Removing rows with a specific word in Corpus - r

I have a Corpus with multiple texts (news articles) scraped from the internet.
Some of the texts contain the description of the photo that is used in the article. I want to remove that.
I found an existing string about this topic but it could not help me. See link: Removing rows from Corpus with multiple documents
I want to remove every row that contains the words "PHOTO FILE" (in caps). This solution was posted:
corp <- VCorpus(VectorSource(txt))
textVector <- sapply(corp, as.character)
for(j in seq(textVector)) {
newCorp[[j]] <- textVector[[j]][-grep("PHOTO", textVector[[j]], = FALSE)]
This does not seem to work for me though. The code runs but nothing is removed.
What does work is this:
corp <- VCorpus(VectorSource(txt))
textVector <- sapply(corp, as.character)
newCorp <- VCorpus(VectorSource(textVector[-grep("PHOTO", textVector, = FALSE)]))
But that removes every file that contains the word and I do not want that.
Would greatly appreciate if someone can help me on this.
Here is an example of one of the texts:
[1] "Top News | Wed Apr 19, 2017 | 3:53pm BST\nFILE PHOTO: People walk accross a plaza in the Canary Wharf financial district, London, Britain, January 9, 2017. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez/File Photo\nLONDON Britain's current account deficit, one of the weak points of its economy, was bigger than previously thought in the years up to 2012, according to new estimates from the Office for National Statistics on Wednesday.\nThe figures showed British companies had paid out more interest to foreign holders of corporate bonds than initially estimated, resulting in a larger current account deficit.\nThe deficit, one of the biggest among advanced economies, has been in the spotlight since June's Brexit vote.\nBank of England Governor Mark Carney said in the run-up to the referendum that Britain was reliant on the \"kindness of strangers\", highlighting how the country needed tens of billions of pounds of foreign finance a year to balance its books.\nThe ONS said the current account deficit for 2012 now stood at 4.4 percent of gross domestic product, compared with 3.7 percent in its previous estimate.\nThe ONS revised up the deficit for every year dating back to 1998 by an average of 0.6 percentage points. The biggest revisions occurred from 2005 onwards.\nLast month the ONS said Britain's current account deficit tumbled to 2.4 percent of GDP in the final three months of 2016, less than half its reading of 5.3 percent in the third quarter.\nRevised data for 2012 onward is due on Sept. 29, and it is unclear if Wednesday's changes point to significant further upward revisions, as British corporate bond yields have declined markedly since 2012 and touched a new low in mid-2016. .MERUR00\nThe ONS also revised up its earlier estimates of how much Britons saved. The household savings ratio for 2012 rose to 9.8 percent from 8.3 percent previously, with a similar upward revision for 2011.\nThe ratio for Q4 2016, which has not yet been revised, stood at its lowest since 1963 at 3.3 percent.\nThe ONS said the changes reflected changes to the treatment of self-employed people paying themselves dividends from their own companies, as well as separating out the accounts of charities, which had previously been included with households.\nMore recent years may produce similarly large revisions to the savings ratio. Around 40 percent of the roughly 2.2 million new jobs generated since the beginning of 2008 fell into the self-employed category.\n"
So I wish to delete the sentence (row) of FILE PHOTO

Let's say that initially the text is contained in the file input.txt.
The raw file is as follows:
THis is a text that contains a lot
of information
[1] "THis is a text that contains a lot" "of information" "and PHOTO FILE." "Great!"
If you get rid of the spurious element
blah[-grep("PHOTO FILE",blah,value = F,perl=T)]
you end up with
[1] "THis is a text that contains a lot" "of information" "Great!"


Extract the paragraphs from a PDF that contain a keyword using R

I need to extract from a pdf file the paragraphs that contain a keyword. Tried various codes but none got anything.
I have seen this code from a user #Tyler Rinker (Extract before and after lines based on keyword in Pdf using R programming) but it extracts the line where the keyword is, the before and after.
loc <- function(var, regex, n = 1, = TRUE){
locs <- grep(regex, var, =
out <- sort(unique(c(locs - 1, locs, locs + 1)))
out <- out[out > 0]
out[out <= length(var)]
doc <- '' %>%
read_pdf() %>%
slice(loc(text, 'cancer'))
However, I need to get the paragraphs and store each one in a row in my database. Could you help me?
The text lines in paragraphs will all be quite long unless it is the final line of the paragraph. We can count the characters in each line and do a histogram to show this:
doc <- read_pdf('')
hist(nchar(doc$text), 20)
So anything less than about 75 characters is either not in a paragraph or at the end of a paragraph. We can therefore stick a line break on the short ones, paste all the lines together, then split on linebreaks:
doc$text[nchar(doc$text) < 75] <- paste0(doc$text[nchar(doc$text) < 75], "\n")
txt <- paste(doc$text, collapse = " ")
txt <- strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]]
So now we can just do our regex and find the paragraphs with the key word:
grep("cancer", txt, value = TRUE)
#> [1] " Ranjit Shahani applauds the National Pharmaceuticals Policy's proposal of public/private partnerships (PPPs) to tackle life-threatening diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS, but stresses that, in order for them to work, they should be voluntary, and the government should exempt all life-saving drugs from import duties and other taxes such as excise duty and VAT. He is, however, critical about a proposal for mandatory price negotiation of newly patented drugs. He feels this will erode India's credibility in implementing the Patent Act in © 2006 KPMG International. KPMG International is a Swiss cooperative that serves as a coordinating entity for a network of independent firms operating under the KPMG name. KPMG International provides no services to clients. Each member firm of KPMG International is a legally distinct and separate entity and each describes itself as such. All rights reserved. Collaboration for Growth 24"
#> [2] " a fair and transparent manner. To deal with diabetes, medicines are not the only answer; awareness about the need for lifestyle changes needs to be increased, he adds. While industry leaders have long called for the development of PPPs for the provision of health care in India, particularly in rural areas, such initiatives are currently totally unexplored. However, the government's 2006 draft National Pharmaceuticals Policy proposes the introduction of PPPs with drug manufacturers and hospitals as a way of vastly increasing the availability of medicines to treat life-threatening diseases. It notes, for example, that while an average estimate of the value of drugs to treat the country's cancer patients is $1.11 billion, the market is in fact worth only $33.5 million. “The big gap indicates the near non-accessibility of the medicines to a vast majority of the affected population, mainly because of the high cost of these medicines,” says the Policy, which also calls for tax and excise exemptions for anti-cancer drugs."
#> [3] " 50.1 percent of Aventis Pharma is held by European drug major Sanofi-Aventis and, in early April 2006, it was reported that UB Holdings had sold its 10 percent holding in the firm to Variegate Trading, a UB subsidiary. The firm's major products are in the anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, cancer, diabetes and allergy market segments and, for the year ended December 31, 2005, it reported net sales (excluding excise duty) up 9.9 percent to $181.1 million, with domestic sales up 9.1 percent at $129.8 million and exports increasing 12 percent to $51.2 million. Sales were led by 83 percent annual growth for the diabetes treatment Lantus (insulin glargine), followed by the rabies vaccine Rabipur (+22 percent), the diabetes drug Amaryl (glimepiride) and epilepsy treatment Frisium (clobazam), both up 18 percent, the angiotensin-coverting enzyme inhibitor Cardace (ramipril +15 percent), Clexane (enoxaparin), an anticoagulant, growing 14 percent and Targocid (teicoplanin), an antibiotic, whose sales advanced 8 percent."
Created on 2020-09-16 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

filtering text and storing the filtered sentence/paragraph into a new column

I am trying to extract some sentences from text data. I want to extract the sentences which correspond to medical device company released. I can run the following code:
df_text <- unlist(strsplit(df$TD, "\\."))
df_text <- df_text[grep(pattern = "medical device company released", df_text, = TRUE)]
Which gives me:
[1] "\n\nThe medical device company released its financial outlook in a press release before an investor conference Friday"
So I extracted the sentences which contain the sentence medical device company released. However, I want to do this but store the results in a new column from which grp the sentence came from.
Expected output:
grp TD newCol
3613 text NA # does not contain the sentence
4973 text medical device company released
5570 text NA # does not contain the sentence
df <- structure(list(grp = c("3613", "4973", "5570"), TD = c(" Wal-Mart plans to add an undisclosed number of positions in areas including its store-planning operation and New York apparel office.\n\nThe moves, which began Tuesday, are meant to \"increase operational efficiencies, support our strategic growth plans and reduce overall costs,\" Wal-Mart spokesman David Tovar said.\n\nWal-Mart still expects net growth of tens of thousands of jobs at the store level this year, Tovar said.\n\nThe reduction in staff is hardly a new development for retailers, which have been cutting jobs at their corporate offices as they contend with the down economy. Target Corp. (TGT), Saks Inc. (SKS) and Best Buy Co. (BBY) are among retailers that have said in recent weeks they plan to pare their ranks.\n\nTovar declined to say whether the poor economy was a factor in Wal-Mart's decision.\n\nWal-Mart is operating from a position of comparative strength as one of the few retailers to consistently show positive growth in same-store sales over the past year as the recession dug in.\n\nWal-Mart is \"a fiscally responsible company that will manage its capital structure appropriately,\" said Todd Slater, retail analyst at Lazard Capital Markets.\n\nEven though Wal-Mart is outperforming its peers, the company \"is not performing anywhere near peak or optimum levels,\" Slater said. \"The consumer has cut back significantly.\"\n\nWal-Mart indicated it had regained some footing in January, when comparable-store sales rose 2.1%, after a lower-than-expected 1.7% rise in December.\n\nWal-Mart shares are off 3.2% to $47.68.\n\n-By Karen Talley, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5106; [ 02-10-09 1437ET ]\n ",
" --To present new valve platforms Friday\n\n(Updates with additional comment from company, beginning in the seventh paragraph.)\n\n\n \n By Anjali Athavaley \n Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES \n \n\nNEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Edwards Lifesciences Corp. (EW) said Friday that it expects earnings to grow 35% to 40%, excluding special items, in 2012 on expected sales of its catheter-delivered heart valves that were approved in the U.S. earlier this year.\n\nThe medical device company released its financial outlook in a press release before an investor conference Friday. The catheter-delivered heart valve market is considered to have a multibillion-dollar market potential, but questions have persisted on how quickly the Edwards device, called Sapien, will be rolled out and who will be able to receive it.\n\nEdwards said it expects transcatheter valve sales between $560 million and $630 million in 2012, with $200 million to $260 million coming from the U.S.\n\nOverall, for 2012, Edwards sees total sales between $1.95 billion and $2.05 billion, above the $1.68 billion to $1.72 billion expected this year and bracketing the $2.01 billion expected on average by analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters.\n\nThe company projects 2012 per-share earnings between $2.70 and $2.80, the midpoint of which is below the average analyst estimate of $2.78 on Thomson Reuters. Edwards estimates a gross profit margin of 73% to 75%.\n\nEdwards also reaffirmed its 2011 guidance, which includes earnings per share of $1.97 to $2.02, excluding special items.\n\nThe company said it continues to expect U.S. approval of its Sapien device for high-risk patients in mid-2012. Currently, the device is only approved in the U.S. for patients too sick for surgery.\n\nThe company added that a separate trial studying its newer-generation valve in a larger population is under way in the U.S. It expects U.S. approval of that device in 2014.\n\nEdwards also plans to present at its investor conference two new catheter-delivered valve platforms designed for different implantation methods. European trials for these devices are expected to begin in 2012.\n\nShares of Edwards, down 9% over the past 12 months, were inactive premarket. The stock closed at $63.82 on Thursday.\n\n-By Anjali Athavaley, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-4912; [ 12-09-11 0924ET ]\n ",
" In September, the company issued a guidance range of 43 cents to 44 cents a share. \n\nFor the year, GE now sees earnings no lower than $1.81 a share to $1.83 a share. The previous forecast called for income of $1.80 to $1.83 a share. The new range brackets analyst projections of $1.82 a share. \n\nThe new targets represent double-digit growth from the respective year-earlier periods. Last year's third-quarter earnings were $3.87 billion, or 36 cents a share, excluding items; earnings for the year ended Dec. 31 came in at $16.59 billion, or $1.59 a share. [ 10-06-05 0858ET ] \n\nGeneral Electric also announced Thursday that it expects 2005 cash flow from operating activities to exceed $19 billion. \n\nBecause of the expected cash influx, the company increased its authorization for share repurchases by $1 billion to more than $4 billion. \n\nGE announced the updated guidance at an analysts' meeting Thursday in New York. A Web cast of the meeting is available at . \n\nThe company plans to report third-quarter earnings Oct. 14. \n\nShares of the Dow Jones Industrial Average component recently listed at $33.20 in pre-market trading, according to Inet, up 1.6%, or 52 cents, from Wednesday's close of $32.68. \n\nCompany Web site: \n\n-Jeremy Herron; Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5400; Ask \n\nOrder free Annual Report for General Electric Co. \n\nVisit or call 1-888-301-0513 [ 10-06-05 0904ET ] \n "
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
We can get data in separate rows keeping the grp intact and keep only sentence that has "medical device company released" in it.
df %>%
tidyr::separate_rows(TD, sep = "\\.") %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
summarise(newCol = toString(grep(pattern = "medical device company released",
TD, = TRUE, value = TRUE)))
# grp newCol
# <chr> <chr>
#1 3613 ""
#2 4973 "\n\nThe medical device company released its financia…
#3 5570 ""

extract the first number after a specific word in a text column [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Extract number after a certain word
(4 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have some text data and I want to extract from it the first number after the word "expects earnings of". What I currently have is the following:
x <- d %>%
expectsEarningsOf = str_match_all(newCol, "expects earnings of (.*?) cents")
Which extracts the text along with the number after the word "expects earnings of" and before the word "cents". I just want to now extract the first number after "expects earnings of". I thought about something:
x <- d %>%
expectsEarningsOf = str_match_all(newCol, "expects earnings of (.*?) anyStringCharacter")
Where anyStringCharacter is any non numeric number.
d <- structure(list(grp = c(2635L, 1276L, 10799L, 10882L, 6307L, 7622L,
2448L, 6467L, 3224L, 2064L, 9232L, 5039L, 2888L, 5977L, 3565L
), newCol = c("For 2008, True Religion expects earnings of $1.48 to $1.52 a share and net sales of $210 million to $215 million. The company expects to incur additional marketing expenses of about $1.7 million. ",
"But Hospira also said it now expects net sales on a GAAP basis to grow at a rate of 1% to 2% this year, reduced from earlier expectations by lower-than-expected international sales and purchasing delays in the medication-management business. After the second quarter, the company had projected growth in a range of 3% to 5%. ",
"14 Nov 2013 16:04 EDT *Thermogenesis Sees Net Savings About $1.5 Million From Reorganization",
" The Company announced that net sales for this nine week period increased by 25.4% to $185.3 million while comparable store sales for this period decreased by 0.5%. Based on this quarter-to-date performance, the Company now expects net sales for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2013 to be in the range of $208 million to $210 million, comparable store sales to be in the range of -1.5% to -0.5% and GAAP net income to be in the range of $23.3 million to $24.3 million, with a GAAP diluted income per common share range of $0.43 to $0.45 on approximately 54.0 million estimated weighted average shares outstanding. Excluding $0.9 million, or $0.02 per adjusted diluted share in tax-effected expenses related to the founders' transaction(1) , adjusted net income is expected to be approximately $24.2 million to $25.2 million, or $0.44 to $0.46 per diluted share based on estimated adjusted diluted weighted average shares outstanding of approximately 54.6 million., 9 Jan 2014 16:45 EDT *Five Below, Inc. Updates 4Q Fiscal 2013 Guidance Based On Qtr-To-Date Results",
"", "1323 GMT Raiffeisen Centrobank calls Verbund's (VER.VI) recent guidance increase for 2014 a \"mixed bag,\" raising its target price to EUR15.60 from EUR14.30. The bank retains its hold rating as positive effects are mostly due to one-offs, although the utility's sustainable cost savings were a positive surprise. \"The power price environment is still bleak following a weakish outlook for Central European economies, coal prices falling further and only lacklustre hopes for a quick fix of the European energy and climate policy,\" Raiffeisen adds. Verbund's shares trade up 0.6% at EUR15.34. (; #nicole_lundeen) ",
"As a result of its third quarter results and current fourth quarter outlook, the Company has updated its guidance for fiscal 2007. The Company now expects net sales to range from $2.68 billion to $2.7 billion, which compares to prior expectations of $2.7 billion to $2.75 billion. Same-store sales for the year are expected to increase approximately 2.5% to 3% compared to previous expectations of an increase of approximately 3.0% to 4.5%. The Company now expects full year net income to range from $2.37 to $2.43 per diluted share, which compares to its prior guidance of $2.49 to $2.56 per diluted share. ",
" Sempra Energy (SRE) sees earnings next year growing 15% from this year's estimate, putting 2010 expectations above Wall Street's, as the parent of San Diego Gas & Electric anticipates much lower capital spending for the next five years.",
"Outlook for 2008: Midpoint for EPS guidance increased, For the full year 2008, the company now expects results from continuing operations as follows: earnings per diluted share of between $3.10 and $3.20, compared to the previous range of $3.00 to $3.20; revenue growth of approximately 9%, and operating income to approach 17% of revenues. Over the same period, the company expects cash from operations to approximate $900 million and capital expenditures of between $240 million and $260 million. These estimates exclude potential special charges.",
"California Pizza Kitchen expects second-quarter earnings of 34 cents to 36 cents a share. Wall Street expects earnings of 36 cents a share. ",
" -- Q1 2013 gross margin within guidance, sales ahead of guidance , \"We achieved first quarter sales ahead of and gross margin in line with our guidance, and reiterate our expectation for a sales acceleration during the year, with a second quarter markedly stronger than the first quarter and a large second half, leading to expected 2013 full year net sales at a similar level to that of 2012. The underlying assumptions are unchanged, with foundry and logic preparing for very lithography-intensive 14-20 nm technology nodes to be used for next generation mobile end-products; while lithography investments in memory are still muted, memory chip price recovery and discussions on scanner shipment capability are signs of potential upside for second half deliveries. EUV technology industrialization continues to make steady progress on the trajectory set with the introduction of the improved source concept last year: firstly, the EUV light sources have now been demonstrated at 55 Watts with adequate dose control; secondly, the scanners themselves have demonstrated production-worthy, 10 nm node compatible imaging and overlay specifications. We therefore confirm our expectation of the ramp of EUV-enabled semiconductor production in 2015, supported by our NXE:3300B scanners, two of which are being prepared for shipment and installation in Q2 and Q3,\" said Eric Meurice, President and Chief Executive Officer of ASML., -- For the second quarter of 2013, ASML expects net sales of about EUR 1.1 ",
"In the first quarter, Covanceexpects earnings of 60 cents a share on a modest sequential increase in net revenues. Analysts predicted income of 66 cents share on $534 million in revenue, which is nearly flat with the latest quarter's revenue.",
"The company said Monday it expects to report revenue of about $875 million for 2007, up sharply from $196 million in 2006, mostly because of new military contracts. However, it expects net income to remain nearly the same at $16.6 million. ",
"For the fourth quarter, the company sees earnings of $1.13 to $1.16 a share. ",
"Chip maker now expects earnings from continuing operations of 15c-17c a share, excluding restructuring charges, and a revenue decline of 25% to 30% sequentially, because of weak demand. Shares fall 6% late., Chip maker now expects earnings from continuing operations of 15c-17c a share, excluding restructuring charges, and a revenue decline of 25% to 30% sequentially, because of weak demand. Shares fall 6% late."
)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA,
The first number after "expects earnings of":
str_extract_all(d$newCol, "(?<=expects earnings of )\\d+")
This solution uses positive lookbehind in (?<=expects earnings of ), encoding an instruction to match \\d+if it is immediately preceded by expects earnings of (with a white space).

How to have all elements of text file processed in R

I have a single text file, NPFile, that contains 100 different newspaper articles that is 3523 lines in length. I am trying to pick out and parse different data fields for each article for text processing. These fields are: Full text: Publication date:, Publication title: etc....
I am using grep to pick out the different lines that contain the data fields I want. Although I can get the line numbers (start and end positions of the fields), I am getting an error when I try to use the line numbers to extract the actual text and put it into a vector:
#Find full text of article, clean and store in a variable
findft<-grep ('Full text:', NPFile,
endft<-grep ('Publication date:', NPFile)
The last line ftfield<-(NPFile[findft:endft] is giving this warning message:
1: In findft:endft :
numerical expression has 100 elements: only the first used
The starting findft and ending points endft each contain 100 elements, but as the warning indicated, ftfield only contains the first element (which is 11 lines in length). I was assuming (wrongly/mistakenly) that the respective lines for each 100 instances of the full text field would be extracted and stored in ftfield - but obviously I have not coded this correctly. Any help would be appreciated.
Example of Data (These are the fields and data associated with one of the 100 in the text file):
Waiting for the 500-year flood; Red River rampage: Severe weather events, new records are more frequent than expected.
Full text: AS THE RED River raged over makeshift dikes futilely erected against its wrath in North Dakota, drowning cities beneath a column of water 26 feet above flood level, meteorologists were hard pressed to describe its magnitude in human chronology.
A 500-year flood, some call it, a catastrophic weather event that would have occurred only once since Christopher Columbus arrived on the shores of the New World. Whether it could be termed a 700-year flood or a 300-year flood is open to question.
The flood's size and power are unprecedented. While the Red River has ravaged the upper Midwest before, the height of the flood crest in Fargo and Grand Forks has been almost incomprehensible.
But climatological records are being broken more rapidly than ever. A 100-year-storm may as likely repeat within a few years as waiting another century. It is simply a way of classifying severity, not the frequency. "There isn't really a hundred-year event anymore," states climatologist Tom Karl of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Reliable, consistent weather records in the U.S. go back only 150 years or so. Human development has altered the Earth's surface and atmosphere, promoting greater weather changes and effects than an untouched environment would generate by itself.
What might be a 500-year event in the Chesapeake Bay is uncertain. Last year was the record for freshwater gushing into the bay. The January 1996 torrent of melted snowfall into the estuary recorded a daily average that exceeded the flow during Tropical Storm Agnes in 1972, a benchmark for 100-year meteorological events in these parts. But, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, the impact on the bay's ecosystem was not as damaging as in 1972.
Sea level in the Bay has risen nearly a foot in the past century, three times the rate of the past 5,000 years, which University of Maryland scientist Stephen Leatherman ties to global climate warming. Estuarine islands and upland shoreline are eroding at an accelerated pace.
The topography of the bay watershed is, of course, different from that of the Red River. It's not just flow rates and rainfall, but how the water is directed and where it can escape without intruding too far onto dry land. We can only hope that another 500 years really passes before the Chesapeake region is so tested.
Pub Date: 4/22/97
Publication date: Apr 22, 1997
Publication title: The Sun; Baltimore, Md.
Title: Waiting for the 500-year flood; Red River rampage: Severe weather events, new records are more frequent than expected.:   [FINAL Edition ]
From this data example above, ftfield has 11 lines when I examined it:
[1] "Full text: AS THE RED River raged over makeshift dikes futilely erected against its wrath in North Dakota, drowning cities beneath a column of water 26 feet above flood level, meteorologists were hard pressed to describe its magnitude in human chronology."
[2] "A 500-year flood, some call it, a catastrophic weather event that would have occurred only once since Christopher Columbus arrived on the shores of the New World. Whether it could be termed a 700-year flood or a 300-year flood is open to question."
[3] "The flood's size and power are unprecedented. While the Red River has ravaged the upper Midwest before, the height of the flood crest in Fargo and Grand Forks has been almost incomprehensible."
[4] "But climatological records are being broken more rapidly than ever. A 100-year-storm may as likely repeat within a few years as waiting another century. It is simply a way of classifying severity, not the frequency. \"There isn't really a hundred-year event anymore,\" states climatologist Tom Karl of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."
[5] "Reliable, consistent weather records in the U.S. go back only 150 years or so. Human development has altered the Earth's surface and atmosphere, promoting greater weather changes and effects than an untouched environment would generate by itself."
[6] "What might be a 500-year event in the Chesapeake Bay is uncertain. Last year was the record for freshwater gushing into the bay. The January 1996 torrent of melted snowfall into the estuary recorded a daily average that exceeded the flow during Tropical Storm Agnes in 1972, a benchmark for 100-year meteorological events in these parts. But, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, the impact on the bay's ecosystem was not as damaging as in 1972."
[7] "Sea level in the Bay has risen nearly a foot in the past century, three times the rate of the past 5,000 years, which University of Maryland scientist Stephen Leatherman ties to global climate warming. Estuarine islands and upland shoreline are eroding at an accelerated pace."
[8] "The topography of the bay watershed is, of course, different from that of the Red River. It's not just flow rates and rainfall, but how the water is directed and where it can escape without intruding too far onto dry land. We can only hope that another 500 years really passes before the Chesapeake region is so tested."
[9] "Pub Date: 4/22/97"
[10] ""
[11] "Publication date: Apr 22, 1997"
And, lastly, findft[1] corresponds with endft[1] and so on until findft[100] and endft[100].
I'll assume that findft will contain several indexes as well as endft. I'm also assuming that both of them have the same length and that they are paired by the same index ( e.g. findft[5] corresponds to endft[5]) and that you want all NPfile elements between these two indexes as well as the other pairs.
If this is so, try:
ftfield = lapply(1:length(findft), function(x){ NPFile[findft[x]:endft[x]] })
This will return a list. I can't guarantee that this will work because there is no data example to work with.
We can do this with Map. Get the sequence of values for each corresponding element of 'findft' to 'endft', then subset the 'NPFile' based on that index
Map(function(x, y) NPFile[x:y], findft, endft)

error reading text file into new columns of a dataframe using some text editing

I have a text file (0001.txt) which contains the data as below:
The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Business | Local firms go global
6 Local firms go global
New Delhi, Dec. 31: Indian companies are stepping out of their homes to try their luck on foreign shores.
Corporate India invested $2.7 billion abroad in the first quarter of 2009-2010 on top of $15.9 billion in 2008-09.
Though the first-quarter investment was 15 per cent lower than what was invested in the same period last year, merchant banker Sudipto Bose said, It marks a confidence in a new world order where Indian businesses see themselves as equal to global players.
According to analysts, confidence in global recovery, cheap corporate buys abroad and easier rules governing investment overseas had spurred flow of capital and could see total investment abroad top $12 billion this year and rise to $18-20 billion next fiscal.
For example, Titagarh Wagons plans to expand abroad on the back of the proposed Asian railroad project.
We plan to travel all around the world with the growth of the railroads, said Umesh Chowdhury of Titagarh Wagons.
India is full of opportunities, but we are all also looking at picks abroad, said Gautam Mitra, managing director of Indian Structurals Engineering Company.
Mitra plans to open a holding company in Switzerland to take his business in structurals to other Asian and African countries.
Indian companies created 3 lakh jobs in the US, while contributing $105 billion to the US economy between 2004 and 2007, according to commerce ministry statistics. During 2008-09, Singapore, the Netherlands, Cyprus, the UK, the US and Mauritius together accounted for 81 per cent of the total outward investment.
Bose said, And not all of it is organic growth. Much of our investment abroad reflects takeovers and acquisitions.
In the last two years, Suzlon acquired Portugals Martifers stake in German REpower Systems for $122 million. McNally Bharat Engineering has bought the coal and minerals processing business of KHD Humboldt Wedag. ONGC bought out Imperial Energy for $2 billion.
Indias foreign assets and liabilities today add up to more than 60 per cent of its gross domestic product. By the end of 2008-09, total foreign investment was $67 billion, more than double of that at the end of March 2007.
Above, all text data is within the HTML code for text i.e.
<TEXT> and </TEXT>.
I want to read it into an R dataframe in a way that there will be four columns and the data should be read as:
Title Author Date Text
The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) JAYANTA ROY CHOWDHURY Dec. 31 Indian companies are stepping out of their homes to try their luck on foreign shores. Corporate India invested $2.7 billion abroad in the first quarter of 2009-2010 on top of $15.9 billion in 2008-09. Though the first-quarter investment was 15 percent lower than what was invested in the same period last year, merchant banker Sudipto Bose said, It marks a confidence in a new world order where Indian businesses see themselves as equal to global players.
What I was trying to read using dplyr and as shown below:
# read text file
dat <- read_csv("0001.txt") %>% slice(-8)
# print part of data frame
head(dat, n=2)
In above code, I tried to skip first few lines (which are not important) from the text file that contains the above text and then read it into dataframe.
But I could not get what I was looking for and got confused what I am doing is wrong.
Could someone please help?
To be able to read data into R as a data frame or table, the data needs to have a consistent structure maintained by separators. One of the most common formats is a file with comma separated values (CSV).
The data you're working with doesn't have separators though. It's essentially a string with minimally enforced structure. Because of this, it sounds like the question is more related to regular expressions (regex) and data mining than it is to reading text files into R. So I'd recommend looking into those two things if you do this task often.
That aside, to do what you're wanting in this example, I'd recommend reading the text file into R as a single string of text first. Then you can parse the data you want using regex. Here's a basic, rough draft of how to do that:
fileName <- "Path/to/your/data/0001.txt"
string <- readChar(fileName,$size)
df <- data.frame(
Text=gsub("(.*)+([A-Z]{1}[a-z]{2}\\.\\s[0-9]{1,2})+[: ]+(.*)","\\3",string))
'data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
$ Title : chr "The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata)"
$ Date : chr "Dec. 31"
$ Text : chr "Indian companies are stepping out of their homes to"| __truncated__
The reason why regex can be useful is that it allows for very specific patterns in strings. The downside is when you're working with strings that keep changing formats. That will likely mean some slight adjustments to the regex used.
read.table( file = ... , sep = "|") will solve your issue.
