I have data on positions of several individuals, each registered at several time steps. I want to calculate distance between each animal to all other animals registered at the same time step.
Here's a simplified example, with data on three individuals ('animal_id') registered on three dates ('date') each, on different positions ('x', 'y'):
dt1 <- data.table(animal_id = 1, date = as.POSIXct(c("2014-01-01", "2014-01-02", "2014-01-03")),
x = runif(3, -10, 10), y = runif(3, -10, 10))
dt2 <- data.table(animal_id = 2, date = as.POSIXct(c("2014-01-01", "2014-01-02", "2014-01-03")),
x = runif(3, -10, 10), y = runif(3, -10, 10))
dt3 <- data.table(animal_id = 3, date = as.POSIXct(c("2014-01-01", "2014-01-02", "2014-01-03")),
x = runif(3, -10, 10), y = runif(3, -10, 10))
dt <- rbindlist(list(dt1, dt2, dt3))
# Create dist function between two animals at same time
dist.between.animals <- function(collar_id1, x1, y1, collar_id2, x2, y2) {
if (collar_id1 == collar_id2) return(NA)
sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2)
# Get unique collar id of each animal, create column name for all animals per animal
animal_ids <- dt[ , unique(animal_id)]
animal_ids_str <- dt[,paste0("dist_to_", unique(animal_id))]
datetimes <- dt[ , unique(date)]
# Calculate distance of each animal to all animals, at same time
for (i in 1:length(animal_ids)) {
for (j in 1:length(datetimes)) {
x1 <- dt[.(animal_ids[i], datetimes[j]), x, on = .(animal_id, date)]
y1 <- dt[.(animal_ids[i], datetimes[j]), y, on = .(animal_id, date)]
dt[date == datetimes[j], animal_ids_str[i] := mapply(function(c, x2, y2) dist.between.animals(animal_ids[i], x1, y1, c, x2, y2), animal_id, x, y)]
Here's an example of what the output should look like:
animal_id date x y dist_to_1 dist_to_2 dist_to_3
1: 1 2014-01-01 -7.0276047 4.7660664 NA 7.1354265 13.7962800
2: 1 2014-01-02 -6.6383802 7.0087919 NA 3.7003879 16.4294999
3: 1 2014-01-03 -0.9722872 -4.8638019 NA 11.6447645 11.8313410
4: 2 2014-01-01 0.1076661 4.8131960 7.135426 NA 7.7052205
5: 2 2014-01-02 -8.9042124 4.0832364 3.700388 NA 13.3225921
6: 2 2014-01-03 8.2858839 2.1992575 11.644764 NA 0.4569632
7: 3 2014-01-01 5.7519522 -0.4320359 13.796280 7.7052205 NA
8: 3 2014-01-02 -9.0805265 -9.2381889 16.429500 13.3225921 NA
9: 3 2014-01-03 8.6832729 1.9736531 11.831341 0.4569632 NA
However, my real data have about 30 animals with 20,000 observations per animal, so my current code takes a long time to run. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
OK, so here's kind of an unorthodox method, especially given that for once I think datatables make the situation worse. I'm using the dist function, which calculates the Euclidean distance (or any other, your pick). If you use diag=T, upper=Tit generates a matrix that you can then assign to the specified rows-columns. Creating the columns might get tedious with multiple animals, but nothing that the paste function can't fix.
dt[, c("dist_to_1", "dist_to_2", "dist_to_3") := NA]
dt<- arrange(dt, date, animal_id) # order by date. here it turns into a data.frame
for (i in 1:length(unique(dt$date))){
sub<- subset(dt, dt$date == unique(dt$date)[i])
dt[which(dt$date == unique(sub$date)), c("dist_to_1", "dist_to_2", "dist_to_3")]<- as.matrix(dist(sub[, c("x","y")], diag=T, upper=T))
dt[dt==0]<- NA #assign NAs for 0s. Not necessary if the it's ok for diag==0.
setDT(dt) # back to datatable. Again this part is not really necessary.
dt<- dt[order(animal_id, date)] # order as initially ordered
Using this code:
> proc.time()-ptm
user system elapsed
0.051 0.007 0.068
Using earlier code:
> proc.time()-ptm
user system elapsed
0.083 0.004 0.092
If you find a way to use both dist and data.table you're golden, but I couldn't figure it out. It's pretty fast, since it calls C, and it will get faster the more observations you add.
You can make a self-join on date (dt[dt, on = "date",), and for each match (by = .EACHI) calculate the distance:
dt[dt, on = "date",
.(from_id = id, to_id = i.id, dist = sqrt((x - i.x)^2 + (y - i.y)^2)), by = .EACHI]
I you wish to turn the data to a wide format (dcast), chain this to the code above:
[ , dcast(.SD, from_id + date ~ to_id, value.var = "dist")]
It seems to perform OK in a benchmark using the data of #digEmAll
digemall = dt[,(animal_ids_str):=distancesInSameDate(.SD,animal_ids_str),by=date],
henrik = dt[dt, on = "date",
.(from_id = animal_id, to_id = i.animal_id, dist = sqrt((x - i.x)^2 + (y - i.y)^2)), by = .EACHI][
, dcast(.SD, from_id + date ~ to_id, value.var = "dist")],
times = 5, unit = "relative")
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# digemall 3.206063 2.058547 2.189487 2.035975 2.032324 2.019082 5
# henrik 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 5
Note that I haven't renamed the "to_id" in my code. That basically reflects my prefence to keep the data in long format, and in that format I would like to have both the 'from_id' and 'to_id' without any prefix. If you want prefix in the columns in the wide format, just add to_id = paste0("dist_to_", i.animal_id) in the first step.
Here's an alternative approach which should be much faster :
nSamples <- 20000
nAnimals <- 30
allDates <- as.POSIXct(c("2014-01-01")) + (1:nSamples)*24*3600
dts <- lapply(1:nAnimals, function(id){
x=runif(nSamples,-10,10), y=runif(nSamples,-10,10))
dt <- rbindlist(dts)
animal_ids_str <- dt[,paste0("dist_to_",sort(unique(animal_id)))]
# set keys
# add the distance columns
# custom function that computes animal distances for a subset of dt at the same date
distancesInSameDate <- function(subsetDT,animal_ids_str){
m <- as.matrix(dist(subsetDT[,.(x,y)]))
diag(m) <- NA
cols <- paste0("dist_to_",subsetDT$animal_id)
missingCols <- animal_ids_str[is.na(match(animal_ids_str,cols))]
m <- cbind(m,matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(m),ncol=length(missingCols)))
colnames(m) <- c(cols,missingCols)
DF <- as.data.frame(m,stringsAsFactors=F)
DF <- DF[,match(animal_ids_str,colnames(DF))]
# let's compute the distances
system.time( dt[,(animal_ids_str):=distancesInSameDate(.SD,animal_ids_str),by=date] )
On my machine it takes :
user system elapsed
13.76 0.00 13.82
I have a dataset that looks like the below:
> head(mydata)
id value1 value2
1: 1 200001 300001
2: 2 200002 300002
3: 3 200003 300003
4: 4 200004 300004
5: 5 200005 300005
6: 6 200006 300006
value1 and value2 represent amounts at the beginning and the end of a given year. I would like to linearly interpolate the value for a given month, for each id (i.e. rowwise).
After trying different options that were slower, I am currently using map2 from the purrr package in combination with approx from base R. I create the new variable using assignment by reference from the data.table package. This is still surprisingly slow, as it takes approximately 2.2 min for my code to run on my data (1.7 million rows).
Note that I also use get() to access the variables for the interpolation, as their names need to be dynamic. This is slowing down my code, but it doesn't seem to be the bottleneck. Also, I have tried to use the furrr package to speed up map2 by making the code parallel, but the speed gains were not material.
Below is reproducible example with 1000 rows of data. Any help to speed up the code is greatly appreciated!
mydata <- data.table(id = 1:1000, value1= 2001:3000, value2= 3001:4000)
floor_value <- "value1"
ceiling_value <- "value2"
m <- 7
monthly_sum_assured <- function(a, b, m) {
monthly_value <- approx(x = c(0, 12), c(a, b), xout = m)$y
mydata[, interpolated_value := map2(get(floor_value), get(ceiling_value),
~ monthly_sum_assured(.x, .y, m))]
Just use the formula for linear interpolation to vectorize over the whole data.table.
mydata <- data.table(id = 0:1e6, value1= 2e6:3e6, value2= 3e6:4e6)
floor_value <- "value1"
ceiling_value <- "value2"
m <- 7
monthly_sum_assured <- function(a, b, m) {
monthly_value <- approx(x = c(0, 12), c(a, b), xout = m)$y
mydata[, interpolated_value := map2(get(floor_value), get(ceiling_value),
~ monthly_sum_assured(.x, .y, m))]
#> user system elapsed
#> 41.50 0.53 42.05
mydata[, interpolated_value2 := get(floor_value) + m*(get(ceiling_value) - get(floor_value))/12]
#> user system elapsed
#> 0 0 0
identical(unlist(mydata$interpolated_value), mydata$interpolated_value2)
#> [1] TRUE
It also works just as fast when m is a vector.
m <- sample(12, 1e6 + 1, 1)
mydata[, interpolated_value2 := get(floor_value) + m*(get(ceiling_value) - get(floor_value))/12]
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.01 0.00 0.02
I want to get the rolling 7-day sum by ID. Suppose my data looks like this:
1 2014-05-01 1 1
2 2014-05-04 2 2
3 2014-05-07 3 1
4 2014-05-10 4 2
5 2014-05-13 5 1
6 2014-05-16 6 2
7 2014-05-19 1 1
8 2014-05-22 2 2
9 2014-05-25 3 1
10 2014-05-28 4 2
How can I add a new column that will contain the rolling 7-day sum by ID?
If your data is big, you might want to check out this solution which uses data.table. It is pretty fast. If you need more speed, you can always change mapply to mcmapply and use multiple cores.
#Load data.table and convert to data.table object
#Build reference table
Ref <- data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))), by=c("ID2")]
#Use mapply to get last seven days of value by id
data[,Roll.Val := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM) {
d <- as.numeric(Ref$Compare_Date[[NUM]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref$Compare_Value[[NUM]])})]
Dataset provided by OP does not expose the complexity of the task. In terms of addressing OP question so far only Mike's answer was the correct one.
In fact for a 8 rolling days, instead of 7 rolling days, due to d <= 0 & d >= -7.
zoo solution by #G. Grothendieck is almost valid, only if merge would be made to each group of ID.
Below second data.table solution, this time valid results, using dev RcppRoll which allows na.rm=TRUE.
And slightly formatted Mike's solution output.
library(RcppRoll) # install_github("kevinushey/RcppRoll")
library(data.table) # install_github("Rdatatable/data.table")
correct_jan_dt = function(n, partial=TRUE){
DT = as.data.table(data) # this can be speedup by setDT()
date.range = DT[,range(Date)]
all.dates = seq.Date(date.range[1],date.range[2],by=1)
r = DT[CJ(unique(ID),all.dates)][, c("roll") := as.integer(roll_sumr(USD, n, normalize = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)), by="ID"][!is.na(USD)]
# This could be simplified when `partial` arg will be implemented in [kevinushey/RcppRoll](https://github.com/kevinushey/RcppRoll)
r[is.na(roll), roll := cumsum(USD), by="ID"][]
correct_mike_dt = function(){
data = as.data.table(data)[,ID2:=.GRP,by=c("ID")]
#Build reference table
Ref <- data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))), by=c("ID2")]
#Use mapply to get last seven days of value by id
data[, c("roll") := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM){
d <- as.numeric(Ref$Compare_Date[[NUM]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref$Compare_Value[[NUM]])})][,ID2:=NULL][]
identical(correct_mike_dt(), correct_jan_dt(n=8,partial=TRUE))
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(unit="relative", times=5L, correct_mike_dt(), correct_jan_dt(8))
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# correct_mike_dt() 274.0699 273.9892 267.2886 266.6009 266.2254 256.7296 5
# correct_jan_dt(8) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5
Looking forward for update from #Khashaa.
Edit (20150122.2): Below benchmarks do not answer OP question.
Timing on a bigger (still very tiny) dataset, 5439 rows:
zoo_f = function(){
z <- read.zoo(data)
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, seq(start(z), end(z), "day")), fill = 0) # expand to daily
roll <- function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)
transform(data, roll = ave(z0$USD, z0$ID, FUN = roll)[time(z)])
dt_f = function(){
DT = as.data.table(data) # this can be speedup by setDT()
date.range = DT[,range(Date)]
all.dates = seq.Date(date.range[1],date.range[2],by=1)
][order(Date), c("roll") := rowSums(setDT(shift(USD, 0:6, NA, "lag")),na.rm=FALSE), by="ID"
dp_f = function(){
data %>% group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(roll=roll_sum(c(rep(NA,6), USD), 7))
dt2_f = function(){
# this can be speedup by setDT()
as.data.table(data)[, c("roll") := roll_sum(c(rep(NA,6), USD), 7), by="ID"][]
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(unit="relative", times=20L, zoo_f(), dt_f(), dp_f(), dt2_f())
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# zoo_f() 140.331889 141.891917 138.064126 139.381336 136.029019 137.730171 20
# dt_f() 14.917166 14.464199 15.210757 16.898931 16.543811 14.221987 20
# dp_f() 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 20
# dt2_f() 1.536896 1.521983 1.500392 1.518641 1.629916 1.337903 20
Yet I'm not sure if my data.table code is already optimal.
Above functions did not answer OP question. Read the top of post for update. Mike's solution was the correct one.
1) Assuming you mean every successive overlapping 7 rows for that ID:
transform(data, roll = ave(USD, ID, FUN = function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)))
2) If you really did mean 7 days and not 7 rows then try this:
z <- read.zoo(data)
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, seq(start(z), end(z), "day")), fill = 0) # expand to daily
roll <- function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)
transform(data, roll = ave(z0$USD, z0$ID, FUN = roll)[time(z)])
Updated Added (2) and made some improvements.
data <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date("2014-05-01"),
by = 3),
USD = rep(1:6, 7),
ID = rep(c(1, 2), 21))
data[, Rolling7DaySum := {
d <- data$Date - Date
sum(data$USD[ID == data$ID & d <= 0 & d >= -7])
by = list(Date, ID)]
I found that there is some problem with Mike.Gahan's suggested code and correct it as below after testing it out.
Ref <-data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))),by=c("ID2")]
data[,Roll.Val := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM) {
d <- as.numeric(Ref[ID2 == NUM,]$Compare_Date[[1]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref[ID2 == NUM,]$Compare_Value[[1]])})]
I want to get the rolling 7-day sum by ID. Suppose my data looks like this:
1 2014-05-01 1 1
2 2014-05-04 2 2
3 2014-05-07 3 1
4 2014-05-10 4 2
5 2014-05-13 5 1
6 2014-05-16 6 2
7 2014-05-19 1 1
8 2014-05-22 2 2
9 2014-05-25 3 1
10 2014-05-28 4 2
How can I add a new column that will contain the rolling 7-day sum by ID?
If your data is big, you might want to check out this solution which uses data.table. It is pretty fast. If you need more speed, you can always change mapply to mcmapply and use multiple cores.
#Load data.table and convert to data.table object
#Build reference table
Ref <- data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))), by=c("ID2")]
#Use mapply to get last seven days of value by id
data[,Roll.Val := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM) {
d <- as.numeric(Ref$Compare_Date[[NUM]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref$Compare_Value[[NUM]])})]
Dataset provided by OP does not expose the complexity of the task. In terms of addressing OP question so far only Mike's answer was the correct one.
In fact for a 8 rolling days, instead of 7 rolling days, due to d <= 0 & d >= -7.
zoo solution by #G. Grothendieck is almost valid, only if merge would be made to each group of ID.
Below second data.table solution, this time valid results, using dev RcppRoll which allows na.rm=TRUE.
And slightly formatted Mike's solution output.
library(RcppRoll) # install_github("kevinushey/RcppRoll")
library(data.table) # install_github("Rdatatable/data.table")
correct_jan_dt = function(n, partial=TRUE){
DT = as.data.table(data) # this can be speedup by setDT()
date.range = DT[,range(Date)]
all.dates = seq.Date(date.range[1],date.range[2],by=1)
r = DT[CJ(unique(ID),all.dates)][, c("roll") := as.integer(roll_sumr(USD, n, normalize = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)), by="ID"][!is.na(USD)]
# This could be simplified when `partial` arg will be implemented in [kevinushey/RcppRoll](https://github.com/kevinushey/RcppRoll)
r[is.na(roll), roll := cumsum(USD), by="ID"][]
correct_mike_dt = function(){
data = as.data.table(data)[,ID2:=.GRP,by=c("ID")]
#Build reference table
Ref <- data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))), by=c("ID2")]
#Use mapply to get last seven days of value by id
data[, c("roll") := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM){
d <- as.numeric(Ref$Compare_Date[[NUM]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref$Compare_Value[[NUM]])})][,ID2:=NULL][]
identical(correct_mike_dt(), correct_jan_dt(n=8,partial=TRUE))
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(unit="relative", times=5L, correct_mike_dt(), correct_jan_dt(8))
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# correct_mike_dt() 274.0699 273.9892 267.2886 266.6009 266.2254 256.7296 5
# correct_jan_dt(8) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5
Looking forward for update from #Khashaa.
Edit (20150122.2): Below benchmarks do not answer OP question.
Timing on a bigger (still very tiny) dataset, 5439 rows:
zoo_f = function(){
z <- read.zoo(data)
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, seq(start(z), end(z), "day")), fill = 0) # expand to daily
roll <- function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)
transform(data, roll = ave(z0$USD, z0$ID, FUN = roll)[time(z)])
dt_f = function(){
DT = as.data.table(data) # this can be speedup by setDT()
date.range = DT[,range(Date)]
all.dates = seq.Date(date.range[1],date.range[2],by=1)
][order(Date), c("roll") := rowSums(setDT(shift(USD, 0:6, NA, "lag")),na.rm=FALSE), by="ID"
dp_f = function(){
data %>% group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(roll=roll_sum(c(rep(NA,6), USD), 7))
dt2_f = function(){
# this can be speedup by setDT()
as.data.table(data)[, c("roll") := roll_sum(c(rep(NA,6), USD), 7), by="ID"][]
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(unit="relative", times=20L, zoo_f(), dt_f(), dp_f(), dt2_f())
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# zoo_f() 140.331889 141.891917 138.064126 139.381336 136.029019 137.730171 20
# dt_f() 14.917166 14.464199 15.210757 16.898931 16.543811 14.221987 20
# dp_f() 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 20
# dt2_f() 1.536896 1.521983 1.500392 1.518641 1.629916 1.337903 20
Yet I'm not sure if my data.table code is already optimal.
Above functions did not answer OP question. Read the top of post for update. Mike's solution was the correct one.
1) Assuming you mean every successive overlapping 7 rows for that ID:
transform(data, roll = ave(USD, ID, FUN = function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)))
2) If you really did mean 7 days and not 7 rows then try this:
z <- read.zoo(data)
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, seq(start(z), end(z), "day")), fill = 0) # expand to daily
roll <- function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)
transform(data, roll = ave(z0$USD, z0$ID, FUN = roll)[time(z)])
Updated Added (2) and made some improvements.
data <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date("2014-05-01"),
by = 3),
USD = rep(1:6, 7),
ID = rep(c(1, 2), 21))
data[, Rolling7DaySum := {
d <- data$Date - Date
sum(data$USD[ID == data$ID & d <= 0 & d >= -7])
by = list(Date, ID)]
I found that there is some problem with Mike.Gahan's suggested code and correct it as below after testing it out.
Ref <-data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))),by=c("ID2")]
data[,Roll.Val := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM) {
d <- as.numeric(Ref[ID2 == NUM,]$Compare_Date[[1]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref[ID2 == NUM,]$Compare_Value[[1]])})]
I am working on some summaries for financial datasets and I would like to sort the summary in regard to a certain criterion, but without loosing the remaining summary values in a row. Here is a simple example:
tseq <- seq(Sys.time(), length.out = 36, by = "mins")
dt <- data.table(TM_STMP = tseq, COMP = rep(c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 4), rep("C", 4)), 3), SEC = rep(letters[1:12],3), VOL = rpois(36, 3e+6))
dt2 <- dt[, list(SUM = sum(VOL), MEAN = mean(VOL)), by = list(COMP, SEC)]
1: A a 9000329 3000110
2: A b 9001274 3000425
3: A c 9003505 3001168
4: A d 9002138 3000713
Now I would like to get the SEC per COMP with highest VOL:
dt3 <- dt2[, list(SUM = max(SUM)), by = list(COMP)]
1: A 9003505
2: B 9002888
3: C 9005042
This gives me what I want, but I would like to keep the other values in the specific rows (SEC and MEAN) such that it looks like this (made by hand):
1: A 9003505 c 3001168
2: B 9002888 f 3000963
3: C 9005042 k 3001681
How can I achieve this?
If you are looking for the SEC and the MEAN corresponding to max of SUM:
dt3 <- dt2[, list(SUM = max(SUM),SEC=SEC[which.max(SUM)],MEAN=MEAN[which.max(SUM)]), by = list(COMP)]
> dt3
1: A 9003110 a 3001037
2: B 9000814 e 2999612
3: C 9002707 i 2999741
Edit: This'll be faster:
dt2[dt2[, .I[which.max(SUM)], by = list(COMP)]$V1]
Another way to do this would be to setkey of the data.table to: COMP, SUM and then use mult="last" as follows:
setkey(dt2, COMP, SUM)
dt2[J(unique(COMP)), mult="last"]
# 1: A c 9002500 3000833
# 2: B g 9003312 3001104
# 3: C i 9000058 3000019
Edit: To answer to Simon's benchmarking about speed differences between this and #metrics':
N <- 1e6
tseq <- seq(Sys.time(), length.out = N, by = "mins")
ff <- function(x) paste(sample(letters, x, TRUE), collapse="")
val1 <- unique(unlist(replicate(1e5, ff(8), simplify=FALSE)))
val2 <- unique(unlist(replicate(1e5, ff(12), simplify=FALSE)))
dt <- data.table(TM_STMP = tseq, COMP = rep(val1, each=100), SEC = rep(val2, each=100), VOL = rpois(1e6, 3e+6))
dt2 <- dt[, list(SUM = sum(VOL), MEAN = mean(VOL)), by = list(COMP, SEC)]
metrics <- function(x=copy(dt2)) {
x[, list(SUM = max(SUM),SEC=SEC[which.max(SUM)],MEAN=MEAN[which.max(SUM)]), by = list(COMP)]
arun <- function(x=copy(dt2)) {
setkey(x, COMP, SUM)
x[J(unique(COMP)), mult="last"]
microbenchmark(ans1 <- metrics(dt2), ans2 <- arun(dt2), times=20)
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq median uq max neval
# ans1 <- metrics(dt2) 749.0001 804.0651 838.0750 882.3869 1053.3389 20
# ans2 <- arun(dt2) 301.7696 321.6619 342.4779 359.9343 392.5902 20
setkey(ans1, COMP, SEC)
setkey(ans2, COMP, SEC)
setcolorder(ans1, names(ans2))
identical(ans1, ans2) # [1] TRUE
from your sample output, it's not exactly clear what you would like to keep / drop, but you can simply list your additional columns in the j argument of DT[i, j, ]
> dt2[, list(SUM = max(SUM), SEC, MEAN), by = list(COMP)]
1: A 9007273 a 3000131
2: A 9007273 b 3000938
3: A 9007273 c 2999502
4: A 9007273 d 3002424
5: B 9004829 e 3001610
6: B 9004829 f 2999991
7: B 9004829 g 2998471
8: B 9004829 h 2999571
9: C 9002479 i 3000826
10: C 9002479 j 2999826
11: C 9002479 k 3000728
12: C 9002479 l 2999634
I was very interested in the performance of the two different approaches from #Metrics that I denote in the following as which.func and from #Arun that I denote as innate.func. So, I made some benchmarking with my example given in the question above. Here are the results:
which.func <- function() {dt3 <- dt2[, list(SUM = max(SUM), SEC=SEC[which.max(SUM)], MENA=MEAN[which.max(SUM)]), by = list(COMP)]}
innate.func <- function() {dt3 <- dt2[J(unique(COMP)), mult = "last"]}
benchmark(which.func, innate.func, replications = 10e+6)
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
2 innate 10000000 24.689 1.000 24.259 0.425
1 which.func 10000000 32.664 1.323 32.216 0.446
Of course this is maybe a little unfair towards the which.func becuase the innate.funcinvolves a call to setkey, which is especially for large samples a time consumer. If I include the setkeycall into the function I get the following:
innate.func <- function() {setkey(dt2, COMP, SUM); dt3 <- dt2[J(unique(COMP)), mult = "last"]; setkey(dt2, NULL)}
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
2 innate.func 10000000 25.271 1.000 24.834 0.430
1 which.func 10000000 26.476 1.048 26.062 0.397
It seems, that the two approaches have a very similar performance. The approach of #Arun has perhaps a more elegant style in regard to the data.table and needs less code. Its disadvantage may come with different aggregation functions than the maxor min, where the approach of #Metrics plays out its character of being able to be applied in a more general setting.
I learned from both approaches and put them into my toolbox.
During my further work with the solutions given here I encountered another problem with the summary shown above in my question and I found a solution to it, that I would like to share.
If I want to provide a choice to the user for
an aggregation function, denoted by aggregate and
a criterion (variable of the summary) the aggregate method should be applied to, denoted by crit,
then I encounter the problem, that I have to check, which of the columns are remaining (see e.g. #Metrics answer that uses the which). A simple example:
We take data.table dt2 from my question above. A user now, wants to apply the aggregate = "max" method on the crit = "SUM" variable in the data.table summary of dt2. Here is a solution I found out that works fine (any discussion of course appreciated):
aggregate = "max"
crit = "SUM"
user call <- expression(do.call(aggregate, list(get(crit))))
dt2[, .SD[which(get(crit) == eval(mycall))], by = COMP]
1: A c 9002500 3000833
2: B g 9003312 3001104
3: C i 9000058 3000019
With a the R package data.table is it possible to find the values that are in a given interval without a full vector scan of the data. For example
1: 3
2: 5
3: 8
Where DT can be a very big table.
Bonus question:
is it possible to do the same thing for a set of non-overlapping intervals such as
i min max
1: 1 3 10
2: 2 20 40
> my.data.table.function2(DT,I)
i x
1: 1 3
2: 1 5
3: 1 8
4: 2 21
5: 2 34
Where both I and DT can be very big.
Thanks a lot
Here is a variation of the code proposed by #user1935457 (see comment in #user1935457 post)
if(!identical(key(DT), "x")) setkey(DT, x)
setkey(IT, min)
#below is the line that differs from #user1935457
#Using IT to address the lines of DT creates a smaller intermediate table
#We can also directly use .I
target.low<-DT[IT,list(i=i,min=.I),roll=-Inf, nomatch = 0][,list(min=min[1]),keyby=i]
setattr(IT, "sorted", "max")
# same here
target.high<-DT[IT,list(i=i,max=.I),roll=Inf, nomatch = 0][,list(max=last(max)),keyby=i]
target <- target.low[target.high, nomatch = 0]
target[, len := max - min + 1L]
rm(target.low, target.high)
ans.roll2 <- DT[data.table:::vecseq(target$min, target$len, NULL)][, i := unlist(mapply(rep, x = target$i, times = target$len, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))]
setcolorder(ans.roll2, c("i", "x"))
# user system elapsed
# 0.07 0.00 0.06
# #user1935457 code
# user system elapsed
# 0.08 0.00 0.08
identical(ans.roll2, ans.roll)
#[1] TRUE
The performance gain is not huge here, but it shall be more sensitive with larger DT and smaller IT. thanks again to #user1935457 for your answer.
First of all, vecseq isn't exported as a visible function from data.table, so its syntax and/or behavior here could change without warning in future updates to the package. Also, this is untested besides the simple identical check at the end.
That out of the way, we need a bigger example to exhibit difference from vector scan approach:
n <- 1e5L
f <- 10L
ni <- n / f
DT <- data.table(x = 1:n + sample(-f:f, n, replace = TRUE))
IT <- data.table(i = 1:ni,
min = seq(from = 1L, to = n, by = f) + sample(0:4, ni, replace = TRUE),
max = seq(from = 1L, to = n, by = f) + sample(5:9, ni, replace = TRUE))
DT, the Data Table is a not-too-random subset of 1:n. IT, the Interval Table is ni = n / 10 non-overlapping intervals in 1:n. Doing the repeated vector scan on all ni intervals takes a while:
ans.vecscan <- IT[, DT[x >= min & x <= max], by = i]
## user system elapsed
## 84.15 4.48 88.78
One can do two rolling joins on the interval endpoints (see the roll argument in ?data.table) to get everything in one swoop:
# Save time if DT is already keyed correctly
if(!identical(key(DT), "x")) setkey(DT, x)
DT[, row := .I]
setkey(IT, min)
target.low <- IT[DT, roll = Inf, nomatch = 0][, list(min = row[1]), keyby = i]
# Non-overlapping intervals => (sorted by min => sorted by max)
setattr(IT, "sorted", "max")
target.high <- IT[DT, roll = -Inf, nomatch = 0][, list(max = last(row)), keyby = i]
target <- target.low[target.high, nomatch = 0]
target[, len := max - min + 1L]
rm(target.low, target.high)
ans.roll <- DT[data.table:::vecseq(target$min, target$len, NULL)][, i := unlist(mapply(rep, x = target$i, times = target$len, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))]
ans.roll[, row := NULL]
setcolorder(ans.roll, c("i", "x"))
## user system elapsed
## 0.12 0.00 0.12
Ensuring the same row order verifies the result:
setkey(ans.vecscan, i, x)
setkey(ans.roll, i, x)
identical(ans.vecscan, ans.roll)
## [1] TRUE
If you don't want to do a full vector scan, you should first declare your variable as a key for your data.table :
DT <- data.table(x=c(1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89),key="x")
Then you can use %between% :
R> DT[x %between% c(3,10),]
1: 3
2: 5
3: 8
R> DT[x %between% c(3,10) | x %between% c(20,40),]
1: 3
2: 5
3: 8
4: 21
5: 34
EDIT : As #mnel pointed out, %between% still does vector scans. The Note section of the help page says :
Current implementation does not make use of ordered keys.
So this doesn't answer your question.