Posting in behalf of Wordpress "Contributor" user - wordpress

I have a news website belongs to old school, and I am receiving articles/opinions through email, and I manage adding theme my self.
I am planning now to switch to Wordpress and until I can enable all writers to post their articles by giving them "Contributor" role, is there any Wordpress plugin that enable Admin/Author to post an article in behalf of any "Contributor" user?

Your editors don't need a plugin for this. On the admin page in which you edit posts (or pages) near the bottom there's a dropdown list from which your editor can select the post's author. The selected author shows up as the post's author on the front end.
Your contributors will be able to write and edit their own posts. But, only an editor or administrator can publish them: make them visible on the front end.
That's handy: it lets you have contributors you don't trust completely. Editors vet their work before it shows up on the site.
But, if your editors aren't diligent, your contributors will never see their work published. On a volunteer site (such as your application) they'll become discouraged and stop writing stuff.
You may want to err on the side of letting people publish stuff, then removing it if you don't like it, or if it's spam, or whatever. To do that you make people "editors" rather than contributors.

Yes , learn here about the editor role , you can create as many as editors from wp-admin panel and editors can create and modify the posts via their provided login or their created login.
Editor capabilities :
You can also manage their capabilities by using : User Role Editor plugin

I don't know of any such plugins but if the number of articles posted by contributors are less than you can simply write that article and publish it. Once publish you can than change the author to any contributor from the list on the posts page.


What CMS should I use site that has a members only section

I am helping out a friend and rebuilding her dance business site.
- site owner friendly CMS for updates
- Prefer a free cms
- main site and a few pages will be for new/potential clients
- members only section where she can post updates instead of having to email a news letter.
- an additional page or 2 exclusive to members where videos can be posted for at home practice
I am thinking wordpress may be a great option for this. Any tutorials out there to help with the initial build of a member only section? I want to make sure I lock down the member section properly.
I am hoping to also generate an email each time a post is made in the members only section. Also use categories in the members only section to generate emails to members with corresponding tags that an update was made.
Is this attainable?
I am open to other CMS platforms but they must be responsive, free, and easy for the site owner to update.
Go for wordpress. As you are a starter use subscription / membership plugin to manage the member setting that you desire, and for email you can use newsletter plugins (both free adn paid) . Hope this helps :)
And for the final question : no wordpress is the easiest one out there

WordPress - How do I approve posts before they are allowed to be posted?

I'm currently working with a WordPress site and the owner wants the posts that are created by other members to be sent to his email with a way of approving the post before it's actually made public and posted.
I'm pretty new in general to web design and even newer to WordPress. Any help would be really appreciated!
I used to run a large blog site which required a workflow for approvals and QA of posts. We customized the Edit Flow plugin, which allows for stages for a post. You can find the plugin here:
In our case, I used Draft, Pending Editing, In Editing, For Approval, Approved, Staged, and Ready. Only when it was set to Ready would the publish button appear (this is one of the edits we made to the plugin, and donated back. Not sure if it is in the current version or not.) Only admins would be able to change the stage of the post, so this way no one was able to publish except admins.
So if you just want to approve the posts you can do it in the admin interface. The Request URL should be: /wp-login.php . There is one the left side a menu with a section 'posts'. ( You can approve the posts here )
I hope it is useful.

Wordpress - restrict access to certain post types

I have a Wordpress site that the client wants to set a couple of users up on, purely for creating, editing and deleting blogs. They want to assign these users the 'author' role and when they log into the admin area, they only want them to see the post type 'posts'. They do not want them to have access to media or any other custom post types. Does anyone have any ideas on this please?
User Role Editor plugin ( has always served me well in cases like that.
As the description says: User Role Editor WordPress plugin makes user roles and capabilities changing easy. Edit/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
Sounds like the Groups plugin is what you're looking for here. I don't think that functionality is possible within stock Wordpress.
This allows you to further segregate users and permissions, restricting to posts, etc.

Different users and rules in Wordpress or Joomla

I am going to make a website which there is 3 type of users.
- can CRUD posts
- can CRUD own posts in their's own pages.
- can Read posts, comment, ...
I know how to do this in PHP, but I need to implement this website with Wordpress OR Joomla.
Can Wordpress/Joomla provide my needs or I have to install extra plugins.
If I need plugins, would you please tell me plugin's names.
You could do that with Joomla default features.
Super Administrator would have full access to administrator panel and all articles.
Then you have to create Authors that could have access to their own articles (this is the full list of privileges in Joomla).
As for students you have to find a comments extension.
Good Luck!

Wordpress Advanced Search Plugin

I want to design a Wordpress site that contains all of the usual Wordpress components (blog, contact us, image gallery, etc). I want to have a separate section of the site for "Books" and "Articles".
Admins will be able to enter a book/article with its detailed information (title, author, reference, etc.). I need to have a way for users (non admin) to be able to do an advanced search on these books entered by the Admin.
Should I use Wordpress for the entire site, and write a custom plugin for the book search piece? OR Have a custom PHP page for the searching? OR Is there a plugin that already exists where I could leverage Wordpress to do this advanced search for me? Any information to point me in the right direction would help.
Take a look at this Wordpress Plugin. It should provide you with what you need within the bounds of Wordpress. This should save time from having to write custom PHP code for this functionality.
There are probably other plugins available too that could work for you. One of the benefits of open source is there is a lot of user created content. This should help get you started.
