Does removing all observers also disable keeySynced() - firebase

I want to keep a part of my database synced, but only need an actual callback when a certain view is loaded. When the view loads I'm calling:
then when the view exits I want to call
Elsewhere in my app I'm calling:
I know that keepSynced() simply adds an observer to the ref, so when I call removeAllObservers() will it cancel out the keepSynced(true)?

No, calling keepSynced(true) means that the actual data on the device will be kept in sync with Firebase servers.
This means that when you do eventually add a listener to that location, you will be able to very quickly retrieve the data, because the device has been keeping it in sync for you for a while.
The only way to disable the syncing is to call keepSynced(false).


Firebase Cloud Functions onDelete - How to access parent's information?

So, from Firebase functions, I'm listening to this event -
exports.populateVairations_delete =
functions.database.ref('/parentA/parentB/child').onDelete(event =>
// I know how to get the previous value for what I'm listening too...
val =;
This function is being invoked also when deleting the parent, which is exactly what I want.
But when deleting a parent, how do I access data from /parentA before it's being deleted?
onDelete triggers are always executed after the delete has occurred. There's no way to prevent a delete from happening with a function. Your onDelete code will be delivered an event that contains only the data that was deleted. The event object itself can't be used to see other parts of the database.
If you need to access other parts of the database inside a database trigger, you can use the Admin SDK to make those queries. There is a lot of official sample code that illustrates how to do this.
With you could get a string containing the data path.
Just use Admin SDK for Firebase, You can have administrator access to the firebase Db.From there, you can do basically anything with the Firebase Db

Why does Firebase observeEventType return a snapshot everytime in viewWillAppear?

I have a query that is observed on viewWillAppear on View Controller A
let query = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("tags").
queryOrdered(byChild: "users/uid").queryEqual(toValue: userId)
In the same view controller, in viewDidDisappear I remove this observer.
So let's say I push into another view controller from View Controller A.
When I come back to View Controller A, the observer returns a snapshot, even though my data on the backend hasn't changed.
I only want a snapshot returning if there's been some actual change to my database. How do I solve this problem? Thanks.
One answer is to simply let the observer do it's job and update your data in the background.
So if the user is on controllerA the observer updates a datasource (an array) so then the UI is updated from that array.
When the user switches to controllerB, the observer can still update the array, but don't update the UI in controllerA since there's no need to.
When the user switches back to A you'll have current data available so just reload the tableView (assuming iOS here) from the array.
This solution reduces the 'polling' nature and let's Firebase do the heavy lifting to notify your app when it needs to. You're just reloading the tableViews from an array when that controller becomes active.
The idea here is to add the observer once - perhaps when the view loads the first time only (viewDidLoad) or maybe in your app delegate. Once you add the observer it will update your dataSource arrays when data changes so when you move from view to view the only action needed will be to reload the tableView from the updated array.
There are times when you may want to remove an observer but it doesn't sound like you need to do that from your question. So - attach the observers once and let them update the dataSource arrays as the data changes. Reload your tableViews when switching views.
You have put the query in viewWillAppear, which means every time you come to viewController A, this query will be executed irrespective of you have removed the observer or not.
Try putting the same query in viewDidLoad which means, the query will be called once and don't remove the observer anywhere. Now the query would be called only when data gets changed in firebase.

Meteor Client-side Collection Document Appears and Disappears

After lots of reading, I'm starting to get a better handle on Meteor's publish/subscribe model. I've removed the autopublish training wheels from my first app and while I have most everything working, I am seeing one issue.
When the app first loads, my publish and subscribe hooks work great. I have a block of code that runs in a Tracker.autorun() block which makes the subscribe calls, I am able to sequentially wait for data from the server using ready() on my subscribe handles, etc.
One feature of my app is that it allows the user to insert new documents into a collection. More specifically, when the user performs a certain action, this triggers an insert. At that point, the client-side JS runs and the insert into MiniMongo completes. The reactive autorun block runs and the client can see the inserted documented. The client updates the DOM with the new inserted data and all is well.
Furthermore, when I peek into the server-side MongoDB, I see the inserted document which means the server-side JS is running fine as well.
Here's where it gets weird. The client-side autorun block runs a second time (I'm not sure why) and this time, the client no longer has the inserted item. When the DOM renders, the newly inserted item is now gone. If I reload the page, all is well again.
Has anyone seen this behavior before? I'm also noticing that the server-side publish call runs once on page load but then it doesn't run again after the insert. This seems wrong because how else will the client get the reconciled data from the server after the insertion (i.e. after Meteor's client-side latency compensation)?
The important functions (ComponentInstances is the collection that is bugging out):
Publish block:
Meteor.publish('allComponentInstances', function (documentId, screenIndex) {
console.log(`documentId: ${documentId} screenIndex: ${screenIndex}`)
const screens = Screens.find({ownerDocumentId: documentId})
const selectedScreen = screens.fetch()[screenIndex]
return ComponentInstances.find({_id: {$in: selectedScreen.allComponentInstanceIds}})
Subscription block in autorun:
// ... a bunch of irrelevant code above
const allComponentInstancesHandle = Meteor.subscribe('allComponentInstances', document._id, 0)
if (allComponentInstancesHandle.ready()) {
isReady = true
screens = Screens.find({ownerDocumentId: document._id}).fetch()
const componentInstanceObjects = ComponentInstances.find().fetch()
allComponentInstances = {} => {
allComponentInstances[componentInstance._id] = componentInstance
This is most probably you're inserting documents from client side. And you have not set up your permission rules properly. When you remove autopublish and insecure from your app, you are not allowed to insert/update/remove documents into collection unless you have allow/deny rules set up in the server side.
Meteor has a great feature called latency compensation which tries emulate your db operations before it gets the actual write operation in the db. And when the server tries to write in the db, it looks for allow/deny rules.If the permission rules doesn't allow the db operation or Whatever the reason( either allow/deny or authentication) for not actually written in the db, then the server data gets synchronized with your client side db.
This is why i assume you are seeing your document being inserted for the first time and gets disappeared within a second.
check this section of meteor docs.
I ended up solving this a different way. The core issue, I believe, has nothing to do with accept/deny rules. In fact, their role is still hazy to me.
I realize now what I've been reading all along in the Meteor docs: the publish functions return cursors. If the cursor itself doesn't change (e.g. if you're passing specific keys you want to fetch), then it won't really work as a reactive data source in the sense that new documents in a collection will not make the data publish again. You are, after all, still requesting the same keys.
The way forward is to come up with a publish cursor that accurately reflects the reactive data you want to retrieve. This sounds abstract but in practice, it means make sure the cursor is general, not specific to the specific keys you are retrieving.

Meteor - how can I empty out the collection of 10,000 objects I subscribed to after I no longer need it?

I have a template in which a user should be able to click on a button to bring up a modal and in the modal choose a handful of items out of a list of about 10,000 items which are displayed there to search or scroll through.
Since this collection is so big, I don't want to keep it around in memory when I don't absolutely need it.
So I would like to subscribe to this collection only when the modal is being viewed and I would like to ensure that I am unsubscribed if the modal is not being viewed.
Is there a way to explicitly unsubscribe from a collection?
There are a couple of ways you can do this:
Use the subscription handle
subscribe returns a handle you can call stop on. For example:
var handle = Meteor.subscribe('stuff');
Use an autorun
Because an autorun will automatically start and stop subscriptions when its reactive dependencies change, this will work:
Tracker.autorun(function () {
if (Session.get('showingModal'))
Side note - it may make more sense to use a method call for searching such a large data set rather than publishing the entire thing to the client. For example you can set a session variable whenever the user's query changes, then use an autorun to update the result set based on the method's return value.
Quoting the docs :
Meteor.subscribe returns a subscription handle, which is an object
with the following methods:
stop() Cancel the subscription. This will typically result in the
server directing the client to remove the subscription's data from the
client's cache.
So basically what you need to do is storing the subscription handle in a variable and call the stop method when you don't need those published documents anymore.
Note that if you're using iron:router (and you probably should), this is taken care of automatically for you on each route change, which is convenient but has the side effect of provoking a lot of sometimes unnecessary calls to Meteor.publish calls which are non trivial for the server and bandwidth... to address this matter you can use meteorhacks:subs-manager but it's another topic anyway.

Why do my Firebase 'child_added' events show up out-of-order?

I have 2 "limit" queries on the same path. I first load a "limit(1)", and then later load a "limit(50)".
When I load the second query, the child_added events don't fire in-order. Instead, the last item in the list (the one returned by limit(1)) is fired first, and then all of the other items are fired in-order, like this:
**Limit 1:**
new Firebase(PATH).limit(1).on('child_added', ...)
Message 5
**Limit 2:**
new Firebase(PATH).limit(50).on('child_added', ...)
Message 5
Message 1
Message 2
Message 3
Message 4
I'm confused why "Message 5" is being called first in the second limit operation. Why is this happening, and how can I fix it?
I know this may seem strange, but this is actually the intended behavior.
In order to guarantee that local events can fire immediately without communicating with the server first, Firebase makes no guarantees that child_added events will always be called in sort order.
If this is confusing, think about it this way: If you had no internet connection at all, and you set up a limit(50), and then called push() on that reference, you would you expect an event to be fired immediately. When you reconnect to the server though, it may turn out that there were other items on the server before the one you pushed, which will then have their events triggered after the event for the one you added. In your example, the issue has to do with what data has been cached locally rather than something written by the local client, but the same principle applies.
For a more detailed example of why things need to work this way, imagine 2 clients, A and B:
While offline, Client A calls push() and sets some data
While online, Client B adds a child_added listener to read the messages
Client B then calls push(). The message it pushed triggers a child_added event right away locally.
Client A comes back online. Firebase syncs the data, and client B gets a child_added event fired for that data.
Now, note that even though the message Client A added comes first in the list (since it has an earlier timestamp), the event is fired second.
So as you see, you can't always rely on the order of events to reflect the correct sort order of Firebase children.
But don't worry, you can still get the behavior you want! If you want the data to show up in sort order rather than in the order the events arrived on your client, you have a couple of options:
1) (The naive approach) Use a "value" event instead of child_added, and redraw the entire list of items every time it fires using forEach. Value events only ever fire for complete sets of data, so forEach will always enumerate all of the events in order. There's a couple of downsides to this approach though: (1) value events won't fire until initial state is loaded from the server, so it won't work if the app is started in "offline mode" until a network connection can be established. (2) It inefficiently redraws everything for every change.
2) (The better approach) Use the prevChildName argument in the callback to on(). In addition to the snapshot, the callback for on() is passed the name of the previous child in in the query when items are placed in sort order. This allows you to render the children in the correct order, even if the events are fired out of order. See:
Note that prevChildName only gives the previous child in the query, not in the whole Firebase location. So the child at the beginning of the query will have a prevChildName of null, even if there is a child on the server that comes before it.
Our leaderboard example shows one way to manipulate the DOM to ensure things are rendered in the proper order. See:
