Does Google bot create multiple index entries when query strings differ? - query-string

If I have multiple hyper-references to the homepage within my website:
Is there a chance that Google search results will contain 3 cloned entries because of that difference in query-string?


Add Google Sheet Rows with WooCommerce order data using integromat / make (line items support)

I am trying to export woocommerce order to google sheet rows. I have setup the scenario as below.
woocommerce scenario in make
I got desired output using iterator & array aggregator as shown in below screenshot.
Array aggregator output
Finally i sent this data to google sheet but here i got into this problem, google sheet module is taking only 1 row value from array aggregator. As woo order contains multiple items (line items support as called in zapier integration) i am not able to send remaining data to sheets. See screenshot below.
Google sheets input/output values
I have mapped columns in google sheets module as below.
Mapping of columns
And received final result as shown in below screenshot.
Final result in sheets
So, how to achieve this goal in integromat / to have multi row order sent to google sheets or any other application for that matter.

Google Analytics - Find most popular site directories

I want to be able to track the most popular directories on my site. The site is split as follows:
Each directory has thousands of pages recording views underneath it e.g.
What I would like to is roll up the views from all the pages to create a table of my my popular directories (there are thousands on the site)
How can I do this?
Create a new field in DataStudio with this regex:
This way, you can use this new field to group your counters based on part of the URL.
If you need to analyze other levels, just adjust the regex, repeating /[^/]+:
1st level (/path1): REGEXP_EXTRACT(Page,'(/[^/]+)')
2nd level (/path1/path2): REGEXP_EXTRACT(Page,'(/[^/]+/[^/]+)')
3rd level (/path1/path2/path3): REGEXP_EXTRACT(Page,'(/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+)')

Google Analytics API and UI Report Users data not matching

I've extensively searched in forum and after that putting this question so that someone might be able to help me.
In Google analytics dashboard, we have created logical categories based on keywords within PagePath. For instance, if my PagePath contains keyword \sports\ we call it Sports Section category.
We capture the User count weekly from UI as shown below :
I am now trying to move this data in MySQL db using Talend Open Studio Data Integration.
I am using a componenttgoogleanalyticsinput where I can feed Dimensions and Metrics.
I analyzed 2 days of data and found the following observation:
Date All User Sports Auto
01-Jun 2220088 325174 51825 (visible in image chart)
02-Jun 2950015 256390 80472 (not visible in above chart)
Total 5170103 581564 132297 (sum of above)
API : 5170103 581564 132297 (received from API)
UI : 4910532 553400 129652 (shown in UI)
So, the data on chart matches with what I'm getting from API BUT they both do not match with what is shown in UI number.
I visited this link to understand what those numbers mean on Google UI.
Problem is, what dimension and metrics should I take so that my API values matches with UI number?
I tried to take ga:PagePath, ga:Date as dimension and ga:Users, ga:pageViews as metrics but they're not working for me.

Google Analytics Custom Data Studio Field: Unknown dimension or metric ID: _ga____campaign_

There is a slight difference in the account names in Google Ad Words and Google Analytics: AdWords will have a campaign called "*Brand_Campaign [Ex]" while the name in Google Analytics is "Brand_Campaign_Ex"
If I want to stitch these together, I need to replace all the symbols and convert the entire campaign name to lower case. I'm trying to create a new field in the Google Analytics data using this formula:
But Google Data Studio returns an error message saying
Unknown dimension or metric ID: _ga____campaign_.
The campaign dimension is definitely in the table. The same formula works to create a new dimension, but I cannot join on dimensions created on the fly. I have been able to do this exact thing for the Google AdWords table, but the Analytics table is returning this strange error. Please help!
Not 100% sure if this applies here but I had a similar problem. My problem was that the columns in my postgresSQL database contained special characters like - or /. I know that one should never use such characters but anyways - changed that and reconnected the database and everything worked fine!
Hope this helps!

Google Analytics API: how to get non-US visitors

I have been using visitors with ga:country filters to get specific country's visitors. For example to get the number of visitors from US, I used the filter of 'ga:country==United%20States'. But I am wondering if I can do something like 'ga:country!=United%20States'? I guess I can subtract ga:country==United%20States from total visitors but I am wondering.
The easet way of doing this is to create a filter ga:country. A filter will let you remove a subset of the data returned by a query. Think of it like a where clause in SQL.
That translates to
Filter=ga:country != United States
I made a simple report on my personal dashboard the Google Analtyics to test it.
Added info on filtering:
You can add more then one filter by seprateing
OR operator is defined using a comma (,).
AND operator is defined using a semi-colon (;).
You can mix and match Metric and Dimensions in the same filter.
