I have a script that calculates the copy number variation and saves the data into an existing file named "resultCNV.txt" based on first column information.
Here is my script
#Create annotation or refrence table
genes <- read.table("./Basefile/genes.txt", sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
genes$chromosome_name <- gsub('X', '23', genes$chromosome_name)
genes$chromosome_name <- gsub('Y', '24', genes$chromosome_name)
colnames(genes) <- c("GeneSymbol","Chr","Start","End")
genes_GR <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(genes,keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
#File need to be analyzed (3 step: preprocessing, comparison with reference or annotation and post-porcessing)
for(i in 1:36){
df<- read.table(paste0("BRCA", i, ".txt"), sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
df$Chromosome <- gsub('X', '23', df$Chromosome)
df$Chromosome <- gsub('Y', '24', df$Chromosome)
colnames(df) <- c("Barcode", "Chr", "Start", "End", "extra1", "extra2")
cnv <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
hits <- findOverlaps(genes_GR, cnv, type="within")
df_ann <- cbind(df[subjectHits(hits),],genes[queryHits(hits),])
df_ann <- unique(df_ann)
df_ann <- df_ann[ , c("GeneSymbol", "Chr", "extra2")]
colnames(df_ann) <- c("Ensembl_ID","Chr","Seg_value")
df_ann$Seg_value2 <- abs(df_ann$Seg_value)
df_ann$Seg_value2 = 2^df_ann$Seg_value2
df_ann$Seg_value2 = df_ann[, 4] - 1
df_ann$Seg_value2 = df_ann[, 4] * 2
df_ann$Seg_value2 <- with(df_ann, sign(Seg_value) * Seg_value2)
df_ann <- df_ann[ , c("Ensembl_ID", "Seg_value")]
df_ann$Seg_value <- rescale(df_ann$Seg_value, to = c(-1, 1))
df_ann1 <- read.table("/Basefile/genesforcomp.txt", sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
df <-, df_ann1)
df <- df[!duplicated(df$Ensembl_ID),]
#saving the results into existing file based on first column values
df1 <- read.delim("resultCNV.txt", check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
lst <- list(data.frame(df1), data.frame(df))
df2 <- reduce(lst, full_join, by = "Ensembl_ID") %>% replace(.,, 0);
write.table(df2, file="resultCNV.txt", quote = F, sep = "\t", row.names = F)
Here is my data for testing Link. It has two folders: base folder: for once reading and Data: for data.
In the last 4 line, I am using full_join function of tidyverse, to add the analyzed column into the last saved output based on the first column value (Ensembl_ID). I am running ~200 file each time and it takes almost 2 hours, while running 100 files takes just 30 minutes (hyperbolic curve in a time vs no. of loop). With each loop, output file size reduces to the original like 900kb and then increase with each cycle like 5 mb then 11 mb, and so on.
Can it is possible to reduce time i.e. not reading the last saved output and just merging the column based on the first column?
Any suggestions or ideas of how to loop the script will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
When I think my loops are too slow I use apply method instead. In your case it would be something like this:
e = function(i){
df<- read.table(paste0("BRCA", i, ".txt"), sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
df$Chromosome <- gsub('X', '23', df$Chromosome)
df$Chromosome <- gsub('Y', '24', df$Chromosome)
colnames(df) <- c("Barcode", "Chr", "Start", "End", "extra1", "extra2")
cnv <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
hits <- findOverlaps(genes_GR, cnv, type="within")
df_ann <- cbind(df[subjectHits(hits),],genes[queryHits(hits),])
df_ann <- unique(df_ann)
df_ann <- df_ann[ , c("GeneSymbol", "Chr", "extra2")]
colnames(df_ann) <- c("Ensembl_ID","Chr","Seg_value")
df_ann$Seg_value2 <- abs(df_ann$Seg_value)
df_ann$Seg_value2 = 2^df_ann$Seg_value2
df_ann$Seg_value2 = df_ann[, 4] - 1
df_ann$Seg_value2 = df_ann[, 4] * 2
df_ann$Seg_value2 <- with(df_ann, sign(Seg_value) * Seg_value2)
df_ann <- df_ann[ , c("Ensembl_ID", "Seg_value")]
df_ann$Seg_value <- rescale(df_ann$Seg_value, to = c(-1, 1))
df_ann1 <- read.table("/home/sumit/Academic/DHR/TCGA/Gene List/Final1/genesbase.txt", sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
df <-, df_ann1)
df <- df[!duplicated(df$Ensembl_ID),]
#saving the results into existing file based on first column values
df1 <- read.delim("genesforcomp1", check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
lst <- list(data.frame(df1), data.frame(df))
df2 <- reduce(lst, full_join, by = "Ensembl_ID") %>% replace(.,, 0);
write.table(df2, file="genesforcomp1", quote = F, sep = "\t", row.names = F)
lapply(1:4376, e)
In many of my analysis this saved a lot of time for me, I hope it will work as well with yours.
Little bonus, to estimate the time of the lapply thing you can use instead pblapply() from the pbapply package.
I hope this helped you
The data.table library fread and fwrite is good in this context. It reduces the time by ~80%. The overall performance of data.table::fread / fwrite (27 sec) is better than readr (93 sec) or read.delim (145 sec). I think it is acceptable.
First of all, sorry for my English, I'm translating with google translator
I have two df to which I apply fastLink
df1<-data.frame(col1=c("pruebaA","pruebaA","pruebaA","pruebaB","pruebaB","pruebaB"),col2=c("avion","casa","coche","verde","antonio","jardin"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df2<-data.frame(col1=c("pruebaA","pruebaA","pruebaA","pruebaB","pruebaB","pruebaA"),col2=c("avion","casa grande","coche rojo","Berde","antoƱito","jardinn"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
prueba <- function(d1, d2) {
out <- fastLink(
dfA = d1, dfB = d2,
varnames = c("col1","col2"),
partial.match = c("col2"),
stringdist.match = c("col2")
indi<<- out$matches
dfA.match <<- d1[out$matches$inds.a,]
I get indi and dfA.match so I can query them.
How could I do the same when I have a lot of df?
I can't make a loop
For example,
I divide df1 and df2 into parts
df1$M <- paste0(df1$col1, "_df1")
z <- split(df1,df1$M )
list2env(z, .GlobalEnv)
df2$M <- paste0(df2$col1,"_df2")
b <- split(df2,df2$M )
list2env(b, .GlobalEnv)
I get
Same with a loop
indices<- list()
uniones<- list()
for (i in nom2b){
uniones[[paste0("uniones",i)]]<- dfA.match
Wrong!!, it doesn't work!!
Assuming you have objects called pruebaA_df1, pruebaA_df2 .... pruebaA_df1000 in your environment, you can use Reduce as :
result <- Reduce(prueba, mget(paste0('pruebaA_df', 1:1000)))
I wrote some code to performed oversampling, meaning that I replicate my observations in a data.frame and add noise to the replicates, so they are not exactly the same anymore. I'm quite happy that it works now as intended, is too slow. I'm just learning dplyr and have no clue about data.table, but I hope there is a way to improve my function. I'm running this code in a function for 100s of data.frames which may contain about 10,000 columns and 400 rows.
This is some toy data:
train_set1 <- rep(0, 300)
train_set2 <- rep("Factor1", 300)
train_set3 <- data.frame(replicate(1000, sample(0:1, 300, rep = TRUE)))
train_set <- cbind(train_set1, train_set2, train_set3)
row.names(train_set) <- c(paste("Sample", c(1:nrow(train_set)), sep = "_"))
This is the code to replicate each row a given number of times and a function to determine whether the added noise later will be positive or negative:
# replicate each row twice, added row.names contain a "."
train_oversampled <- train_set[rep(seq_len(nrow(train_set)), each = 3), ]
# create a flip function
flip <- function() {
sample(c(-1,1), 1)
In the relevant "too slow" piece of code, I'm subsetting the row.names for the added "." to filter for the replicates. Than I select only the numeric columns. I go through those columns row by row and leave the values untouched if they are 0. If not, a certain amount is added (here +- 1 %). Later on, I combine this data set with the original data set and have my oversampled data.frame.
# add percentage of noise to non-zero values in numerical columns
noised_copies <- train_oversampled %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "rowname") %>%
filter(grepl("\\.", row.names(train_oversampled))) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate_if(~ is.numeric(.), ~ if_else(. == 0, 0,. + (. * flip() * 0.01 ))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "rowname")
# combine original and oversampled, noised data set
train_noised <- rbind(noised_copies, train_set)
I assume there are faster ways using e.g. data.table, but it was already tough work to get this code running and I have no idea how to improve its performance.
The solution is working perfectly fine with fixed values, but called within a for loop I receive "Error in paste(Sample, n, sep = ".") : object 'Sample' not found"
Code to replicate:
train_set <- data.frame(
x = c(rep(0, 10)),
y = c(0:9),
z = c(rep("Factor1", 10)))
# changing the row name to avoid confusion with "Sample"
row.names(train_set) <- c(paste("Observation", c(1:nrow(train_set)), sep = "_"))
train_list <- list(aa = train_set, bb = train_set, cc = train_set)
for(current_table in train_list) {
setDT(current_table, keep.rownames="Sample")
cols <- names(current_table)[sapply(current_table, is.numeric)]
noised_copies <- lapply(c(1,2), function(n) {
c("Sample", cols) := c(.(paste(Sample, n, sep=".")),
.SD * sample(c(-1.01, 1.01), .N*ncol(.SD), TRUE)),
train_noised <- rbindlist(c(noised_copies, list(train_set)), use.names=FALSE)
# As this is an example, I did not write anything to actually
# store the results, so I have to remove the object
Any ideas why the column Sample can't be found now?
Here is a more vectorized approach using data.table:
setDT(train_set, keep.rownames="Sample")
cols <- names(train_set)[sapply(train_set, is.numeric)]
noised_copies <- lapply(c(1,2), function(n) {
c("Sample", cols) := c(.(paste(Sample, n, sep=".")),
.SD * sample(c(-1.01, 1.01), .N*ncol(.SD), TRUE)),
train_noised <- rbindlist(c(noised_copies, list(train_set)), use.names=FALSE)
With data.table version >= 1.12.9, you can pass is.numeric directly to .SDcols argument and maybe a shorter way (e.g. (.SD) or names(.SD)) to pass to the left hand side of :=
address OP's updated post:
The issue is that although each data.frame within the list is converted to a data.table, the train_list is not updated. You can update the list with a left bind before the for loop:
train_set <- data.frame(
x = c(rep(0, 10)),
y = c(0:9),
z = c(rep("Factor1", 10)))
# changing the row name to avoid confusion with "Sample"
row.names(train_set) <- c(paste("Observation", c(1:nrow(train_set)), sep = "_"))
train_list <- list(aa = train_set, bb = copy(train_set), cc = copy(train_set))
train_list <- lapply(train_list, setDT, keep.rownames="Sample")
for(current_table in train_list) {
cols <- names(current_table)[sapply(current_table, is.numeric)]
noised_copies <- lapply(c(1,2), function(n) {
c("Sample", cols) := c(.(paste(Sample, n, sep=".")),
.SD * sample(c(-1.01, 1.01), .N*ncol(.SD), TRUE)),
train_noised <- rbindlist(c(noised_copies, train_list), use.names=FALSE)
# As this is an example, I did not write anything to actually
# store the results, so I have to remove the object
I need to multiply all columns in a data frame with each other. As an example, I need to achieve the following:
but for all my columns with values going from 1 to 733 (sic1, sic2, sic3,..., sic733).
I've tried the following but it doesn't work:
for(i in 1:733){
for(j in 1:733){
Could you help me? Thanks for your help.
Despite the question if you really want what you think you want, I feel like this could help:
df <- data.frame(
a = 1:4
, b = 1:4
, c = 4:1
multiplyColumns <- function(name1, name2, df){
df[, name1] * df[, name2]
combinations <- expand.grid(names(df), names(df), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names4result <- paste(combinations[,1], combinations[,2], sep = "_")
result <-, combinations[,1], combinations[,2], MoreArgs = list(df = df)))
names(result) <- names4result
I have a large dataset in R (say >40,000 rows and >20 categorical columns) that I repeatedly subset, so I would like to speed this up as much as possible. It needs to be a general function (each categorical column has a discrete number of possible values, say in string format).
Each time I subset, I need to identify the subset of rows that satisfy multiple logical set membership conditions (e.g. >10 conditions). I.e., I need to check several columns and check if values in that column match a certain set membership (hence the use of %in%).
# simple dataset example
num_col <- 15
num_row <- 100000
dat_list <- list()
for (i in 1:num_col) {
dat_list[[i]] <- data_frame(sample(letters[1:10], size = num_row, r = T))
dat <- bind_cols(dat_list)
names(dat) <- paste0("col", seq(15))
I've looked around the internet and SO a lot, but haven't found the discussion of performance I'm looking for. I mostly code using dplyr, so apologies if there's a clear performance improvement here in data.table; I've tried some simple benchmarks between the two (but without using any data.table indexing or etc.) and it's not obvious if one is faster.
Example options I've considered (since I'm not great at data.table, I've excluded data.table options from here):
base_filter <- function(dat) {
for (i in 1:7) {
col_name <- paste0('col', i)
dat <- dat[dat[[col_name]] %in% sample(letters[1:10], size = 4), ]
dplyr_filter1 <- function(dat) {
for (i in 1:7) {
col_name <- paste0('col', i)
dat <- filter_(dat,
.dots = interp(~ colname %in% vals,
colname =,
vals = sample(letters[1:10], size = 4)))
dplyr_filter2 <- function(dat) {
dots_filter <- list()
for (i in 1:7) {
col_name <- paste0('col', i)
dots_filter[[i]] <- interp(~ colname %in% vals,
colname =,
vals = sample(letters[1:10], size = 4))
filter_(dat, .dots = dots_filter)
Note: In practice, on my real datasets, dplyr_filter2 actually works fastest. I've also tried dtplyr or converting my data to a data.table, but this seems slower than without.
Note: On the other hand, in practice, the base R function outperforms the dplyr examples when data has fewer rows and fewer columns (perhaps due to copying speed?).
Thus, I'd like to ask SO what the general, most efficient way(s) to subset a categorical dataframe under multiple (set membership) conditions is. And if possible, explain the mechanics for why? Does this answer differ for smaller datasets? Does it depend on copying time or search time?
Useful related links
fast lookup for one key
using hash tables in R for key-value pairs
Understand that you prefer not to use data.table. Just providing some timings for reference below. With indexing, subsetting can be performed much faster and inner join of the 2 tables can also be done easily in data.table.
# simple dataset example
num_col <- 15
num_row <- 100000
dat_list <- list()
for (i in 1:num_col) {
dat_list[[i]] <- data_frame(sample(letters[1:10], size = num_row, r = T))
dat <- bind_cols(dat_list)
names(dat) <- paste0("col", seq(15))
selection <- lapply(1:7, function(n) sample(letters[1:10], size = 4))
base_filter <- function(df) {
for (i in 1:7) {
col_name <- paste0('col', i)
df <- df[df[[col_name]] %in% selection[[i]], ]
dplyr_filter1 <- function(df) {
for (i in 1:7) {
col_name <- paste0('col', i)
df <- filter_(df,
.dots = interp(~ colname %in% vals,
colname =,
vals = selection[[i]]))
dplyr_filter2 <- function(df) {
dots_filter <- list()
for (i in 1:7) {
col_name <- paste0('col', i)
dots_filter[[i]] <- interp(~ colname %in% vals,
colname =,
vals = selection[[i]])
filter_(df, .dots = dots_filter)
#convert data.frame into data.table
dt <- data.table(dat, key=names(dat)[1:7])
#create the sets of selection
dtSelection <- data.table(expand.grid(selection, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
dt[dtSelection, nomatch=0], #perform inner join between dataset and selection
#Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# base_filter(dat) 27.084801 27.870702 35.849261 32.045900 32.872601 59.372301 5
# dplyr_filter1(dat) 23.130100 24.114301 26.922081 24.860701 29.804301 32.701002 5
# dplyr_filter2(dat) 29.641101 30.686002 32.363681 31.103000 31.884701 38.503601 5
# dt[dtSelection, nomatch = 0] 3.626001 3.646201 3.829341 3.686601 3.687001 4.500901 5
In addition to chinsoon12's alternatives, one thing to consider is to avoid subsetting the data.frame in each iteration. So, instead of
f0 = function(x, cond)
for(j in seq_along(x)) x = x[x[[j]] %in% cond[[j]], ]
one alternative is to accumulate a logical vector of whether to include each row in the final subset:
f1 = function(x, cond)
i = rep_len(TRUE, nrow(x))
for(j in seq_along(x)) i = i & (x[[j]] %in% cond[[j]])
return(x[i, ])
or, another alternative, is to iteratively reduce the amount of comparisons, but by reducing the row indices instead of the data.frame itself:
f2 = function(x, cond)
i = 1:nrow(x)
for(j in seq_along(x)) i = i[x[[j]][i] %in% cond[[j]]]
return(x[i, ])
And a comparison with data:
dat =, sample(c(letters, LETTERS), 5e5, TRUE), FALSE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
conds = replicate(ncol(dat), sample(c(letters, LETTERS), 48), FALSE)
system.time({ ans0 = f0(dat, conds) })
# user system elapsed
# 3.44 0.28 3.86
system.time({ ans1 = f1(dat, conds) })
# user system elapsed
# 0.66 0.01 0.68
system.time({ ans2 = f2(dat, conds) })
# user system elapsed
# 0.34 0.01 0.39
identical(ans0, ans1)
#[1] TRUE
identical(ans1, ans2)
#[1] TRUE