Changed name of subdirectory - creating pages doesn't work - wordpress

I tried to change my WP subdirectory from to, and frontpage and login works as it should. But when I try to access former articles or pages, or create new I just get a 404 error.
E.g gives 404, then redirects to frontpage (
I've defined the site URL and home URL in wp-config, changed the name of the folder, and changed "test" to "live" everywhere in the database.
Anyone have an idea or encountered this problem before?

It is most likely your .htaccess file which isnt updated. You can update it by going to
Settings > Permalinks > Save Changes


Wordpress site - too many redirects when selecting link

I have looked at similar questions but still receive the redirect error.When landing on a homepage URL the site resolves and displays for example . When selecting any link ie. the browser throws a "Too many redirects" error and the site become unusable. The only way I can get it back up is by clearing cookies and cache and trying again. What I find really confusing is that copying the link or manually typing the URL in resolves the URL correctly and I don't get "too many redirects" error. It only happens when I select a link.
I have tried the following:
Renamed the "plugins" directory to "plugins1" to disable the plugins
Reverted to the default wordpress ".htaccess" file
Ensure the site settings URLS matched in wp-admin area
SSL is enabled on the site but not configured to be used anywhere, all links (that I'm aware of reference http://)
Checked any redirects on the hosting via CPANEL (none exist)
Added these to the wp-config file
define ('WP_HOME','');
I'm not sure whats changed in the last couple of days but we think a plugin got updated. Would disabling the plugins prove that its nothing to do with plugins?I'm new to WordPress so apologies if I got some terms wrong.
Any suggestions I could try looking at would be helpful.
try to set Home url and site url to from your WP admin panel

One page won't show on wordpress after moving from live to localhost

I moved my website from live to localhost to make some modifications to it and I have encountered a problem, one page will not show up: "Oops! That page can’t be found.".
I have tried the following
1. activated rewrite_module
2. deactivated each plugin to see if anyone is causing the problem
3. recopied the database and files in case of failure during the first transfer
4. read that resetting permalinks might solve the problem. Changed permalinks to default - the page now works, but when I changed back to custom the problem is still there.
This is weird because only one page does not seem to show, every other page works fine and also there is no problem on the live version.
I ran out of solutions can any one please help?
This may be caused by the permalink or .htaccess
check the url of your page if no issues on URL then
Follow this steps once:
Go to settings-> permalink-> set it as default ->Reload or refresh
Then again now Go to settings-> permalink->postname
Your .htaccess will get update with the permalink.
This could be a problem with htaccess. When using the query string urls in wordpress, no htaccess is required, but for anything else Wordpress uses mod_rewrite.
Is htaccess turned on your localhost Apache server? In httpd.conf, AllowOverride All should be turned on in your active directory.
Is Wordpress able to create new files? Insufficient permissions might prevent it from creating the htaccess file.
Finally, check that your links are pointing to the right place. Sometimes the problem is as simple as a misspelling in your link ;) Good luck.

certain section's permalinks are throwing a 404

We have migrated our WP site to new hosting and since then one section using custom content types manager is throwing a 404. The other ~4 work correctly.
I have cleared the plugin's cache and imported the .json file correctly.
When I change the permalinks to default from post name they load properly. Any idea on how to get this section working?
I guess the problem you're facing on Post name permalinks. Save that option again. If it not working,
select custom structure and give index.php as a prefix
eg: /index.php/%postname%/

wordpress permalinks not working 500 error

i made a mess of some kind my website was running perfectly but i did some changes to wpconfig i cant seem to remember and the result is that if i dont use permalinks and use simple page id the whole website works and if i try to use permalinks all the individual links break but home page as well as admin panel keeps working .
It always gives 500 internal server error
Any one got any ideas what could have gone wrong .
P.S.> I have deleted .htaccess and created a new one and copied the code given by wordpress but its still not working.
my website is NewsKase
I had the same problem. My WordPress site was running perfectly until I changed my permalinks. All my individual links break but the main page as well as admin panel keeps working. When I use simple page id as permalink the whole website works.
The are several thing that can cause this problem. The following post lists some possibilities you can go through to find the root of your permalink problem.
Try the following:
Get a fresh copy of wp-config.php and enter in your DB details
(username, pw, name, table prefix).
Delete htaccess file
Regenerate permalinks (admin - settings - permalinks)
Ensure server has mod-rewrite on

Wordpress template pages not being displayed in 3.2 :|

Few months ago, I developed two template pages on wordpress 3.1 and they were working fine. Now, I installed latest wordpress software. I created a new page with the same name and selected the template. But the link is showing a "404 Not Found" error.
My site URL goes like this: http://localhost/myBlog/about
where "about page" has to use a template. The same permalink is shown when creating the page but viewing page is showing 404 error. It's weird. May be some permalink issue?
Well assuming this is a new installation and not an upgrade, I am guessing that your permalink structure is messed up. There are a couple ways to fix this. In general, Wordpress tries to modify your .htaccess file itself.
Go to your old installation and look under Settings -> Permalinks. If it is different from your new install, then change them to be the same and save. If they are the same, then change it to something else and then change it back. This should force Wordpress to resave the settings to your .htaccess file. If it can't write to the file it should tell you.
Alternatively you could look at the .htaccess file of your old installation and copy the values there over to your new installation. Although I think letting WP do it for you is probably the safer route.
If you can access your database, You need to go to the wp-options table and change the url there. The other options there. Were you working on a local server?
