ASP MVC WriteLiteral("\r\n"); Unrecognized escape sequence error -

my asp MVC Projects Builds successfully but when i try to run any view i am getting Unrecognized escape sequence error and Error Describes WriteLiteral("\r\n");
Source File: c:\Users\Mohamed\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\vs\1bc13a3b\8a6f90dd\App_Web_index.cshtml.a8d08dba.teskwqdt.0.cs Line: 1194
I have no Idea where this line is written WriteLiteral("\r\n");

finally i got the problem and solved it.
while i was trying to remove Extra Javascript code lines added by a virus to all my views with Find & Replace i left a whitespace-like character after this line;
And Finally Removing Those Characters From all views Manually Solved the Problem !


ASP. NET Error: XML literal cannot appear here unless it is enclosed in parentheses

I am attempting to port some old asp to Following this Microsoft tutorial! I am going through the errors and this XML one has me stuck. I have placed the opening and closing parenthesis in several places, but I am still getting the error. I'm sure this is something I'm overlooking, so any help is welcomed.
IF AAP><"" or EXECCOMM><"" or Immigration><"" or MgrMember><"" or OSHA><"" or StratPlan><"" or WageHour><"" or ERISA><"" or Health><"" or Litig><"" or OffHead><"" or PICCOMM><"" or Traditional><"" or WorkComp><"" then
BodyText=Replace(BodyText, "###SPECEmail###", "<b>Special E-mail Groups: </b>")
Please read this FAQ entry on MSDN:
An XML literal declaration is used in an expression in a location that
is ambiguous to the Visual Basic compiler. That is, the Visual Basic
compiler cannot determine whether the less-than character (<) is
intended as a comparative operator or the start of an XML literal.
You have a lot of < and > characters in your statement and that confuses the compiler.
Also: >< needs to be <> as explained in the comment by Andrew Morton.
So try changing your code to:
IF (AAP<>"") OR (EXECCOMM<>"") OR (Immigration<>"") OR (MgrMember<>"") OR (OSHA<>"") OR (StratPlan<>"") OR (WageHour<>"") OR (ERISA<>"") OR (Health<>"") OR (Litig<>"") OR (OffHead<>"") OR (PICCOMM<>"") OR (Traditional<>"") OR (WorkComp<>"") THEN
BodyText=Replace(BodyText, "###SPECEmail###", "<b>Special E-mail Groups: </b>")

Error while executing IECleanAnchorsFilters - RegExpError; Expected quantifier

I am getting an error in telerik rad editor.
The error is
Error while executing IECleanAnchorsFilters - RegExpError; Expected quantifier
Can anyone suggest an answer which does not involve updating telerik?
Added simple line on page load and in all RadEditors

Fatal error: UnCSS: could not open

I'm trying to remove all of the unused css in the framework I'm using by using uncss. But when I try I get the error:
file:///C:/Users/Angus/Desktop/FTTL%20website%20submit/index.html:15 in onload
Fatal error: UnCSS: could not open C:\Users\Angus\Desktop\FTTL website%20submit\css\main.css
Does anyone know why this is?
Iyou forget to handle the first space properly (FTTL website%20submit) in the path, if you change the folder name or escape it properly (like FTTL%20website%20submit) it might work.
Edit: Or the other way around and the %20 substitution for the path was not working for the second space. (I am not familiar with uncss.)
(In my opinion it is best not using spaces in file and folder names.)

VS Error: Octal escape sequences are only supported in ECMAScript 3 compatibility mode

I have twitter bootstrap setup to build in a new project, but am getting the following error from VS2010.
Fatal error, cannot continue: Octal escape sequences are only supported in ECMAScript 3 compatibility mode.
Which seems to be related to the following CSS/Less entry in bootstrap (type.less)...
blockquote small:before {
content: '\2014 \00A0';
Can anyone help?
Just wanted to say that I had this error too, and the problem for me ended up being with Chirpy. I tried to make a merged css file with it, but i was using .min files and i didn't use the chripy Minify="false" parameter in my File node. Added that parameter and that fixed it right up

Where is keywords code assist and letter not allowed problem(Aptana Studio 3)

I recently switched from Aptana2 to version3.0.3, and the first thing i did was to install the sdomcl. file to get jQuery code assist.It works fine for jQuery, but there is no code assist for many keywords.For exymple there is no support for var,while,throw,try,break,case,catch etc.
Also there is no function, instead intellisense sugests Function.
The second problem is that i am constantly getting this warning '<' + '/' +letter not allowed here when typing something valid like this:
confirmDiv =$("")-sorry for this,but it wont let me type what i want, basically i am just creating a new div with the correct syntax.
Could it be something with Html Tidy?Anyways, big thanks in advance!
Aptana Studio 3.0.4 includes code assist for JavaScript keywords.
I've read that for Javascript the slashes / must be escaped with backslashes \ as it says here
Doing so the warning dissapears ;)
