put there recently. But its timestamp is year 2005 (this machine runs Solaris 10).
Knowing that the data comes from a central ERP system, to which data entry is performed from different locations using all kinds of various terminal machines running all kinds of possible operating systems that support various character sets and encodings. The ERP system simply allows them. But can characters from other encodings visually appear as numeric characters but the encoded values are not as the /usr/xpg4/bin/grep command expects to be on our Unix machine? I tried the od (octal dump) command but it does not help me much as I am not familiar with it. Maybe I need to know more about od for solving this problem.
My temporary work-around is omitting the /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -q [^0-9] test. But the problem has not been solved. What can I try next?
Your validity test function happens to be more complicated than it should be. E.g. why do you use a command substitution with print for ${#1}? Why don't you use ${#1} directly? Next, forking grep to test for a non-number is a slow and expensive operation. What about this equivalent function, 100% POSIX and blazingly fast:
is_valid_id () {
# Takes one argument, which is the ID being tested.
if test ${#1} -ne 10; then
return 1 # ID length not exactly 10.
case $1 in
(*[!0-9]*) return 1;; # ID contains a non-digit.
(*) return 0;; # ID is exactly 10 digits.
Or even more simple, if you don't mind repeating yourself:
is_valid_id () {
# Takes one argument, which is the ID being tested.
case $1 in
([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) # 10 digits.
return 0;;
return 1;;
This also avoids your unquoted use of a grep pattern, which is error-prone in the presence of one-character file names. Does this work better?
I want to run certain actions on a group of lexicographically named files (01-09 before 10). I have to use a rather old version of FreeBSD (7.3), so I can't use yummies like echo {01..30} or seq -w 1 30.
The only working solution I found is printf "%02d " {1..30}. However, I can't figure out why can't I use $1 and $2 instead of 1 and 30. When I run my script (bash ~/myscript.sh 1 30) printf says {1..30}: invalid number
AFAIK, variables in bash are typeless, so how can't printf accept an integer argument as an integer?
Bash supports C-style for loops:
for i in ((i=s; i<e; i++)); do printf "%02d " "$i"; done
The syntax you attempted doesn't work because brace expansion happens before parameter expansion, so when the shell tries to expand {$1..$2}, it's still literally {$1..$2}, not {1..30}.
The answer given by #Kent works because eval goes back to the beginning of the parsing process. I tend to suggest avoiding making habitual use of it, as eval can introduce hard-to-recognize bugs -- if your command were whitelisted to be run by sudo and $1 were, say, '$(rm -rf /; echo 1)', the C-style-for-loop example would safely fail, and the eval example... not so much.
Granted, 95% of the scripts you write may not be accessible to folks executing privilege escalation attacks, but the remaining 5% can really ruin one's day; following good practices 100% of the time avoids being in sloppy habits.
Thus, if one really wants to pass a range of numbers to a single command, the safe thing is to collect them in an array:
a=( )
for i in ((i=s; i<e; i++)); do a+=( "$i" ); done
printf "%02d " "${a[#]}"
I guess you are looking for this trick:
printf "%02d " $(eval echo {$s..$e})
Ok, I finally got it!
#BSD-only iteration method
#for day in `jot $1 $2`
for ((day=$1; day<$2; day++))
echo $(printf %02d $day)
I initially wanted to use the cycle iterator as a "day" in file names, but now I see that in my exact case it's easier to iterate through normal numbers (1,2,3 etc.) and process them into lexicographical ones inside the loop. While using jot, remember that $1 is the numbers amount, and the $2 is the starting point.
I am new to Administration front. I have a requirement :
Identify the user processes (have a list of users who submits the process) which are still active and which have been submitted 3/4 days ago.
My Approach on this:
Have a text file with list of users.
Loop and find the current processes spawned by the users and store it a file.
Substitute a date variable with the format and grep.
However, I am stuck how to get : Submitted 3/4 days ago. With my code its equating to a day.
rm -f psinfo.txt
rm -f psinfo_backdated.txt
for i in `cat user.lst `;
ps -ef | grep "$i" >> psinfo.txt
grep `date -d'2 day ago' +%b%d` psinfo.txt > psinfo_backdated.txt
I really need your comments and answer on this Gurus.
If some can tell if we can do grep of date range from a file like Less
than Apr27 format. I can make my script work. Waiting for the guru's
to respond on this.
A time format like Apr27 is not suitable for the task, also because it doesn't contain the year, which is necessary at the start of a year. Fortunately, there is a much better format for the start time of a process. Replace
ps -ef | grep "$i" >> psinfo.txt
ps -oetime=ELAPSED_TIME -ouser,pid,ppid,cpu,tty,time,args -u$i >>psinfo.txt
(you might want to drop fields you don't need from the second -o…). The time since start is then represented in the form
- this you can easily filter with awk, e. g. to get processes started 3 or more days ago:
awk '{ if ($1~/-/ && int($1)>2) print }' psinfo.txt >psinfo_backdated.txt
I have a shell script that will check a file is how many days old. I did stat -f "%m%t%Sm %N" "$file" . But I want to store this into a variable and then compare current time and file created time ?
Assuming you're using bash, you can capture the output of commands with something like:
fdate=$(stat -f "%m%t%Sm %N" "$file")
and then do whatever you will with the results:
echo ${fdate}
That's assuming the command itself works in the first place. If you are, you can ignore the text below.
The GNU stat program uses -f to specify you want to query the filesystem rather than a file and the other options you have don't seem to make sense in the context of your question.
Using Gnu stat, you can get the time since the last file update(1) as:
ageInSeconds=$(($(date -u +%s) - $(stat --printf "%Y" "file")))
The subtracts the last modification time of the file from the current time (both expressed as seconds since the epoch) to give you the age in seconds.
To turn that into days, assuming you're not overly concerned about the possible error from leap seconds (an error of, at most, one part in about 15.7 million, or 0.000006%), you can just divide it by 86,400:
ageInDays=$((($(date -u +%s) - $(stat --printf "%Y" "file")) / 86400))
(1) Note that, although stat purports to have a %W format specifier that gives the birth of the file, this doesn't always work (it returns zero). You could check that first if you're really interested in when the file was created rather than last updated but you may have to be prepared to accept the possibility the information is not available. I've used last modification time above since, frequently, it's used for things like detecting changes.
I fetched timestamp sysibm.sysdummy. If the timestamp is 2015-08- ,I need to cut it till the minutes only i.e. 2015-08-21.23.35. Can any one tell me how to cut this using unix commands?
When you want to cut it, use
echo '2015-08-' | cut -d"." -f1-3
Cut might not be the best solution, consider the DB2 expression (#data_henrik) or the shell built-in
a="2015-08-"; echo ${a:0:16}
The DB2 expression values(substr(timestamp(current timestamp),1,16)) would return the timestamp up to the minutes. It would be delivered by DB2, not by Unix.