Plotly Multi Column Horizontal Legend - r

I am trying to create horizontal bar chart in in R using the plotly package. Due to the length of the legend items I would like for them to show horizontally at the top or bottom of the visual in 2 columns. Is it possible to dictate the number of columns for the legend?
I've been able to place the legend below the x axis successfully using Layout(legend = list(orientation='h')) however regardless of where I put the legend (using the x and y arguments) it is always just one long list. I've seen a github project for creating a multi column legend in js but not r.

This is not possible in a normal way. I think it has its own logic that determines how many place there it is and how many columns it will display then.
So I guess if you make your plot width smaller you could reach the goal that it will just display 2 column.
Also you can try to play around with the margin attribute ( by setting r and l to 10 e.g.
An other idea could be to make the font-size in legend ( bigger, so that it just uses two columns. Hope it helps.

I read the same github page and I thought that it is not possible, but seems to be! I only checked in Python, but I hope this will help in your endeavors in R as well as everyone in Python looking for information. Sadly, there is not a lot of information on Plotly here compared to other packages.
This solved my problem
Setting orientation='h' is not enough. You also have to put the legend items in different legendgroups, if you want them in different columns. Here is an example with legend labels:
fig = go.Figure([
go.Scatter(x=best_neurons_df['Test Size'],
y=best_neurons_df['Training Accuracy Max'],
# You can write anything as the group name, as long as it's different.
go.Scatter(x=best_neurons_df['Test Size'],
y=best_neurons_df['Validation Accuracy Max'],
# You can write anything as the group name, as long as it's different.
layout=dict(title='Best Model Dependency on Validation Split',
xaxis=dict(title='Validation Set proportion'),
margin=dict(b=100, t=100, l=0, r=0),
legend=dict(x=1, y=1.01,xanchor='right', yanchor='bottom',
orientation='h', # Remember this as well.
Example image


Displaying multipanel R figure

I have been working on a multi-panel figure in R. It displays a lot of plots/graphs... a number of rows and a number of columns. When I add titles to the ONLY the top row, they appear above the output rendering. Either it's too far above or it gets cut off.
The multipanel is pretty big, about six rows with three columns each. As every column represents the same thing, I figured to add titles above all of them. The titles at first were directly on the graph so I decided to raise them using the following:
title(main = "Title Example ", cex.main=1.7 , line = 1)
This elevates things nicely. But it goes way too high.
Previously I had issues with the size being too large. It was solved using one of the following two:
The titles just appear above the stuff. Any suggestions for what can be done to fix this?
I am hoping that the final output could just "lower" everything by a little bit.
But also, the output generation panel does not have a "scroll" sort of element. Would be nice if I can do that too... The monitor has only so much size, which does not fit the 6 x 3 fully.
It looks like it was fixed by using "par(mar=c(0.5, 7, 1.5, 0.5))"... this code increased the margin and so it worked.

How can I fix my grouping and legend in R?

I'm really new to R and i'm trying to group the x axis together instead it being separate like it it and also move the legend.
Graph and Code
Ran<-table(data$class, data$feeling)
Raw<-barplot(Ran, main="Class Feeling",xlab="Feeling", col=c("darkblue","red"), legend = rownames(Ran), beside=TRUE)
I would help with moving the legend and have the x-axis grouped as one. on the group its two separate, like Great and Great, where i just want one great on the group with the data together by the different times
You can specify legend position and others by using args.legend(). Unfortunately I can't tell you exactly what to do without knowing what data set would looks. However, I think this page might help you.

Interactive plot in R (part scatterplot, part network)

I am trying to build an interactive plot. It has properties between a scatterplot and a network - I have a list of nodes and edges (network), but I also would like to constrain the nodes, sometimes on the x-axis sometimes on both x- and y- axis (scatterplot). Finally, I have a text label associated with each node that I would like to display (instead of a dot). I was able to create this using ggplot2.
However, some data sets are too large for this to work without the text labels from each node overlapping. Hence, I would now like to add an interactive feature so that the plot consists of dots representing each node, but that upon UI (such as hovering over a dot), the text label belonging to that dot will be revealed.
I would like to achieve this using R.
I tried animint ( but it seems to mostly allow interaction between two plots, and here I would like to keep it all in one plot.
I also tried htmlwidgets ( I looked at two of their packages: I tried using metricsgraphics (mjs_plot), as it has a show_rollover_text option and mouseover option. However, this package does not allow combination of geoms, and so I could not have both dots (nodes) and lines (edges) represented. I also tried network3D package, but that seems to automatically position nodes so that they are distanced far away from each other, and does not seem to provide options to fix each node on a given x and y location.
I am just looking for advice on any other packages I should maybe consider to solve this problem and/or if I may be missing a feature from a package I already tried that could solve this problem. Thank you.
Maybe identify() will be useful for you. But it works only for base plotting system.
x <- rnorm(300)
y <- rnorm(300)
labs <- seq(300)
identify(x,y, labels = labs, plot=TRUE)
identify pic

Change plot size of pairs plot in R

I have this pairs plot
I want to make this plot bigger, but I don't know how.
I've tried
window.options(width = 800, height = 800)
But nothing changes.
That thing's huge. I would send it to a pdf.
> pdf(file = "yourPlots.pdf")
> plot(...) # your plot
> # important!
Also, there is an answer to the window sizing issue in this post.
If your goal is to explore the pairwise relationships between your variables, you could consider using the shiny interface from the pairsD3 R package, which provides a way to interact with (potentially large) scatter plot matrices by selecting a few variables at a time.
An example with the iris data set:
More reference here
I had the same problem with the pairs() function. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a direct answer to your question.
However, something that could help you is to plot a selected number of variables only. For this, you can either subset the default plot. Refer to this answer I received on a different question.
Alternatively, you can use the pairs2 function which I came across through this post.
To make the plot bigger, write it to a file. I found that a PDF file works well for this. If you use "?pdf", you will see that it comes with height and width options. For something this big, I suggest 6000 (pixels) for both the height and width. For example:
pdf("pairs.pdf", height=6000, width=6000)
pairs(my_data, cex=0.05)
The "cex=0.05" is to handle a second issue here: The points in the array of scatter plots are way too big. This will make them small enough to show the arrangements in the embedded scatter plots.
The labels not fitting into the diagonal boxes is resolved by the increased plot size. It could also be handled by changing the font size.

LocusZoom standalone change x-axis and use the plots in a script

I am using the standalone LocusZoom software,but I am having two problems:
I have to create a plot showing only position on the x-axis (not showing the genes). If I just use showGenes=FALSE with nothing else the genes still appear, but if I use rfrows=0 then the genes are not shown, but the problem is that also the x-axis label with the positions disappears. Is there a way to only show the position label? It looks like the only way to do this is to modify the original script...
Is there a way to use several plots created using LocusZoom in an R script to position many plots into one unique figure? (output is a pdf for now) There is an option listed in the LocusZoom webpage ( called "prelude" but I cannot get more info on how to use it.
If you have any suggestions for either of these two issues it would be very helpful! Thanks!!
