IBM i QtmhCvtDB alternative to be called out of HTTP server - http

I need to transform POST data to a recordset in an IBM i system. For this purpose I'm using API QtmhCvtDB.
But I'm doing it out of CGI stack, I'm doing it implementing command bus pattern, then I get:
Response code -5
This API is not valid when a program is not called by HTTP Server. No data parsing is done.
Is there something like QtmhCvtDB but executable from whole system?


UnitTest GRPC file upload using bloomRPC

I am trying to implement the gRPC file upload service, where i will accept bytes as input.
But want to know how can i test it using bloomRPC. I can test normal JSON gRPC services but dont see any option to test file upload / stream services in the same.
Want to know if there any way to test it from boomRPC/other tool and not using java client.

Problem using ArduinoHTTPClient sending GET requests with ESP32

Board : ESP32 T-Call SIM800L
Code Functioning
Collect Data from phone -> Put Into URL -> Send to Server
CollectQualitativeData() -> AppendQueryParameters() -> http.get(resource)
My code allows me to enter 4 different strings in my android app which my ESP32 receives via bluetooth and stores as an array of char arrays QualArray[4][30] (eg. {"string1","string2"....) . It then adds these strings in the URL query parameters for which I send data to my google sheets web app with a GET request (I know i'm posting data but the get request is what is used for the google apps script when posting data).
The code works when I pre-define the URL to be sent, although the issue seems to be that adding the strings obtained from the android app to the URL returns an HTTP response of -3 and doesn't upload to the google sheets server. This confuses me as the strings are stored okay because I print them out and they are correct, and then adding them to the URL and printing the URL it looks correct (and identical to the pre-defined URL that works) but for some reason it doesn't work. I thought it could be memory related so I pre-defined all the char arrays with set buffers but still didn't work
The functions to look at are CollectQualitativeData() which is called in setup and AppendQueryParameters() which is called in the loop, then http.get(resource) is called afterwards in the loop which makes the GET request.

Freeswitch Guide how to get CDR UUID from client side

My system contain:
- Freeswitch server
- Sip Client: Web using sipjs , mobile react-native using to receive call.
My problem is when call done i need to know the uuid of CDR recently add to Postgres DB of that call to attach some info to that call
I try many way but can not success ex: write http request to select into postgres DB, but can not find exactly which uuid because one extension can make many call one time.
Can anyone help me solve this case?
Mark each call with custom variable like callid
Send that to your app via any method, as sipheader, as sip message, using http post etc.
But you also can just search cdr by start date.

DataPower monitoring or validation techniques

How to improve datapower monitoring ? I want to improve our monitoring techniques say for example, want to check that all objects (FSH /MQFSHs, SSl proxy, crypto profile etc) are up and incase if it goes down , should be notified by email or something. checking number of files in file management ondisk folders.Basically validate the adapter after deployment (we use soapUi to test adapter functionality, however something else to improve or added validation).please suggest any ideas that can be implemented as a process improvement on Datapower
For example you can get the status off all your domains using this soma call. You can test this using soap UI. You can get the list of various soma calls using the datapower mgmt wsdl (available in datapower store directory).
<!-- get all the domains -->
<xsl:variable name="domainsList">
<dp:url-open target="{$XML-MGMT-URL}" response="responsecode">
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<dp:request xmlns:dp="">
<dp:get-status class="DomainStatus"/>
Try using SOMA commands of XML management interface to check the object status.
I am not sure if this is the best approach but this is how i have implemented it. You can always create a testing service in DataPower with/without interactive java application to perform all the soap test you are performing using soapUI. You can perform SOMA/AMP calls to check the status of objects, ping external services, etc. You can schedule these test on a regular interval or manual.
Depending how you set it up, you can either generate an email with status of each object/service you are testing or create a html dashboard that records the current status of everything.

BizTalk 2013 - execute stored procedure on send port without orchestration?

A while back I set up BizTalk to pick up a file via FTP and drop it into a network directory. It's all passsthru so I didn't use an orchestration.
Now I've been asked to execute a stored procedure once the file is picked up. The procedure contains no parameters and I do not need the contents of the file.
It seems like such a simple request but I can't figure it out. Is there any way to do this without over complicating things?
This can be accomplished through the use of either the WCF-SQL adapter or the WCF_Custom adapter with a SQL binding. You can do this using messaging only with just a SendPort with a filter/map on it thus no orchestration needed.
For the SOAP action header use TypedProcedure/dbo/name_of_your_stored_procedure and in the messages tab you can specify the paramters to the stored procuders as well as add a payload in the following manner:
<name_of_your_stored_procedure xmlns="">
<bts-msg-body xmlns="" encoding="string"/>
In the above case xml_parameter will have the contents of the message payload passed to it.
The stored procedure should look something like :
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[name_of_your_stored_procedure]
#parameter1 int,
#xml_parameter nvarchar(max)
-- your code goes here
More details can be found here
Regards Hasse
This MSDN page describes the process and has this to say: "You must create a BizTalk orchestration to use BizTalk Server for performing an operation on SQL Server."
However if you're really desperate not to use an orchestration I believe you have the option of setting the operation context property in a custom pipeline component. Then you can initialise the message in a map on a port. In theory this should work but I can't guarantee it.
