Wordpress - Manual Approve Users + Assign Password - wordpress

I know that it's possible to manually approve new users that register into Wordpress site, but is it possible to hide the password field entirely in the registration form and assign these new users a password manually?


How can i change the login component so that it uses a new field in the registration form instead the username or email (i.e account number)?

So basically, the title. How can i change the login component so that it uses a new field in the registration form instead the username or email, my client wants to use an account number that the users type in the registration form. So the login would be Account Number/password.
Thank you in advance
You can use "Wp membership plugin" and in registration page username field, you can customize and add new field like Account No.

Wordpress - How can I auto login a user after they have been approved by admin?

I am building a site that requires all new users to register before they can view the site. Once the user is registered, the admin must approve the newly registered user. However, I would like for the newly approved user to automatically be logged in, instead of having to login.
Is there a way to do this with Wordpress, either with or without a plugin? I am using the New User Approve plugin.
Perhaps, if upon registration a cookie is set on the new users machine that is cross-checked to authenticate the new user?

Creating WordPress account based on email only submit

Is it possible to create a WordPress account for users who submit an email (no password or username) through an email collection form?
I am looking at sending the user a link to their email to set a password and setup the account in full. The use case is content locking to signed up/logged in users without requiring them to go through the full sign up process. Thanks
I would recommend one of two options: 1) search wordpress.org for a frontend user registration form that may allow you to customize the password options or 2) simply use a generic form or subscription plugin to collect user info, create the new user on the backend manually and then send them an email with a link to change their password

How to customise wordpress user authentication

I have a old website, which allow people to register and do staff. Say it is www.example.com.
Now I added a subdomain, reviews.example.com and want my users to write reviews.
The reviews.example.com is done in wordpress which works perfectly.
However, as my users already registered with the old site, ideally I want my user to use their old username and password to login to the review website. Also I would like new users to continue register in the old site and I could just write another query to insert the new user's username and password into wordpress's user table.
To custom login process for wordpress, can I apply a callback somewhere, so when wordpress login failed, I will run my custom query and create and return a wp_User object?
Or it is better to change the login code in wordpress directly? I searched wordpress code and saw the code where I could hack to put my own login logic.
Then one solution can be done
I am assuming that you made the username field and the password field
of registering and the password is visible for you.
Now once you make the wordpress install at your blog.website.com and then you need to copy the sql query which have import for your previous_users and paste in your SQL query of phpmyadmin after that you just need to add the same feild in your database as the wp-users feilds are containing then after that make your users password as MD5 crypt for that you just need to change the password type feild to MD5 crypt and your all users will be able to sign-in there.
I hope i Am clear to you.
Any Doubt you can Comment.

Adding password protection to user view in WordPress

I know wordpress have a password-protect feature that can be set for each post and page.
Do any of you know if this feature can be added to viewing a user profile? (Set pw for each user, and not as a global password).
A visitor clicks on "user1" -> "Please enter password to view users profile".
